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Scalar PointHolding
Scalar PointHolding
Scalar PointHolding
Ebook355 pages8 hours

Scalar PointHolding

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Intellect without experience is a dry, boring, speculative belief.
In an EXPERIENCE of Absolute Consciousness (Clear Light) ‘there’ is no body, no senses, no feelings, no thoughts, no emotions, no space, and no time. This is as far as Ego can go. Of course, before that, there are realms of Subconscious and Supra-conscious minds, where we can enjoy the beauty of this infinite and eternal Creation. In this book, which I am 99.9% sure will be my last one, and in all my other books I have written, I will attempt to point to a path, we all will eventually have to thread

PublisherIvan Kos
Release dateAug 4, 2021
Scalar PointHolding

Ivan Kos

Ivan was born in Croatia. His parents were Marija Tubolec and Zvonko Kos. Ivan emigrated to Canada in 1967 where he met his future wife Joanne. They had four children and live in Edmonton, Alberta. Joanne and Ivan Kos have been a successful business couple for the past 30 years. They own and operate a general contracting and home building firm. Both are F.I.R.E. Certified Firewalking instructors. They also pioneered the "Painless, Effortless and Natural Birthing Method” and Ivan has written a book by the same title. Three of their four children were born at home. They have also co-authored, now revised book, entitled “ Your Home & Body Toxic Alert”. Ivan is a lecturer who speaks and presents workshops on various subjects; including Lucid Dreaming, Meditation, Transcendental Rebirthing, Firewalking, Scalar Pointholding, Kundalini and other subjects related to extraordinary personal development. He also presents motivational and human potential seminars. Ivan has appeared on TV and in the newspapers in USA and Canada..

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    Scalar PointHolding - Ivan Kos


    Instead of writing this entire book, I could have just said: Human beings can have one foot in the waking world and the other in a dream world, simultaneously; and leave all the other pages blank. The proof is people in the mental hospitals and great minds like Nikola Tesla. But that would not be funny.

    In all probability, Scalar PointHolding will be my last book, so I hope the reader will forgive me for cramming in many, seemingly unrelated themes. I ‘begged, borrowed, and stole’ from any source I could find to rationalize the experiences I had over the years. That is; until I entered the Clear Light, the realm of absolute consciousness, a ‘place’ where there is no space, no time, no body, no feelings, no thoughts, and no emotions. A state for which no explanation is possible; thought process is such a low vibration, way below consciousness, totally unable to reach that level. This experience radically changed my priorities.

    First; I read the books, then I stopped reading them and acted upon them, then I wrote the books, and now comes the time to let that go too. I hope the reader would consider undertaking a similar path of discovery. Keep in mind; your time will also expire.

    I have coined the term Scalar PointHolding roughly three years before I learned that Body Electronics existed. Scalar (to honor Nikola Tesla) PointHolding is based on several combined techniques I used previously in many public workshops. I consider it different from BE.

    Body Electronics hails as one of the best self-healing methods in the world. (I cannot say that, for I have not examined them all), but I can say that SP can be a powerful self-healing method if properly done. Some ‘miraculous’ body regeneration and dramatic changes in consciousness have, at times, taken place. The body is regenerating every millisecond anyway; it just needs a bit of help sometimes.

    Illa Lang: True Healing is always accompanied by a change in consciousness.

    The beginning of freedom is the realization that you are not the thinker. The moment you watch the thinker, a higher level of consciousness becomes activated. You realize there is a vast realm of intelligence beyond thought, and that thought is only a tiny aspect of intelligence. You also realize that all the things that truly matter – beauty, love, creativity, joy, inner peace – arise from beyond the mind. You begin to awaken. -Eckhart Tolle.

    An excerpt from my eBook ‘SuperConscious Meditation’...Ordinary ‘thinking’ involves about 60,000 thoughts floating through your mind every day. A great deal of it is total nonsense. These thoughts are not even yours; you have borrowed them from someone or something else. Look inside your memory bank; when was the last time you thought an original thought, your thought? Chaotic thinking uses an enormous amount of your life force and rarely accomplishes anything.

    At this level of mental development, it is much better to stay away from spiritual development. The mind cannot handle what is coming at you; some of it is of enormous power. The events will simply suck you in. The danger is real and we should not take it lightly.

    Higher-level thinking is Contemplation when a person concentrates on one subject and examines it from every angle. Puts it on paper (like this book), consciously thinks about it, examines every possibility, including the worst-case scenario, and then sleeps on it. The next day examines it again, and again until the answer comes. At this level, you can choose a direction and can hold it, instead of being dragged all over the place.

    Even higher is Concentration. This is where a person concentrates his mind on one object; be it physical, emotional, or mental. When concentration becomes pinpointed, like a laser, it can punch through into a present moment. This ability is very important because your very sanity might depend on it, someday.

