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Too Long to Be Wrong
Too Long to Be Wrong
Too Long to Be Wrong
Ebook157 pages2 hours

Too Long to Be Wrong

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About this ebook

“Too Long to be Wrong” is an encouragement to the European nations but also to the entire globe, as darkness seems to intensify, there is hope in the living God, in the One who gave His life to rescue the entire human race; Jesus, Immanuel, the awesome One who is just one breath away, longs to hear from His people. As He is preparing us for the biggest revival the planet has ever seen, this book will reveal many truths that will set you free and prepare you for the harvest. God is in the business to awaken entire cities and nations, because eternity really is Too Long to be Wrong.
Release dateJun 23, 2021
Too Long to Be Wrong

Tamara V Gozzi

Tamara V Gozzi, évangéliste, diplômée de l'École d'Évangélisation Biblique, de l'Université du Ministère Surnaturel, du JPC, également membre du groupe End Time 1000, poursuit son chemin conformément au commandement de Jésus Lui-même, donné à tous ceux qui ont été sauvés afin d'accomplir la Grande Mission: "Il leur dit: Allez dans le monde entier, proclamez l’Évangile à tous les hommes. Celui qui croira et sera baptisé sera sauvé. Marc 16 (BDS).

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    Too Long to Be Wrong - Tamara V Gozzi

    Copyright © 2021 by Tamara V Gozzi.

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    Rev. date: 23/06/2021


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    1 A shift of Atmosphere

    2 How did we lose the Territory?

    3 The Spirit of Deception

    4 The Pentecost Phenomenon

    5 Free from Paganism and Perversion

    6 A man’s after God’s own heart

    7 Eternity



    This book was inspired by the Holy Spirit at a specific stage precisely in a very hostile environment. This is where the very revealing title comes from.

    During my journey in Europe, I have had the opportunity to walk and run in specific places and cities. Almost spontaneously, during those moments of quiet, I felt the need of praising and worship God in the outdoors. I felt in my heart how God loves it when we praise and worship wherever we are without fear nor shame. We never know who we may be impacting at that very moment.

    Right there is where I continuously had this thought of praising the Lord just to be with Him, but also to generate a shift of atmosphere in the place.

    As already mentioned, a very hostile and opposing environment. If every son and daughter took the time to go out to praise God even half an hour every day, we would possibly experience a notable revival in the territories. God does not need much, with a small seed, He can do and create great things.

    In a world, more distanced from God than ever and in a continent more and more dependent on government, it is time to rise and gather every musician and worshipper to invade and regain the territories that have been conquered by the enemy.

    Therefore, I encourage you to go back to biblical practice, so that through music we may let the Lord fight for His people, so that we may take back what belongs to us, for our own sake but more importantly for the generations to come.

    My desire is that this book would encourage every reader to never forsake the praises to the Lord. Without any shadow of a doubt, your atmosphere will change, your life will change, and your destiny will change. It isn’t my opinion, but God confirming it through His Word. And He is the way, the truth and the life, in Jesus name.


    It was an honor for us, as Evangelist Tamara Gozzi, who we have met during her stay in Europe, asked us to write the preface of her book. We thanked the Lord for this opportunity. At the same time, we felt invested by a lot of responsibility, as this was a first for us and our Ministry.

    We asked the Holy Spirit for directions in order to express ourselves in a simple and natural way.

    We have read Too Long to be Wrong, which is a book full of truths and revelation, and we pray that millions of souls will have access to it, we pray that each person who will read it, will have a personal encounter with Jesus, a relationship strengthened by His Word, and for those who do not know Him yet, may this book allow you to accept Him in your heart today. May this be the moment; as the Bible says, today is the day of salvation!

    In your own words: Lord Jesus, I open my heart to You, and I invite you into my life to be my Lord and my Savior; I receive the gift of salvation by grace through faith, in the name of Jesus.

    Pastor Giorgia and

    Evangelist Pierangelo Molteni

    New Alliance Ministri’s


    A shift of Atmosphere

    "Praise the LORD! Praise God in His

    sanctuary; Praise Him in His mighty

    firmament! Praise Him for His mighty

    acts; Praise Him according to His excellent

    greatness! Praise Him with the sound of

    the trumpet; Praise Him with the lute and

    harp! Praise Him with the timbrel and

    dance; Praise Him with stringed instruments

    and flutes! Praise Him with loud cymbals,

    Praise Him with clashing cymbals! Let

    everything that has breath praise the

    LORD. Praise the LORD"! Psalm 150.

