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Smuggling DNA: Learning and Growing For All Ages
Smuggling DNA: Learning and Growing For All Ages
Smuggling DNA: Learning and Growing For All Ages
Ebook256 pages2 hours

Smuggling DNA: Learning and Growing For All Ages

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Lilly read the largest pre-Columbian empire on Earth was destroyed by the Spaniards’ smallpox, horses, and guns. As the Spaniards took over the Incas’ mines they increased the silver and its dust making them the first massive toxic-air polluters on Earth.
Lilly decided to write a science fiction story about evil scientists destroying people not with viruses or guns but with contaminated DNA. She’d rescue humans with help from her family, friends and Futurism, a non-carbon-based being. Futurism would use mysterious floating-molten dust to repair Lilly’s DNA while he taught her how to properly respond to someone who was flirting with her.
Naturally, Lilly would practice his lessons while she told Futurism her story about stopping time, traveling to Earth’s last ice age, and Smuggling DNA.
Release dateSep 8, 2021
Smuggling DNA: Learning and Growing For All Ages

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    Smuggling DNA - Sunny Day

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    ISBN: 978-1-6655-3185-6 (sc)

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    Published by AuthorHouse 09/07/2021


    Smuggling DNA


    A Prefix

    Chapter 1     Vibrations

    Chapter 2     Rescue Rehearsal Talks

    Chapter 3     Frequency Hopping

    Chapter 4     Opened Fold-in-Space Folder

    Chapter 5     Second Silent Passage

    Chapter 6     Help with New DNA

    Chapter 7     Rivals: LFG and TRIAD

    Chapter 8     Inoculation for Space Travel

    Chapter 9     Before Earth

    Chapter 10   Connect

    Chapter 11   The Fasting Experience

    Chapter 12   Reviewing after Fasting

    Chapter 13   HARBS, the Best Planet Hunters

    Chapter 14   Gyroscope Implants

    Chapter 15   Why Change?

    Chapter 16   In Starlight

    Chapter 17   Before Testing

    Chapter 18   RETURNING

    Chapter 19   The Third Noisy Passage

    Chapter 20   Love

    Chapter 21   The Past Is Never Misplaced

    Chapter 22   A Fourth Setback

    Chapter 23   Passage Thawed

    Chapter 24   Ragtime Steals Jazz’s DNA

    Chapter 25   Medieval Battle

    Chapter 26   Misplaced

    Chapter 27   Water also Has Memories

    Chapter 28   Unifying with Strings

    Chapter 29   Currency Exchanges

    Chapter 30   Shaky Relationships

    Chapter 31   Googolplexes and Water

    Chapter 32   Is She Lilly?

    Chapter 33   Common Interests

    Chapter 34   Shared Dreams

    Chapter 35   Curative Conversations

    Chapter 36   Shadows

    Chapter 37   No Trespassing

    Chapter 38   Hocus Pocus

    Chapter 39   A Blind Date

    Chapter 40   Engineering

    Chapter 41   Hocus, No Pocus

    Chapter 42   Q-Rays

    Chapter 43   Who?

    Chapter 44   The Trial

    Chapter 45   Lukewarm Mail

    Chapter 46   No


    Lilly was not certain. Was the person speaking a male or a female?

    "Relax, Lilly. In Japan ‘female roles’ are played by male actors in Kabuki theatres. Even the Oxford English Dictionary states that actor is to be used for both sexes."

    Relaxing, both began laughing and giggling as he, now in a male form, began tickling her. Or at least that is what it felt like to Lilly as he unwound her DNA.

    Still not satisfied, he asked Lilly to tell him something about herself. All human beings are merely actors performing on universal stages. Don’t be afraid of me. At times I can be human or an actor or an actress or whatever is needed. Please, tell me your story—the things I need to know about you beyond this DNA double-chained molecule. Begin with the first thing that led you to developing the folds-in-space travel. You don’t need to speak. I can read your thoughts.

    To stall for time, Lilly started to tickle his body by unwinding his DNA. That strand she slipped into her memory bank. He was a copycat; he proceeded to store one of her strands in one of his molten-dust bubbles.

    To guarantee her safety, she needed to tickle his mind by relaying her life’s story in an unusual way. She also wanted to have fun with her listener while she not only investigated his collection of molten-dust bubbles but also pried into his mind about flirting.

    Lilly was doing exactly what he had expected.

    But how could her story save both of them?

    Self-indulgent or not, Lilly will discover that her story was needed for both of them to survive.

    Lilly will tell her story using conversations with Futurism.

    Eventually each will not only understand the other’s personality but the depth of his/her advanced scientific knowledge about flirting.




    F ranky, my grandparent’ military friend, and I had chosen to use tachyons with the recently discovered QRX energy for folds-in-space travel. That was why I stopped drawing a horse.

