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The Colony of Unrequited Dreams
The Colony of Unrequited Dreams
The Colony of Unrequited Dreams
Ebook218 pages1 hour

The Colony of Unrequited Dreams

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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Spanning two decades, Smallwood’s story is anchored and propelled by one of Johnston’s most memorable creations: the fictitious Sheilagh Fielding, a caustic newspaper columnist whose own battles with the past and alcohol addiction find full vent and expression in her tireless dogging of Smallwood’s climb to power. At its heart, The Colony of Unrequited Dreams is the story of a man whose career is buoyed and sometimes sunk by his unresolved feelings for a woman he never allowed himself to love. It is also the story of Newfoundland’s final years as a country, the end of one cultural and political trajectory, and the beginning of another.

Based on the classic novel by Wayne Johnston, The Colony of Unrequited Dreams is a fictionalized portrait of Joseph R. Smallwood, the controversial political figure who ambitiously led Newfoundland into Confederation with Canada, and became its first premier.

Release dateFeb 6, 2017
The Colony of Unrequited Dreams

Robert Chafe

Robert Chafe is a writer, educator, actor, and arts administrator based in St. John’s, Ktaqmkuk (Newfoundland). He has worked in theatre, dance, opera, radio, fiction, and film. His stage plays have been seen in Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and in the United States, and include Oil and Water, Tempting Providence, Afterimage, Under Wraps, Between Breaths, Everybody Just C@lm the F#ck Down, and The Colony of Unrequited Dreams (adapted from the novel by Wayne Johnston). He has been shortlisted three times for the Governor General’s Literary Award for Drama and he won the award for Afterimage in 2010. He has been a guest instructor at Memorial University, Sir Wilfred Grenfell College, and the National Theatre School of Canada. In 2018 he was awarded an honorary doctorate from Memorial University. He is the playwright and artistic director of Artistic Fraud.

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    Book preview

    The Colony of Unrequited Dreams - Robert Chafe

    Also by Robert Chafe


    Oil and Water

    Robert Chafe: Two Plays (Butler’s Marsh and Tempting Providence)

    Under Wraps

    The Colony of



    a play by



    based on the novel by

    Wayne Johnston

    Playwrights Canada Press


    The Colony of Unrequited Dreams © Copyright 2016 by Robert Chafe

    Adapted from the novel of the same name by Wayne Johnston.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, downloaded, or used in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publisher, except for excerpts in a review or by a licence from Access Copyright,

    For professional or amateur production rights, please contact:

    Artistic Fraud of Newfoundland

    PO Box 23193, Churchill Square

    St. John’s, NL A1B 4J9

    Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication

    Chafe, Robert, author

    The colony of unrequited dreams / Robert Chafe.

    A play.

    Based on: Johnston, Wayne, 1958-. Colony of unrequited dreams.

    Issued in print and electronic formats.

    ISBN 978-1-77091-576-3 (softcover).--ISBN 978-1-77091-577-0 (PDF).

    --ISBN 978-1-77091-578-7 (HTML).--ISBN 978-1-77091-733-0 (Kindle)

    1. Smallwood, Joseph R., 1900-1991--Drama. 2. Premiers

    (Canada)--Newfoundland and Labrador--Drama. 3. Newfoundland

    and Labrador--Drama. I. Title.

    PS8555.H2655C53 2017 C812’.54 C2016-907652-0


    We acknowledge the financial support of the Canada Council for the Arts, the Ontario Arts Council (OAC), the Ontario Media Development Corporation, and the Government of Canada through the Canada Book Fund for our publishing activities.

    Logos: Canada Council for the Arts, Conseil des arts du Canada, Ontario Arts Council Conseil des Arts de L'Ontario an Ontario government agency un organisme du gouvernement de l'Ontario, Canada Watermark, Ontario Ontario Media Development Corporation.


    Also by Robert Chafe

    Production History


    Act 1: 1927–1932










    Act 2: 1934–1941









    Act 3: 1947–1949









    About the Author

    Production History

    The Colony of Unrequited Dreams was first produced by Artistic Fraud of Newfoundland at the St. John’s Arts and Culture Centre from February 18–21, 2015, with the following cast and crew:

    Astrid Van Wieren: Sheilagh Fielding

    Colin Furlong: Joseph Smallwood

    Jody Richardson: Sir Richard Squires/Producer

    Alison Woolridge: Minnie Smallwood/Lady Squires

    Steve O’Connell: Charlie Smallwood

    Willow Kean: Clara Smallwood/Nurse

    Brian Marler: Daniel Prowse

    Paul Rowe: Andrews/Louis St. Laurent

    Charlie Tomlinson: Mackenzie King/Sir John Hope Simpson

    Darryl Hopkins: David Hanrahan/Gordon Bradley

    Angus Younghusband: the boy

    Jillian Keiley: Director

    Shawn Kerwin: Set Design

    Leigh Ann Vardy: Lighting Design

    Don Ellis: Sound Design

    Marie Sharpe: Costume Design

    Connie Walsh: Costume Assistant/Dresser

    Amy Edwards: Dresser

    Karl Simmons: Technical Director/Set Construction

    Flora Planchat: Props

    Christine Brubaker: Assistant Director

    Sarah Garton Stanley: Dramaturge

    Patrick Foran: Producer/Production Manager

    Kai-Yueh Chen: Stage Manager

    Mark Denine: Assistant Stage Manager

    Brian Kenny: Lighting/Sound Assistant

    Victoria Wells: Media Production

    The show was remounted and toured to Canada’s National Arts Centre in January 2017 with Carmen Grant playing the role of Sheilagh Fielding.


