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Ignoring the Rules: An Intriguing Approach to Resolving Calcium Toxicity
Ignoring the Rules: An Intriguing Approach to Resolving Calcium Toxicity
Ignoring the Rules: An Intriguing Approach to Resolving Calcium Toxicity
Ebook108 pages1 hour

Ignoring the Rules: An Intriguing Approach to Resolving Calcium Toxicity

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About this ebook

The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far From the Tree. In an age of choice, it’s astounding how many rules there are. Nowhere is this more evident than in the health and wellness industry.

In Ignoring the Rules: An Intriguing Approach to Resolving Calcium Toxicity, Elizabeth shares her unconventional approach to rebuilding her health and her life after it was torn apart by environmental poisoning.

Who and What. In this work Elizabeth shares

Experiences that shaped her views on conventional Western medicine as well as the influences, including MDs, who put her on the path to “alternative” healing.
Her unconventional path to healing that included champagne and tequila.
An update on EMF Sensitivity, including the impact of 5G on the condition.

Release dateSep 22, 2021
Ignoring the Rules: An Intriguing Approach to Resolving Calcium Toxicity

Elizabeth Maxim

If Elizabeth were to map her life’s journey, it would resemble the chaos of a Pac-Man game but out of this chaos came the foundation for her stories. She draws from knowledge, personal experience, and imagination in creating strong independent characters who steer their own destiny... often with a little help from love.Elizabeth studied alternative medicine with an MD for several years before earning a doctorate of philosophy in that field. She also holds a bachelor's degree in holistic childcare. Currently living in the Pacific Northwest, she is the author of multiple books, fiction and nonfiction, as well as two blog sites.You can follow Elizabeth at

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    Book preview

    Ignoring the Rules - Elizabeth Maxim

    Other titles by Elizabeth Maxim


    Psychic Hangover#

    Kerry's Game^^

    The Company She Keeps^^

    Her Sanctuary^^

    Tequila Hangover#

    Ghost in the Mirror^^

    The Dreamer**

    The Lover**

    The Messenger**

    The Seer**


    Bishop Pair*


    Port in a Storm

    Positional Play*

    Simultaneous Display*

    Pawn Storm*

    Dark Bishop*








    Metatron’s Legacy*

    Cauldron of the Gods^

    Chronicles 1: Karma*



    Shadow of the Gods^




    # Hangover Series

    ^^ Psi Adventure Series

    * Metatron’s Army

    ** Awakening Series

    ^ Dragon Core

    + Ghost Games

    *** Colony


    Riding the Waves:

    Diagnosing, Treating and Living with EMF Sensitivity

    Breaking the Waves:

    A Primer on Sensitivity to Electromagnetic Frequencies

    Amplifying the Waves:

    The Role of Electromagnetic Pollution in EMF Sensitivity

    Wipeout EMF Sensitivity:

    The Challenge of Curing Autoimmune Disease

    After Here:

    The Celestial Plane and What Happens When We Die


    The Old Man Mineral and Its Role in EMF Sensitivity

    Lessons from the Edge:

    An Author's Guide to Metatron's Army

    Ignoring the Rules: An Intriguing Approach to Resolving Calcium Toxicity

    Published by Doorways Publishing House

    Copyright © 2021 by Elizabeth Maxim

    All rights reserved.

    This book contains advice and information relating to health care. It is not intended to replace medical advice and should be used to supplement rather than replace regular care by your doctor. It is recommended that you seek your physician’s advice before embarking on any medical program or treatment. All efforts have been made to assure the accuracy of the information contained in this book as of the date of publication. The publisher and the author disclaim liability for any medical outcomes that may occur as a result of applying the methods suggested in this book.

    Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the publisher except for the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    I believe that the greatest gift you can give your family and the world is a healthy you.

    - Joyce Meyer


    I am so happy you've decided to purchase Ignoring the Rules: An Intriguing Approach to Resolving Calcium Toxicity. I truly believe the information here will help you on your journey of health. This document, inaugural in a series of shorter nonfiction works contains information about the impact of excess calcium on human health and well-being.

    Hint: Not good.

    It also contains the sometimes unconventional strategies I used to address the situation.

    Including how adding champagne and tequila to my diet made all the difference.

    In the pages that follow I share a bit about myself and my own journey of discovery; a journey which became a twisty turny synchronicity-filled path leading to a methodology that, while successful, at times brought me to tears.

    Sometimes they were tears of frustration, other times tears of relief, and most recently, tears of joy.


    Going forward in reverse.

    I've often likened my path through life to a Pac-Man game on steroids. This multi-directional sometimes frantic complete with quick reverses and last-minute pivots way of life describes my path of recovery from heavy metal poisoning.

    As such I will be writing in what I call switchback style.

    Because sometimes in life we need to go backward to make progress.

    The method behind the madness is to illustrate the way things unfolded and how I drew from a lifetime of observation, education, and experience to untangle the mess I found myself in.

    The holistic way.

    Body, mind, and spirit isn't just a catch phrase in my life.

    I walk the talk.

    I include

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