    The fourth level of the use of the mind is Meditation; an effortless concentration on nothingness. Everything else that comes under the heading of meditation nowadays is just an attempt to meditate. This open effortless concentration needs to be applied persistently before the door to the subconscious will open. Opening the door too early is utmost folly.

    The fifth way is that of Nikola Tesla. When the door to the subconscious opens, a person can see his thoughts, direct them, and project them into outer space. Thoughts become visual images. The trick is to have this super-powerful subconscious machine under conscious control. At this level, you are becoming friends with your subconscious. However, keen vigilance at all times is highly recommended, because of the enormous power of the subconscious.

    Sixth way: And then, there are THOUGHTS of the SuperConscious mind, a mind that is also ours; better said, we belong to it.

    Seventh; the Creators Intent.

    I hope this book will challenge you to think differently, to react emotionally in a positive way, and possibly undertake appropriate actions to find out if the propositions presented in my works are true.

    Part I

    Chapter One

    Our Beginning

    The present moment is all you ever have.

    Nevertheless, it pays to take a quick look backward at our evolution-creation.

    The first cell contained stupendous intelligence; after all, it created your entire body. How did cells know how to differentiate into different body parts? Just imagine the plan, intelligence, and timing needed. From the time of our conception until our birth, in only nine months we go through three billion years of evolution, from protozoa to a human beings. This evolution-creation process moves at lightning speed. Therefore, the average speed of growth is 10 million biological years per 24 hours! By the time an egg and a sperm were formed, they contained all the needed information. But even before that, the same information was in the cells that built sperm and egg cells, and before that in your parents; going back billions of years through all of your ancestors. Yes, that intelligence is fantastic, yet we are trying to make the sense of it through the ignorant process we call thinking.

    One cell recreates itself over and over again with one purpose: to create this body of ours, a temple of the Holy Spirit, home of the unbounded consciousness. Perfect intelligence builds our body from one cell into a beautiful form of about seventy trillion cells and guides the body’s functions throughout life. It does not desert us when we are born. It keeps us going despite the enormous abuses we heap on ourselves. Give this inner intelligence a chance and it will set things right.

    Some people are debating when did soul, or life, enter the body. Take a good close look back, way back, and you can see you were never dead.

    After birth, when we become able to name the kinds of experiences we recognize, it shows that we are opening the door to a new step on the Path of Consciousness, towards the physical realm. When we identify and name aspects of our experience, it happens because they no longer resemble the energy in motion. The moment we name something, we do so because it no longer appears to us as energy, but appears to us as a concrete thing. We name something because it has become important to us, like the first word ‘mama’. The recognition, and subsequent act of naming, is the consequence of accepting that what used to be a flow of energy has miraculously transformed into something that resembles a solid, dense, and immobile thing to us. We enter this world of experience partly because we have somehow become dependent on seeing the whole thing. This dependence allows us to step into a paradigm of light and sound, vibrational waves of energy in motion, as well as experiencing a seemingly solid physical experience of that paradigm. To step into the physical experience, we have to create the illusion of ‘stopping the world.’ When, in early childhood, we solidified the world and started naming it by our perception, then we curiously crawled toward the named to experience personal contact with it.

    This outward movement of our attention and intent, fueled by curiosity, led us from a purely emotional and mental experience to the third step along the Path of Consciousness, which is the physical realm. In the true sense of the word, trying to take the first steps into a world that is important to curiosity, is essential. We are beginning to form the physical world. But now is the time to trace this process back.

    Newborns do not sleep the way we do. Their body is paralyzed but their mind is fully awake. Do not let the baby sleep in a separate room or far away from you at least for the first year. Because the baby’s time is going super slow, it might feel abandoned. Crib death syndrome might be one consequence.

    The purely emotional experience that begins for us the moment we leave the womb weakens and, most times, stops developing when we reach the age of seven. In the seventh year comes the end of childhood; we begin thinking logically. Then we become boys and girls. Because of this, in the seventh year, we go to school, because that period of our life marks the point at which we abandon the development of the emotional body and our childhood to focus more on the development of the mental aspects of our being.

    Our greatest identification is with the body, its feelings, and its senses, but not long ago we did not have one. Then we identify with thoughts; a relatively short while ago we could not think. Then come the emotions. They reach way back into our evolution, and this is a very powerful identification. But what is it that observes all these things? Our consciousness, of course.

    You might have come across a point of view we are already spiritual; we just have to realize it. But nobody tells us how this is possible. It is all in our memory banks, recorded in the tri-dimensional, live, experience. Think about it for a minute; when was it you were dead and then become alive?

    What we desperately need is to be constantly aware of being aware.

    From head to tail, human sperm cells measure about 50 micrometers (0.05 millimeters), or roughly 0.002 inches. The tiniest object you can see with your unaided eyes is about 0.1 mm, so forget about seeing sperm without a microscope. A human egg is about 30 times bigger, large enough to be seen with the naked eye.

    On a dry surface, such as clothing or bedding, sperms are dead by the time the semen has dried.

    When sperm are inside a woman’s body, they can live for up to five days.