    Joseph R. Smallwood: Twenty-seven to forty-nine years old, political upstart, future premier of Newfoundland

    Sheilagh Fielding: Twenty-eight to fifty years old, newspaper columnist

    Richard Squires: Forty-eight years old, leader of the Newfoundland Liberal Party

    Daniel Prowse: Twenty-eight to fifty years old, lawyer, schoolmate of Smallwood’s

    Charlie Smallwood: Fifty to seventy-two years old, Smallwood’s father

    Minnie Smallwood: Forty-nine to seventy-one years old, Smallwood’s mother

    Clara Smallwood: Twenty-six to forty-eight years old, Smallwood’s wife

    Lady Squires: Forty-six years old, wife to Richard Squires

    Roy Andrews: Fifty-five years old, a fisherman

    Lord Hope Simpson: Sixty years old, leader of the Commission of Government

    David Hanrahan: Twenty-six years old, an American naval officer

    William Lyon Mackenzie King: Seventy-four years old, Prime Minister of Canada

    Louis St. Laurent: Sixty-six years old, Canadian Secretary of State for External Affairs

    Gordon Bradley: Fifty years old, Chairman of the Newfoundland National Convention

    Producer: Thirty years old, Smallwood’s radio producer

    Nurse: Forty years old, nurse at the Harbour Light Addictions Centre

    Colonial building constables

    Government House doorman, servers, and guards

    Men and women outside Pleasantville cinema

    American soldiers and military police

    Radio announcer


    A boy with a broom

    Act 1



    Sheilagh Fielding, large, sturdy, nevertheless resting on a cane. There is a suitcase at her feet. A moment of silence and then she speaks.


    Everyone knows your name.

    Elsewhere, perhaps in her memory, a storm. Joe Smallwood, small, bony, a poor man’s suit. He walks with effort against the snow and wind, the shoulders of his shabby overcoat and the top of his hat frosted.

    There’s a man called Smallwood, they had said. He’s walking across the country.

    He’s following the train tracks, every branch, one end of Newfoundland to the other. He’s trying to organize us all into a railway union, they said. They used words like noble. His body is as thin as his shoe leather; he is alone. They used words like brave.

    Smallwood collapses on the railbed.

    That storm. I remember your footprints outside my railway station house and disappearing into the distance. No town for miles. What choice did I have?

    A light glows through the storm. A younger Fielding bundled, holding a lantern.

    First time I’d seen you since New York, but even as a snow-covered lump, I knew it was you.

    The younger Fielding extends her arm and holds the lantern up, catching sight of Smallwood’s body on the ground. And they vanish.

    I dragged you to warmth. I stripped all of your clothes and put you in a tub. I saw just how apt your name is.

    She smiles sadly.

    I saved your life that night, Smallwood. You’re lucky I was there. I somehow always was. No matter how far away I exiled myself.

    Like the train tracks themselves, our lives have lain side by side.



    An opulent dining room. Smallwood, in the same meagre coat and hat, dusted in a little less snow. He is startled from his thoughts by the abrupt arrival of Sir Richard Squires, former prime minister of Newfoundland and current leader of the Liberal Party of Newfoundland.


    Forgive me the delay, Smallwood, but you looked to the doorman like someone who just escaped from the sanatorium.

    He looks Smallwood up and down.


    I’ve always been a bit on the skinny side, Prime Minister Squires.


    Please, I haven’t been PM in years. Newfoundland is a country that doesn’t like her prime ministers too long in the tooth.

    Sir Richard will suffice for now.

    Come, sit. Help yourself to what’s left.


    (lying) Thank you. But I’m not hungry.


    No matter how small the portions they always leave something on the plate. Please help yourself. Were you waiting long out there in the garden? You must be frozen. Some people just don’t know when to leave.


    Thank you for seeing me.


    How could I not. Such an impassioned plea.

    Squires picks up a letter, loosely scans it to refresh the memory.

    New to the party, no solid credentials, and yet appealing to meet me in person.

    Do you know why I asked you here, Smallwood?


    Modesty stifles any sensible answer, sir.


    You’ll have to get over that, modesty.

    This letter. Your boldness, my boy. Cultivate that, won’t you.


    Doing my best.


    Where did you go to school?


    Bishop Feild, sir.


    Ah, a Bishop Feild graduate. Boldness indeed. Three of them around this very table not half an hour ago.


    No, not . . . not quite a graduate, I’m afraid.


    Ah, just as well. Bores, the lot. Lady Squires has as much of a hand in the guest list as I. Half of them invited in the hopes they’ll join her in a post-dessert commune with the dead.




    Seances, my boy. My wife talks more to the deceased than she does to our children. Between ourselves, by the way. Can you imagine the press on that little nugget come election time? You’re a newspaper man yourself, you must know.


    Not my brand of journalism, sir.


    A Bishop Feild dropout, eh? How far did you get?


    I left in the middle of the fifth form.


    In the middle? I never left in the middle of anything in my entire life.

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