    If a tachyon passed a person, Lilly, the person would see two different images appear, then disappear in opposite directions. Going in those directions creates energy, Futurism said.

    Tachyons might travel faster than light because they are not real only hypothetical particles. Somehow our hypothesis about opening envelopes to travel in space would be tested. If we were wrong, we’d never be having this conversation.

    Reading her thought he asked Lilly, How?

    I’m describing to you exactly how I obtained a powerful energy that is equal to your energy. Other scientists, like TRIAD, did not believe those particles could produce enough energy to travel in space. However, they left nothing to chance. They kept thinking about tachyons even while evacuating they moved into a houseboat. I had changed their DNA.

    Was it your humor or Earth’s need for water that prompted changing their DNA?

    Both, along with one other reason: revenge.

    Sometimes humor and revenge produce energy.

    True. However, I required a special energy to launch me into space. That was why I used space strings. Those strings have a negative mass that is squared. As the strings decay, they close, and this reaction propelled me into space in my new female tri-x dimensional form, sized down, to pass freely through an opened envelope in space.

    What did you feel?

    My feelings and memory kept changing. But this I can clearly recall. I finally was able to investigate an event horizon near a special black hole that was near some dust and particles. My curiosity began drawing me closer to the black hole until my friend intervened and hung me on a methane rainbow.

    Interesting. I would have thought an ice rainbow might have been used. You were preparing to visit the last Ice Age.

    Constantly revisiting the last Ice Age had confused my senses.

    Are you certain you just didn’t want your friend, Time, to be with you? The flirting actions of a friend are sometimes confusing.

    Possibly. But my cellular changes in the stacked folds in space only increased my curiosity.

    It was Time who rescued you from your curiosity completely destroying all traces of you.

    Possibly, possibly. Time, a Navy SEAL, was one of the astronauts monitoring NASA’s space program. He saw me near the black hole.

    You already knew Time when he was a human named Tim. You were close buddies.

    Yes, we were training buddies in the Navy SEAL program.

    So, you—a trained Navy SEAL, not actually rationalizing—chose to go inside the special black hole for flirting DNA?

    Yes. I was not my previously composed thinker, a Navy SEAL. Literally, I was spaced out and lost in space. I didn’t even remember who I was. Time, not Tim, needed to protect you from your natural curiosity. Please, continue your story.

    Time is Time. What’s the difference?

    The location is the name he’d use. You’re right.

    Review your feelings. I’m interested in capturing your feelings and what you can still recall about flirting.

    The rescue caught my powers off guard. Exactly where I was when I regained consciousness was even a greater thunderbolt. After a few blank stares, I discovered I was in a physical form. Then Tim asked me. So, bright eyes, do you recognize me now?

    Staring, I thought, No way! Still, the vibrations I was feeling were real. Unshaven or shaved, Tim was still a hunk of art to be admired and desired flirting with once more. But, just what should I—a trained Navy SEAL, now out of commission, lying flat on my back—just what should I do with that man, an art form I still admired?

    Explaining your human feelings to me is exactly what I need. Now, just what did you feel, seeing that man smiling, giggling, and illegally brushing your tears from your flushed cheeks?

    I did not feel shame, not even worry or whatever someone else might have imagined. I felt energy from my strings that were uncoiling my stored QRX energy.

    What did you do with your intensified energy?

    I used it to direct that giggling man to a wall that was very close to my hospital bed. I then hung him as one would hang a clock. He was unable to leave the wall but he was still free to move and giggle. I fastened his hands together. Then I began producing space waves all around him.

    I know about space waves. They do not grow. They simply do not interact with anything, unless the anything giggles. But who am I to judge?

    Well, I judge things. For me, I had become a power player. My new friends, Dark Energy and Dark Matter, had previously cloned their DNA into my DNA to make me stronger than a human.

    When Time is on Earth, Lilly, use the word Tim.

    I understand. I will also use Tim when I’m talking about my Navy SEAL buddy.

    Continue healing using my mysterious molten dust bubbles. I brought them inside, away from other Cosmic Visitor who are my friends. The dust bubbles will help you find the necessary words to tell your story. By the way, Lilly, what do you think of my mysterious molten dust bubbles?

    These are fantastic bubbles! You are thoughtful to share them with me. They are easing my cellular pain. Thank you.

    You’re welcome. Please, continue your story. Later, you can describe your first visit to that hospital room. Now don’t keep me hanging in suspense. Just what did each of you do? I need to discover whether you enjoy helping save people and things—basically, all forms of life. We are different and I am older.

    I am committed to helping all life survive as well as rescuing all forms with my young advice.

    You’re telling me you can freely choose to help me if I were to ask for help?

    Helping is providing tools that meet individual needs. If, however, I rescue a life, that one might not learn boundaries and the consequences of their

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