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“The Obstacles Facing Our Teenagers!” Where? in the Justice System, Schools, Workplaces, Voting Booths, and Beyond!: A New Day Is Coming the Sun Is Rising
“The Obstacles Facing Our Teenagers!” Where? in the Justice System, Schools, Workplaces, Voting Booths, and Beyond!: A New Day Is Coming the Sun Is Rising
“The Obstacles Facing Our Teenagers!” Where? in the Justice System, Schools, Workplaces, Voting Booths, and Beyond!: A New Day Is Coming the Sun Is Rising
Ebook104 pages1 hour

“The Obstacles Facing Our Teenagers!” Where? in the Justice System, Schools, Workplaces, Voting Booths, and Beyond!: A New Day Is Coming the Sun Is Rising

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About this ebook

This is a research book on our teenagers that I thought was necessary to do at this time. With the coronavirus pandemic in our midst for over a year now and is expected to be around for at least through the year 2022, to some extent. I wanted to present the dilemma of blacks versus whites from a historical point of view and bringing it all the way up to the current times, to see if there have been major progress and/or changes for the good of all teenagers as a whole—equal in nature and in opportunities for all teenagers as a result and not just a segment of these groups. You will be able to make your own assessment from my research, and I will give you mine based on my interpretation of the actual data presented.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateAug 13, 2021
“The Obstacles Facing Our Teenagers!” Where? in the Justice System, Schools, Workplaces, Voting Booths, and Beyond!: A New Day Is Coming the Sun Is Rising

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    Book preview

    “The Obstacles Facing Our Teenagers!” Where? in the Justice System, Schools, Workplaces, Voting Booths, and Beyond! - Leroy Hayes Jr. RFP MBE RFC ME

    Copyright © 2021 by Leroy Hayes Jr., RFP, MBE, RFC, ME.

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    Rev. date: 10/28/2021









    History: The Need and Purpose for Migration


    Education Continues and the Impact of Government Agencies

    Fair Employment Practice

    What Is Being Done?

    History Aspects Conclusion


    Recommendations to Consider to Resolve Our Teenagers’ Dilemma

    Start-Up Jobs for Grooming Our Teenagers

    Job Training Programs Explained


    Unjust Justice System

    Criminal Justice System

    Current Conditions (Before COVID-19)

    Could This Be the Cause of Increased Teen Depression and Suicide?

    What Hours and Work Can Be Done?


    Coronavirus Pandemic Impact on Employment

    The Hope for Recovery From This COVID-19 Pandemic and Its Impact On Our Employment!





    Other Sources

    Information About the Author!


    This is a research book on our teenagers that I thought was necessary to do at this time. With the coronavirus pandemic in our midst for over a year now and is expected to be around for at least through the year 2022, to some extent. I wanted to present the dilemma of blacks versus whites from a historical point of view and bringing it all the way up to the current times, to see if there have been major progress and/or changes for the good of all teenagers as a whole—equal in nature and in opportunities for all teenagers as a result and not just a segment of these groups. You will be able to make your own assessment from my research, and I will give you mine based on my interpretation of the actual data presented.

    Let it be known that I have experienced virtually every aspect of these things I will be highlighting in the following pages of my book. As a result of these experiences, I decided to—or more appropriately, was inspired to—do this book so others who have experienced these same journeys will see for themselves if we have progressed. These journeys (or obstacles, in many cases) will include having to migrate to find a job in order to make a decent income to live and/or to help with one’s schooling or a special technical-skill training program in order to make an above-poverty-level honest living. Some of the other major obstacles are discrimination, Jim Crow laws, obtaining equal education opportunities, and if our criminal justice system will be changed so that all Americans (blacks and other minorities, as well) will be equally judged under this system in every aspect. Finally, what is the United States government’s role in the war on poverty and its role in making everything available to its white citizens accessible to all American citizens without prejudice to color, national origin, creed, or religious beliefs?

    I had to use various sources to accomplish this book and the goal of trying to complete an unbiased body of work and the conclusion; facts must be presented, like government tables, human to human discussions, and the Department of Education and Labor information were vital for this book to accomplish that goal.

    We all should make a 100 percent effort to keep all our teenagers off the streets to avoid no good intentions and enable them to a level of self-worth and a confidence that they can be very successful from a very early age.


    Chapter 1

    The History Aspects

    Black Teenagers vs. White Teenagers

    (Between the Ages 14 and 19)


    In the following paragraphs of this research for my book, I shall mention white teenagers, as well as black teenagers, but my main goal is to explain why the latter are poor and what can be done about it. In mentioning the white teenagers occasionally, it will help to bring out my points on black teenagers more clearly.

    It is a stark reality that black communities are becoming more and more economically depressed. In June 1966, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported on the deteriorating condition of black people in this country. In 1948, the jobless rate of blacks between the ages of fourteen and nineteen was 7.6

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