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Subtlety: A Mysteriously Gracious Universe
Subtlety: A Mysteriously Gracious Universe
Subtlety: A Mysteriously Gracious Universe
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Subtlety: A Mysteriously Gracious Universe

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Subtlety, is about a universal force that is present in all things at every scale from atoms to the stars, and this book makes an attempt to explain this subtle force which resides in all things.
Release dateJul 6, 2021
Subtlety: A Mysteriously Gracious Universe

Paul Linke

I was born and raised in a sleepy town, but progressed systematically to mix (consciously) with some of the greatest pioneers in the world. Making my way through schooling, bruised-up from the demanding curriculum set out by the most learned, I finally desided to become a toolmaker in order to make a living. My life literately flushed by doing the things I was trained to do, but eventually I came to the conclusion that there must be more to life and the things we learn. This was the point in my life when the search for the "Grail" began. At a ripe age I stepped back from everything I used to do and started to contemplate about everything that happened in my life. And as a scientist/physicist the first question I ask was this: Is there more to know than what we learn? And when I had a closer look at the "Atom" (the building block of everything), things started to accelerate and went out of proportions until I desided to study quantum physics. But physics on its own didn't provide everything I was looking for, and this lead me to contemplate about metaphysics (the things which come before the physical reality). And eventually everything started to make sense about creation and how the mystical (mythological) subject fits into the physical reality we experience. This combination of turning dreams into reality interested me and helped me to advance my level of knowledge about creation.

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    Subtlety - Paul Linke

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    Exploring the universe beyond limits

    About The Author

    As part of sacred geometry there is one object that tells us a lot about creation

    There is no doubt that we have a passion for the Divine Phenomenon


    A lot of people may know what subtle stands for, but for those who don’t, it stands for something small but important in detail, something that is fine-tuned, delicate and precise which is difficult to analyze or describe. This book is about explaining some of the crazy (mythical) stuff we are reluctant to belief. It has taken an extended research to find some of the answers of the mythical phenomenon, which includes science (old and new), religion, sacred geometry and other sacred arts which describe this mythical phenomenon we know so little about it. We know a lot about all subjects (sacred arts, human biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, astrology, astronomy, quantum physics and astrophysics, but the wisdom had not been passed on to everybody. No one dares to explain the most important things in life, even so some of the magical and mysterious things are readily available for us to be used.

    Let me add to this remark: People have a lot in common with what is understood as subtle, because this ghostly phenomenon is part of all things at every scale from atoms to the cosmos.

    Exploring the universe beyond limits

    The Chalice mystery is associated with an object that exists in nature, but it is a hidden object. The Chalice is hidden in the fabric of space and time, but somebody figured out that this object is real as part of a transcendental entity which is a vital part of the Torus (a living entity). But what is a Torus? Well, it is a living and breathing entity that persists at every scale from atoms to the stars. The Chalice was first crafted by an unknown craftsman in the Middle East, but we know that it was given to Jesus Christ by an undisclosed admirer who may have been the same person who initiated Jesus into sacred arts of the creating force. The first time he tells his uncle Joseph of Arimathea about the chalice was when he visited Joseph in prison. So, Joseph of Arimathea knew how important the chalice object was to his nephew. Furthermore, the legend of the Holy Grail inspired other craftsmen in the early 12th century AD. The chalice on the front cover could well have been the Chalice which was crafted for the French poet Chretien de Troyes who was credited with introducing the Grail cup as a divine object. And not long after that, Robert de Boron further specified its Christian significance in his poem Joseph d’Arimathi, citing the Holy Grail’s origin at the Last Supper. The Chalice, also known as the Holy Grail, is in Christian tradition the vessel that Jesus used at the Last Supper to share a cup of wine with his disciples. Synoptic Gospels refer to Jesus sharing the golden cup of wine with the Apostles, saying it was the covenant in his blood, and ever since the use of wine in a chalice is widely used as the Eucharist (as the consecrated elements) in Christian Churches. But the consecrated elements are also known in the Alchemist code, which reveals that someone who knows the 7 keys to heaven can unlock the volt to heaven. The magic of the Chalice was continued with the Arthurian Legend, the Lancelot Grail, the Vulgate Cycle. And by the way, what is subtle is associated with a virtual reality, where a subtle reality can exist by chance or distinction, which can be so delicate or precise that it is near impossible to analyze or describe. The cup of Christ is commonly known to be associated with Excelsis Deo, which prefers to God in the highest", but the equal and opposite part of Deo is Dei (the female component) which was excluded and tarnished.

    The definition for a male and female is about the principium or origin, which is associated with the patriarchal and matriarchal transcendental phenomenon that not only creates life, but also provides everything to sustain it. The energy as well as the sustenance is about the ghostly spirit most people belief is real. Do you belief the story about the Holy Grail? Well, you should because it is real as we experience heaven & hell (let me rephrase that and say good & bad). And some people say that they belief in God because of the Devil.

