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Win The Rat Race
Win The Rat Race
Win The Rat Race
Ebook334 pages6 hours

Win The Rat Race

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The most captivating tale of an African Banker ever told!
Win The Rat Race captures the real-life account of Obioha Oti’s twelve-year-career in Nigeria’s foremost bank—his experiences, travails and triumphs—all told in a masterful way, carefully laden with essential lessons to help you win the rat race.
Obioha Oti, creatively crafted several practical leadership lessons, career transforming nuggets, and high performance coaching skills, into this unbelievably thrilling story, borne out of truly exceptional banking experiences.
And if you think you are in for one long, boring autobiography of an ex-banker, then listen to how one pundit describes the book:
“This book will actually hold you by the jugular and force you to read every page, every paragraph, every sentence, and every word!”
The storytelling is vivid, and so well-written is this book, that it feels like reading an intriguing, suspense-filled fictional story that keeps you turning the pages. It is no doubt, the most captivating tale of an African banker ever told!
Win The Rat Race is a gift to all those yearning to make a difference in life, especially in the corporate world. Obioha Oti won the rat race and you too, can!

PublisherObioha Oti
Release dateSep 19, 2021
Win The Rat Race

Obioha Oti

Obioha Oti is a native of Ekoli Edda in Afikpo South L.G.A of Ebonyi State, South East Nigeria. He had his junior and senior secondary education at Secondary Technical School, Ekoli/Nguzu Edda and Government Secondary School, Afikpo respectively. After his secondary education, he proceeded to Enugu State University of Science and Technology (ESUT), Enugu, Nigeria, where he studied Chemical Engineering. He also holds a Master’s Degree in Engineering Management from the same university.He worked for about twelve years in First bank of Nigeria Limited – one of Nigeria’s leading banks, and resigned honourably in October, 2017. He is the Founding Chairman of Blessed Trust Group. Blessed Trust Group comprises the following – Blessed Trust and Hope Organization, an MFI, Blessed Trust Creative Services Limited, Blessed Trust Academy and Blessed Trust Publishing and Printing.Obioha Oti has authored many books, including the thriller Too Late for Anything. He is a serial entrepreneur, business consultant and coach. He is the National Vice President of AMMBAN, (Association of Mobile Money and Bank Agents in Nigeria). He is married with children.

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    Win The Rat Race - Obioha Oti


    Obioha Oti is a native of Ekoli Edda in Afikpo South L.G.A of Ebonyi State, South East Nigeria. He had his junior and senior secondary education at Secondary Technical School, Ekoli/Nguzu Edda and Government Secondary School, Afikpo respectively. After his secondary education, he proceeded to Enugu State University of Science and Technology (ESUT), Enugu, Nigeria, where he studied Chemical Engineering. He also holds a Master’s Degree in Engineering Management from the same university.

    He worked for about twelve years in First bank of Nigeria Limited – one of Nigeria’s leading banks, and resigned honourably in October, 2017. He is the Founding Chairman of Blessed Trust Group. Blessed Trust Group comprises the following – Blessed Trust and Hope Organization, an MFI, Blessed Trust Creative Services Limited, Blessed Trust Academy and Blessed Trust Publishing and Printing.

    Obioha Oti has authored many books, including the thriller Too Late for Anything. He is a serial entrepreneur, business consultant and coach. He is the National Vice President of AMMBAN, (Association of Mobile Money and Bank Agents in Nigeria). He is married with children.


    The most captivating tale of an African

    Banker, ever told!



    Blessed Trust Publishing & Printing




    Obioha Oti was one of the best personalities I had ever worked with.

    He brought passion, resourcefulness and excitement to any project. I will caption Win The Rat Race "vintage Oti". The memoir captivated me from the first page as I felt his pain at his learning travails as a young Banker. I was cheering him from the sidelines as he came into his own and started succeeding on the job. I marvelled at his courage and boldness in the many ordeals he encountered while on the job.

    Finally, I found myself sobbing uncontrollably at the very bitter sweet ending. Win The Rat Race is a must-read for everyone as we need the deep life lessons in this wonderful memoir...

    -Ngozi Stanley-Obi, Certified Coach| Author of the bestselling book The Blessings of Job Loss|Social Entrepreneur.


    I never knew that reading a non-fiction could be this captivating and engaging. Obioha Oti's Win The Rat Race is actually a page turner, written with the fluidity akin to a masterfully crafted work of fiction. As Obioha passionately told his story, one could see the audaciousness and tenacity of a rugged banker come to play. Noteworthy is the remarkable candidness and naturalness with which he told the story. And as a banker of many years myself, I could relate to his pains and triumphs. Lest I forget, I had some good laughs too. 

