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Milatu Fought Against the Terrorists in Macao Casino
Milatu Fought Against the Terrorists in Macao Casino
Milatu Fought Against the Terrorists in Macao Casino
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Milatu Fought Against the Terrorists in Macao Casino

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About this ebook

In adversity, find the path and stick with it longer, you will dig the diamond in the ream!
In the prosperity, find yourselves, not proud and complacent, you can grasp rare snow lotus!
Go downhill quickly with the heart, can not stop the brakes in time, you will see the dawn at the bottom of the valley!
Go uphill, you are not always on a bridge or the top of a mountain, if got to the top and you’ll make way for new people!
Everything in the world is changing quickly, find that wisp of fragrance, from now on understanding, care and hope!

Remarks of great man:

Failure can come again, the future is own!
----------Mr Xu Tei-li (Mentor to chairman MAO)
See right, then boldly try, boldly rush.
----------General secretary Deng Xiaoping
Innovation is the soul of national progress and an inexhaustible driving force.
-----------President Jiang Zemin
It's no use complaining; you have to do it first!
-----------President Hu Jintao
He who digs a well rises from three inches of rock to the depths.
-----------President Xi Jinping
Release dateJun 24, 2021
Milatu Fought Against the Terrorists in Macao Casino

Yishun Lu

Yishun Lu, born in 1990 in Shandong province, China, graduated from an ordinary high school, is an independent personage who only believe in truth and loving, Currently working in Beijing Milatu Media group, and serving as the honorary chairman of the board of directors of MILATU INC.(USA), also an excellent author, an independent musician, filmmaker, screenwriter, best-selling author and cultural exchange scholar. He spent a few years in writing 22 MILATU sci-fi novel (or detective adventurous stories which Major Milatu experienced with his female partners).

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    Milatu Fought Against the Terrorists in Macao Casino - Yishun Lu

    © 2021 Yishun Lu. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 06/24/2021

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-3025-5 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-3026-2 (e)

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    Part 1 Tehran

    • Major Milatu was transferred urgently.

    Part 2 Shenzhen

    • Encountered small interlude, major rendezvous his partner May Lan.

    Part 3 1th day

    • Major arrived in Macao.

    • Visited Asha family.

    • Went into the casino to be a dear.

    Part 4 2th day

    • Major spent much money to buy a dance-hostess King.

    • Met the terrorist leader Cameo Biafra for the first time.

    • King exposed herself to get beaten up.

    • May Lan learned of her son’s whereabouts from the terrorists.

    Part 5 3th day

    • Major and May Lan bought embroidery Treat each other as guests.

    • Major entered the luxury gambling hall to be a dealer, facing the terrorist leader.

    • May Lan met old friend.

    • Became a gambler, major gambled with the terrorist leader and lost 5 million.

    Part 6 4th day

    • The terrorist group set up the scene where May Lan was poisoned, framed the major.

    • May Lan was raped by Cameo Biafra.

    • The love affair of May Lan rekindled, completely defected to the terrorist group.

    • May Lan lost faith in Major Milatu.

    Part 7 5th day

    • Major gambled with the terrorist leader Cameo Biafra again.

    • The poisoned wine confused the major’s consciousness, lost 13 million.

    • May Lan was intimidated by the terrorist group.

    • May Lan defected and successfully assassinated the major.

    Part 8 6th day

    • The major narrowly escaped death and met the love from the female doctor.

    • The terrorist group threw a party.

    • Major visited terrorist member Russian girl to talk cooperation.

    • The major visited Mary, a member of the terrorist group, Cooperation was achieved.

    Part 9 7th day

    • May Lan dreamed of rich life.

    • Major rescued princess of Macao -------- Asha.

    • Dance-hostess King disappeared.

    • May Lan degenerated into a party girl, her rich dream was broken.

    Part 10 8th day

    • On the island nation of Central America, major found the money and returned to Macao with his new partner, Ayim.

    Part 11 9th day

    • Major and new partner arrived in Macao.

    • The major made little trouble for the terrorist Mike.

    Part 12 10th day

    • Ayim became the licensed dealer of casino lisboa.