    As part of science fiction, we know about excelis dei as the X-File conspiracy, and there it is linked to angry spirits beyond the grave. When the conception of Excelsis Deo (god in the highest) became popular, this was only one part of the creating force. The equal and opposite negative force, the feminine or negative part of nature was left out of the equation, as if it wasn’t relevant at all. Whichever way we look at this phenomenon, but the negative polarity is as important as the positive polarity, and only together they represent the creating force. In ancient cosmological terms the negative force represents the equal and opposite creating force as it is known in angels or demons (the good force and the evil force). We belief in Soul-mates, as if God creates pairs but separates them at birth! Does that mean that the male is the positive energy (an Angel), and the female is the opposite negative part (a devil)! Not at all, because in the most basic terms a male represents the northern hemisphere, and a female represents the southern hemisphere of a union. Also, both are equally important to generate life (new offspring or excess energy), but for a strange generic reason the top part of the cup (representing the northern hemisphere) is more important than the opposite southern hemisphere (the base of the chalice). The cup of Christ is the most striking object that fits the etheric shape of a self- contained entity that fits the story of a male ruled society. So, one part of a relationship (partnership) is an angel and the other one is the devil? Can you figure it out? Well, this question is completely irrelevant because both are fundamentally the same (only inverted). What makes one part being positively charged and one negatively charged is associated with the electromagnetic charge, which only bonds inverted.

    To identify this mysterious object, we can use two equilateral triangles and put them together base to base, and later we learn that these two triangles generate the all-important star tetrahedron. In a way we have a lot in common with two equilateral triangles, because inverted they represent a male and female or positive and negative entity. There is certainly something unique about the force that brings soulmates together or back together. But so often we flip a coin when we are undecided about something, and this is a sign that we let the spirits decide for us! Not admitting it, but we put our faith into the hands of a spiritual force. Still, there is a clear answer to everything, and there are more ways to explain this phenomenon. But is there a reason why we should know about this? Well, we only need to ask this question:

    What is it we all want in life?

    We all have a deep desire to be successful.

    We like to be loved by someone and it would mean the world to us if we can share the feelings to be loved.

    As a basic rule Genesis speaks about to love one another, but it fails to say that passionate love (unconditional love) is the essence which creates and maintains all things.

    How does it all add up: The Chalice is the most sacred object of the Church, but does anybody understand the mystery of the consecrated Chalice? I was an Alter boy for seven years, and still I had no idea what the true meaning of the Chalice was. Perhaps we have to understand a string of symbols in order to understand the sacred subject.

    But what is the fundamental idea of the sacred subject? To know that, sacred geometry could well be the key to unlock this secret. We can actually say well-kept secret, because no one ever made an effort to explain this universal phenomenon of a heaven & hell part becoming one. But don’t be deterred when I say heaven & hell, because good and bad is simply about positive and negative energy or a polarized particle that had the urge to bond in an up-side down position to form a formidable union that persists throughout the universe from atoms to stars, where human beings are the most obvious characters to tell how this mystical phenomenon even exist.

    There are different ways to explain how this mystical phenomenon is real, but sacred geometry tops the list of all candidates.

    But where do we begin to explain sacred geometry and the flower of life pattern!


    You may not be able to see it in this picture, but the 2D picture reveals a tetrahedron grid.

    And the tetrahedron grid is the fundamental structure of a living and breathing entity if we could see it as a 3D object that needs no external source to stay alive and replicate itself.

    But why would I begin with such a complex geometric structure? Well, I could begin with a simple triangle, but the triangle is merely a fraction of the tetrahedron grid which is the ultimate object to get started about sacred geometry! It reveals the enigmatic essence of the sacred subject in the most fundamental way. But what on Earth is a tetrahedron grid, and why should we know about this sacred object? Obviously, the sacred phenomenon mostly relates to sacred geometry. But what does the eternal spring (also known as the Cosmic Well) has to do with the Fountain of Youth, or the Guardian Symbol -" Sui juris (Latin) which means one’s own right".

    Is it possible that the Cup reveals the secrets of the Holy Grail, and the transcendental Grail is a vacuum in space!

    About The Author

    My full name is Dr. Paul Johann Linke and I was born in a Barons Castle, where I was raised (bred) amongst the old fashion Lords. Barons are commonly known as land owning aristocrats who had the bearing and viewpoint which was typical of an aristocracy who held the undivided power to rule under the absolute sovereignty of an emperor, king or queen. Ever since then I never stopped wondering about one thing in particular: What did the Lords know? Nothing made sense of what I experienced at the time, but it left lasting memories about a different environment and a different way of life. And only when I studied history more extensively looking at chronicles of the ancient world then I realized that we keep repeating the same thing as if it is designed that way. There is so much history but something extraordinary stands out, there is a distinct class of people who live a different life. Their mind set is different because they know something no one else knows about it. This knowledge is so extraordinary that we even wonder if Aliens live amongst us! And as much as other people wanted to know what this secret knowledge is, no one can get a handle on the otherworldly knowledge they seem to possess. Nevertheless, for ordinary people life goes on regardless of what’s happening, and important information is constantly lost, forgotten, hidden, encrypted and forbidden, allowing only the elite to know the secrets of the universe. We are talking about the secrets of the universe because we still know nothing about the creation myth other than mystical stories no one really understands! Also, I noticed that I was surrounded by pictures, signs and symbols everyone could see, but no one ever spoke about it. Not being able to explain them because something was missing, because I was not initiated to know. Eventually I ask myself this question: What is it I already know, but I do not understand it? From there on I wanted to be able to explain everything, only to find out that it was the Aristocratic Lords who claimed the custodian (beneficiary) right of the planet. It seems that the universal phenomenon was mystified with intent, but it is not as mysterious as we think. Every time we understand another sacred symbol, it adds up to see the entire picture.

