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Mike and Me
Mike and Me
Mike and Me
Ebook466 pages8 hours

Mike and Me

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About this ebook

Jack, a police officer, has a German shepherd named Mike who is able to tell if someone has broken the law by his sense of smell. Follow Jack and Mike as they bring to justice lawbreakers. Read about how Mike saves a little baby and saves Jacks life. Read about how they are able to bring kidnappers out in the open, arrest them, and free their captives. You will visit the Baseball Hall of Fame and see Mike in action, stopping pickpockets.

They go to Hawaii to solve another crime wave. Find out how Molly joins the duo. You will be able to travel to different cities and see how this threesome cleans up the city and brings crime to a stop.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJan 15, 2018
Mike and Me

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    Mike and Me - Robert Freedman


    Mike and Me

    P ICTURE A SMALL two-bedroom house with a big backyard and a double-car garage in an area of middle-income family homes. The house is in the middle of the block surrounded by families with children. Nothing too fancy about the house. In fact, it is very plain. The house itself is no more than a thousand square feet, with one large and one small bedroom, one full and one half bath, a kitchen, a dining room that is very large and is connected at the far end to the front room. In the house we find a man in his early thirties and his German shepherd dog. The man has just taken some food out of the refrigerator and put it in the microwave oven to warm it up. Then he puts some bread in the toaster. When the microwave oven goes off, he takes the food into the dining room, goes back into the kitchen to get his coffee and some butter, and puts them on the dining room table. At one end of the table he puts his coffee and butter, and on the placemat next to him he puts the other food down. He then walks over to the TV and pulls a little knob out to put the morning new s on.

    He looks at his placemat and then the dog, who has been sitting in the front room all this time. Just by his look the dog knows what his master wants, the morning paper. The dog jumps up and goes through the doggy door and comes back in a few moments with the paper in his mouth. The dog then steps up on the man’s chair and lays the paper down on the man’s placemat just as the man is coming back into the room with his toast. He sits down and the dog jumps up on the chair next to him. They both eat while they watch the news and the man reads the paper. The man talks to the dog like he is a person and not a dog. After they eat, the man takes the dishes to the kitchen while the dog goes to the TV and with his right paw pushes the on/off button and turns off the TV. The man, from the kitchen, tells Mike that because it is Saturday he will not have to go to work and they will take a walk.

    As the man grabs his jacket, Mike grabs his leash. Not that he needs it as he has had two years in an obedience-school training program that included basic commands, such as come, heel, fetch, sit, stay, and many others; utilizing his sense of smell; listening to instructions and acting on them—including advanced skills, such as learning what is safe and what is not. This dog was not only trained but had the love of his master and behaved better than any five-year-old child. But because there is a city ordinance that all dogs must be kept on a leash, he allows his master to walk him with one.

    The man puts it on and out the door they go. Mike is beyond the level of telling him to heel or go. He takes his cue from his master. As they go out the gate, two children are playing ball in the street. One of the boys misses the ball and it rolls up on the yard of a house nearby. Mike sits down and looks at his master, who lowers his head, which means Mike has permission to do something. In this case it was run and get the ball for the children and take it back to them. The man lets the leash go and Mike runs to get the ball, and with the ball in his mouth he goes to the curb of the street. He sits down, looks both ways, and then walks into the street to give the ball back to the boys. They pet him and thank him. Mike then walks back to his master, and when he gets there he lowers his head, puts the end of the leash in his mouth, and raises his head to his master, who takes the leash out of Mike’s mouth and they start walking down the street, with the man giving Mike a pat on the head.

    It was a crisp December morning in San Luis Obispo, with the wind and the clouds making it a day a jacket was welcomed. As the two walked down the street, Mike was very well behaved as he would stay on the left side of his master. When they came to a street Mike would stop and look both ways, then sit and wait for his master to move. Of course his master would look both ways too. It seemed as if Mike was tuned in to Jack’s thoughts, as they would look both ways at the same time.