    • Major made a showdown with the terrorist Cameo Biafra.

    • Traitor May Lan was difficult.

    Part 13 11th day

    • Major and Cameo Biafra made unrestrained gambling, and the terrorist group lost 3600 million dollars.

    • Cameo Biafra became dead pigeon.

    • Cameo Biafra used stand-in to escape for the first time.

    • Cameo Biafra used stand-in to escape for the second time.

    • Terrorist leader was shot dead on luxury cruise ship in south China sea.

    Part 14 12th day

    • The major brought Asha, princess of Macao, to the Asha family.

    • Accompanied May Lan to Vietnam and found little Biafra.

    • Saigon, a 7-year-old child, was dressed in a children’s outfit with a Chinese flag......

    Dear readers:

    I am honored to live in a relatively just country----China, where everyone can speak freely, can pursue the dream without reservation. I sit in my office in Beijing and wrote down this preface with great gratitude for my debut novel, MILATU FOUGHT AGAINST TERRORISTS IN MACAO CASINO.

    I came from the countryside of North China, and I have a unique pursuit for literature and the yearning in my heart. It is the spiritual pillar in my heart, which has accompanied me for 28 years. In the unique geographical and cultural environment of China, I sought out the lovely name, Milatu, he is major Milatu in science fiction.

    Based on the growing strength of China, my great motherland, China cultural brands are also rising in the forefront of the world due to the strength of China, the growing strength of China made cultural brand need more efforts and innovation! MILATU FOUGHT AGAINST TERRORISTS IN MACAO CASINO. boarded the powerful special express of China successfully, showing millions of Chinese and readers around the world China’s heroes and peace idea.

    In the 40 years of reform and opening up, while foreign reading and film culture entered the China market, the young people born in the 1980s and 1990s, as the backbone of China, have more accepted the influence of western culture. the inheritance, promotion and innovation of domestic cultural brands have become difficult. Of course, this is also closely related to our national education and cultural policy in the past 4 decades.

    Based on the specific cultural background and social situation before Macao’s return, it is the sixth book in the series of Milatu against Macao casino without mapping any event/case. You will surely ask me why I chose the sixth book for my debut. Because on the eve of the millennium, the major was also 28, about the same age as I am today.

    Three years ago, an agency in Beijing and I reached a strategic partnership aimed at advancing Chinese literature and film culture into an era called Milatu. It is also hoped that hundreds of millions of people will read or watch the story of Milatu In the science and technology highly-developed today.

    And I hope the major’s story can help you a little, dear:

    In adversity, find the path and stick with it longer, you will dig the diamond in the dream!

    In the prosperity, find yourselves, not proud and complacent, you can grasp rare snow lotus!

    Go downhill quickly with the heart, can not stop the brakes in time, you will see the dawn at the bottom of the valley!

    Go uphill, you are not always on a bridge or the top of a mountain, if got to the top and you’ll make way for new people!

    Everything in the world is changing quickly, find that wisp of fragrance, from now on understanding, care and hope!

    Wish the great China prosperity and glory!

    I wish you all the best and may all your wishes come true!

    Yishun Lu

    May 13, 2018


    Milatu fought against the terrorists in Macao casino, is the sixth installment of Milatu series novels, which is also an important part of the author’s creation.

    It tells a story of a great working experience of Chinese secret agent, major Milatu. On the eve of Macao’s return, gangsters infiltrated Macao, kidnapping, killing and extorting filled with the economy and gambling of Macao.

    Major Milatu was urgently transferred from the Middle East to Macao. After meeting partner May Lan from Shenzhen, entry to Macao against the leader of the terrorist organization, Cameo Biafra, the deterrent, the bet. Major Milatu quickly lost 18 million in the cheating of Cameo Biafra and other people, and his partner May Lan defected completely to Cameo Biafra...

    Major Milatu was rescued from desperation, summarized the reasons for his failure, he underestimated the power and background of terrorist organization and the intricacies of the past. He has found the money and a new partner Ayim, and returned to Macao to gamble with Cameo Biafra. Gambling and verbal attacking in the casino revealed the battle of life and death of the two sides. The subtle changes in both sides are a harbinger of what is to come. Every link, every word, every expression, are all fatal to major Milatu and the terrorist organization. Who can be the last winner in the game...