    I had no idea that the depiction of the tube torus is part of sacred geometry! But in a more complex way, it has something to do with the flower of life pattern (the pattern of creation).


    This picture is known as the elaborate tube torus.

    I have drawn this picture as part of my sacred geometry project, not knowing that it actually represents a cross section of the DNA strand, which is packed with infinite information.

    This DNA strand represents the intelligent conscious mind of the universe.

    It simply offers all universal wisdom to a human being like an eternal spring or uninterrupted umbilical cord. Is it possible that the DNA strand is an uninterrupted non-physical cord which persists throughout the universe!

    So, if the umbilical cord is also a non-physical entity, then what has the universe in store for us? What I try to say is this: The physical umbilical cord is severed from the mother, but the spiritual or psychological bond remains intact, even when we are physically separated. Does this mean that everyone is spiritually connected with the universe, but we are unconscious off this phenomenon? But nothing is lost because pictures can awaken our mind to understand this magic. The Freemasons were masters of signs and symbols, so why don’t we know about this? Anyhow, signs and symbols can remind us of how important our belief about the divine phenomena can be, no matter how far we have separated ourselves from this spiritual bond.

    Anyhow, let’s talk about one man who tried to tell us about this spiritual bond everyone has from birth on.

    Jesus Christ was mostly known as a Messiah who brought the light to the people, he explained the mystical phenomenon ordinary people didn’t understand. He was not only portrait as a Sheppard as if he was one of us (different from the elite). He was also portrait as a King fit to fill the hearts of all walks of life. He reminded the elite that some of the things they did where sacrilegious and therefore revealed to ordinary people that they need to pay attention to the mystical phenomena which is mostly known to be associated with magic. Unfortunately, only the most learned people understood the magic of the universal force and the majority of the people had no idea what is happening. Ordinary people only knew that there is a god or god force that needs to be worshipped in order to gain the favor of this creating god. But in order to visualize this uncreated god-force, we can use pictures which can help us to understand that an uncreated god-force really exists. Unlike some of the pictures the church uses to portray god, and other people came up with pictures like this one, where god is depicted as the great geometer of the universe.


    Under mathematical Treasure: God is depicted as the Supreme geometer".

    In the history of Europe, the Middle Ages or the Medieval Period which lasted from the 5th to the 15th century AD, when this picture of the creator god was being portrait as the great geometer of the universe. Unfortunately, this period is only remembered as a tumultuous period that was triggered by the Renaissance (the age of discovery). It is unfortunate that the age of enlightenment was crushed by those who believed that it was the beginning of unleashing evil forces. But it was during this short period of time when extraordinary new things came to light, as if it was a sign that there is no limit to what men can create.

    During the Renaissance, the universe was viewed as a great machine, whose creation and function reflected harmonic proportions and symmetry, when scholars of this period conceived their Christian God as a great geometer whose compass served as a tool of creation. But how does Jesus Christ or any of the other messengers of light fit the picture of sacred geometry? Well, everything can be explained with numbers and sacred geometry, and Jesus Christ was well acquainted with such knowledge. If you know how to put together the right numbers (as in algorithmic functions) or put the right sacred geometric shapes together, the universe literately unfolds right before your eyes. Sacred geometry is so often preferred over algorithmic functions because it is so much easier to comprehend. Sacred geometric shapes or geometric structures literately divide space which generates light and all life if it is fully understood. But what is not so obvious is that the underlying force of geometric shapes is governed by a vacuum these geometric shapes produce. The vacuum of space is part of space as we know it (it is better known as black holes) which are separated from the physical reality by a force beyond (also known as the beyond). A force that was considered the grail of creation by those who understood this mystery and these people were ancient astronomers and the clergy of the church! The Grail (or Holy Grail) is also known as the beating heart of the universe or the breath of the universe in a different culture. From this vacuum (empty space or void) emerges a dense intelligent force which is capable to substantiate the physical world in a spontaneous way from something as tiny as atoms to the entire universe. We are the witness that the universe and everything in it is intelligent, elegant (beautiful), useful and benign, were benign means generous and gracious. I deliberately talk about forbidden knowledge, because this subject seems to be the greatest cover up in human history. It is unfortunate that the most important part of the universe (the mystical spiritual part can only be known). And this is causing a huge problem, because what is known about this phenomenon is only known by a few people. The mystical spiritual subject had been contained as a sacred divine phenomenon no one could question by law. The clergy of the church selfishly preserved this part of wisdom to themselves in order to rule. The power to rule by divine right is an important part of existence, but it promotes a hostile (destructive) environment, because it destabilizes the conception ordinary people have about the real world.

