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6 Remarkable Women Who Passed the Tests of Life: Women from the Bible Who Refused to Be Distracted. They Considered Their Options, Made Decisions & Arrived at Their God-Prepared Destination.
6 Remarkable Women Who Passed the Tests of Life: Women from the Bible Who Refused to Be Distracted. They Considered Their Options, Made Decisions & Arrived at Their God-Prepared Destination.
6 Remarkable Women Who Passed the Tests of Life: Women from the Bible Who Refused to Be Distracted. They Considered Their Options, Made Decisions & Arrived at Their God-Prepared Destination.
Ebook67 pages34 minutes

6 Remarkable Women Who Passed the Tests of Life: Women from the Bible Who Refused to Be Distracted. They Considered Their Options, Made Decisions & Arrived at Their God-Prepared Destination.

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6 Remarkable Women Who Passed The Tests of Life! This book is about select biblical women who refused to be stopped or distracted by the events of life. Despite the circumstances and challenges, the women arose to the occasion, clothed themselves with confidence, faith, hope, etc., and made decisions that allowed them to fulfilled their God-ordained purpose.
This book is a call to women who are deternined to walk through the obstacles of life and arrive at their God-prepared place. As a woman you were meticulously formed by God; He furnished you with inner treasures that make you unique.
Within the pages of this book, you will obtain answers, encouragement, instructions, and a desire to become the best you!

(A glimpse of the inside content)
She heard that He was invited to a dinner party in her neighborhood, so she decided it was time to meet the Man who had captured her heart with His words. She wanted to see Him, experience His presence, express her gratitude, and deliver a gift to Him. Therefore, she made plans to attend the dinner party uninvited! She got ready, took her confidence, dignity, and her oil, and headed to Simon's house.
Release dateSep 24, 2021
6 Remarkable Women Who Passed the Tests of Life: Women from the Bible Who Refused to Be Distracted. They Considered Their Options, Made Decisions & Arrived at Their God-Prepared Destination.

Edith T. Brumskine

Edith T. Brumskine, M. A. is a Bible teacher & Inspirational speaker. She is also a Certified Christian Life Coach. She is the founder of Closet Teaching Ministry. Edith is a gifted teacher/speaker who brings the pages of the Bible alive through her uncommon presentation of biblical truths. She is blessed with an amazing ability to apply scriptural truth to practical living. She has written curriculum, bible study lessons, devotionals, e-books, and commentaries. She has also released more than one hundred concise audio recordings on relevant biblical topics. Edith is a mother of two young adults. She lives in Northern Virginia.

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    6 Remarkable Women Who Passed the Tests of Life - Edith T. Brumskine

    © 2021 Edith T. Brumskine. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 09/24/2021

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-3789-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-3788-9 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2021918855

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    New King James Version (NKJV)

    Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.


    Letter to the Reader


    Chapter 1 Leah

    Chapter 2 Rahab

    Chapter 3 Hannah

    Chapter 4 Manoah’s Wife

    Chapter 5 Shunammite Woman

    Chapter 6 City Woman

    Points to Remember

    In Closing

    In loving memory of my elder daughter,

    Hannirene T. Brumskine (March 1991-October 1992)

    She made me a mother!

    Her passing was the greatest test of my life- but by God’s amazing

    grace and abiding presence, I passed the test and I continue..!


    Life is like a learning institution with various classes.

    In a natural class, students have questions, comments, ideas, etc. Moreover, the instructor assigns tests, quizzes, homework, and exams at different points during the study.

    Similarly, during the journey of life, God administers quizzes, tests, and exams which are presented through events, situations, and circumstances. The answers are provided in the Bible. The assessment is crucial to one’s arrival at his God-prepared location.

    The Bible records that God created the woman as a helper to the man. Usually, a helper has more information than the regular person. There are countless women mentioned in the Bible. Majority of the biblical women are nameless; however, each woman has a story that is noteworthy, inspiring, and educational.

    This book is about you- a woman. As you turn the pages, you will see yourself, read your story, hear your questions, obtain instructions, and gain answers from ancient women who lived here, had similar experiences, and scored A+ on their life-exams!


    The Bible records that God created man in His image and likeness. He created him male and female. The first man was called Adam; he was God’s masterpiece.

    Then God created the woman. Prior to creating her, God put Adam into a deep sleep, performed a divine surgery, and took a rib from within him. The rib that was taken from Adam was used to construct

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