    After losing 360 million dollars, the leader of the terrorist group, Cameo Biafra, fled in panic, used his substitutes twice, and finally he was shot dead on a luxury cruise ship in south China sea.

    Hover, major Milatu did not punish the traitor May Lan, but accompanied May Lan to Saigon, Vietnam, to find her son, the seven-year-old Biafra. He put on the children’s clothes of the Chinese flag...

    How did he defeat the terrorist organization Cameo Biafra in Macao casino? How did he help Macao rich person Asha family rescue the kidnapped Asha? How did he help Asha family recapture the lost casino?

    The book describes the glorious chapter of the People’s liberation Arm’s protection of the lives and property of the Macao people. Hover, the author has worked hard to create the sixth Milatu novel, ‘’Milatu fight against terrorists in Macao casino’’.

    PART 1


    • Major Milatu was transferred urgently.


    Walking into the Islamic republic of Iran, the most remarkable thing is the iconic Islamic architecture in the Arab world. Although the former Persian empire was not a country of the Arab world, the Islamic religion provided a convenient channel for the Islamic republic of Iran to communicate with the Arab world, which also enabled the former Persian empire to have a unique civilization course and folk customs.

    The women in Tehran square are one of the most important symbols of Iranian society’s integration with the world. In addition to most casual wear, Iranian women will still wear long black shirts, black headscarves or black veils, only showing a pair of eyes, which are deeply imprinted by ancient customs.

    Iranian women in Islamic folklore are certainly a highlight for non-Arab visitors to Tehran for the first time. Hover in the Iranian women wearing Islamic folk costumes, there must be some extraordinary woman looking at you, in the street, in a hotel, in the church, for example, you may find a pair of eyes behind you at any time, when you see her, she looked down, when you turn your head to go, you feel as she is looking at you. You don’t have to be afraid that a woman like this doesn’t mean anything to you, but she’s probably a member of Iran’s Islamic revolutionary guard corps, or they’re just defending the great Islamic republic of Iran.

    The midday sun shone down on Tehran square, and church bells sounded in the distance, although it was a bit hotter, and a few people still walked by. A woman in Islamic folkloric costume walked briskly across Tehran square, her eyes barely visible, wrapped in a black turban.

    As it was noon, there were few watchmen in the church. The Iranian woman in Islamic folklore clothes walked quickly into the empty church, stopped when she heard a prayer song upstairs, and took a look at the whole church hall with her bare eyes.

    The man who sat at the desk got up and came out of the desk, dressed in black. He seemed to be a full Muslim. He and the woman who had just entered the church hall prayed to each other, with his left hand pointing to his forehead and then to his left breast, his right breast. The man said in Farsi, The noon bell has rung. Allah will protect you.

    The Iranian woman similarly blessed in Farsi: God will bless you, too.

    The man asked in Farsi: What does god want to know about you?

    I want to see the chief. The Iranian woman took a few steps forward and answered the man in Farsi.

    The churchman turned up the stairs.

    In the prayer room on the second floor, the chief was holding a prayer and singing a prayer song with some of the elders. The chief was clearly distinguished from other elders, except for his tall stature and beard. They danced briskly, hand in hand, to the rhythm of the prayer song.

    The churchman opened the door and walked in, saying a prayer, placing his left hand on his forehead and then his left breast and his right breast.

    The chief, who was dancing with the elders and singing the prayer song, saw the churchman. He released the hands of the elders on both sides and stopped the prayer ceremony.

    The elders stopped dancing, and the chanting of their prayers stopped abruptly. The sheikh looked at the churchman, who seemed to be waiting for him to speak.

    A religious man wants to see the chief. The man left the prayer room after finishing in Farsi.

    The chief frowned and said to the elders in Farsi: Let us go first. See you in the evening.

    The elders dispersed.

    The chief walked up the second floor aisle and looked at the Iranian woman standing in the middle of the church hall on the first floor. The prayer in the church is over. He said in Farsi.

    The Iranian woman looked up with wise eyes at the sheikh standing on the second floor aisle, and argued in Farsi: God will always listen to the voices of believers.