    While they were walking by one of the stores near downtown, a man came running out of the store with the owner chasing him. As soon as Mike saw what was going on he sat down and looked up at his master. This again was Mike’s way of asking for permission. Mike’s master took off Mike’s leash, and this time, the master gave a command, Apprehend and hold. Mike was off in a flash and for the first time he was barking as he ran. This was a different kind of bark. It was more of a hard bark, a bark that meant he was after someone. Mike’s master ran over to the owner. He was yelling that he had just been robbed. Mike’s master told the owner of the store, told him that Mike and he were police officers and to call the police as he would go after the robber and Mike.

    Mike’s master had to run about three blocks, following the sound of Mike’s barking.

    As Mike’s master turned the corner, there was Mike standing and barking at the man, who was now standing in the corner of a house afraid to move. As soon as Mike saw his master he stopped barking and sat down. The man started to move, so up went Mike’s growling.

    Jack told the robber that he was very lucky because most of the time Mike was not so nice and that if he wanted to see how mean Mike could get all he would have to do was move just a little.

    The robber froze.

    They stood there for about five minutes and then they heard the sound of a siren. When the police car got there two officers got out. One of the officers went over to the robber, handcuffed him, led him back to the police car and tucked his head down as he put him in the backseat. The other officer went over to Mike and tapped his head and shook his paw and told him he did a good job. It seemed as if Mike understood the officer and licked his hand.

    The officer then spoke to the Mike’s master. His voice indicated that he not only recognized the man but also was in a way a friend of his. Jack, that dog of yours would make a fine police officer. Jack thanked the officer and said, Maybe someday he will take my place. They both had a good laugh. And as the officer walked away, he stopped and turned back to Jack. Maybe not take your place, but be your partner. Why don’t you talk it over with the captain?

    When Jack got home with Mike, he had an idea he wanted to try. Could Mike pick out a person who did something wrong? Maybe if someone does something wrong his or her scent might be smelled by Mike. So Jack told Mike to stay inside while Jack went outside and called over the four kids playing in the street. He asked one to go over to his car and take his hat off the front seat. Tommy ran over to the car and reached through the open window and got the hat and brought it back to Jack. Jack put it on and the five went into the house. He had the four boys stand in a line. He told Mike to sit. This meant instructions were coming.

    Most dogs hate this but Mike loved to do what his master asked him to do. It was like a test to Mike, and Mike wanted to prove to his master that he was up to the occasion. So Mike, ahead of the game, sat facing the four boys. Jack waited for Mike to sit down and look over the situation, and when he did Jack said, Search! Mike got up and walked over to each boy, stopped, smelled, and looked at the boy. When he finished he went back to the spot he was in before and sat. Again Jack waited for Mike to look at him. It seemed to take a little while as Mike was still looking at the four boys. Then when it looked like he had made up his mind, he looked at Jack. Jack then says, Retrieve! Mike got up and walked to one of the boys and sits in front of him. It was Tommy the boy who took Jack’s hat. Jack and the boys did it again, and again, ten times in all and Mike picked the thief each time. It seemed to be a game that Mike liked to play and when Jack thanked the boys for helping out and walked them to the door, Mike seemed a little sad as he wanted to play some more.

    All day Sunday Jack and Mike did the same thing, having Mike find out which one of the three boys performed the robbery or who killed the pillow or who used a water gun or who hit another person and Mike never missed a beat. The three boys also liked to test Mike. At lunchtime Jack gave one of the boys some money to get some Burgers at Burger King. The boy jumped on his bike and off he went. The remaining boys, Jack and Mike went out on the front porch and sat around talking. All the kids in the neighborhood loved Jack and Mike.

    About fifteen minutes later Pete came back with the burgers. Jack went into the house and brought back cold drinks for everyone. As they sat and ate their burgers, they talked about the upcoming baseball season and how Mike might make a good center fielder. The comment didn’t stop Mike from eating his two burgers, then lapping up a 7UP drink that Jack poured into his bowl. The boys left about three and thanked Jack and Mike for letting them spend the day with them.

    When Monday came, Jack, who by now you might have guessed is a policeman, took Mike into the station with him. Everyone knew Mike, and as they walked in everyone walked over to Mike and petted him and told him how nice it was to see him. Mike enjoyed the affection and even liked it more when he was the center of attention. All right, you hot dog, Jack told Mike, we have business to take care of. Jack knocked at the captain’s door and through the glass the captain recognized Jack and Mike. He smiled and told them to come in.