    Because ruling by divine right can only be forced onto the people, where some people simply accept it as being normal, and others would fight to the death to get writ of the elite who claims to rule by divine right without any substantial evidence. Still, out of all this controversy of suffering through achieving forced obedience, it generates a benign generosity of love, joy and happiness that is the driving force of achieving the impossible. So, how did we all end up like that where only a few people can hold the divine right to rule? Well, dealing with a benign universal conscious mind, where a divine presence effected the most sensible amongst the people who become the teachers of the future. And when everything began, it was the teachers of humanity who became the elite. This book is about an idea, and the question is: Where do all things come from, and what connects all things? And most importantly: Are we alike, because we seem to be so unlike? How did the entire universe unfold, and does so continuously in an arbitrary way from our point of view? From what we know in general, the universe comes about by chance as a capricious (unpredictable) act of will. And this unpredictable act of will was firmly in the hands of the aristocratic elite who rules supreme by divine right. Unfortunately, a tyrannical aristocratic exercise of power determined by individual preference or convenience takes possession of it rather than by necessity or the intrinsic nature of something. Do some research, and you will soon find out that there is much more to know. You can start with the DNA strand of a human being because it holds an infinite source of information. The DNA strand is the fundamental essence of the body, and when we say body it includes the spiritual phenomenon. Also, everybody knows that subconsciously, but hardly anybody understands that it holds all the knowledge there is, and it offers this universal wisdom to a human being like an eternal spring. And when we talk about the eternal spring (well of knowledge) the DNA strand, the Holy Grail or Chalice object speak for itself. They are known as mystical objects which bring forward all life. Also, the Chalice and the DNA strand are part of what is known as the grail, but we have no idea how that could be true.

    As part of sacred geometry there is one

    object that tells us a lot about creation


    Circles within a circle which describe how important the scale of things is. And within this object one can draw the diamond that holds the all-seeing eye (God or the god-force).This picture indicates that everything is six-fold as in the six days of creation, where two triangles base to base are the key to creation. As these two opposite entities (positive and negative energy) come together to form a star (a star tetrahedron) it transforms the non-existing world into a physical reality.

    To know about this can help us to understand who we are!

    This awareness should help us to appreciate that life is very pressures.

    We think of us as an intelligent being, this is because we are the host of an intelligent conscious mind, and there is no living -thing on this planet equal to what we are capable off (at least not in the same way). Also, everything communicates with each other right down to every living cell, but what separates us from all other species on Earth is that we worship the divine phenomenon associated with an intelligent creator who said: Let there be light, and all life came from this light. But after a few thousand years of worship, only now have we began to make tools in order to unleash the forces and energies of the universe.

    There is no doubt that we have a

    passion for the Divine Phenomenon

    And Glory in excelsis Deo -

    (Latin for Glory to God in the highest) is understood to be the highest force in the universe. But what if this force is not everything there is? According to the laws of physics, there oath to be an equal and opposite force as part of creation! And where there is a God, there oath to be a goddess or queen for a king to make the God-force complete. It is unfortunate that we only know about the masculine force of nature as in Excelsis Deo. It is time to explore the missing part! The missing part is obviously the equal and opposite part that is not so well known, which is Excelsis Dei (the feminine part or the negative polarity opposed to the positive polarity. Unfortunately, Excelsis Dei is only known as a negative force (as in evil force). But what is so evil about the female who is the mother of our children. What difference would it make if we could see the God-force as a masculine and feminine force who works in union? Together, male and female or deo and dei (a positive and negative energy) are about unlimited energy, an unlimited force of the mind and the body, which are capable to generate new life in union (a surplus of energy if you will). I’m not a linguist, but deo & dei could stand for a positive and negative force or energy and therefore we have to ask this question: Is the answer inside a mystical twin particle we only see as a single particle? This is significant, because we only see a single particle as a hypothetical particle that doesn’t exist according to how we see reality. But single particles (hypothetical particles) become real particles when two or more form a union. Unfortunately, we are unconscious that a single particle can be a binary particle (two or more in union).

    Also, we talk about hypothetical particles and that it is possible that they exist, but we are not quite convinced that they exist. Since we don’t fully understand how they become real particles, these proposed hypothetical particles don’t exist. Hypothetical particles are therefore a hidden form of energy that may exist or may not exist. Well, if we would have only listened to our ancestors because ancient artefacts reveal this secret of the universe! So, how can we string together different symbols with different sacred geometric patterns in order to know what the Glory to God in the highest is! Can sacred geometry answer this question? Well, if you have seen the Flower of life pattern and understand its function, it really can reveal this mystical phenomenon. As part of the flower of life pattern, the Vesica Pisces is a significant artefact. The invisible force of our physical reality is revealed with the Vesica Pisces symbol which is part of the flower of life pattern. The Vesica Pisces between two intertwined circles reveals the hidden part (or potential) between a pair of positive and negative energy. It reveals the Fountain of Youth (and the general belief is that one can attain eternal life by drinking from this fountain). When we understand this, then we should be able to realize that the Chalice is a significant object as part of the Holy Grail! The Chalice literately explains the eternal spring which also explains the overall creation myth and how things come into being from a ghostly divine force.

    So, what is the Grail and

    *Who does the Grail Serve*

    Also, the Mystery of the Universe is a fundamental gracious phenomenon, nobody really knows about this, because it is a hidden and forbidden subject. Ordinary people don’t know anything about this, until a prince was born who claimed to be the son of God (the son of a living King who abundant this child) and this child is known as Jesus Christ. But what do we really know about Christ or the Christ force? Is Christ really a surname, or does the word Christ has a distinct meaning all on its own?

    One would think that we only know what the elite allows us to know, and the answer to this puzzle could lie in this pictures below, a star-tetrahedron.