    The chief saw the keen eyes of the Iranian woman and nodded. Come on. He said. The chief turned and left the corridor on the second floor.

    Inside the office, chief stood at the window and looked out. The Iranian woman opened the door and walked in.

    What do you want with me? The chief asked in Persian gulf.

    The Iranian woman looked at the chief’s back and replied in Farsi: I’m looking for a Chinese.

    Do you have a picture of him?

    The Iranian woman took out a photograph.

    The chief turned, walked up to the Iranian woman, took the picture and looked at it. It was a half-length picture of a Chinese officer. The Chinese officer’s name was Milatu, the rank of major. The chief shook his head and returned the photo to the Iranian woman, saying in Farsi: There is no such person.

    The Iranian woman unzipped her black gown and presented her IRGC uniform to the chief, who emphasized her identity in Farsi: IRGC.

    The chief looked respectfully at the woman in front of him. Just a moment, please. The chief said, quickly walked to the telephone, picked up the receiver, dialed the number: A girl friend of yours wanted to meet you. Please come to my office as soon as you can.

    Soon Milatu, wearing a long black dress, rushed to the chief’s office. Hello, emir.

    The chief sat at his desk, looking at his book, and didn’t say hello to Milatu.

    Milatu saw an Iranian woman wearing an IRGC uniform, a hijab and a veil, and greeted her: Hello.

    The chief looked up at the Iranian woman and said in Farsi, He’s here. Speak up if you have anything to say. He can’t understand Farsi, I’ll translate for him!

    The Iranian woman looked at the photograph in her hand and, looked at Milatu, and when he was sure he was right, he said in Farsi: Your boss came to me and she wanted you back to the Chinese consulate in Iran as soon as possible.

    Your boss has found her and wanted you back to the Consulate as soon as possible. The chief translated.

    Why did not my boss just find me directly?

    The chief asked the Iranian soldier in Farsi, why didn’t his boss find him directly?


    A man dressed in a suit walked into the hall of the Chinese consulate in Tehran. His name is Ziliang Wei. He walked quickly up the stairs, passing miss Chen, who was walking down the stairs with her folder. Wearing a short black skirt and a white shirt, miss Chen, who is a civilian at the consulate, has a close-eared mushroom hairstyle.

    Miss Chen stopped, turned around and called Ziliang Wei: Captain wei, please wait a minute.

    Ziliang Wei stopped and turned to look at miss Chen. Miss Chen, what do you do? He asked.

    Miss Chen smiled and looked at Ziliang Wei: Do you know? Our drillmaster came to Tehran.

    Ziliang Wei walked down two steps and looked at miss Chen seriously: You mean drillmaster Milatu?

    Miss Chen nodded and said: Well, who else could there be?

    When did the drillmaster Mi come?

    The drillmaster said he came one month ago, as if he were investigating something! With that, miss Chen pulled out a ticket from her folder and handed it to Ziliang Wei.

    At eight o’clock in the evening, the performance ticket for the Iranian folk acrobatic troupe at the Tehran theater was given to you by the drillmaster mi, who will accompany you to watch the performance.

    Ziliang Wei received the ticket: Thank you.

    You’re welcome. It’s my job. Miss Chen said and turned to go downstairs.

    Ziliang Wei was a little nervous at the moment. He had his ticket tightly in his hand. Perhaps he was wondering if major Milatu’s investigation had anything to do with him.

    As soon as miss Chen came down the stairs, and stopped. She turned and looked up at Ziliang Wei, who was thinking, and cried: Captain Wei.

    Ziliang Wei in thinking was surprised by miss Chen’s cry, he subconsciously looked at miss Chen.

    If you’re busy tonight, gift me this ticket! I would love to watch the show with drillmaster Mi. Said miss Chen.

    Ziliang Wei understood the meaning of miss Chen’s words, on the surface miss Chen was the worship and pursuit of the instructor Mi.

    In fact, Ms. Chen’s words were meant to find out whether Mr. Wei would attend the show. So captain Ziliang Wei was very indifferent. He only smiled a little and then said to miss Chen: You’d better have a dream first.

