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Evolution into Queenism:: Spoken Word Necessity
Evolution into Queenism:: Spoken Word Necessity
Evolution into Queenism:: Spoken Word Necessity
Ebook67 pages20 minutes

Evolution into Queenism:: Spoken Word Necessity

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I was going to title this book Spoken Word Necessity because I feel speaking aloud is necessary. I thought it was perfect since this is a book of poetry. Although the title describes my book, it does not capture my image. Spoken Word Necessity gives us an opportunity to speak, but what about? We can talk about love, mistakes, lessons, blessings, progression, regression, happiness, sadness, despair, encouragement, any and all things that can’t be suppressed.

I am speaking out loud about evolving. This book of poetry demonstrates life experiences from which lessons were learned. I inadvertently put what I needed in the universe within my poetry and have had those needs come to fruition. Queenism is whatever greatness and growth you want it to be in your life. For me, queenism is the ability to manifest before time (BT) what is nourishing for a lifetime.

This rhythmic collection of thoughts and emotions are presented in a soft and raw but honest manner. They display growth of a young African American girl into a spiritually inclined mother, wife and developed woman , truly showing that we are all a work in progress. Nonetheless, spoken words are necessary for evolving into something great. Evolution into Queenism is my journey to being the best me.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJul 6, 2021
Evolution into Queenism:: Spoken Word Necessity

Britley Mercedes Rae Combs Clarke

Britley Mercedes Rae Combs Clarke is a first-time author of the poetry book Evolution into Queenism and many more unpublished jewels. In 2011–2013, she volunteered in Each One Teach One in New York City and at Sharon Baptist Head Start in the Bronx, New York. She has modeled for advertisements for the Caroline Center, the educational institution, in which she obtained her pharmacy technician license where she was fourth in her class. She is an alumni of the Baltimore City College Knight class of 2007 and a college graduate of CCBC Essex. Britley has worked many jobs where she has gained a wealth of experience and growth. She is the mother of two beautiful, vivacious children and the wife of a spiritually strong and imperfect protector. Britley has taken her life experience and put it into poetry with a strong belief in the term she has coined as “spoken word necessity.” She believes that speaking truth into one’s heart is necessary and speaking opportunities into one’s life is a possibility. Britley is the daughter of a hardworking, emotionally closed mother and a rolling stone, emotionally unsettled father. She balances her immediate family, the family she came from, a day job, parenting, and marriage while still trying to maintain peace of mind within her being. Writing poetry helps her understand and feel what she is going through and allows her to speak to those who feel alone in a crowded room.

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    Evolution into Queenism: - Britley Mercedes Rae Combs Clarke

    Copyright © 2021 by Britley Mercedes Rae Combs Clarke.

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    Rev. date: 07/06/2021




    I want to especially thank the husband that God gifted me for reluctantly being my rock since we met and for being the muse for some of this work. You have always shown me strength when I felt weak. The love I have for you and what we share is beyond spoken words. You show me love through your actions. Love is in the way that I never have to worry about feeling unprotected. Love is in our willingness to understand and be patient with one another. You have helped me become independent, yet I want to grow old with you. I love your masculinity mixed with sensitivity. You encourage me to love myself more than anything else. You are my forever teammate. As your wife I vow to you that I will strive to always be the best me, a gracious wife, a passionate lover, a listening ear, and an unjudging voice.

    With lots of love

    Your wife




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