    They came in and both sat on a chair facing the captain. Jack asked the captain if he had a few minutes. The captain answered by shaking his head yes and took off his glasses and put down the stack of papers he had in his hands. Jack then told the captain what happened on Saturday and then what the test results were on Sunday. After Jack finished telling the captain about Mike’s ability, the captain smiled and looked at Jack and then Mike, and said, If any dog could do it Mike could, but what is it you want of me?

    Jack had this sheepish look on his face and said that what he was about to say would sound utterly ridiculous but does have some merit to it. The captain waited with a look of Well, what is it? Jack took a deep breath and said, I think Mike might make a good police officer? The captain did not say a word for a few moments. He then got up and walked over to Mike, knelt down in front of him. He looked Mike in the eye and Mike looked the captain in the eye too. The captain said to Mike, Do you know what it is your master is asking you to do? Believe it or not, the captain felt like he expected Mike to answer the question. Mike seemed to understand the question. Mike looked at Jack, who had a little smile on his face. Then Mike faced the captain and gave a little bark like the answer to the question was yes.

    The captain got up and said, Follow me. It just so happened at that very minute they had a lineup. A man stole an old lady’s purse and she was going to try to identify him. So the captain took Jack and Mike to the lineup and then told Jack to have Mike do his thing. Jack asked Mike to sit. Once again Mike knew what he was to do. So while he was starting to sit down he was looking at the five men in the lineup. Then Mike looked back at Jack, who said, Search! Mike got up and went up to the first person, who seemed to be a little afraid of Mike but stood his ground. Mike stood in front of him and smelled him good. When the rest of the men saw what Mike was doing they seemed to relax a little. After he finished smelling the first man, Mike went to the next one and did the same thing. After all the men were smelled, Mike went back to his spot. Mike seemed to have much more confidence this time as he didn’t need any more time to look at the men, so as soon as Mike sat down he looked at Jack.

    Jack looked at Mike and then the captain, and then said, Retrieve! Mike got up, and without any doubt in his mind, went over to the man that was standing under the number four.

    Jack then commanded, Return. Mike went back to his spot and sat down. The captain told Jack and Mike to come with him as they went into the booth and met the old lady. During this time there was a curtain in front of the window so the old lady could not see what just took place. The curtain opened and the police officer in the room asked the old lady if she could identify the man who robbed her. She looked for a few minutes and then said, It is number four.

    Capt. Howard Billings looked at the lady and asked if she was sure. Yes, came the reply. Then the captain looked at Mike and then Jack and then the suspect. He had a question mark on his face as he slowly moved his head back and forth to indicate that he was really mystified. It took Captain Billings a few minutes to grasp what had happened, and when he did he asked Jack and Mike to come with him to his office. Once inside he told them both to sit down and asked Jack what he wanted to do with Mike’s ability. Jack told the captain that he would like to make Mike his partner and have him go out in the police car with him.

    The captain got up and looked out the window. I was afraid you were going to say something like that, said the captain as he was still looking out the window with his back to Mike and Jack. The captain then turned back and faced Jack and Mike. Jack, do you know what the media will do with this idea you have? They will have a field day: Mike the policeman, Mike the detective, Mike the dog officer … and on and on, went the captain.

    Captain, said Jack, at first it may be just as you say, but once Mike proves himself that attitude will change.

    The captain picked up the phone and pushed a few numbers. Then Jack heard the following, Mike Morgan will join the department and be assigned to Jack Morgan. Listen … I said listen. Will you please stop laughing? My mind is working perfectly. Then the captain put down the phone and looked at Jack. See the reaction? And that is from one of our own. What will it be from people who don’t understand? said the captain, all the time he was shaking his head back and forth, like saying to himself What in the hell did I just do? The captain steadied himself and told Jack to take Mike to Personnel. Then he said, Mike will have to sign some papers . . . what in the hell am I saying? Get the hell out of here before I change my mind.

    Jack and Mike left the office and went to Personnel. When they got there, Sgt. Bill Congo greeted them by saying, Mike, you are going to become a policeman. Are you excited?