    Unfortunately, do to copyright issues I can’t display two of the pictures. One is Jesus Christ depicted as the Shepherd, and the other one is Jesus Christ being depicted as the king of kings. Anyhow, the star-tetrahedron represents all other versions we are not allowed to talk about. The star tetrahedron (the mystical seed of life) represents the Shepherd as well as the King of Kings. Unfortunately, we keep ignoring it as if it is an eternal sin to contemplate about nature in such a way. If you could see these pictures side by side, you could not see the similarity of these three components, but they have a lot in common with each other. We are confronted with a metaphor where things transform in a mystical way, and these three components show us something about the metaphor we are confronted with. At first it seems to be a weird composition, but these three components have a lot in common. But how is this possible? Well, the Guardian Symbol Sui-juris (Latin) for one’s own right has a lot to do with a set of different images, and even the Bible said this about creation that God created men to his image. Does this mean that we are the shape shifters so many people talk about! If you didn’t hear the word Sui-juris before, it explains the position of a free man, one who is not under the power of another! Why did I pick Jesus to make this comparison? Well, we know many conflicting stories about Jesus Christ who was the son of Mary who is said to have conceived this remarkable child through a divine intervention. But the true story could be that Jesus was indeed born in the wilderness (in a farmer’s barn) because his mother was barred from the king’s premises when she fell pregnant. But this incident did not deter Jesus to become just as powerful as the rightful prince to the Throne. He was still the son of a king a prince, even so he was an abandoned child. We don’t know who created this situation and taken advantage of it, but somebody groomed the child in the years he was missing.

    When I say groomed, this means that someone made the effort to give this child the full treatment of a proper initiation. And in this case a proper initiation means being taught the fundamentals about the creation myth. We know that Jesus Christ couldn’t use this knowledge as a ruler becoming the successor to his father’s throne (the living king), but he was keen to take on the same role as the son of God (a God who resides in heaven). We know this because he begged the father in heaven to take him back before he died unjustly on the cross in the hands of scrupulous rulers. You probably don’t belief me that this could be the truth! Well, you only have to learn how to read between the lines of what was written about Jesus activities and what he did for the commoners. In my eyes he was the kind of person we know as Robin Hood of Sherwood, who is remembered as a legendary heroic outlaw originally depicted in English folklore. According to legend, Robin Hood was a highly skilled archer and swordsman based on his Noble birth. As a born Prince, he did what every other Prince did to make a name of himself, but when he came back from the crusade he found out that his land was taken by the Sheriff. This made him turn against the aristocracy and began to rob the rich and give it back to the poor. In a way the same thing happened with Jesus when he was stripped of his Royal status simply by barring his mother from giving birth on the king’s premises. How can we ever understand why things are this way? We know what we are allowed to know, and the truth is somewhat twisted In such a way that we will never find out for sure of what the truth was. We are torn between a heavenly god-force and the power that is held in the hands of a living King. Anyhow, every time one of the Royal members received a harsh treatment do to circumstances, they turned against their own blood in order to make a point or simply to take revenge. So, we know two sides of what is associated with ruling by divine right. There is the natural divine phenomenon few people will ever understand, and there is the divine right to rule which lies in the hands of the Royal elite. Ever since a Royal outcast turned against their own bloodline, a different kind of picture emerged about divinity. And the conception about a universal god being a geometer derived from this sad experience some of the royal members had to endure. Did they inadvertently reveal the best kept secret of the elite? Well, it seems that way.

    But it was not only disgruntled royal members who revealed the best kept secret of the universe, it was independent craftsmen who provided a variety of different arts and crafts which explained the mystery of creation. I already said that sacred geometry tops the list because it awakens our mind to understand the mystical phenomena, and it reminds us of how important our belief about the divine phenomena can be, no matter how different we are because the fundamental essence is eternally the same. A view people have ever seen the double crown on Jesus Christ, it symbolized that he was anointed to be the king of kings an emperor who was set to rule supreme. And it is no coincident that the double crown is a venerated object of the Vatican. Unfortunately, it is no longer on display! The reason the double crown is no longer on display is partly the reason why we know so little about Jesus, other than that he was the son of God. But who was this God? Was it the heavenly God (as it is written in the Bible) or was he the offspring of a living god-king! There is no doubt that we could find out who this King was, unfortunately all elements to reveal the truth is against us to know. We know that Jesus was a born Prince (no matter which side of the story we know about). But he was mostly portrayed as a Shepherd because of his circumstances. Being portrait as a Shepherd, he could easily fill the hearts of all walks of life when he began to teach the people about the universal force he knew so well as a Prince. Instead of becoming the head of the state as the rightful king, he became a Messiah who could fill the hearts of all walks of life and this is so significant to us even after two thousand years. But how does this Messiah or any other messenger of light fit into the art of sacred geometry?

    Sacred geometry could be the key to unlock all secrets.


    The flower of life reveals the vessel (container) that all is one, and one is all eternally. The flower of life pattern is the code of creation, which is part of sacred geometry.

