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The Adventures of Tallulah Froom Un-Book Two
The Adventures of Tallulah Froom Un-Book Two
The Adventures of Tallulah Froom Un-Book Two
Ebook106 pages47 minutes

The Adventures of Tallulah Froom Un-Book Two

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About this ebook

Tallulah Froom lives in a magical world, similar to our own world. She finds magic in words and the unexpected and believes that being unusual is a good character trait. Mixed with the whimsy of Pippi Longstocking, the gentle animal world of Charlotte's Web, and the unexpected magic of Matilda, Tallulah Froom embodies all the imagination of unusual fancies we all wish our world offered. There is magic for everyone in Tallulah's world, including childhood mishaps and family members we all recognize. Welcome to the world of Tallulah Froom.
Release dateSep 24, 2021
The Adventures of Tallulah Froom Un-Book Two

Sara Madden

About the Author Sara Madden, who may or may not be a witch, grew up on California’s Central Coast. She was raised on donuts and cookies provided by her grandparents’ Tan Top Bakery. Her first story was written at age six, titled “I Love My Family,” and she’s been writing ever since. Growing up dyslexic (and her continued fun with it into adulthood), Sara always has and always will find comfort in words, imagination, and believing in the unbelievable. She currently lives in Utah with her adorable family, who may or not be completely bonkers. She has four unreliable guard dogs, eight clocks that refuse to tell time, and one unremarkable trampoline. Buttery popcorn and cinnamon cake donuts are her favorite food. And she never, ever, never, ever, NEVER leaves home without a stick of vanilla or cake batter lip balm in her pocket (her tastes are undeniably fantastic!). In her spare time, she loves to paint and roller skate, but never at the same time— messes are dangerously unavoidable (she knows—she’s tried it!). Look for more of Sara Madden’s books coming soon. Follow Sara Madden and Tallulah Froom online: About the Illustrator Hayley grew up painfully shy but full of wonder. Her cheesy but adorable parents and seven crazy siblings brought her love and laughter, but she rarely spoke outside her home until she was a teenager. She did, however, find plenty of opportunities to express herself, dancing everywhere she went and drawing on every surface she could find. She fought every day to be happier, healthier, and weirder. Hayley has grown (slightly) taller and wiser since those days, but she still believes life’s greatest joys are dancing in public, laughing until you cry, and eating chocolate chip cookies for dinner. She now gets to enjoy life with her cute husband Jeffrey and their happy baby Lucy. They live part time in their small but cute home in Utah, and part time in their VW bus named Magnolia. Both homes are full of kisses and covered in illustrations of all kinds. Look for more of Hayley Helsten’s illustrations coming soon and follow her work at:

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    The Adventures of Tallulah Froom Un-Book Two - Sara Madden

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    ISBN: 978-1-6655-2867-2 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-2885-6 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2021919737

    Published by AuthorHouse   09/24/2021



    The Unsuspecting Detective

    The Unordinary Breakfast

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    My name is Tallulah Froom. One of my favorite things to do in the summer is to go to yodelling camp. I win first prize in my age group every year. I don’t like the color of my hair, so I spray painted it orange today. I finally used my favorite color. I twisted my hair into two buns right above my ears this morning because I’m feeling particularly happy today. I suspect my happiness comes from the stack of glimmer pancakes with extra saucy-sauce syrup that I had for breakfast.

    Oh, and I never, ever, never, ever, 03never.jpg leave home without my lucky polka dot umbrella. My latest fashion craze is using Grandma Twiddle’s monocle. I found it in a drawer inside a large oak tree in her yard. She definitely suspects that I have it because it leaves my left eye significantly larger than my right after I look through it. She pretends not to notice, but I think she secretly likes to see one eye larger on my face. She coughs down giggles every time I blink.

    I make my own clothes and have a little brother named Spoon.


    Did you know that once a year the moon in our sky turns into a twinkling orb that shines starlight on our town for our Annual Onomatopoeia Word Day & Dance Off Night? It shines above Kenslee Park in the center of town. The colors and sparkles are wonderful to dance with, and each time an onomatopoeia is used during the whole day, that word shows up above the head of whomever uses it. Tonight is the dance off, and I’m so excited. I can’t wait to show everyone my dance moves and to see the bursts of onomatopoeias today.

    Now you know nearly everything about me, other than the fact that my two best friends are my twin cousins, Giggy and Jespa Box. Oh, and one more thing. I have a dog named Dirty that I found outside the local laundromat four years ago on my way home from school. He is dressed in a detective hat with a curvy pipe hanging out of his mouth that blows rainbow bubbles. It’s hysterical.


    While at my second breakfast, I can’t help but notice the headline

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