    Mike sat down and gave a little howl. Bill gave Jack some papers and told him to complete them and bring them back in later. Bill then seemed to have a questioning look on his face as he said to Jack, I wonder what pay scale the captain wants to put Mike in.

    Mike and Jack then went to the dressing room, where Jack stopped in front of his locker. The locker next to his was not being used, so he said to Mike that would be his locker. While Jack put his uniform on he talked to some of his friends. Then to the meeting. By now the news had spread that there was a new officer in the department and all the policemen on Jack’s shift were eager to meet the new person.

    When Mike and Jack went into the meeting room, all the officers greeted both of them and then they all sat down. The lieutenant of the shift greeted everyone and said he would like to introduce the new officer. He looked at Jack and told the group that the new officer was Mike Morgan. Once they realized that it was a dog, even though it was Mike, they looked at each other in disbelief. How can the captain be so foolish as to make a dog a police officer? It would degrade the police department. Everyone seemed to be totally against it.

    Then Jack got up and told everyone what had happened in the last three days. Jack explained that Mike had this talent of smelling out the person and would be able to tell if he/she committed the crime, and that anyone could use him to check out their suspects. There were some ripples of laughter, but they all knew Mike and slowly they all seemed to realize that if this were true how much easier their job could be.

    It took a little while, then it was business as usual. In the meeting the lieutenant told the shift that the captain supported Mike and that everyone else should also. When they left, most of the officers gave Mike a big pat on his head. Mike and Jack got into the car. Mike got into the passenger seat and sat up. Jack wondered if he should put on his seat belt.

    It was about 9 AM when Jack called in and told the dispatcher they were on the street. No sooner did he terminate his call than there was an announcement that two men had just broken into a closed Chinese restaurant on Higuera Street and the men were running toward the Mission. Jack was about four blocks away and turned the car toward the Mission and called in that he was in pursuit. He got to the Mission and parked the car. Jack and Mike got out.

    Jack told Mike to go around the Mission and see what he could see. Mike took off and Jack walked toward Higuera Street. In a matter of minutes he heard Mike barking, so Jack ran to the car, called it in, and then drove to the location. When he got to the corner he saw Mike sitting and a group of about eight or ten men standing on the corner afraid to move. Jack asked all the men to line up and not be afraid as long as they did as he said. As the men lined up, two other squad cars showed up and watched as Jack and Mike had everything under control.

    After the men lined up, Jack asked Mike to Search! At that Mike got up and walked over to the first person and smelled him and looked him over and went then to the next. The four other police officers looked and smiled like it was a joke. When Mike was finished, he went back to his spot and sat. He looked at the men for a moment or two and then looked at Jack.

    Retrieve! said Jack. Mike got up and walked over to one man and sat in front of him. Jack asked Mike to retrieve the other one, but Mike did not move. Jack went over to the man, who was in his early twenties, and assumed he was one of the men involved in the break-in, asking him where his accomplice was. The man looked at Mike, who now sensed the man was about to lie, so Mike started to growl. The man looks at Mike and told Jack that his friend ran the other way. Jack thanked all the other men and told them they could leave. As they left they looked at Mike and marveled at what he just did. Jack asked the man for the name of his friend and where he could find him. The man looked at Mike and Mike supported his master’s request by showing the man his teeth. His name is Tom Brown and he lives at 2122 Johnson Street, and keep that damn dog away from me, said the man. At that Mike returned to normal.

    Jack asked Frank Coners to cuff the suspect and take him in. The four officers were dumfounded by what they had seen and did as Jack suggested. Jack asked Pete Miller to follow him to the address the man gave him. Jack told Mike to heel and they got into the squad car and took off. As they drove down Johnson, Mike started to bark at a man walking down the street. Jack pulled over in front of the man and the man started to run. Mike got the okay from Jack and took off after the man. Jack got back into the police car and drove after Mike, followed by Pete and Joe Renya, his partner. Listening for Mike’s bark and hearing it, Jack drove to that location and saw that Mike had cornered the man.

    Jack parked the car and got out. By now Pete and Joe were also walking toward the man. Jack spoke first to the man. Did you want to tell me something?

    No, said the man. At that Mike showed the man his teeth.

