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Why the F Do I Need Life Insurance?
Why the F Do I Need Life Insurance?
Why the F Do I Need Life Insurance?
Ebook63 pages49 minutes

Why the F Do I Need Life Insurance?

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Why the F*&% do I need Life Insurance?

It’s a question many people ask. And it’s a product we really don’t want to think about needing because it only pays out when the unthinkable happens. It is a concept that seems macabre and rather morbid, but nothing could be further from the truth.Life Insurance wasn’t even on JB’s radar for the first thirty-five years of his life.

So, why Life Insurance? Why now? Why would JB be writing a book about Life insurance? He has written so many other books that are fun, full of imagination and mystery. Why waste his time on writing a book about life insurance?It makes zero sense.

The answer isn’t complicated: buying life insurance is a selfless act.JB started a family and realized that if something happened to him, there wouldn’t be anyone to take care of his wife and kid. That simple concept of love and concern drives the vast majority of life insurance sales.Love drives Life insurance sales. Join JB on a hilarious, touching, and informative look at life insurance through a lens only the award-winning mind of JB can provide.

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PublisherJB Michaels
Release dateSep 10, 2021
Why the F Do I Need Life Insurance?

JB Michaels

I have spent my life in the study of story from riveting novels to the slam-bang action-packed world of comics to the examination of film history, I have spent a lifetime learning and examining the elements that make a story incredible. This steadfast dedication has led me to write stories of my own.I am married and with a son, I have a great love of family. I hope that you enjoy my bestselling books that mash genres from thrillers to science fiction to fantasy!

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    Book preview

    Why the F Do I Need Life Insurance? - JB Michaels

    Chapter One

    Growing up, I never thought about life insurance in any capacity. I don’t think any of my family members had a life insurance policy. No one ever talked about it, so it just wasn’t on my radar.

    You have some context now. Maybe I’m just like you.

    I knew very little about the concept of life insurance. It wasn’t until much later that I realized what it was and why it existed. And even then, I didn’t want to think about it. As most young people, the concept of death and death to thine own self seemed too distant and alien of a concept to wrap my head around.

    What follows is the story of my ignorance or what is otherwise known as:

    The times I took unnecessary risks to my life and limb for the sake of fun.

    I mean, if I reach really far back into my past, I can think of a few questionable things I did to endanger my life. Please underwriters, this is in no way an indictment of my current behavior and mental health. I assure you I have grown up and don’t engage in dangerous activities like these on the regular— or at all. Really.

    I am, in some ways, a born entertainer. I did my first impression at two years old: I’d impersonate my potbellied doctor. I walked around with a pillow in my shirt and acted out doctor’s appointments using a deep voice (or as deep as my tiny vocal cords could go).

    These things happened. I am compelled to entertain.

    In the fifth grade, I would fall out of my chair during class to make my classmates laugh, My teacher found my Chevy Chase-like pratfalls hilarious and consistently entertaining.

    I fell out of my chair in class so much and was so convincing that my teacher, after a considerable amount of laughter and entertainment, thought that something might be wrong with my equilibrium and sent home a note to my mother to have my ears checked. My mother took one look at the note and shook her head. She knew I was faking each and every collapse out of my chair or trip over my own feet. I aim to entertain those around me. It just, sort of happens. Well, anyway, this is not always a good thing. Sometimes, my need to entertain or do something outrageous was a risk to my safety.

    In the eighth grade, my friends and I were insanely bored and just walking around our Southside of Chicago neighborhood looking for stuff to do. We had already done our Taco Bell run. We already walked around Omni Superstore with no goals. Just aimless walking. We didn’t know what to do with ourselves. Across Kedzie from the Omni Superstore was a private high school called Luther South High School. It was a relatively small school with a nice football field and bleachers.

    Let’s do something crazy. Those four words sparked us out of our our boredom. I am not even sure who said it; probably my friend Joe. We decided to take his suggestion literally. We hopped over the fence and onto Luther South’s property and headed west to the bleachers. The bleachers were probably twenty feet high, though I honestly don't have an exact memory and we clearly didn’t stop to measure.

    Let’s jump off the top. Again, probably Joe.

    Why we all blindly followed his directive is beyond me. Now that I look back on it, I really should have reconsidered what I was about to do.

    We were a group of boys a year or two older than the characters in Stephen King’s story Stand by Me and the dead body in our version of the story could very well have been one of us. I decided to be the first total idiot to climb the bleachers.

    My blood pumper thumped so loudly that it felt like I couldn’t hear anything over the rhythmic cacophony of my cardiac-system losing it. The fear grew with each metal rung of the superstructure that connected to create the stands.

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