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Sixty Years in Sixty Minutes
Sixty Years in Sixty Minutes
Sixty Years in Sixty Minutes
Ebook213 pages44 minutes

Sixty Years in Sixty Minutes

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About this ebook

This is a portfolio of a mixed bag of events, and objects that have caught my eye and been recorded as of interest to me. Ilford’s old slogan “For Faces and Places,” was very apt. It could take just sixty minutes to look through the book or you may want to look through sixty times who knows? It spans a sixty-year period of life which has passed by my lens. I have selected the most memorable ones, which are likely to mean more to viewers beyond the family circle so to speak. Photography can be so, so personal I have found. Many of these images can never be repeated. Some will stand the test of time better than others. I would like to think that British Amateur Photojournalism never dies and ordinary people such as myself can and will make the effort to continue recording for posterity. In black and white please, it has for me and many enthusiasts alike, an archaic charm that no other art form can beat.
Release dateJun 27, 2021
Sixty Years in Sixty Minutes

Don Jacklin

Born in May 1940 to the crashing accompanyment of Nazi bombers during their Blitz on Sheffield steel City, I survived and was brought up by loving parents and grandparents who formed my character and shaped my life. Luckily I attended the Rowlinson Secondary Technical School in it’s heyday with a leaning towards engineering: alas no more as it sank into the pool of grey comprehensive system education. My regular full time occupation was as a professional design engineer of heating and building services based in North England and travelling to numerous sites in the course of my career. For many of my active years I was a member of the Phoenix Mountaineering Club including a term as President and underwent many treks and climbs across the Himalaya. I have also travelled to seek out wild landscapes in Patagonia, Australia, Khirgistan, the U.S.A. India and Tibet. I have been a long time member of Dronfield Camera Club, The Leica Society and the Photographic Association of Great Britain as photography has been a big part of my life. Since my teen years I have continually tried to catch photo glimpses of people and things I found interesting and it is good for me in my 80th. year to look back on these with fondness.

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    Sixty Years in Sixty Minutes - Don Jacklin

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    ISBN: 978-1-6655-9095-2 (sc)

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    Published by AuthorHouse 06/25/2021




    Scooter Girl, Cockington

    The Welder

    Two Country Gents

    The Sheep Auction

    Boston Market

    Traction Engine

    Coal Delivery

    Mr. Colin Hopcroft

    Manvers Crossing


    Fire 2!

    Mrs. Massey

    Princess Anne

    Winter Time

    Joe Else

    Barrel Organ Phil

    Bus Wash

    Country Boys

    Church Carpenter

    Time Check


    Whitby Morris Dancers

    City Clopper

    Tuck Shop Child


    Bruges Canal

    Hard Won


    The Slimming Lesson

    Happy Golfer

    Skye High

    The Vulcan

    Loose Leaf

    Iced Glyders

    Swiss Alps

    Hms Warrior

    Athens Fish Market

    Cir Mhor

    Sleeping Dog

    Hobby Horse


    The Hoy Ferry

    Island Hopper

    Orkney Potter

    Orkney Guns

    Nemrut Dag


    The Black Cuilin

    Salford Keys

    Demo At No.10 Downing Street

    Kelp And Cuilin

    Cave House

    The Face Of Beauty

    The Ripley Bus


    Say Cheese!

    Walton Surf

    It’s A Yorkshire Thing


    Midland Station

    Highland Cattle

    Acureri Harbour



    Familia Segrada


    The Only Way Is Up

    Gardoms Edge

    A Roman




    The Critic

    Venician Dog

    Venice Lute

    The Gondolier

    The Baker

    Crab Fisherman

    A Swift Booting


    Dufton Pike

    Blickling Hall

    Eyam Village


    Engine Crew

    The Beach

    Wynatts Pass

    Cutlery Punk

    Winter Gardens

    Culzean Bombard

    The Kelpies


    Coffee Shop Window

    Bolsover Showman

    The Speech

    Christmas Turkeys

    Technical Information

    The date is 2019. This winter I checked through my assembly of Monochrome images which began in 1959 using my modest Leica 1 of pre-war vintage and recognised that it was a long sixty years ago. So the title of this book is "Sixty Years in Sixty minutes. Numbers and dates punctuate our lives and in this particular instance, it took me sixty minutes, just one hour, to gather a representative selection of Monochrome images which make up my life’s story in pursuit of Black and White print expression. Of course, I am hardly known in photo circles outside my habitat of South Yorkshire and North Derbyshire but like many of my camera friends, we have studied the works of past generations of the classic photographers whom we adored in various degrees and it has surely affected our styles. We all see and photograph our world differently and I make the point that this portfolio will be quite unlike any other production: no better, no worse but certainly different. As my learned colleagues point out, it is the differences in us that make photography interesting.

    I have owned and enjoyed the use of many makes of camera and found them all to be fascinating instruments. They all have their foibles and it is hard to choose a favourite. Some are better suited to a task than others and if you have access to many models then pick the one that suits you best. I still think that cameras are secondary, the picture on the wall is the important end result that counts. All cameras these days are reliable and good enough to support 20x 16 exhibition prints. Technical skill should be taken for granted with the capture and processing. It is up to the individual to show his subject as an honest and genuine presentation without misleading manipulation. For me, Monochrome has that everlasting graphic appeal: the lack of colour seems to add curiosity and perhaps mystique of an abstract

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