    Wrong answer, said Jack.

    Okay, okay. Get that dog away from me, said the man.

    At that Mike returned to normal and sat in front of the man.

    How did you know I helped rob that Chinese place? asked the man.

    Jack looked at Mike and then Pete and Joe, and said, The police always know.

    Pete cuffed him and led him to the car as Joe gave like a wink and a thumbs-up, then followed Pete.

    Jack looked at Mike and said, Well done, dude, to which Mike gave a happy bark.

    By lunch the word had spread throughout the city that the police had a secret weapon that can tell who committed a crime and the people on the street better beware. Jack stopped at the Foster Freeze on the corner of Marsh & Nipomo and got himself a burger and fries and asked Mike what he wanted. Mike walked over to a picture of an ice cream, so Jack got Mike a big dish of ice cream. They sat at the table outside and ate. People walking by had to stop and look at the scene, a police officer and a dog eating lunch together. It seemed so natural that people stopped to chat with them.

    Well, it was back to work, so as they walked over to the car they passed a trashcan and threw away all their trash. The rest of the day was uneventful, and at the end of the shift when Jack and Mike went to the dressing room all the officers that Mike passed clapped as he went by. The captain called them into his office.

    When they went in they found other people there and it was apparent they were from the media. The captain introduced them as Off. Jack Morgan and his partner Off. Mike Morgan. The story of what Mike did earlier in the day had already made its rounds, so the reporters asked all kinds of questions. The local TV cameramen were taking all kinds of videos of Mike. Mike was the hero of the day, and boy did he love it. He just sat there tall in the chair as he looked at each person who was talking to him. One of the reporters asked Mike what did he do to keep the suspect from running. At that Mike looked at Jack, who nodded. Mike looked back at the reporter and showed him his teeth. At that the reporter almost tripped over his own feet, backing off. Then Mike returned to normal.

    They went back to the dressing room, where Jack changed his clothes. They left the station and got in their car and started to drive home. As the two were driving home Jack asked Mike what would he would like for dinner. Mike barked three times. That was the indication that Mike wanted a McDonald’s burger. So down old Highway 1 to Foothill and a left. Jack was going to try to fool Mike and started to turn left into Burger King. At that Mike barked three times again. Jack looked at Mike and said, McDonald’s? I thought you barked twice. When they got into the parking lot, Mike barked again. Jack said, You are one picky dude. Okay if you want it to-go, we will get it to-go.

    When Jack got to the box to give his order, he asked Mike how many. Four barks. Darn, you’re hungry tonight, said Jack. When Jack got the food he drove home. They got into the house and Jack put the food on the table and put on the TV. Jack went to the refrigerator to get a can of root beer and asked Mike if he wanted a drink too. One bark meant yes. So Jack poured a 7UP in Mike’s dish and unwrapped his four burgers and they started to eat. It was about 6:30 and the local news was on, and there on the TV was Mike. Mike looked at his master and barked a small bark. At that Jack reached over and gave his head a big rub and said, What a hot dog you are, dude.


    The Kidnapping Part 1

    A FTER THEY ATE, Jack threw the trash away and went back into the living room and sat down on the sofa and turned on the eighteen-inch TV. Mike sat down on the other side of the sofa. It didn’t take long before they were both dead to the world. About eleven Jack got up and turned the TV off. That woke up Mike, who went out the backdoor through his doggy door. Jack went to the bedroom and changed for bed. While he was in the bathroom brushing his teeth, Mike came back in and went over to his bed. Jack had built a two-inch-high, three-by-four-foot bed for Mike. Jack also put a soft rug on it so Mike would be comfortable. Mike’s bed was in one corner of the bedroom. When Jack was finished, he turned out the light and climbed into bed. The moon was near full and high in the sky, so it was quite light in the bedroom. After Jack said his prayers he looked at Mike, who gave a little groan as if to say amen to Jack’s prayers. Jack rolled over and put the radio on and set the alarm. Good night, Mike, said Jack and Mike gave a little g roan.