    The secret to know how the universe works lies within this geometric pattern, and everyone and everything reflects on this eternal essence as a human being, also only temporarily in life, but it is very pressures to us even if we don’t understand the meaning of this sacred pattern. Yes, a basic geometric structure reveals how light and life evolves in all its glory. This pattern divides space and transforms some of the eternal energy coming from the Grail. When we talk about the Grail, we talk about the nucleus? But in order to understand this we should ask: What is the nucleus, because we have no idea what the most important part of the nucleus is? Let’s assume that the nucleus is a nugget of an idea, but the idea alone doesn’t substantiate into anything without energy that fuels this idea! So, if there is nothing than empty space a vacuum which is all but a dense force, then this dense pocked of empty space must be the source from where all things come from! Not so fast: If the vacuum of space has something to do with proposed black holes, then nothing comes out of these mysterious black holes because the beyond associated with this phenomenon is nothing but a dense vacuum of negative space that has absolutely no substance. So, if this force (the strong force of the atom or the entire galaxy) is a black hole, then how can this force turn into energy and matter when all energy around the nucleus is a week force which is known as gravity between celestial objects. So, what is the difference between the week force and the strong force? Well, the difference between them is how concentrated this force is, and the torus model shows us that this force is highly concentrated in the center of the torus. The center of the Torus is a black hole or a negative space cavity known as a vacuum of space. A black hole is the labor of love between protons and neutrons dancing the cosmic dance. At the scale of atoms this black hole is the strong force of the nucleus, but it is separated from all the components that make up the nucleus. And at a larger scale a black hole has the pulling power to make an entire Galaxy with hundreds of billion stars spin around this central force. But what is this mysterious force that governs everything? Well, at the scale from atoms to the cosmos black holes are very much associated with what we know as the god-force. A black hole is nothing like matter, it is purely a force that governs all matter. The universe is filled with energy and this energy forms stars, where two stars or more spin around a central force (a vacuum) they create.

    Having said close proximity is somewhat deceiving, because at the scale of atoms a pair (or more) are literately squished together to form one dynamic atom. But this is entirely different between stars in union, which are tremendously squished together by a force within. Under normal circumstances their union is impossible to determine as we see this in dynamic atoms, because they are so far apart. Also, there is a lot of space between stars in union, but the force between them generates a swirling force that crosses the threshold boundary between the physical world and the beyond. On the other side of this threshold exists as a vacuum in space which is known as a black hole. Things are the same at the scale of things, but they appear to be different because of the scale of things. Scaling the process down to a binary star systems, they generate a vacuum between them just like binary atoms do, and I can’t say it often enough that this vacuum is known in modern physics and astronomy as a black hole. Associated with this vacuum of negative space (a black hole) we also speak about a beyond from where everything in our universe originates from. Also, nothing originates directly from the vacuum, but it is the force of this vacuum that circulates the surrounding energy like an uninterrupted conveyor belt. The beyond of negative space is conceived as the kingdom of heaven where the creator God resides. The idea of a proposed beyond is also known as the Holy Grail (the sanctuary of God) or the kingdom of heaven. The Grail is known for its extraordinary powers, and no one can get close to the kingdom of heaven because it repels everything that comes too close. We have the wrong perception about black holes when we say that they swallow up everything that comes too close. But nothing could be further from the truth, because the vacuum of a black hole draws all energy towards it until it is released again to start a new cycle. The vacuum of a black hole is therefore the classic transcendental phenomenon that couldn’t be explained up until now. But this is not only happening in the universe at large, this is also happening at the scale of things (from the atom to the cosmos). How do we know this? Well, if we look at an atom as the biff of light, with this biff of light not only life began, but also the age of enlightenment. Yes, the age of enlightenment began a view billion years ago, when light emerged for the first time, but it has taken quite some time for people to experience the effects of enlightenment.

    This message reveals that there is wisdom in light! But this is nothing new, because it was recorded in Genesis (the Old Testament), only we can’t figure out what the rhetoric of the Bible is. Belief it or not, we are the light, the life and eternal energy which comes from this nugget of an idea which is a negative space cavity. In short, we are a black hole phenomenon. We did not only emerge from the nucleus (the cosmic cradle or the beyond) but we are the nucleus itself. Now this is not easily understood, because this part of us is isolated from the body as if it was a separate entity. This can only mean that the nucleus of protons and neutrons is not directly associated with the beyond (a negative space cavity), but it is this negative space cavity which governs everything in our physical world. But if this is true that we are the nucleus (as well as the cradle from where all things come from), then this means something very profound. The main theme of the flower of life pattern are central points of energy surrounded by space, and these central points (stations/nodules) connect everything in the universe. Every one of these crossover points represents the Grail, and everything is connected to these stations known as heavenly sanctuaries. These sanctuaries are stations between space/time, where everything is re-vitalizing. What we see as something external or detached from everything, is part of all things. What does this mean? Well, in a sense every star, every human being, and every atom represents one of those central points of a beginning. And this means that we are not detached as we think! We are in fact the beginning and the end of a magical phenomenon that never seizes to exist. Creation was and still is a flawless and continuous process. Life simply pops into existence and vanishes again, but the original energy always remains. Knowing that the energy which creates our body and mind is eternal, this must be important to know! The phenomenon of creation is based on a simple expansion rate which is associated with energy being transformed. We know this expansion rate as Phi the golden ratio of growth, but it is also the ratio for decay. I never thought about this before until a friend pointed it out to me that we already passed the turning point between growing and decaying. Have a good look at the Flower of life pattern, it is the real deal it can eternally expand but also eternally contract with the same pattern. It is like stretching an elastic band and letting it contract again to its original shape. It shows us how everlasting energy moves into form and out of form in a perpetual cycle, where a threshold separates us from the beyond.

