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Dear Women:  Frog or Prince?
Dear Women:  Frog or Prince?
Dear Women:  Frog or Prince?
Ebook96 pages55 minutes

Dear Women: Frog or Prince?

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Practical Relationship Advice for women in a relationship and for women looking to better their relationship. This book was written by a man to share insight of how men think when it comes to dating and loving a woman. The author is a season relationship expert and pen his deep perspective on finding and keeping that prince. The author is also sharing his insight on how to stop kissing frogs and start kissing a prince.
Release dateSep 28, 2021
Dear Women:  Frog or Prince?

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    Dear Women - Nathaniel McKenzie

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    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    ISBN: 9781667806655

    Table of Contents

    About Nathaniel McKenzie

    The reason why I am writing

    What did he say again? I love you?

    Chapter 1: Is He a Frog or a Prince?

    In the beginning

    Through the Middle

    What happened?

    Chapter 2: The Glass Ego

    Why is his ego so big?

    How to not damage an already hurting self-esteem

    How to protect your relationship

    Chapter 3: Be a Mystery Girl

    Playing hard to get

    It all depends on perspective.

    Being mysterious engages his curiosity.

    A Man Loves a Confident Woman

    Confident women are living life to the fullest.

    Confident women are secure.

    Confident women are assertive.

    Confident women are passionate.

    Confident women are attractive.

    Dear women, encouragement for you

    Chapter 4: Don’t Be Thirsty, Girl

    How to not be so desperate

    Text Sparingly

    Blowing up a guy’s phone is a surefire way to put yourself in the desperate-dater category.

    Be Comfortable Being Alone

    Avoid Being Too Nice

    Avoid Being Too Available

    Learn to Let Go

    Call Your Cheerleaders and Friends

    Be Confident

    Chapter 5: Don’t Put a Man in the middle.

    Chapter 6: Humility

    The reality of what you want in a relationship and what you are offering


    Find out your partner’s love language.

    Hit the brake pads

    Keep a shared gratitude journal.

    Sprinkle small gestures into your day

    Be specific when you are thankful for them.

    Chapter 7: The Power of Habit

    Bad relationship habits and how they affect your relations

    Trying to improve your partner!

    Fighting under stress.

    Avoiding conflict.

    Being melodramatic.

    Keeping scorecards


    Constant comparison

    Chapter 8: Unload your Baggage: The Value of Good Therapy

    You gain a sounding board.

    You gain a deeper understanding of your relationship dynamic.

    You start to see things from a whole different perspective.

    You and your partner get a safe space.

    You learn different coping mechanisms.

    It helps restore lost trust.

    Chapter 9: The Relativity of Choosing Your Mate

    Emotional maturity


    Physically affectionate


    Respectful and sensitive




    About The Author

    About Nathaniel McKenzie

    Dear reader,

    My name is Nathaniel McKenzie. I was born and raised in Nassau Bahamas. I have been married twice, and I am currently divorced. Both of my marriages lasted more than a decade. My question is, Would you rather have someone who barely held a relationship talk to you about one?

    Having been through the experience of marriage twice for a considerable duration, I firmly believe that you should embrace the failures of your relationships just as you embrace the successes.

    Without the failures, you will never learn to have a successful relationship. I have enjoyed the challenges as well as the success in all my relationships. Having a positive mindset and not complaining about small things like He leaves the toilet seat down or leaves toothpaste remnants in the sink or even not putting dirty clothes in the hamper is not how you are going to thrive in your future relationships. In my life, I have never regretted being in any of my relationships, and you shouldn’t regret either. Failure is success turned inside out. Please stop sitting there, regretting your failed relationships, and instead, try and hope for a better relationship. 

    The reason why I am writing

    Although I am still divorced while writing this book, I have had my share of ups and downs with dating. Having an in-depth perspective and understanding how a relationship works from a man’s perspective, I am going to offer you insights about containing yourself while seeking a healthy relationship and offer valuable suggestions to thrive in a good relationship. My job as a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), I come across many women, and some of them asked me how I manage to keep my poise and good mental health while dating.: The toxicity that most women experience while dating a toxic man may be caused by psychological and emotional damages from their past. This is not to say that a lot of women do not have their share of damages.

    The difference between a toxic man and a toxic woman is, that a man will be

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