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Unlocking the Power Within: Reclaiming of the Seed
Unlocking the Power Within: Reclaiming of the Seed
Unlocking the Power Within: Reclaiming of the Seed
Ebook48 pages37 minutes

Unlocking the Power Within: Reclaiming of the Seed

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About this ebook

No journey we go on is without setbacks or difficulty. I started my journey many years ago, and after repeating the same patterns in my life over and over, I finally understood it was not about changing places or people; I needed to transform myself. It was the person in the mirror who was broken, and only God could fix what was broken. However, in order for Him to fix me, I had to open myself up to receive and allow Him to work on me and to give me understanding, strength, and wisdom; so this is my journey from revisiting my struggle from the beginning to the lost lonely time I spent in the wilderness up to the point God allowed the seed to take root—the new beginning. “Our latter day will be greater than our former days,” and that is my expectation.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateAug 4, 2021
Unlocking the Power Within: Reclaiming of the Seed

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    Unlocking the Power Within - My Worthless 2cents

    Copyright © 2021 by My Worthless 2cents.

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    Chapter 1: Revisiting the Struggle

    Chapter 2: The Wilderness Time

    Chapter 3: The Seed Takes Root

    Chapter 4: The Harvest


    Let me first introduce myself, my name is Rodrico Bell, and I have known the author for over 7 years. It was during this time that we developed an awesome bound as brothers, friends, and God fearing men. We first met in 2014 and I knew at that point that God had blessed me with another brother to help me in my journey through life. I will never forget the first time seeing Don in person, he was so full of life that one would not have known that he was dealing with so many issues. This has been a long time coming, but as God would have it right on time. I am honored to be able to contribute to such a great book, written by my friend and brother, Don Lewis. Unlocking The Power Within, was a vision that he shared with me on several occasions as he was going through his own trials in life. One thing I can say is that no matter what he was going through, he never ever lost his faith. His favorite saying to me was, from whom much is asked much is required, he knew what was asked of him and what it required. After reading the book, I now know that there is no one better that could have written this. The book deals with several issues that many men suffer from daily, including myself. The analysis of the 3 types of dads that one may encounter was fascinating to me. Often times when young men don’t have any father figure’s in the house they tend to choose the closet male figure to them which may be a coach, an uncle, or someone they just look up too. Having played sports from the age of 6 to my mid 20’s I had a few Coach Dad in my days, and the author’s depiction of them was spot on. There is no love greater than a mother’s love, but as a young man trying to find his place in society, a dad or father is very important in this role. The personal trials that the author has endured makes him the ideal person to help others that may be dealing with the same issues. If you are a young man that has been struggling with failed relationships, closed doors to your opportunities, or just looking for guidance to navigate this thing called life,

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