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Ebook212 pages


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About this ebook

A friendly spirit is just in time to help The Dragged Into Murder Detective Society solve a crime! You know him, you love him, he puts the people first...get ready to be totally immersed! It is an honor to say that this novel was written for our dear friend, and "People's Mayor," Justin Flippen!

Release dateOct 16, 2021

Brooke Fields

Daughter and Mother, partners in crime (without the crime), and "besties," Brooke Fields and Miranda Dickerson are two peas in a pod! The two of them, along with Brooke's sister, collaborated on a picture book as a tribute to Brooke's grandparents. In 2016, Brooke self-published Written By.... The book contains various submissions from people of all walks of life, and serves to promote the written word. Brooke and Miranda love to read mystery books (of course, Brooke's favorite sleuth is none other than Nancy Drew), cook, and enjoy working on all sorts of projects together. Brooke and Miranda inspire one another to do great things. They live in South Florida with their family, and their two dogs and pet tortoise.


Gay Fiction For You

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    If you didn’t get the opportunity to read our first novel in the series, DRAGGED INTO MURDER, close this book and start with that one! If you insist on reading this one first, because the cover looks SO amazing and you just can’t resist, here’s the play-by-play of our previous novel, DRAGGED INTO MURDER. Written by Brooke Fields and Miranda Dickerson, DRAGGED INTO MURDER is about five Gay guys (Rusty and Romeo Dickerson, Guy Gaylord, Joe Mocha, and Harry Ballser), and their faithful girlfriend, Brooke Fields. In the novel, Brooke Fields and her five Gay friends solve mysteries by going undercover in drag.

    The initial purpose for writing DRAGGED INTO MURDER was to introduce you to the city of Wilton Manors, Florida, a prominently LGBTQ+[1] community. We wanted to highlight the many outstanding restaurants, bars, and businesses, all of which add a little bit of character to this already charming city. As Miranda and I did our research for DRAGGED INTO MURDER, our cozy mystery novel turned into a fictional novel interwoven with facts. The setting takes place during Wicked Manors, which is an actual Halloween block party that takes place on the popular Wilton Drive, and attracts thousands of people.

    While many of the characters are fictional by name, their personalities, struggles, hopes, and experiences are all based on our friends in the LGBTQ+ community, as well as our own experiences. In DRAGGED INTO MURDER, we included coming out stories written by our friends. In this novel, we are excited to include a new group of submissions, in the form of letters. These people’s experiences can relate to ALL of us, whether LGBTQ+, or not. We all face obstacles, and we all want to be loved and accepted. It is our hope that these personal experiences will help anyone who is struggling to live their most authentic lives. Our goal for our novels is to educate all people. We hope that all who read this novel will realize that everyone has something amazing to contribute to this world. We also invited people to share their memories of Justin Flippen, as well as recipes.

    Now that you are caught up, let’s get this show on the road, with our newest installment in the DRAGGED INTO MURDER series, GAYME’S OVER… JUST IN TIME FOR MURDER! Besides our six original characters, we will be introducing some new special guests, some who happen to be our amazing friends, and actual members of the Wilton Manors community. Don’t worry, Amora, Le Bustier, and Pussée LeChat, along with P. Niss and Marty Freeman (all fictional by name, but you will feel like you know them!) will all be a part of this second novel. We also have our real-life friends, Daniel from La Fleur, D.J. from Wilton Creamery, Robert Boo from The Pride Center, and Anna Rexia, drag-queen-extraordinaire, returning! We are pleased to introduce so many new friends that we have made. It is a privilege to include them, along with their businesses and organizations, in our novel. We are SUPER EXCITED to have The South Florida Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, along with two members of the Los Angeles Chapter, in our novel! The Sisters’ goal is to help the community through fundraising, and by spreading love, joy, and hope throughout the community and the world.

    And last, but certainly not least…you may know this person as The People’s Mayor, the greatest hugger, and the thumbs up guy. It is a great honor to include our dearly departed friend, Justin Flippen, as a character in our book. The motivation for writing this sequel, was the impact that Justin made upon our lives. When researching for our DRAGGED INTO MURDER, we made an appointment with Mayor Flippen. Little did we know that this would be the beginning of an extremely meaningful friendship. We hope that we have depicted Justin just as he was in life: a truly open, loving, generous individual who strived to find the good in all people. To know him was truly a blessing. We are better people because of the example he set. You will see what an impact Justin made on others, with his kindness and sincerity, through the submissions that were written by those who came to know him, not just as a mayor, but as a human being. 