    This book will actually hold you by the jugular and force you to read every page, every paragraph, every sentence, and every word!

    And if you doubt me, get the book and thank me later.

    -Qudus Oko-Osi, Banker |Writer |Website Developer, Lagos Nigeria

    Most things I learnt about people-oriented leadership, I learnt from Mr. Oti. Our paths crossed when he became my manager in the bank. He is a disciplined leader with great work ethics. He is very resourceful, passionate and always goes the extra mile to learn. 

    I remember when I had an incident which involved an impersonator and law enforcement agency in the bank; he stood by me and put himself out there just to make sure no one harassed his staff and colleague. That singular act left an indelible mark.

    As my manager, he believed in, and still does, in my capacity to be and do more. For every little achievement, he cheered me on and that went a long way in fuelling my passion. 

    I wasn't surprised when he launched his own firm; in fact I felt it was long overdue because he has always had great ideas and strategic initiatives while we were colleagues.

    "Win The Rat Race" is a must read for everyone as it delves deep into his experiences and lessons learnt.

    -Chinenye Okeke| Banker | Toronto, Canada


    "An important abnorm in a contemporary clime like ours is the dearth of quality leadership occasioned on a missing mentorship model. In Win The Rat Race, Obioha selflessly delivers the ‘how to’ so desperately needed"

    –Benjamin Okoh, Journalist| On Air personality & Anchor of the Award winning BookonReview with Benj!@Classic FM, 97.3


    I first met Obioha Oti in February 2013 when was I redeployed to Onitsha Electronics Market Branch of FBN from Calabar to work with him. He was my manager, I reported directly to him.

    Obioha Oti was not just a boss to many of us in the branch then; he was a source of inspiration to us all. He motivated us to go the extra mile in everything that we did. His extraordinary leadership style made our branch achieve so many milestones in our Score Cards, ATM Performance, Exceptional Customer Service Delivery and other Key Performances Indices that mattered in the bank at that time.

    I personally learnt so much leadership lessons from Obioha that I still apply in my personal business today. Indeed, I am very grateful that our paths crossed.

    As at the time of writing this comment, I have not actually read the book, Win The Rat Race. But I am aware that it is the story of Obioha Oti’s banking experience, and being part of that experience, I know it’s practically going to be "one hell of a story" I dare say. If you are looking for a book that will inspire you, push you to the limits, yet show you how to land very softly, I promise that you will have it in Win Rat Race.

    –Osarenren Aigienohuwa, Entrepreneur |Chartered Accountant | Chartered Banker | Chartered Tax Professional


    WIN THE RAT RACE is an audacious gift to humanity's labour force, fabricated from the lesson laden career experience of the author. Obioha Oti has led the proverbial horse to the river and only the ones ready to win will dare to drink.

    –Ray Anyasi,  Author, Publisher and Audio-visual Content Production Consultant.

    Just as I already wrote on the foreword, I met Obioha many years ago when we were both in the bank. Today, he is one of the few people among my former colleagues I still consult, particularly in matters of business. One of the things that stood out for me about Obioha was that he was a very hardworking young banker who was always very passionate about his job.

    I don’t intend to write a very long piece here. All I can tell you is that you need to get a copy of this book, Win the Rat Race. Take time to read it from the first chapter to the last chapter. You will call the results for yourself.

    Thank you and God bless you.

    –Dr. Mrs.  Nwabuaku Arisa, Retired Banker| Pastor | Entrepreneur


    I have journeyed with Engr. Obioha Oti on his odyssey through the bank; I have been with him through his numerous ordeals, felt the pain of conspiracies and the entanglement of the webs woven to entrap him. I have done all these only through the voyage of his pen. His experiences are tactfully recounted that they enrich the soul.

    I have known the author to be optimistic in his vision, dogged in his ideas and fanatic in his convictions. These he has explored to enlarge the influence of Blessed Trust and Hope Organization and to add Blessed Trust Publishing and Printing to his group of companies.

    The practical lessons in Win the Rat Race are timely, contemporary and needful for not only a successful banking experience but also for human management and effective leadership.