    When the radio went off in the morning, Jack got up and went into the kitchen as Mike went out the front doggy door to get Jack his paper. The same ritual was followed as before, and when they had finished eating they got ready for work. As Jack was shaving he looked at Mike and told him now that he was bringing in a paycheck he would have to have a little more responsibility around the house. Jack told Mike when they got home that night they would talk about it. Little did Jack know they would not be home that night to talk about Mike’s responsibilities.

    As they left the house and walked to the car a few of the kids who were on their way to school called out to Mike. Mike sat down and Jack nodded and off went Mike. The two boys and the girl were about eight. The boys petted Mike and the girl hugged him. For that Mike gave them all a wet tongue lick. He gave the girl a few more kisses, and as he ran back to Jack, Jack looked at him with a weird look and said, Don’t you think she is a little too young for you? Then Jack laughed as he got into the car. He reached over and opened the door for Mike. Once in the car, Mike grabbed the string Jack fixed so Mike could close the door himself) and pulled the door shut. As they pulled out in the street Jack kept thinking about what kind of a seat belt he should fix for Mike or should he not wear one. He took a look and who was sitting in his seat, so maybe he didn’t have to wear one, thought Jack.

    As they were signing in, Jack noticed it was a new sign-in paper and next to his name was Mike’s, so Jack signed in for both of them. It was 7:55 and the morning meeting was in a few minutes. As they walked to the meeting room they saw many officers, some were in their uniforms while others were still wearing civilian clothes. Many of the officers stopped and talked with Jack and Mike. One, a woman in her late twenties, Off. Dolly Sherlin, knelt down and petted Mike while talking to him. Listen, Mike, if that master of yours gives you any trouble you can move in with me. Mike looked back at Jack, who smiled and said to Dolly, who was very attractive, Say, Dolly, does that go for me too? If Mike gives me any trouble, can I move in with you? This was typical of the closeness of the officers in this department. They were a team and liked everyone, and they were always saying or doing things like this. Dolly got up from her knees and looked at Jack then back at Mike, then said, Well, Jack, I guess so, but I would prefer Mike. Then Dolly reached over and gave Jack a hug and a kiss on his cheek and walked away. As Jack and Mike started for the meeting Mike looked up at Jack as to indicate that Dolly preferred him over Jack and was showing it. So Jack looked at Mike and said, Say, Mike, who did she kiss? To that Mike looked away.

    As they sat down it seemed as if everyone was talking and the sounds were good. The morale was high and this kind of talking helped it. As Lt. Phil Herta came in everyone quieted down. Phil, a man in his early forties, was not only this shift’s boss but was a good friend. He seemed to love everyone under his command. He started by complimenting a few of the officers for yesterday’s efforts. Then he complimented Mike and everyone stood up and applauded Mike, who seemed to become very embarrassed as he sort of hid his head under his leg. Everyone there liked Mike, and believe it or not, they were willing to accept him as one of their peers.

    As Phil was talking about some of the problems they should be looking for, a sergeant came into the room with a paper in his hand. By the sergeant’s expression it looked like something had happened, and whatever it was it was big. The sergeant left and Phil read the note. At approximately 7:55 this morning a woman and her five-year-old son were taken by force from their home. The three men placed them in the backseat of a 1990–1992 Ford four-door sedan. The husband, who was in the house at the time, was knocked unconscious. There was a note left in the room, stating it will cost the husband $100,000 if he ever wanted to see his wife and son alive again. A roar went up in the room. Even Mike, who could not understand what Phil said, understood something was very wrong by the sound of the roar. Phil looked at Jack and said, I would like to put you and Mike on this case, if that is okay with you. Jack nodded.

    Captain Billings came into the room and asked to speak to the officers. He was given permission and he started by repeating what Lieutenant Herta had said. He said, Since this is a kidnapping, we have notified the FBI and they will handle the case with our help. They will be sending us two experienced agents, but it may take a little while, so in the meantime we will conduct our own investigation. He then asked Lieutenant Herta whom to put on the case. Mike and Jack was the answer.

    The captain looked at both Mike and Jack and then the lieutenant and said, Good, then looked at Mike and Jack and said, Det. Robert Small has been informed of the situation and he will meet you at the location. Even though this case will be left to the FBI, remember that the people involved come from our city. Then he left.

