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Faith Healer
Faith Healer
Faith Healer
Ebook15 pages15 minutes

Faith Healer

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Want To Become A Faith Healer?

Don’t Know How To Activate And Put Your Faith To Work So You Can Live The Life Of Constant Victory And Start Enjoying Divine Health?

Well, this is one of the missing ingredients in the body of Christ today which, fortunately, is urgently needed in the world. This book, Faith Healer, comes with an outstanding and gripping insights that teaches you not just how to acquire faith, but also how to activate and put your faith to work so that you, your children, loved ones, and those closest to you could start enjoying divine health.

In Faith Healer, written by Kenneth Chris, you will learn how to:

1. Minister healing by faith

Yes, with Faith Healer you can learn to minister healing by faith almost immediately.

Kenneth A. Chris says:

“I believe that any believer can be a faith healer if they will just do what God says . . . if they will just act upon His word.”

Sharing some of his earliest and personal experiences while ministering healing by faith in a denominational church where he was pasturing, Chris gives you something to be eternally grateful to God for as he unveils hidden secrets to ministering healing to the sick and needy by faith.

So don't get stuck in the rut! Learn how to put your faith to work and start ministering divine healing to the sick around you.
Release dateDec 31, 2020
Faith Healer

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    Faith Healer - Kenneth A. Chris

    C:\Users\user\Downloads\non-fiction (6).jpg

    Faith Healer

    - Kenneth A. Chris

    ISBN: 978-1-716-27363-6

    Copyright©2021 by Kenneth A. Chris

    Faith Healer

    - Kenneth A. Chris

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