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Destroyer: Satan to Hell—An Eternal Destination
Destroyer: Satan to Hell—An Eternal Destination
Destroyer: Satan to Hell—An Eternal Destination
Ebook152 pages1 hour

Destroyer: Satan to Hell—An Eternal Destination

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About this ebook

Many pastors preach about Jesus and his mission. However, few teach about Satan and how he seeks to destroy anything of God. Satan and evil are real; he is powerful, and we are at war with him. In Destroyer, author S.A. Timlin brings awareness of Satan and of his constant deceits and manipulations.

Through extensive Bible study and researching from sources such as videos and television shows relating to Satan, hell, and the afterlife, Timlin offers an in-depth look at Satan and his evil deeds. The author addresses a host of questions and asks you to reflect:

• Where are you going when you die?
• Are you sure of your final destination?
• Do you believe in Satan?
• Do you believe in heaven and hell?

Through a host of scripture and other examples, Destroyer shows how your eternity is at stake. You must choose one: either heaven or hell. Belief in Jesus brings you to heaven. All other choices land you in hell.
Release dateJul 1, 2021
Destroyer: Satan to Hell—An Eternal Destination

S.A. Timlin

S.A. Timlin is physically disabled after suffering from a brain tumor and lives in Texas.

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    Destroyer - S.A. Timlin

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2021913028

    LifeRich Publishing rev. date: 06/30/2021

    Table of Contents


    About The Author


    Part I

    First Things First

    Did You Know . . .



    In The Beginning

    Part Ii



    The Club

    Satan’s Realm

    –   Spirits & Paranormal

    –   Occult



    –   Religious Doctrine

    –   Purgatory

    –   Reincarnation

    –   Spiritual Abuse

    –   The Great Magician

    –   Traditions

    –   Self-Doubts


    Part Iii - Hell

    Frequently Asked Questions

    View Of Hell

    What To Expect In Hell

    Part Iv - Life Glimpses








    Part V


    A Global Mission

    Part Vi

    Final Thoughts

    –   After Thought




    Disclaimer: I am not a theologian, pastor, scholar, teacher or speaker. My learning and study of the Bible has come from reading, research and Bible study.

    In researching this topic I used many resources such as the Bible, videos and TV shows relating to Satan, Hell and the afterlife. Researching and writing this book brought me to very dark places and only by prayer was I able to wrap myself with the Armor of God for protection.

    About the Author

    I had just moved to Texas and three months later was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Four brain surgeries later, I still have 50% of the tumor in my brain. After the surgeries and a lot of rehabilitation I was instructed to keep my mind occupied.

    I am 100% physically disabled and have a variety of physical issues. No balance, double vision, dizziness, mobility issues just to name a few. I also have what is called emotional liability. These are uncontrolled emotional manifestations in the form of crying that I cannot control. We could be talking about grass growing and the next thing I am crying with tears streaming from my eyes. I can now feel when one is on its way and at least warn the person to whom I’m talking. These things are most inconvenient.

    I was in a medically induced coma for about eight weeks. To breathe, they fitted me with a ventilator/breathing tube. My voice was damaged when they removed the breathing tube; it was determined that my vocal chords had wrapped themselves around the tube and were subsequently damaged when the tube was removed. Although I can speak, my voice sounds like I am a 10-pack a day smoker. You can tell when I get tired, because it sounds like I am speaking with a mouthful of marbles.


    For You

    PART I


    First Things First

    Did You Know



    In The Beginning

    First Things First


    1 John 4:4 … He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. (NKJV) This verse has been preached on many pulpits, yet today, pastors refrain from teaching us about Satan and his abilities. When preaching about Jesus and his mission, Satan’s efforts should also be taught and shown that he seeks to destroy anything of God.

    I have heard pastors refusing to talk about Satan because it may open us to his influences. This profession of fear on their part should warn you that these pastors don’t exhibit tough Faith. Satan delights in the fear he has created about his power and existence. As 1 John 4:4 promises we should not be afraid because God is greater.

    I hope to bring awareness of Satan and his deceits and manipulations that are continuously fixed on us by him. By not preaching of a real Satan or a real hell in greater depth your pastor is doing you a disservice by relegating Satan to being a fantasy, by-product, or footnote falsely constructed and evolved into it’s current form by a secular world.