    –Ben Nkama, Creative Writer| Editor| Author| Mass Communicator

    Copyright 2021 © by ObiohaOti

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without the prior consent of the author, except provided by the Nigerian copyright law

    Published by Blessed Trust Publishing And Printing

    Head Office, 12, Port Harcourt Road, Bridge Head, Fegge Onitsha, Anambra State, Nigeria, Phone : +2348037528387, +2348109615238

    First Published in Nigeria, September, 2021

    Printed in Nigeria

    ISBN - 878-978-58377-0-4

    This publication is meant to give correct, exact and true information concerning the issues covered. It is sold with the understanding that Blessed Trust Publishing or the author is not engaged in giving legal, accounting or other professional services. If legal advice or other expert help is needed the services of a qualified professional entity should be called upon.

    Cover Design, by Ebere Egemole : +2348037367193

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    Winning isn’t everything, it’s the only thing

    –Vince Lombardi

    This book is dedicated to my family, my darling wife, Roseline, my precious daughter Ngozi and all my wonderful boys Wisdom, Princewill, Divine and Chisimdi

    They were there as I raced, they cheered, they laughed; they cried with me.


    Other highly inspiring and entertaining titles By Obioha Oti

    Too Late for Anything

    The gods are Mistaken

    Win The Rat Race

    Quit The Rat Race

    Rags to Riches (The Story of David)

    Business is a Marathon


    The information in this book is true, correct and complete to the best of the author’s knowledge. Every part of the book is a product of the author’s experience throughout the period of his banking career. The book is intended to inform, educate, entertain and generally enlighten the author’s audience and the general public. Every effort has been put in place to make sure that the contents of this book are accurate and helpful for our readers at the time of publication.

    However, the author is not a lawyer, and the book and its contents are not and should not take the place of legal advice from a lawyer. Again, it is sold with the understanding that neither the author nor publisher is engaged in rendering legal, accounting, auditing, banking or other professional service with this book. As earlier mentioned, the book is completely a product of the author’s experience, and its usage is limited only with reference to the author’s experience.

    Usage of the information in this book other than the purpose for which it is intended by the author and publisher is at your own risk. This book is not intended to serve as information to any person or entity to take action for or against any entity/person. Anyone making reference to this book in this regard is doing so at his/her own risk. Application of any information or ideas in this book is entirely up to the reader, who is equally expected to take full responsibility for his/her choices, actions and outcomes. The author and publisher absolve themselves from all liability in this regard.

    If anyone seeks legal, banking, consulting, accounting or other expert advice, the person should seek the services of a competent professional to handle the matter.


    For this book, Win The Rat Race, to be a reality, I have a lot of people to thank. First of all, I want to thank our Almighty God who gave me the opportunity to go through all the experiences that gave birth to this book and also the wisdom to be able to put them down in writing and eventually publish it.

    I want to thank my family, both nuclear and extended, who stood by me throughout my exciting career in the bank and up till this day. The journey indeed has not been an easy one, but their love and support has always given me the strength to carry on.

    I am greatly indebted to a lot of my colleagues during the time I worked in the bank. The interactions I had with them, whether good or bad helped to mould me into who I eventually became today. The experiences they made me pass through are the reasons why this book is a reality. But there are people that I must not fail to particularly mention because of their great positive contributions to my career.

    Number one on the list is Mrs. Ngozi Stanley-Obi, my mentor, motivator, Manager of managers, RSM and one of the best bankers I ever had the privileged to have worked with. I also wish to express my gratitude to the following: Mr. Kenneth Okafor, Mr. Geoffrey Akwu, Mrs. Rachael R. Davies, Mrs. Ify Ndibe,  Dr. Mrs. Nwabuaku Arisa – great Area Managers that I learnt so much from during my banking days.

    I will not fail to also mention the following staff that I worked with during my time in Awka: my boss and brother, Mr. Francis Urom, (May his soul rest in the bosom of our Lord). He guided me like a child during my early days in the bank. Mr. CJ Onaga, my bank assigned mentor, my great manager, Alphonsus I. Uche –  my boss, my guy and an easy going leader. I equally wish to thank all other members of our Awka Branch team, particularly, Chioma, Oluchi and faith who worked directly with me in the Clearing Department.

    I want to thank all the members of of my Onitsha Electromart team, especially, Chinenye Okeke, Osarenren Aigienohuwa and every other member of our award winning team. We achieved the impossible working together. Kudos to you all!

    I am grateful to our BASSC Project Team members, My Onitsha Owerri Road Branch team members, Bridge Head branch team members and the entire South East Region team members.

    I will never forget Richard – my father, my cousin, my friend and colleague rolled in one. May God continue to bless and lift you very high. You have a heart of gold.