    Praise and worship

    The Bible encourages us to praise God with psaltery. Some discoveries have been made by scientists in several universities through the usage of MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) in the brain of a person when he or she is exposed to music, confirming the impact that music can have on someone’s body, mind, emotions, spirit, etc. Whether we talk about classical, recorded, live or instrumental music.

    Experts of the Mc.Gill university of Montreal in Canada gathered precise data of the way music affects the brain. One of the first discovery of the investigation in which hundreds of people participated, reveals that music activates the release of dopamine (which many call the rewarding chemical). The well-known zones such as dorsal and ventral striatum in the brain are associated to our response to pleasant stimuli. Previous analyses had shown that the stimulus that cocaine produces in the brain causes the presence of dopamine to increase by 22%, at the neuronal level. It is the pleasure hormone, as some call it. Eating also causes dopamine to be released, but not in such large amounts as a drug. Specialists say that when we eat something that we like a lot, we can have a 6% increase in dopamine in the brain. Perhaps Belgian chocolate can produce a somewhat higher percentage ( 41904.png ). Experts do say though that chocolate can indeed produce as much pleasure as a kiss.

    A neuroscientist from the same university reported that in the musical test carried out in this study, some people experienced an increase of up to 21% in dopamine in the brain when being exposed to musical stimuli and this expert reported that dopamine is key because it makes us repeat patterns and behaviors. And it is the reason why addictions exist, positive and negative addictions. The euphoria of music is neurochemically reinforced, so we always come back to it.

    Many young people today listen to music for several hours every day and for them, music has literally become a drug. Some, perhaps, do not use cocaine or other stimulants, but use music as a drug that releases dopamine levels in the brain. Another investigation from the same university conducted by a psychologist, who also worked in the music industry and produced many well-known groups; in the book that he published called Your Brain and Music, he did an experiment with people randomly on the street asking them to participate in the study by singing a very popular and well-known song. Of all the people who participated, and who were recorded singing the song that they were remembering, they discovered by comparing the recording with the original album, that surprisingly, there was only a 4% variation in terms of rhythm and 66% practically sang with the same tone as the original recording.

    This shows that everything we learn with or through music remains in the brain much longer than anything else learned through other traditional verbal communication systems.

    For that very reason, everything that we have learned since our childhood through music (the ABC, a language, etc.) we remember it due to the rhythm. The reality is that information remains much longer in the mind and heart when it is transmitted through music.

    This researcher discovered that music affects the frontal area of the brain which is responsible for processing sensory information and even more important for decoding the language. This is where he tells us that this substance is released, this chemical called dopamine that affects later on the Cerebellum, which is an area associated with the physical movement, and is the reason why when we are surrounded by music, almost unconsciously and inevitably, we begin to move the foot or the hands or the body at the rhythm of the music. It is a natural reaction that occurs in a person who is being influenced by music.

    Finally, other experts from the Atlantic University of Florida identified key aspects of a live presentation that activate the brain areas linked to emotions. They demonstrated how the influence of live music on a person’s brain is very different from recorded music. In such a way that live music has a dynamic, a change of rhythm and intensity variations that makes the person who is exposed to it manifests a much stronger involvement of his or her emotions and a higher sensory response compared to recorded music.

    Why is this so important?

    If music has so much power to even move us physically, if it has so much power to influence the motor areas of our lives that make us follow rhythms and imitate certain behaviors, it means that music is too powerful not to take advantage of it and use its full potential; whether we are alone or gathered.

    What then are we looking for when we praise and worship?

    "On that day I will raise up the tabernacle

    of David, which has fallen down, and repair

    its damages; I will raise up its ruins and

    rebuild it as in the days of old". Amos 9:11.

    We believe this word is for today. It is a scripture quoted in the New Testament and if we look at the context of that chapter, we realize that the consequences or positive manifestations of this Tabernacle of David being rebuilt would be that there would come healing, blessing, abundance, prosperity, joy, freedom and all the things we want to see manifest in the Body of Christ, even in a world that desperately needs a taste of God’s goodness.

    But he is talking about the fallen Tabernacle of David, not the fallen Tabernacle of Moses.

    What was the main emphasis?

    The Tabernacle of David is a model of worship, prayer and intercession that unlike the Tabernacle of Moses did not have these extraordinarily strict procedures to be able to have an audience with Almighty God. There had to be a blood sacrifice in

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