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Ebook53 pages58 minutes


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Pilot is a tale about a young man who joins the Air Force and later in his life becomes a Certified Lawyer. Ji was the 53rd Brigade in the Air Force and was a fighter pilot who under fire became a legend. He served back in the 60's and during enlistment went forth with a pilot's passion. After the testaments of the service his law practice brought him into endearing times. Ji's law practice helped him become a upstanding citizen.
Through the times of Ji's traveling for his law office, and his time spent in the Air Force he earned a living and had a lifestyle to live for. He married three times and after law school made his way to the top of the law practice. Based in SC he was a southern lawyer near the coast. In the later part of his life his practice slows and he spends more time vacationing. This is a great book to read and keep close in the Fall and Winter months.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateAug 18, 2021

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    Pilot - Kevin Papenhaus

    Copyright © 2021 by Kevin Papenhaus.

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    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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    Rev. date: 07/01/2021





    time of year was Mid-summer the sun was beaming bright as can be, and in the small town of Keepsake, New Hampshire the county fair had started. Ji was going on his 17th birthday and an up coming Jr. in Keepsake High School. Heather was an upcoming Jr. at Keepsake. Ji had a 1951 Buick Road Master. Mr Williams a politician was always yelling at Ji to slow it down and use his head. After Ji got a speeding ticket he still hadn’t learned his lesson.

    It was July 1955 in Keepsake all the residents were mostly farmers and factory workers. Ji’s parents were both farmers. Ji’s mom had passed away when he was little. Ji had been brought up on their farm, passed down to them by his grandparents. Ji’s grandparents on his dad’s side of the family were the one’s that passed it on. Heather was Ji’s girl she always had it out for Ji and they were a pair. They planned to go at 6pm that evening to the fair. There was a nice breeze blowing and all of Ji’s chores were finished. His dad had him feed and water 20 head of cattle. The spring had brought a even flow of rain, and the crops looked healthy.

    Ji always wondered if he or his two sisters would inherit the farm. Now that Heather was in his picture he sensed that it might be for good. He thought to himself will they all argue who gets the farm and one day something happened. Ji and Heather were on their way to the fair and flying down the county road he passed Mr Williams. He said he has warned me once about speeding and wrote me a ticket.

    Ji and Heather were pulled over, Williams said, Ji take Heather back to your house and stay there, come to my office tomorrow with your dad. Ji headed back to his house and Heather said, Just take me to my house. Ji said, if we were not talking, I would not have got pulled over. When Ji pulled in at Heather’s he said, Don’t leave me and forget about what I said. She got out of the car and went inside her house. Ji went to the door and knocked, her dad said Ji, leave.

    Ji said I just need to talk to her Her dad said it’s that you’re in her mind as both good and bad. What really happened was that Heather realized the wealth of Ji’s parents and her fight would be to get Ji and the farm. When Ji’s sisters spoke of Heather they said she’s a gold digger. Her dad said, come in and hollered for Heather. Heather said, I’m not going to leave you Ji.

    Heather’s mom and dad both grew up in Vermont. Her dad’s name was Bill he was always involved in 4H county fair programs. As a kid Bill was always helping his parents draw maple syrup from the tree’s. Vermont was the best place to draw maple syrup the climate there produced so much syrup that there was always a surplus. Bill’s parents had a antique store selling maple syrup and rare antiques.

    Heather’s mom was named Sue. She grew up on a ranch, they drove herds of cattle sometimes for a lot of money. They sometimes drove 15 to 20 in a herd. Some of the larger herds way back then brought in a lot of money, this being a lot for the 1900’s long before Heather was born. Heather’s mom never went on the cattle drives she stayed at home and her parents did the job of moving the cattle and chasing after cows that ran astray.

    At one of Bill’s 4H programs he was talking with people about their store and the type of antiques they sold and bought. Sue was sixteen and Bill was also sixteen, she started talking to Bill and he asked her out. They went to Bill’s for a family dinner and stayed together ever since meeting at the Fair. Sue had told Bill of their cattle drives and how she

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