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Dr. Ovell’s Testimony: Book 1
Dr. Ovell’s Testimony: Book 1
Dr. Ovell’s Testimony: Book 1
Ebook42 pages40 minutes

Dr. Ovell’s Testimony: Book 1

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My name is Dr.Ovell T.Barber. I graduated from "New Life Bible College and Seminary" on 11/12/2020. I receiving my Doctorate Degree in Biblical Studies.
From the beginning of my life up to the present, it has truly been a spiritual journey. In my book, I take the readers of this book with me on my spiritual journey. I hold nothing back. I talk about the homicide that lead me to prison for almost 32 complete years; the voodoo that was being worked on me; my grandmother warning me and my siblings about the wicked neighbor's; crawling in the oven when I was a baby,etc.
My spiritual journey is about God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. For God is the reason that Jesus exist, Jesus is the reason that the Holy Spirit exist within me. And, the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit is why I am still alive! I am still alive to tell my story, and , to spread the Gospel to the four corners of the earth. This is book one, (Dr.Ovell's Testimony/ Book-1.) This book is the foundation to book two, (Dr.Ovell's Testimony/ Book-2.)

In conclusion, I know that if you pick this book up and read it (whomever you are) that you will be thirsting to read book two. And you will find out that God is a mighty God!!!
Release dateAug 11, 2021
Dr. Ovell’s Testimony: Book 1

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    Dr. Ovell’s Testimony - Ovell Barber

    © 2021 Ovell Barber. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 08/09/2021

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-3367-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-3366-9 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2021915530

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    dedicate this book to my late mother and

    grandmother, Ella May and Hattie May.

    And, to all the Christians in the world. Thus,

    Christianity is a very special religion.


    My name is Ovell T. Barber, and I have been locked up in the Virginia prison system for (30) years! I got locked up in Norfolk, VA back in (1988), and it was three seperate charges in which the Norfolk Circuit Court convicted and sentenced me to; Robbery - 3 years, Murder - 90 years, and failure to appear - 1 year. This gave me a total sentence of (94) years!

    During these (30) years of incarceration, I decided that now was the time to share my TESTIMONY with the world, with hope and prayer that someone will find and receive JESUS CHRIST, MY LORD AND SAVIOR!!!

    For GOD and his son JESUS are the reason why I am who I am today and until he call me home. They kept me on this earth to share my TESTIMONY. And, if you start reading this book and you’re not a Christian, by the time you finish reading this book you may want to become a Christian. And, by the way, every thing that is written in this book is the truth, by way of actual facts and events.

    I was the sixth child born into a very loving God Fearing family. I came into this world on September 5, 1967. I was born in Depaul Hospital in Norfolk, VA. My family and I was living in a housing project called Tidewater Park. My memory as a little child go all the way back to three to four years old.

    My sister Peaches and I was very close. She used to walk me to school every morning, Tidewater Park Elementary. She was the oldest, and I was the youngest between six kids, until my younger brother Cornell was born, by way of his dad Big Cornell, and my mom. My dad left my mom when my mom was pregnant with me.

    My grandmother Hattie May helped my mom raise seven of her kids! My grand mother had a very strong will, but that will and strength came by way of her belief in God and his son Jesus!!!

    Every Sunday morning, as far back as I can remember, my mother Mrs. Ella May made sure that we went to church, to give prays and thanks to a God that I didn’t know any thing about. However, my oldest sisters didn’t have to go to church,

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