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Step up to Hell
Step up to Hell
Step up to Hell
Ebook96 pages1 hour

Step up to Hell

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Life was sweet for the two college students. They were on top of the World! Life can be cruel very cruel! Shawn thought things couldn't get worse, he was wrong!
Release dateAug 24, 2021
Step up to Hell

Shane Riley

He was a son Jordan 29 who lives in Ohio. A daughter Duchess Riley 22 (she never uses her first name) who lives with my wife Nancy 28 and me in the French Quarters. Some pictures of us are on the website and more stories. Guy Gaudet, Jr. also lives with us.

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    Step up to Hell - Shane Riley

    Copyright © 2021 Shane Riley.

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    This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, names, incidents, organizations, and dialogue

    in this novel are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4897-3782-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4897-3781-6 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4897-3783-0 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2021917199

    LifeRich Publishing rev. date: 08/23/2021


    Chapter 1     Heaven and Hell

    Chapter 2     Brisk walk to class

    Chapter 3     Vintage Dr. Kern

    Chapter 4     Wilmington week

    Chapter 5     Meatloaf Night

    Chapter 6     They came to play

    Chapter 7     Dr. Kern Please think outside the box

    Chapter 8     The Tragedy part 1

    Chapter 9     The Breakup

    Chapter 10   Tragedy part 2

    Chapter 11   Beginning or the End

    Notes and references

    To Jordan your my real!

    To Melissa picture of her and me in the famous

    dodge house hotel and salon in Dodge City, KS.

    August 25th, 2015


    No more sadness, no more fears!

    No more dark cloudy days no more tears!

    Melissa died on a crisp sunny New Orleans morning

    September 2nd, 2015.

    78 Day Diet

    Dedicated to Mr Ronnie Kimbough not only my landlord but a true friend!

    I met Ronnie when I had volunteers in Treme. He pulled up in his jeep and asked if he could be of assistance. I Showed him my P.N.O.L.A. Supervisor badge with picture and told him I had a problem gaining access to a property. It was a beautiful block, A couple hundred yards away, you could see the backside of Louis Arm-Strong Park. Ronnie stated he owed the property next to that and could unlock the side gate. What happened next defines who he is! As we were finishing up, cleaning up trash, weed whacking, mowing, spraying weed killer he pulled up. A chest full of drinks, water, soda’s, Gatorade and a dozen of double cheeseburgers, and McChicken sandwiches, his kindness was overwhelming!

    V.A. Hospital sad but true story of the destruction of a historical neighborhood, that didn’t have to be!

    Guy Gaudet Jr Fiends and roommates for over 10 years! He loves to play his guitar in Jackson Square. The artists that hangs their amazing work all along the fences to the very well maintain park, and buggy drivers, tarot readers residents of the French Quarter love and adore him!


    Hope you like the book! Look at my website for more pictures and updates on my 78 day diet!

    I have a son Jordan from a previous marriage who lives in Ohio He is 28. I also have a daughter 22 Duchess Riley (she never uses her first name) She lives with my second wife Nancy (28) and me in the French Quarter in New Orleans. She agreed to let me put pictures of her on the website (address is on the back. This is Nancy showing off her new yoga pants





    S hawn was awakened suddenly. The beautiful creature laying on his chest stirred about a bit. He loved being with Heather, but having her lay beside him, dressed only in one of his t-shirts covering barely her thong panties, played hell on his sanity! Heather took great pride of the fact she was a virgin. She stated many times it would be worth the wait for the guy who wanted to marry her! And she wanted her wedding night to have purpose and be very special!

    Shawn and Heather were seniors at the University of Findlay, located at 1000 N. Main Street Findlay, Ohi Findlay is located in Northwest Ohio. A city of sixty thousand people and home of Marathon Oil. In the 1800s one of the largest natural gas finds was found in and around Findlay. Without a doubt it was the main reason the school’s nickname became the Oilers Shawn was the starting Quarterback for the football team. In recent years the Oilers had become a powerhouse in Division 2 and this year was no exception. Going into the final week Findlay stood undefeated and ranked number one in the nation. The only obstacle between them and a perfect season was their old menace Wilmington.

    The Quakers and Oilers disdain for one another was well documented Several after the play flare-ups occurred each game. Being 9-0 and the Quakers 2-7 only intensified and make the game more intriguing. Heather opened her eyes and

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