    Do not be deceived. Jesus spoke at length of a very real Satan. Satan’s love of destruction of any of God’s creation is manifested in the evil that surrounds us. Satan and evil are real, he is very powerful, and we are at war with him.

    God, the angels, the apostles and even Jesus himself dealt personally with Satan and his soldiers. Each related personal biblical account showed the power of Satan. In one discussion, Jesus tells Peter that Satan has asked for him. Luke 22:31 And the Lord said, Simon, Simon! Indeed, Satan has asked for you, that he may sift you as wheat." (NKJV) In Job 1, Satan converses directly with God regarding Job; he implies that Job would curse God if His protection were removed.

    Many think Satan is an idea, symbol, or concept. Eve did not converse with a symbol, idea, or concept when she disobeyed God and ate forbidden food (Genesis 3). Succeeding with Eve, Satan has been deceiving and manipulating mankind in order to destroy everything God has created.

    The Bible uses the pronoun you several times in describing Satan. You is not an idea or concept. To emphasize a real person, you has been underlined. The Bible describes Satan this way in Ezekiel 28:12–16. You were the seal of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. You were in Eden, the garden of God; every precious stone was your covering: The sardius, topaz, and diamond, beryl, onyx, and jasper, sapphire, turquoise, and emerald with gold. The workmanship of your timbrels and pipes was prepared for you on the day you were created. You were the anointed cherub who covers; I established you; you were on the holy mountain of God; you walked back and forth in the midst of fiery stones. You were perfect in your ways from the day you were created, till iniquity was found in you. By the abundance of your trading you became filled with violence within and you sinned; … (NKJV)

    For such a beautifully created being, why would you be afraid? Satan has used his beauty to deceive. Therein lies the deceit. Underneath his beauty lies evil.

    The Bible begins with God’s creations, the universe, the earth, and all things in it. Questions are often asked: When did God create the holy angels and did God create evil? Mention of creating angels is not given specifically in Genesis. Further reading of the Genesis account discusses the sons of God. The Bible mentions the created being named Lucifer. Free will, power, and beauty were given to him and he was exalted above all other angelic beings.

    Do you believe in a real Satan? Do you think evil is real, or is it just a definition for something that is truly heinous? Is Satan or evil a concept, idea, or a symbol? Genesis 6:5 relate that God saw how evil man was upon the earth and how man’s way was evil continually.

    The manipulations of Satan on man and the result of man’s actions were so bad that God was deeply troubled and regretted making His creation. Satan’s impact on earth was so evil against the perfection God had created that God wanted to start over.

    Because of a promised covenant, God saved a remnant of people. However, God did follow through with the destruction of the evil facilitated by Satan on the earth through a global flood. If Satan were just a fantasy, idea, or concept, why would God feel it necessary to destroy His creation?

    Lucifer (Satan) was created and given great power above all other heavenly angels. In his desire to be like God, extreme jealousy (envy) built within Satan to be as God. After witnessing the wonder and adoration that God’s creation was having throughout the heavenly realm, Lucifer became envious. His envy grew until he made the decision to rebel against God.

    After his rebellion and banishment to earth, Lucifer vowed to rule earth his way. His efforts brought destruction. Satan’s first success was making Eve doubt God’s word by manipulating her into eating food forbidden by God. The success of this action emboldened Satan to manipulate mankind.

    Since Genesis, Satan has been working on mankind to confuse, deceive, destroy and manipulate. With Adam and Eve, Satan’s worldwide work began exponentially. Evil and destruction have followed ever since.

    Satan has crafted the belief that good people and good works get you into heaven. Feel-good motivational speakers, prosperity preachers, and other religions also teach these deceptions. A popular vehicle bumper sticker tells us that we must be all-inclusive and coexist.

    Satan is so crafty and manipulative that he was able to convince two perfectly created individuals made by a perfect God to disobey. Do not be fooled. Satan’s top goals are to destroy God’s creation and to be exalted. Satan will use any means to mislead and destroy in order to lead us away from God.

    In listening or reading the news, you will see the successful

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