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Provoking Your Change
Provoking Your Change
Provoking Your Change
Ebook136 pages1 hour

Provoking Your Change

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About this ebook

CHANGE is a principle of life. How are you preparing for it? And how are you adjusting to yours? Are you impervious to change, or are you responding to its effect in your life?

This book, PROVOKING YOUR CHANGE, is here to put in your hands reasons why you must no longer continue as before.

It is to help you plan for the change, embrace the change, adopt it and celebrate it.

It is to help you understand that where you are presently in the ladder of success and attainment is good, but that there is a better horizon for you if you are malleable and amenable to modification.

FACE YOUR CHANGE… do not shy away from it, it will churn out a better you in the nearest future.

The prayer bullets are added so that you can release spiritual fire power at any point in time in the warfare of life when such occasion arises.

It is handy, so you can carry it with you anywhere you go.
Do not forget, God may not answer the prayers you refuse to pray, and without warfare there cannot be welfare.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJun 17, 2021
Provoking Your Change

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    Provoking Your Change - Mike. O. Ethapemi

    Copyright © 2021 by Mike. O. Ethapemi.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    Scripture taken from the King James Version of the Bible.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Getty Images are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

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    Rev. date: 11/12/2021





    The Author






    1.     Always Make Today Count

    1.     Your relationship with God

    2.     Invest in the kingdom

    3.     Sow into Neighbors

    4.     Sow into yourself

    2.     Be Determined To Succeed

    3.     Have A God Class Thinking Pattern

    1.     Always think about Tomorrow

    2.     Know what you want and where you are going

    3.     Set goals

    4.     Be disciplined

    5.     Never go solo


    1.     God

    2.     The Power of Your Tongue

    1.     Always talk positively

    2.     Be specific and stand on God’s promises

    3.     Ask in faith

    3.     Power of Praise

    1.     You Owe God Praise

    2.     Don’t Hang Your Harp

    3.     Sing Your Song

    4.     You Can Win Through Praise

    5.     Praise is An Investment Against the Day of Trouble



    1.     Choose to Trust in God

    2.     Learn To Choose Your Friends

    3.     Choose To Follow Divine Instructions


    1.     Change Makes You Better

    2.     Change Helps To Bring Out The Real You That Is In You

    3.     Makes You Mature



    Prayer Against The Spirit Of Backwardness

    Dealing With Demonic Caterers

    Killing The Forces Of Delay

    Dealing With Sex Related Dreams And Afflictions

    Dealing With Negative Pronouncements

    Return Arrows To Sender

    Prayers For Breakthrough & Empowerment


    MIKE OSIGBEMHE ETHAPEMI is the President of Sword of fire Apostolic power ministry and doubles as the Senior Pastor FIRSTLIGHT CHRISTIAN CENTRE, the church arm of the ministry.

    A writer, a sex therapist, a family life consultant and an eloquent speaker in in seminars and conferences.

    He has the mandate to raise men and women to radiate the GOD colors inside them in a world laden with darkness.

    He trains businessmen and women, youths, singles and the married with positive ideals to make them reign as champions in a world disposed to artificiality, misplacement of priorities and moral laxity.

    A laboratory scientist by training from the prestigious University of Ibadan; his movement from tissue culturing to the pulpit has brought to many the dynamism of communicating the gospel of Gods love in its freshness to a dying world.

    He regularly hosts a weekly radio broadcast on Rainbow 94.1 FM tagged YOU & YOUR MARRIAGE and the annual couples seminar called ‘LOVE CLINIC’ in the city of Lagos, Nigeria.

    He presently lives in Maryland, U.S.A. and is married to Taye and they are blessed with Children.


    This book, Provoking your Change is dedicated to God Almighty; and to the memory of a beloved saint, Maria Imonaya Ibeagboade (my grand Mother) who understood the power and the efficacy of godly living and prayers as being some of the greatest tools for change in the hands of a believer, and who was used mightily by God to set the lines in pleasant places for all her grand-children in becoming ministers of the gospel of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.


    To all Gods generals who are his agents of change, which He had brought into my life one time or the other for positive impact and inspiration; to you all, I say a big thank you. Influence and substance are golden assets that cannot be bought in any grocery store or supermarket, but God by providence had made it possible for me to glean such from these vessels, as treasures of inestimable value.

    Some of these men I have met personally, some I had worked with, others I have read and some their ministration on audio and video had imparted me a great deal.

    I acknowledge that my life and ministry are an amalgamation of the grace of God and the weight of glory on these great Apostles.


    Special thanks go to my sweet-sixteen, Taye, for her love, support and back-up, I will forever love you, and to all my children you are greatly LOVED and appreciated as you make my world go-round.

    To all members of FirstLight Int’l Christian Centre (Sword of Fire Ministry) you are a big encouragement; may the good Lord bless you all.

    To the publication crew, I duff my hat for you all.



    Ones born days are not meant to be lived in a state of mediocrity and utter pathlessness, because domicile in you, is the innate capabilities and power to make life become what it is supposed to be irrespective of your background.

    Living involves a continual series of transitions, from the global-macro echelon, down to our minute individual daily affairs which ranges from personal to communal cross pollinations in different fora and strata, evolving for better, and changing for a brighter altitude must be a continual daily occurrence in our lives: because life is all about change and constant advancements.

    While change in itself is a functional part built into creation for without it, destinies, lives, homes, families, businesses, careers and what have you will be shackled in chains, it is imperative to always have an understanding that everyman or woman is the architect of their own fortune or debacle because life is not fair to any, except to those who rise up to the occasion by taking the bull by its horn and turning the lemon thrown at them into a ice cold jar of lemonade on a hot sunny day.

    Over the years, I have come to realize that the greatest tools that provokes change in any sphere of human endeavor is not just the power of prayers alone or your wishful thinking as many had been made to believe, but a positive transformation can be engineered and initiated majorly when the ability to discover focus for attaining a colorful destiny is secured, and it is marshaled on time in line with one’s vision and farsightedness.

    When such imagery and discovery is now coupled with a highly disciplined and prayerful lifestyle, then, a glorious destiny that is worthy of emulation and bound for the top is birthed.

    A praying life creates the platform on which the miraculous and the supernatural always percolate, because prayer changes things and can move mountains, while a well-articulated focus, vision, hard work and discipline on the other hand brings order, cognitiveness and direction into your daily living.

    These elements are all encoded in this book, to make it a tool for daily navigation, guidance, usage and for profiting in all human undertakings.

    E.M. Bounds said in one of his preaching that "the Holy Spirit will give the praying saint the brightness of an immortal hope, the music of a deathless song and the picture of a more enlarged vision of Heaven: and John Maxwell said, and I quote, your attitude is either your best friend or your worst enemy, your greatest asset or your greatest liability.

    Therefore, enclosed in this manual, and recommended for daily usage, are 200 holy ghost generated prayers that can propel change in the life of anyone and herewith also, are golden facts, truths,

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