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Keto me Clean or Keto me Dirty: A Step by Step Guide to Doing Both
Keto me Clean or Keto me Dirty: A Step by Step Guide to Doing Both
Keto me Clean or Keto me Dirty: A Step by Step Guide to Doing Both
Ebook118 pages1 hour

Keto me Clean or Keto me Dirty: A Step by Step Guide to Doing Both

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Are you confused by all the books on keto out there? In Keto me Clean or Keto me Dirty, you've found one of the authorities on what the keto lifestyle is. Not only will I explain what keto is and why it's so effective, I'll also explain what clean and dirty keto is.
Keto is the most effective diet you can find, for the simple reason that it burns fat. The term ketosis refers to that fact. Once you're in ketosis, you are burning your reserve fat. Keto goes straight for fat burning, while other diets that work do so by accidentally getting you into ketosis.
Not only will keto make you burn fat, but it also improves your lifestyle and health. You'll feel better and you'll still be able to eat many of the foods you enjoy. Keto me Clean or Keto me Dirty will take you deeper into the keto journey than most books out there. Very few books and authorities explain clean and dirty keto.
The book in your hand is the right place to start. Not only will you see fat-loss results within a week, but for the first time ever, you'll enjoy a diet. Not only is the keto diet effective, but it's fun to do as well.
Let's begin this journey together...

Release dateSep 20, 2021

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    Keto me Clean or Keto me Dirty - Susan Zeppieri


    Did you know there’s an easier way to lose weight than just using keto? Keto actually has a more relaxed cousin called dirty keto. With dirty keto, you’ll still lose weight, but a bit slower.

    Why do you lose weight using the keto diet? Because you force the body to use fat as its fuel, instead of carbohydrates.

    The ketogenic diet is based on the idea that, by depriving the body of carbs, which are the body's major source of energy, you compel the body to burn fat for fuel, resulting in maximum weight loss. When you eat carbohydrate-rich foods, your body transforms them into glucose, or blood sugar, which it subsequently uses for energy. Those carbs which aren’t used for energy get stored as fat cells.

    There is, however, more to the keto story. There are at least eight different types of diet utilizing the keto principle, listed here for reference, but we’ll be focusing on the two main types.

    The different variations on the keto diet are:

    ●  Targeted Ketogenic Diet (TKD): The TKD is identical to a traditional ketogenic diet, with the exception that carbs are ingested around workout times.

    ●  Standard Ketogenic Diet (SKD): This is a low carbohydrate, moderate protein, and high fat diet. It’s typically composed of 70% to 75% fat, 20% protein, and 5% to 10% carbohydrates.

    ●  Well-Formulated Ketogenic Diet (WFKD): Well-formulated indicates that the macronutrient ratios of fat, protein, and carbohydrate are consistent with the conventional ketogenic diet and so provide the best likelihood of ketosis happening.

    ●  MCT Ketogenic Diet: This diet follows the pattern of the normal ketogenic diet but focuses on employing medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) to provide the majority of the diet's fat content.

    ●  Cyclical Ketogenic Diet (CKD): The CKD diet, also known as carb backloading, consists of days with more carbs, such as two higher carb days followed by five ketogenic days.

    ●  Very Low Calorie Ketogenic Diet (VLCKD): A standard ketogenic diet is very low in carbs, hence VLCKD usually refers to a standard ketogenic diet.

    ●  High Protein Ketogenic Diet: This diet contains more protein than a conventional ketogenic diet, with a protein-to-fat-to-carbohydrate ratio of 35%, 60%, and 5%.

    ●  Calorie-restricted ketogenic diet: A calorie-restricted ketogenic diet is identical to a conventional ketogenic diet, except that calories are limited to a specific number.

    These variations should indicate to you all the ways in which the keto diet can be utilized with more effectiveness. In all of these, however, the principle of ketosis remains the same.

    Before we get into the book, I want to touch on two points that are important from the get go:

    What are Ketone Bodies?

    When glucose is in short supply, the liver produces ketone bodies, which are then used as an energy source in the body. The liver produces ketones during times of caloric restriction in a variety of circumstances, including fasting, carbohydrate-restricted diets, starvation, and continuous strenuous exercise.

    Ketones are constantly present in the blood, and their levels rise after fasting and strenuous exercise. They’ve also been discovered in the blood of newborns and pregnant women. The most common pathogenic cause of increased blood ketones is diabetes.

    Ketone bodies have a distinct odor that can be detected in the breath of people in ketosis or ketoacidosis. It’s frequently described as fruity or similar to nail polish remover. This is one way to determine if you are in ketosis.

    Are Ketones Harmful?

    I would not have written this book if ketones were harmful. You must understand, though, that exceptionally high levels of ketones are dangerous. Such high levels, however, generally occur outside of the controlled environment I’m suggesting.

    Ketosis is a naturally occurring metabolic condition.

    Ketosis may even provide various health benefits in addition to weight loss, such as fewer seizures in children with epilepsy (Martin‐McGill et al., 2018).

    People frequently mix up ketosis and ketoacidosis. While ketosis is a normal metabolic process, ketoacidosis is a hazardous metabolic disease that can be fatal if not treated. When it occurs, the blood becomes acidic, which is quite dangerous. Ketosis, however, is not harmful when induced according to the guidelines.

    The long and short of it is that if you stick to the guidelines I ‘ll be laying out for you in this book, you will lose fat deposits, and you will remain healthy.

    I also want to state that it’s always good practice to discuss any diet with your GP before beginning.

    Welcome to Keto me Clean or Keto me Dirty.

    Chapter 1: What is Dirty Keto?

    Since this book is about clean and dirty keto, I feel compelled to explain both concepts to you in separate chapters. Let’s start with dirty keto.

    Although dirty keto remains low in carbs and rich in fat, its food choices aren’t always as beneficial. While this method can technically achieve ketosis and get some of the keto diet's benefits, you may lose out on some critical nutrients and raise your risk of disease. Think of it as lazy keto, which is also the other term it’s known as. Dirty keto offers convenience, and that’s the main reason why this version of keto exists.

    Dirty keto adheres to the same eating routine and macronutrient targets as normal keto, focusing on ingesting 65-75% of total calories in fat, 20-35% in protein, and 5% in carbohydrates. This type of keto allows you to eat whatever you want as long as you keep your carbohydrate intake

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