    Phil asked Jack who he would like to assist him. All twenty-two officers in the room showed interest in helping. Jack said he would like to have John Johnson, Pete, Dolly, and Frank. Done, said Phil as he looked at the four mentioned by Jack. They left the meeting and walked at a fast pace to their cars. They came up with a plan as they walked, and left to go to the house. Only John was in his uniform as they went to their squad cars. It was a ten-minute ride to the house.

    As Jack and Mike left the car to go into the house, Pete and John parked on the other side of the street and they started to ask the neighbors what they saw. Frank and Dolly parked their car on the same side of the street as the house and started to talk to the neighbors as to what they saw. By now there was a big crowd standing around. Jack asked if the people that saw something could stay and wait to be questioned, while the others who did not see anything please cross the street and wait on the other side. At first there was some confusion but slowly the people followed Jack’s request and everyone crossed the street. Jack noticed that a paramedic vehicle was parked in the front. He then walked into the house.

    Once in the house Jack bumped into some of the people that were in the house. There were about ten or twelve of them. They were all looking at the paramedics that were working on the man. The man was lying on the floor. Jack asked the group of people if they could move outside the house and leave the crime scene, and if anyone has any information about what had happened to stay on the porch and they would be questioned. The people followed Jack’s directions.

    Jack then walked over to the paramedics and asked what the situation was. One of them said they were still taking vitals, but it looks as if he will be all right. Jack asked if he could speak to the man. Yes, but just for a short time, responded one of the men while he kept working.

    Sir, are you well enough to tell us what happened? asked Jack. The man, who had his eyes open, looked at Jack and nodded his head yes. Mr. Tom Nieve was still very shaken up, not only from the hit to the head but the abduction of his wife and child. He looked at Jack with glassy eyes and started, The doorbell rang and my wife went to answer it. I thought it was strange that someone would come to the house at that hour but paid no heed to my thoughts and continued to eat and read the newspaper. The next thing I remember is my wife letting out a scream. I jumped up and ran into the living room and saw three men. They covered their faces with stockings to keep their identity a secret. In a split second I saw that each man had a gun and one had his arms around my wife, holding her. He was a big man about six foot three inches, weighing about 235. One of the other men, also a big fellow, took off into the dining room and went to the back bedroom. I lost all control of my actions and started for the man who was holding my wife. The third man, who was a small man, must have hit me, because that is all I remember. The next thing I remember is coming to and seeing everyone standing over me.

    Jack thanked Mr. Nieve and then called on his handheld to see what the other officers had found out. A big nothing was the answer. Jack walked onto the porch and asked if any of the people there knew anything. They all shook their heads no. Jack thanked them and asked them all to leave, and once again they did.

    The paramedics had Mr. Nieve covered with a blanket and had his feet elevated to prevent shock. They loosened his clothing and took his blood pressure. By now the paramedics had a medical report on Mr. Nieve. He had what appeared to be a concussion, but it looked as if it was not serious. However, they felt that he should spend the night in the hospital and take a few more tests.

    As Mr. Nieve was placed on the stretcher and wheeled out of the house he gave Jack a look of Please find them. I love them so much. Jack nodded and said, Rest assured, Mr. Nieve, we will get them back for you, so try not to worry.

    As Tom left, Jack turned and looked at Mike and said, Mike, we have got to find them.

    Everyone left the house and on the street Jack met with Pete and John, and then Frank and Dolly arrived. Jack asked if they had as much information as they needed, and when they said yes, Jack told them, As soon as the men from the lab get here we’ll go back to the station.

    As Jack was speaking those words two patrol cars showed up. Robert Smith was the first to get out and went up to Jack, saying, Hi, Jack, fill me in. As they went into the house, Jack was telling Bob what had happened and what he would like him to do. Bob told Jack they would be at the house for an hour or two collecting the evidence and he will meet them at the station about noon. They shook hands and Jack left.

    During all this time, Mike had seemed to grasp the situation and walked all around the house, then went outside and did the same as he was smelling all over. He would stop for a few seconds and then move on. It really looked like Mike knew what he was looking for.

    When Jack came out of the house he told the others to walk the area and see if they could see anything. Off they all went looking for clues. Jack found Mike in the backyard sniffing away.

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