    This applies to all things: The structure of matter in general, art and architecture, chemistry, biology, social economics, human ingenuity as well as the psychology of human behavior, and how everything is connected to the mind. So, do I have to ask the same question again: What is this nucleus, the nugget of an idea which is the seed of creation? Well, the Hubble telescope has opened our eyes to see things at a large scale we could never see before.

    And we utterly underestimate the things we can see with a microscope. Also, things appear different at every scale from small to large things, but in essence everything is the same.

    As we are more familiar with larger things, the center of the galaxy had been defined as a powerful black hole which is now more mysterious than ever before. And it is said that everything that gets too close to this black hole is swallowed up and flung (transported) into a different dimension, and this dimension is something we can’t even imagine what it is like. Everything that comes too close to a black hole simply disappears into darkness for an eternity. But is this really what is happening? Well, according to the scale of things the conception of eternity is true nevertheless, and this is based on the time scale associated with matter. When the eternal energy is drawn towards the center of a black hole, it only has a time out from all the hustle and bustle from the real world (the physical world we are part off), but the same energy eventually emerges again. This cycle is associated with what we understand as eternity, because energy transforms for an eternity in our physical reality before it disappears in the dark for an eternity. At the scale of our universe, a cycle between light and dark takes billions if not trillions of years. But being part of the cycle of light and life, we have no clue that an eternity of light and life also has a cycle of eternal darkness. It is this part we have a lot of problems to comprehend because we don’t understand what the overall entity of the universe is. At some point in time someone considered the center of everything as a bottomless pit, (the underworld) or the beyond, which is truly a transcendental vacuum of negative space (opposite to our physical reality). But where did it all begin that people discovered how the universe works? Well, there are volumes of recorded wisdom throughout the world, but we learned a lot from the things which are more apparent. The most apparent things in our world are the Pyramids of Egypt, and they became even more popular since someone discovered that they had been built to scale, which represents us with a blueprint of the universe.

    Having mentioned the bottomless pit being associated with a black hole, there are stories about a bottomless pit under the Great Pyramid. But to make things worse, the bottomless pit of the Pyramid is known as the underworld. Calling the vacuum of a god-force a bottomless pit or underworld is a harsh translation for what could represent the vacuum from where all things emerge and vanish again in a mysterious way. It is significant to know that the vacuum creates the structure of the pyramid. And this Pyramid structure represents a space/time continuum we know so well as our physical world. Little did we know that the pit of the pyramid represents the mystical force from where all things come from! But the pit of the pyramid most likely represents the vacuum (black holes) in space between stars. The vacuum is the catalyst which divides space at the scale of atoms, and within this space is the seed of life. The flower of life pattern predicts that the vacuum resides in the center of every boundary it creates (as small as an atom, molecule or living cell right up to stars and entire galaxies). But as strange as it sounds, space is not a vacuum, or a vacuum is not space on its own, but they complement each other. The vacuum is invisible, and it remains an invisible force even after it transformed invisible energy into matter as we know it. This can only mean that the vacuum is the cradle or womb of the universe. But where does the energy come from to activate the womb of the universe, or is it the other way around? Why is it a mystical phenomenon if we already know about this? To let the cat out so to speak, the energy comes from the known universe (where the energy is all around us), but what we see is only a fraction of all the forces this energy generates. So, if the world we see is only a fraction of the whole, then what is the whole? Well, I was talking about the torus (a living entity) at the scale of things, and it is this torus model which represents the whole at every scale. In contrary to all the stars we can see in the universe (which are billions of galaxies each holding billions of stars) it is only a fraction of 0.1 % of a force that governs the whole. The universal womb is the nucleus which holds a staggering 99.9 % of all the force in the universe. To us this force is incomprehensible because it is not part of our world but governs our world. Known as the beyond, this mysterious force is thought to be the source from where all the energy of our world comes from. But things are not like that at all because nothing comes from this vacuum of negative space. Negative space represents the cosmic well from where all things come from via a twisted conveyor belt.

    This twisted conveyor belt is known as the infinity loop where the negative space cavity is the crossover point in this loop. Unfortunately, talking about a ratio like that, we must be imagining things, and imaginations are said to count for little unless we can figure out how to convert them. We need to be conscious about one thing: At first it is the belief of this mystical divine phenomenon which is real. We should not dismiss this statement with pure imaginations, because it contradicts itself. Our imaginations are based on what we know or what we belief, but little do we know that believes have a lot to do with what is real as well. Unfortunately, we do not have the faintest idea that the things we can’t see are as real as our reality. Or putting it the other way around: If the things we believe are not real, then why bother to worship a god-force that created our world? How can we explain this mystical phenomenon that haunted humanity since the beginning of time! Therefore, let’s start with light: We already figured out that all life comes from light and this was also the most profound statement God made when he created the universe with all things in it. First, he commanded let there be light and from light emerged all life. We never really believed that this is true until scientific explanations said the same thing. Up until then only the people who believed in the word of God were holding onto something special. But today we understand that light is governed by an intelligent mind, and this universal mind in light affects everything, especially the mind of the human body. We are the witness that the universe and everything in it is elegant (beautiful), useful and benign, were benign means generous or gracious. This eternally strong/intelligent mind within the transcendental biff of energy (in the form of atoms) creates all life, and it has the tendency to prolong what it creates. I deliberately talk about forbidden knowledge, because this subject seems to be the greatest cover up in human history. This is part of human behavior, because if we can keep a secret, we will not hesitate to keep something to ourselves, because it gives us a certain advantage. Worshipping the god-force was always considered to provide us with such an advantage, and therefore we have been worshipping the divine phenomenon for thousands of years already. Unfortunately, worshipping the divine phenomenon never provided us with the truth, unless the belief of worshipping the divine phenomenon is all we need to do in order to gain the favor of the creating force.

