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How to Cast a Black Magic Spell? 50 Powerful Spells Secrets Revealed
How to Cast a Black Magic Spell? 50 Powerful Spells Secrets Revealed
How to Cast a Black Magic Spell? 50 Powerful Spells Secrets Revealed
Ebook161 pages1 hour

How to Cast a Black Magic Spell? 50 Powerful Spells Secrets Revealed

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About this ebook

In this e book you will learn all you need to know to cast your own rituals. It includes 50 powerful spells explaining how to proceed to cast your own spells at home.

How to cast the most powerful dark spells?

What are the secrets of those spells?

What do you need to know to cast these spells?

What ingredients are used?

What are the incantations to know?

When the spells shall be cast?

The most powerful spells on earth will have no secret for you after reading this book. Ready to get started with the black witchcraft art?

Release dateSep 13, 2021
How to Cast a Black Magic Spell? 50 Powerful Spells Secrets Revealed

Shane Jonas

Shane Jonas is the author df "How to Cast a Black Magic Spell? 50 Powerful Spells Secrets Revealed"

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    helpful, easy to perform and better .? and it will keep the relationship stronger .

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How to Cast a Black Magic Spell? 50 Powerful Spells Secrets Revealed - Shane Jonas

1-Never forget me

What’s for?

This spell is about to prevent a man or a woman to move on from a relationship. It is recommended when a relationship is over and when you don’t want your ex-partner forget you. It helps with holding back the energy of the target focused over you. If this person started a new relationship, him or her will never forget you. You will appear as an essential person to the life of your target for the rest of his/her life. Whatever the choices he/she makes, this person will not be able to concentrate of his/her new partner.

What ingredients do I need?

To perform this spell, you will need to prepare the following ingredients. Each of the ingredients listed below is important. So do not cast the spell without getting all the ingredients listed.


-a bowl

-3 chicken bones

-5 rose petals

-a picture of yourself

-a paper sheet (same size as your pic) and a black pen.

-black thread

-1 sewing needle

-6 black candles

-3 nails

-black pepper


-1 poppy flower

-stones of your choice to create a magic circle

-a little fabric bag with thread

Where to perform this spell?

This spell can be performed at your home inside or in your garden.

When to perform this spell?

This spell will bring the most powerful results when it is cast on the full moon.


1- Create a circle on the ground directly or on your altar using stones.

-The circle acts as a portal to the realm of the spirits.

-Put the 6 black candles in the internal line of the circle.

-Light the candles

2-Put the bowl at the center of the circle.

Add the bones inside

Add the nails

Add the poppy flower

3-Write the name of your target on the paper sheet

Write the words never forget me

Sew the paper sheet and your pic all together using the black thread. The name of the targets and the words never forget me must be on your pic’s side edge to edge.

Put the sheet and the pic sewed together in the bowl.

4-Add the poppy flower, the rosemary and the pepper in the bowl

"Three spirits there, three spirits to help me,

This lover will never forget me,

In his/her mind my picture will permanently last,

In his/her body sensations will remain alive,

Never forget me, keep living with me,

You will never leave me, you belong to me only,

Never, never, never forget me,

Three spirits there, three spirits thank you for helping me"

5-Burn the pic and the sheet in the bowl at the end of the session. Let it cool.

Keep the ashes and put them in a fabric bag adding the rest of the bones and the nails.

Keep the bag in a safe place.

2-Intranquility spirit spell

What’s for?

An intranquil spirit is a dead soul who wanders restlessly but can find no home or resting place.

An intranquil spirit is invoked to assault a target until he/she returns to you or does something you want him/she to do. The intranquil spirit will keep assaulting the target until his mental and spiritual defenses are broken down.

What ingredients do I need?

To perform this spell, you will need to prepare the following ingredients. Each of the ingredients listed below is important. So do not cast the spell without getting all the ingredients listed.


-One big red candle

-the pic of the target


Where to perform this spell?

This spell can be performed at your home inside or in your garden.

When to perform this spell?

This spell can be performed whenever you want.

How to proceed?

1-Light the candle

2-Recite the following incantation:

"Oh Intranquil Spirit,

you that are wandering restlessly and you will never reach heaven,

Listen to me,

I want you to bring constant torment to the life of (name of the target)

Prevent him/she to rest in peace,

Prevent him/she to sleep

Prevent him/she to concentrate,

Prevent him to take initiatives,

Make his/her life in shambles until he/she humbly falls at my feet because nobody would help him.

Make the life of my target (name of the target) a hell"

3-Repeat this incantation every day during 7 days

4-During the last session, burn the pic of your target and add the dust.

3-Nightmare spell

What’s for?

The nightmare spell is done to stimulate vivid nightmares that will cause the target of this spell to be restless. The fear generated by the nightmares will prevent the target to sleep correctly and to feel intense anxiety every night before sleeping.

This spell creates a negative destructive spiral in the life of the target of the spell. The target sleeps less and less to the point of experiencing anxiety attacks.

What ingredients do I need?

To perform this spell, you will need to prepare the following ingredients. Each of the ingredients listed below is important. So do not cast the spell without getting all the ingredients listed.


-1 branch of Artemesia vulgaris (mugwort)


-a paper sheet and a pen

-7 needles

-black thread

-a black long candle

-a plate

-stones of your choice to create a magic circle


This spell can be performed at your home inside or in your garden.

When to perform this spell?

At nightfall fall once a month. You can do it once a week if you want to make it stronger.

How to proceed?

1- Create a circle on the ground directly or on your altar using stones.

-The circle acts as a portal to the realm of the spirits.

-Put the black candle in center

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