    I wish to show my unquantifiable appreciation to all those that worked directly with me in the course of the publication of this book, Qudus Oko-Osi and Ben Nkama – my editors, Benjamin Okoh, Ray Anyasi –  who went through the manuscript and made useful inputs. Ebere Egemole – one of the best Graphic Artists I have ever worked with. I am so very grateful to you all.

    Finally, I must never forget to appreciate my wonderful team at Blessed Trust, whose support always gives me the opportunity to relax and think creatively, starting from , my DMD, Celestine Nnagbogu, my Head, Internal Control /Chief Compliance Officer, Dele Oyebode, my Human Resources Manager, Antonia Ozoagu, all Branch Mangers and Heads of Departments, and all of our staff members.

    Thank you all.

    Obioha Oti

    September, 2021


    I met Obioha many years ago when we were both in the bank. Today, he is one of the few people among my former colleagues I still consult, particularly in matters of business. When we met in the bank, I was an Area Operations Manager, and he was a Branch Operations Manager. However, the difference in our pedestal in the bank then did not prevent us from connecting positively.

    One of the things that stood out for me about Obioha was that he was a very hardworking young banker who was always very passionate about his job. Although I was not directly his boss, but I was able to see him shine in our region then as one of the best performing Branch Operations Managers.

    Obioha was one staff that handled whatever assignment he was given to execute with an electrifying commitment. When he was appointed to take up the position of our Region’s ATM Champion, by our then South East Regional Manager, Obioha so handled the position with such an infectious passion that rubbed off on all of us in the region positively.  He helped the regional team build and execute an ATM performance strategy that literarily took our region to the top of the bank wide ATM dashboard table. It was indeed a giant feat.

    When Obioha became a BASSC (Branch as a service and Sales Center) Change Leader, while working under a Head Office transformational project in branches, he did not relent either. Together with his team of other BASSC Change Leaders in South East, they were able to affect our region in many positive ways, namely the implementation of the BASSC project in branches, mock mystery shopping activities, regional trainings and many transformational initiatives. The Change Leaders accomplished these entire feats under our guidance then in the bank as Area Service Managers and our Regional Service Manager.

    Obioha was a bank staff that you would aptly describe as a high flyer. He was on a fast lane both in accomplishing great tasks and equally getting promoted as a result. I had no doubt in my mind that he was going to go very far in the bank as an intelligent, hardworking and very determined young man.

    When however, I heard that he had resigned from the bank in 2017, after I had retired many years earlier myself, I was pretty much surprised, but not disappointed. I was not disappointed because, I saw in him clear positive signs of someone that knew exactly where he was going. He brought the same excellent work ethics which he used in the bank that gave him unrivalled success into his business. No doubt he is doing extremely very well, as we can all see.

    For Obioha to write down his story, the experiences garnered over the years during his banking days, both the good , the bad and the ugly, I believe is a great blessing to humanity. We have a lot to learn from a banker per excellence like Obioha, and I sincerely encourage anyone seeking excellence to try and get this book Win The Rat Race and learn the many great lessons there.

    When someone writes a book, especially a book as Win The Rat Race as Obioha has written, he has literarily given us a piece of his life for us to learn and live. Obioha’s book is not just full of great lessons for us to learn and imbibe, but it is also full of great thrilling stories, some of which are capable of truly making you laugh or cry as you read along. And the beauty of it all is that the stories are real stories about his own personal experiences during his banking career. I make bold to say that this book is a must read for every banker or anyone who wants to achieve excellence in his career.

    Obioha did not present himself as a perfect person in this book, Win The Rat Race. We still see him as the rest of us – human beings that are capable of making mistakes. But one of the hallmarks of a great man is his ability to always recognize his errors and wiliness to correct them and move forward. We can clearly see that in this book. It is very important for the rest of us to learn from him through this book and know exactly what to do and what not to do based on his personal experiences.

    I don’t intend to write a very long piece here. All I can tell you is that you need to get a copy of this book, Win The Rat Race. Better still, as you have already gotten the book, take time to read it from the first chapter to the last chapter. You will call the results for yourself.

    Thank you and God bless you.

    –Dr. Mrs.  Nwabuaku Arisa, Retired Banker| Pastor | Entrepreneur


    Congratulations for getting this book!

    Dear Reader,

    You deserve big congratulations from me for getting this book. Without sounding too boastful, I dare say that this book, as you will soon find out, is worth gold of inestimable value. The great lessons and intriguing stories in it are definitely going to be worth your money and time. Please do well to read it from the beginning to the end.

