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Ebook76 pages55 minutes


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was born in an old, wooden, two-story hospital in Carrollton, Georgia, in 1949. Some years later it burned to the ground. For the first eleven years of my life, I lived in Bremen, Georgia. I was the oldest child of Alvin and Doris Patterson. Dad and Mother got married soon after Dad returned from Europe in 1946, where he’d served as a .30 machine gunner in the Tenth Mountain Division during World War ll. He was involved in three major battles and received a Presidential Unit Citation and a Bronze Star for saving the lives of many of his company after they were pinned down by a German machine-gun nest. Risking his life, Dad ran for high ground, carrying his machine gun and belts of ammo, which would normally have been a two-man job. He was able take out the machine-gun nest, allowing the company to advance up the mountain they were trying to take control of. Keep in mind that he was a nineteen-year-old country boy from Georgia, who had never been out of Carroll or Haralson counties until just a few months before.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateJun 23, 2021

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    Why - Garrell Patterson

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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-6520-5 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-6521-2 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date: 05/17/2021



    Chapter 1 Why?

    Chapter 2 Girls Come into My Life

    Chapter 3 The Beginning of the Why Me? Years

    Chapter 4 The Next Step in My Career

    Chapter 5 Stop the Presses

    Chapter 6 Now Back to Our Regularly Scheduled Book

    Chapter 7 Summer Break

    Chapter 8 It Was Time to Go Back to Work

    Chapter 9 Why Me?

    Chapter 10 Batting Cleanup


    T here are so many people responsible for me being here and able to accomplish the things that I have. Linda says that on five occasions five doctors have told her that I had a 10 percent chance of surviving. I would like to thank the many doctors and nurses who have treated me. We figure that I have probably been in the hospital over thirty-five times and probably to the emergency room over twenty times.

    Above all things, I want to thank the head doctor, the Lord my God, for allowing me to survive all of those times. What he is saving me for I don’t know and maybe will never know. But it could be this book, perhaps inspiring people that they can come back from serious sicknesses and injuries to accomplish something they thought impossible.

    Linda has been by my side every second I have been in hospitals and more diligently at home taking care of me. I couldn’t have made it without her, and Terri and Betsy also.

    I want to thank what had to be the greatest mother and daddy in the world. They grew up in the depression, and they so worried about starving to death that they had to have a large garden and grow enough of everything for all three of us children. They froze and canned gallons of food that was never eaten.

    I haven’t been physically able to perform any kind of work in over twenty years, so I want to thank sons-in-law Tracy Robinson and Jeff Dewberry. They have been invaluable to us. I want to thank my brother, Barry, who does everything to my cars that I can’t do.

    I want to thank Reverend Aaron Johnson, who has been like family for longer than I can remember. And when I need prayer or have a religious question, I just call or text him.

    At different times in my life, these people have been good friends to say the least: Ralph Correll, Bob Jones, and Thomas Grey. As well as Bob Chandler, who has gone out of his way to make me like I am a normal person with no handicaps. We have become close friends, but I haven’t been able to hang with him much this year due to the coronavirus pandemic, and who knows when it will be defeated.

    The next chapter in my life story will be when I go land speed racing the first of October. I pray for a safe trip to and from the track and while I am running. And that I will be as successful as I have been in the past.

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