    Besides our fictional places, including Harry’s salon, Joe’s café, The Fashion Detectives, the Wilton Manors Community Center, and The Glitz Apartment, there will also be businesses and restaurants that you will read about that are all actual places in Wilton Manors, and will be spotlighted within this novel. It is our hope that, once you read about all of the fabuloso people and places in Wilton Manors, you will want to come here and experience it all for yourself!

    Like before, you will come across some words that you may not be familiar with. We learned that these are common words that are used by some Gay men. Of course, everyone lives differently and may not associate with these terms; but these are some of the words we have acquired by hanging out with our wonderful group of friends, as well as people we have spoken to in the community. We have provided you with definitions for each word with a footnote, located at the bottom of each page, and, also, in the back of the book (e.g. The Handy Dandy Glossary). In addition, you will find some fun recipes at the back of this book, and you will see them referenced throughout the story. 

    Now, I could babble on for an eternity, but there’s a whole book to get through, so I will spare you (that is, until you get to my journal entries, NOTES FROM A BABBLING BROOKE). No worries…these journal entries are informative and fun, and follow my adventures and learning experiences.

    One more comment before we begin…we want you to know that YOU MATTER and YOU ARE LOVED! As you read our books, we hope that you will be inspired to fight for what’s right, and live your lives with PLC (PRIDE, LOVE, AND COMPASSION).


     Brooke Fields and Miranda Dickerson

    stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning; the + includes Ally, as well as an umbrella of other terms


    Gayly Yours

    For those of you who missed out on our previous saga, and have yet to be acquainted with myself and my friends, allow me to catch you up. Most folks around here call me by my boy name, Rusty Dickerson. 

    I can go from GQ Gay boy to a sassy, classy diva. With a nip, a tuck[1], a pair of high-heels, and some bright red lipstick, there’s nothing stopping this girl! When I am in drag, folks call me Scarlett Feva.

    Doing drag is an art, and the finished product is a masterpiece. For me and my friends, dressing in drag is serious business! As members of the prestigious Dragged Into Murder Detective Society, we often go undercover in drag to solve crimes, which usually take place in our beautiful city of Wilton Manors. Wilton Manors is our paradise (ironic, because it is also known as the Island City!). What we love about Wilton Manors is that it is a warm and welcoming place for all walks of life. It is a safe place for people to be themselves. Wilton Manors is known for its diversity. All are welcome to partake in the amazing culture that the city has to offer.

    Anyway, back to my spiel. Our drag names were created to match each of our personalities. Our wardrobe is killer (no pun intended!). A few tricks of the trade have been acquired by our favorite detectives, with their savvy sleuthing skills, and sensational fashion sense. When in a crime-solving-pickle, we always turn to our detective idols.

    I am the queen of detecting, fashion, good looks, as well as a myriad of other things. I am what most Gay guys would refer to as a Twink[2]. I have auburn-colored hair, which explains why I am so confident (and sometimes sassy). My drag name Scarlett Feva, was coined for my boldness and raging beauty, of course.

    Then, there is my amazing and huggable hubby, Romeo Dickerson. Although nine inches shorter in size, my little Twinkie has got the biggest heart of anyone I know. Like the delicious golden sponge cake, Romeo, too, has that creamy filling that makes him so delicious. But, don’t be fooled. Although Romeo is more reserved, he is quite a diva, and mostly towards me (what can I say? I’m a handful!). Romeo has wavy, chestnut-colored hair and is a huge fan of Shakespeare (who would know, with a name like Romeo?). He is my Pocket Gay[3]! Romeo is blessed with two drag names. Jewels is the stage name that she[4] uses when she is competing in pageants and showing off her fabuloso, one-of-a-kind gowns that she designs and makes herself. Juliet is her undercover name, when she is sleuthing for The Dragged Into Murder Detective Society.

    Joe Mocha packs the heat. I am referring to Hot Stuff Café, the café and library he owns on Wilton Drive (or, as we locals call it, The Drive). Joe’s cherished book collection in the Hot Stuff library consists of all of the best mystery books. These books are extremely important to us—in fact, they are like our handbooks to detecting. Joe’s drag name is Juniper Rose. Her style is as beautiful as a rose. Her attitude, on the other hand, is as sharp and prickly as the thorns on a rose’s stem. Joe doesn’t take crap from anyone, not even his partner (and soon-to-be hubby), Guy. Joe has curly black hair, enlivened with blonde highlights, and mocha-colored skin. He is the Society’s equipment manager. He supplies us with the latest detecting gadgets, along with the necessities of any drag queen—lipstick, mascara, eyeliner, and tissues, all of which he keeps in his favorite sparkly, pink purse (actually, now, it’s a sparkly red purse).