    Miss Chen came to the door of the male’s room and knocked. Milatu, wearing a shirt, emerged from the male’s room, clutching a file bag, and walked with Ms. Chen to the reception room not far away.

    Milatu and miss Chen went into the reception room and closed the door. Milatu looked at Chen carefully. How’s that?

    Miss Chen nodded: You asked me to say all, very smooth.

    Is he going?

    He didn’t say it. But he held the tickets tight.

    Milatu nodded and said to himself: It’s really him.

    What did you find?

    Milatu put the file bag into miss Chen’s hand and warned, "The evidence is indirect. If the ambassador asks about my findings, you can give them to the ambassador. If there is anything unusual with captain Wei, please tell the ambassador for me that captain Wei only has economic transactions and no information.

    You want to protect him?

    Milatu shook his head: No. After all, he’s always done a good job, but the things of his dealing with violated our principles.

    Miss Chen said seriously to Milatu: Drillmasters, we are all comrade-in-arms. If the result is really bad, please persuade the authorities to give him a life.

    Milatu sped out of the reception room.

    Miss Chen then walked out, looking at Milatu’s back and smiling: Wish you have a good journey, drillmaster.

    Milatu turned and said Thank you, then walked away.

    In the evening, many cars were parked in the parking lot of Tehran theater. A luxury convertible came to the parking lot and parked under the direction of security guard. Ziliang Wei dressed in a suit got off the car, looked at his watch, looked around the brightly lit theater, and then hurried to the entrance.

    In the hall of the performance, before the performance began, the handsome host stepped onto the stage and began his opening remarks in Farsi: Dear audience, first of all, on behalf of the theater and the performing party, the Iranian folk acrobatic troupe, I would like to extend my welcome to you all!

    The audience applauded loudly. Milatu, who could not understand the Farsi language, joined the audience in applauding.

    The male host said in Farsi: Of course, on behalf of the theater and the show’s Iranian folk acrobatic troupe, I would like to express my regret to those who did not come to the show. Why? Because the Tehran theatre is too small, it cannot really accommodate the people of Tehran or even the entire Islamic republic of Iran.

    The audience laughed at the funny hosting style of the male host.

    Not to mention people all over the Arab world, Europe, America and Asia, and their pets.

    The audience laughed again.

    Ziliang Wei arrived at the performance hall. He caught sight of Milatu sitting at the top table, looking at the stage and fixing his casual collar.

    The male host was even more humorous, with a jocular facial expression, accompanied by antics and movements, and said in Farsi mixed with English: Oh, no. And Allah, may God Allah bless the civilian acrobatic troupe of Iran in this performance without accident.

    The male preside finished say, did a prayer, the left hand pointed forehead, then right breast and left breast. The audience laughed in embarrassment.

    Ziliang Wei walked up to the empty seat next to Milatu and sat down: What a humorous host, unfortunately, the instructor Mi did not even laugh.

    Next, let’s invite the Iranian folk acrobatic troupe to perform acrobatics with silk and flying beauties for you. With the manly Farsi voice of the male host, the Iranian folk acrobatic troupe stepped onto the stage. Under the blue light, the blue silk ribbon fell, and the Iranian folk acrobatic troupe music which shaking hearts started.

    You know I don’t understand Farsi. Said Milatu, looking at the performance on the stage.

    You have been here for so long, and didn’t greet me or miss Chen. We should have a meal together.

    "You’re both busy. Besides, it’s better to save a little. Jane and my lovely nephew are still waiting for you in Beijing. They’ll be expecting you to finish your work early and go back with them.

    Ziliang Wei sighed: Yeah, I have been in the Middle East for more than two years. What a long time it will be before my work in the Middle East ends in nine months!

    Miss Jane? Who made us soldiers!

    Ziliang Wei nodded. How about you, drillmaster Mi? What about the lieutenant and you? In the devil’s army...

    You can’t just say that; people are all around. Milatu interrupted Ziliang Wei and said.

    Oh. Drillmaster Mi is worried. There are Persians all around. They can’t understand Chinese.

    Milatu looked carefully around the audience and nodded. OK.

    "Besides, it was

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