    As you already know, my name is Obioha Oti, the author of this book – Win The Rat Race – a book that pundits have rightly described as The most captivating tale of an African Banker ever told!.

    I worked in Nigeria’s foremost bank for about twelve years and resigned honourably in October 2017 to pursue my dreams as an entrepreneur, writer, business coach and consultant. I am proud to say that I have been wildly successful in many of my undertakings.

    Within the period of time I worked in the bank, I had the opportunity to garner so much valuable experiences that is very useful not only in the banking industry, but in the workplace generally. Now why is my book Win The Rat Race described as:

    The most captivating tale of an African Banker ever told?

    I was neither a bank Director nor CEO. Many bank Directors, CEOs etc in our continent, Africa have written books I am aware. But I make bold to tell you here that whatever they may have written is nowhere near what you are going to see in this book as far as the experiences of the real people who make the difference in the work place is concerned.

    From the very beginning, I want to let you know firsthand that this book is not a work of fiction. Everything you read here happened, and they happened to me exactly as I have written them down. My career in the bank had been one roller coaster of events. There are too many things to talk about my banking career that if I decided to say all of them, I could write a series of about twenty books, each as voluminous as this one. But I have decided to pick only a few events that would more clearly buttress my subject matter, Win The Rat Race.

    This book is not my autobiography. It is only a snapshot of my life, captured within a period of about twelve years of my banking career. I want you to know that I wrote this book with my heart. I remember that some nights as I wrote and the memories came flooding into my being, some of those memories made me shed hot tears of both joy and sadness.

    If you are an employee reading this book, I want to assure you, that it will definitely be one of the best books you will ever read in a long time. This does not mean that employers will not have anything to gain from the many great lessons here.  If you are particularly a bank employee, for instance, all I can say is make sure you start and finish this book because it is laced with so many important lessons that you can’t afford to miss.

    The work we do every day is comparable to running a rat race, and if you participate in a rat race, it is very important that you win. I have written this book in order to help everyone—employee and employer alike—to be able win this very important rat race if they apply the many lessons gathered from my own experiences. I like winning. I never like to lose in anything I find myself doing. That is why I have written this book with a winning mentality. I hope you will be able to catch that winning fever as you read this book from the beginning to the end.

    The characters in this book are real people. However, I did not use their real names in order not to embarrass anyone, especially those of them that committed negative acts. Like I said in the book, I bear no grudges against anyone. Life itself is a lesson, and the people we meet everyday are meant to be our teachers. Some teach us the good, some the bad and yet some the ugly things about life. It is up to us to learn, and better still document our experiences for others to learn from us. That is exactly what I have done in this book.

    Now the truth is that never has a book ever been written that clearly captures the real life experiences, huddles, and travails of an African Banker and how to win in the workplace as vividly and as captivating as this book. In Win The Rat Race, I have so creatively crafted several practical lessons, career transforming nuggets and high performance coaching skills into an unbelievably thrilling story borne out of truly exceptional banking experiences.

    In this masterpiece, I'll share with you, deep and practical lessons and please always remember: they are strictly borne out of my personal experiences. I will share them, in no particular order, under the following headings:

    Leadership and People Management

    How you can lead your team (branch, department, organization) to sustain very high staff morale - based on my experience

    How you can raise a formidable team that that will become high-fliers in a very short time

    How you can make your team members naturally willing to follow you on their own without necessarily being pressured to do so.

    How to really apply force to make those among your team members that will not naturally want to follow you to follow and really be fruitful in the team, all based on my personal and practical experiences.

    How sacrificial leadership or gift work can make your team members be your fans for life.

    How being a great follower can make you become a great leader in the work place.

    Performance Management and Monitoring

    How to get your team to actually focus on shooting the stars and getting it.

    How to raise a team of underdogs to becoming champions in an extraordinary way.

    How to monitor all the key performance indicators (KPIs) in your business or workplace and make sure that you get them right and working for you.

    How to get your team to understand that results are actually more important than mere activities, and get them focus on getting real results.

    How to use the reward system to get your team members to want to achieve more.

    How to greatly improve on team/branch score card without undermining customer service.

    Corporate Transformation and Innovation

    How to seize opportunities in the workplace to bring positive changes.

    How to develop an innovative mindset in the workplace and equally influence your team members to do the same.

    How to turn around your branch, department or organization, leveraging on making transformational decisions that bring positive results.

    How to be able to prove to your superiors that your ideas, even though they sound crazy and risky, in whichever place you find yourself in the corporate world are actually worth giving a

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