    Guy Gaylord is our token Bear [5], and landlord at The Glitz Luxury Apartments (which is where we all live). Guy’s drag name is Gayety.

    Then, there is Harry Ballser (no, that is not his drag name, it’s his boy name). Harry is the hair stylist and owner of a hair salon on Wilton Drive. His fashion preferences are short shorts, and brightly-colored clothing, usually fitted tank tops. He has light brown, short hair. Harry is not only snippy with his scissors, but also with his attitude (hence why his drag name is ChaCha Cheeky). CAUTION: Never be caught in a room with Harry, Guy, and Joe when there is an argument brewing. However, even though they have explosive tempers, bottom line is they are roommates and they love each other.

    And, last, but certainly not least, is Brooke Fields. Brooke is Straight, and we consider her an honorary member and consultant for The Dragged Into Murder Detective Society. She is our own little cheerleader. Brooke has the ability to bring us up when we are down, listen to our problems, and give a heartfelt hug when no words are necessary. Brooke is our biggest Ally[6]. She enjoys partaking in just about everything—going with us to Gay bars, being a member of the Gaymer Gurls, playing on the Rainbow League, which is an LGBTQ+ kickball group, and even dressing in drag to help us solve crimes. Brooke’s drag name is D. Eva (I’m sure you will be able to tell why soon enough!). Brooke has short, dark brown hair. She wears these awesome rainbow glasses, with one frame being shaped like a circle, and one a square. She has a petite frame, and possesses a very individual sense of fashion. Since she is already a girl, her drag attire involves applying makeup (which she does not normally wear), a wig to cover her dark brown curls, and ballet flats, which she insists on wearing because she hates heels. And, this just in: Brooke now has braces, so besides poking fun at her and calling her Short Stuff and Pipsqueak, we can now add Metal Mouth and Railroad Tracks to the list (don’t worry, she will give me a punch on your behalf later!). 

    Now that our brief introductions have been made, it’s time to really get down to business! Not only do we have Joe’s and Guy’s wedding to prepare for, but we also have a conference to look forward to! As winners of last year’s Wicked Manors interactive murder mystery (hold the applause please), our prize included tickets to the National Gaymer Gurls Conference, and a retreat at a lovely and quaint bed and breakfast, right here in the vibrant and beautiful city of Wilton Manors. The National Gaymer Gurls Conference is the conference of all conferences. As part of the Gaymer Gurls chapter in Wilton Manors, we would be representing our fellow board Gaymers by competing in the checkers competition, which is the theme of the conference. Conference activities would be taking place at both the Wilton Manors Community Center, and a fancy hotel not far from The Glitz.


    While Romeo was in our large walk-in closet, focused on picking out outfits to wear, I was figuring out how I was going to make breakfast (as most of you know, I am not the best cook!). Guy, Joe, Brooke, and Harry were also coming over to eat, and get settled for their stay at Château Dickerson. We figured we would have our own little pow-wow with Joe, Guy, Harry, and Brooke at our place, and decided to surprise our good friends, Elle, Lynn, and Mason D’Generous, with our bed and breakfast retreat (they were more than happy to accept!). Our apartment is usually the hang out spot, Society meeting spot, or sleepover spot. I can’t blame our friends—after all, Romeo and I do have superlative taste! Our house is adorned with antiques and furniture that Romeo and I have collected since we have been together. It’s all great to look at, but not so great when you have to clean it! We have a charming, rich, brown leather sofa and an oak coffee table in the family room, and a large walnut table and matching chairs in the dining area. Underneath it is a huge, plush rug that you just want to sink your feet into. It’s also a prime resting spot for our dogs, Watson and Holmes. The kitchen is quite big. All the cupboards are white with handles that Romeo and I found at a flea market. The kitchen is complimented by a cherry wood island in the center, and a wood table and chairs. We also now have a Hoosier cabinet, which we found at one of our favorite antique stores. Since our home is like their second home, Harry, Joe, and Brooke added their own personal touches. Joe adorned the living room with candlesticks and an array of scented candles, and Harry brought in a lovely work lamp for the family room. The family room needed some brighter colors to make it feel warm and cozy, since it was mostly

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