    I deliberately say creating force: Where a living God (a king, pope or emperor) is a ruler who holds the Mandate of Heaven by divine right. But this is only the conception of elite members. Where did it all begin to rule over everything this way? Well, the Mandate of Heaven is a Chinese political and religious teaching that was openly used in ancient imperial China to justify the rule of the King or Emperor of China. According to this belief, Heaven embodies the natural order and will of the just rule of China, the Son of Heaven of the celestial empire. This belief was adopted throughout the world, but what we know about this mystical phenomenon is associated with mysterious force which can’t be explained. The title of this book: Subtlety, relates to this phenomenon of a quality or state of being subtle. It almost sounds benign, but it can also be deceiving! Sacred ceremonies reveal that secret societies are real, and there would be nothing wrong with the power to rule if it wasn’t based on selfishness and greed. This overall obsession to rule and worship supposed to create peace and harmony, but so often it promotes a hostile environment because it destabilizes the conception of a free society. Nothing works without rules and regulations associated with the common law, but the law is also limiting everyone to be free. Even in a union (partnership) everything in our world revolves around individuality, but instead of cherishing individuality, the authority demands collective obedience. But how can collective obedience promote caring and sharing, when it can only be achieved by force? We comply to the common law that was established a long time ago, but this law only favored a certain class of people who are literately above the law. Governing this way literately started the reality between rich and poor, being advantaged or disadvantaged, being privileged (special) or simply being ordinary. All went wrong when the knowledge of a gracious universal force was confiscated by the elite who declared it sacred (forbidden). There are things which should be sacred to everyone, but the cosmic code which tells us that the universe is a gracious entity should not be limited by the sacred subject. Just imagine what we could do if the cosmic code is understood by everyone. We could truly have all the things we need in abundance, and the urge to horde or enrich ourselves would soon be a thing of the past. Do you know anything about this gracious universal force in a constructive way? Only the elite had been in possession of this knowledge for the last few thousand years.

    Because of this aristocratic system the elite members could live like kings and have everything in abundance. I think it is a timely reminder to ask this question: What is the best kept secret of all time? Well, we are dealing with a benign universe that provides everything in abundance, and even so we could have everything we need in abundance, but the elite has taken that from ordinary people. This book is about an idea, and the question is this: Where do all things come from? How does it work? Are we all equal? And is there such a thing that connects all things and provides energy in abundance. Well, the mind obviously connects all things, but what is the substance (the essence) which allows it to do anything? In order to know the best kept secret (knowing about the cosmic code) everyone’s mind needs to be free, unfortunately even in the western world the elite managed to limit everyone to know everything. Greek philosophers have paved the way to establish a free society where everyone should be able to know everything they want to know, but regulations make it near impossible to know important things. Unfortunately, we are still driving along a rocky road after all the efforts Greek philosophers made and other people thereafter. The aim of Greek philosophers was to establish democracy, which embodies all the vital parts of being free like a statesman. People in the western world belief that they are free, but we are only in an infant state of a Greek philosophy. Also, a milestone for democracy had been reached ever since Greek philosophers began to talk about democracy some two thousand years ago, but the people of the west were rigorously confronted with a cold shoulder of the ruling elite. But if we compare the West with the East, the East has not made any progress towards democracy whatsoever. If anything, people in the East are still governed by an age-old hereditary law based on a strict religious law more than anything else. Someone published the latest statistics of the Middle East, which may be based on a conspiracy that could have been fabricated by someone in the West. Anyhow, these figures suggest that sixty percent of the people in Iran belief that their fundamental religious believes need a desperate overhaul. Belief me, the people of the East try to overcome the old regime, unfortunately every effort is still undermined by the authority. People in general belief that the mind is free and should be free, but extreme measures are in place to control the mind of the people, not only in the East but also in the West. Most people can’t understand why a free mind is not tolerated, but a free minded world could spell the end of the established aristocratic elite.

    Also, we belief that the mind of the western world is free, but the physical aspect of the body and soul conception lacks behind for various reasons. Therefore, it is obvious that someone constantly slowed things down, and when the secular law makes efforts to change the monopoly of a restricted way of living, the religious law is in disagreement. This is what is known as the clash of the titans, and both sides cherish this part because it allows them to give a demanding population some leeway even if it is only momentarily. We can see this stubborn worldview of the religious authority when it comes to include women into priesthood. Also, the Vatican changed the law at the beginning of the 21st century, but it only allows women to be marginally involved in delivering the message of the divine. The right to rule by divine right still lies in the hands of the patriarchy. Also there has

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