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The Spiritual Sound: Trials and Tribulation
The Spiritual Sound: Trials and Tribulation
The Spiritual Sound: Trials and Tribulation
Ebook27 pages9 minutes

The Spiritual Sound: Trials and Tribulation

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The Spiritual Sound is a collection of spiritual poems all written at a time in my life where the world seemed like a dark and sinister place. When the world was an upside down place to be in and where I was afraid all the time. It is through my pain and troubles that I found God right beside me the whole time being a guiding light out of the darkness.

I believe that God allowed me the beautiful gift of writing to share my experiences with people just like me who suffer for the kingdom of Heaven. People who truly know what it feels like and means to serve God with your whole heart no matter the cost.

It is my greatest and deepest desire that this book inspires someone to call on God and accepts Him into their life. I want no more to influence people to always put God first in their everyday lives because you can´t go wrong with doing this very thing. Remember all things are possible with God (Matthew 19:26) but without Him there are impossible.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJun 7, 2013
The Spiritual Sound: Trials and Tribulation

Jasmine K. Lewis

My name is Jasmine K. Lewis and I’m a writer. I’m from the state of Georgia and have traveled around the United States. Writing has been a big part of my life ever since 7th grade. I grew up watching one of my older sisters write stories in her free time and got inspired to start writing my own. The first story I wrote was called, “Vampire in the Night”, a little short story about kids who have an encounter with a vampire after their parents leave the house. Since that time I have wrote many stories and poems that I have made into collections which I hope the world will read one day.

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