    On average, each time a man ejaculates he releases nearly two hundred and fifty million sperm. Why are many sperms released if it takes only one to make a baby? To meet the waiting egg, semen must travel from the vagina to the fallopian tubes, a tough journey that few sperms survive. Experts believe this process may be nature’s way of allowing only the healthiest sperm to fertilize the egg, to provide the best chances of having a healthy baby.

    Hundreds of millions of sperm vie for a single egg cell. The sperm cells streamline its design for this purpose: a long tail to help them move, lots of mitochondria to power that movement, genetic information to pass on, and enzymatic proteins to get into the egg cell. The proteins are stored in a cap at the front of the sperm known as an acrosome, this is the part that first contacts the egg. The tail called flagellum uses the energy made by the mitochondria to move the sperm forward. Flagella use a lot of energy, so they’re kept dormant until sperms enter the vagina. Sperm are haploid; meaning they contain one set of twenty-three chromosomes. The cellular division process known as meiosis creates four sperm from a single germ cell. Sperm is ejaculated in semen, a basic fluid with a pH of about 7.4.

    A thick outer coating known as the zona pellucida, a layer of carbohydrate-covered proteins that surrounds the plasma membrane, is covering the egg. The zona pellucida helps protect the egg and brings the initial meeting of sperm and egg. Cortical granules filled with enzymes line the inside of the cell membrane and will help make sure that only one sperm can fertilize the egg.

    At coitus, human sperm deposits into the anterior vagina, where, to avoid vaginal acid and immune responses, they quickly contact cervical mucus and enter the cervix. Cervical mucus filters out sperm with poor morphology and motility and only a minority of ejaculated sperm enter the cervix. A few thousand sperm swim through the utero-tubal junctions to reach the Fallopian tubes where sperm are stored in a reservoir, or at least maintained in a fertile state. As the time of ovulation approaches, sperm become hyperactivated, which enables them to proceed towards the tubal pocket.

    Egg and sperm travel to meet each other in (most often) the fallopian tubes. During ovulation, ovaries release an egg into one of the fallopian tubes, and the egg proceeds down the tube toward the uterus, which is being prepared for possible implantation. Part of this preparation involves elevated levels of estrogen and other hormones, which trigger the ovaries to release the egg, while higher blood estrogen levels stimulate the vaginal membrane to secrete glycogen, which is then metabolized to lactate. This lowers vaginal pH (to as low as 3.8), creating an acidic environment hostile to pathogens (like the ones that cause sexually transmitted infections). However, this environment can also be toxic to sperm, though the semen can buffer the vaginal acidity to preserve sperm cells. As the semen mixes with the vaginal secretions, the pH settles at a point that is not harmful to sperm, and this new environment is the trigger to activate sperm flagella and increase sperms’ movement.

    Only about one in a million sperm that are ejaculated into the vagina will reach the site of fertilization. Estrogen also relaxes the cervix, causes cervical mucus to become watery and more alkaline, and stimulates uterine contractions, all of which help sperm penetrate and navigate the female reproductive system. Relaxing the cervix allows sperm to pass from the vagina into the uterus and reduces a potential physical barrier. Cervical mucus may prevent sperm from passing into the uterus, but during ovulation when the egg is released from the ovaries, the mucus gets thinner and lower in pH. These changes make the mucus a great transport medium for the sperm, and help the sperm continue traveling. The uterine contractions help to push sperm toward the correct fallopian tube, and recent studies have suggested that these contractions are more responsible for sperm movement than the sperm’s propulsion mechanisms.

    When some sperm cells find the egg and are ready to begin their approach it’s not smooth sailing; there are still physical and chemical barriers to overcome. As the sperm approaches the egg, they bind to the zona pellucida in a process known as sperm binding. This triggers the acrosome reaction, and zona pellucida is broken down, to enable the sperm to tunnel toward the egg’s plasma membrane. When the successful sperm cell finally reaches the egg cell, the plasma membranes of the two cells fuse and the sperm releases its genetic material into the egg. At this point, fertilization has occurred.

    Sperm pH is slightly basic while the vagina is slightly acidic. Without the addition of seminal fluid, which helps neutralize the vagina acidity, sperm would have a much tougher time making it through.

    First, it takes around sixty days for the male body to produce sperm, then around twenty-five more days for it to be transported, and finally ejaculated.

    The ninety-five% of men who produce normal levels of sperm create around two trillion swimmers per lifetime. Out of those two trillion, they ejaculate something like seven hundred billion sperm. That amounts to around 7.5 liters of sperm in a man’s life.

    When sperm are initially formed within the testicles, they cannot swim forward or fertilize an egg until they make their way through the reproductive tract. The sperm cell must pass through a long and challenging path.

    Semen, or seminal plasma, which is a mix of fluids from the testes, seminal vesicles, prostate, and bulbourethral glands, enclose sperm cells upon ejaculation. This fluid contains elements that protect the sperm cells during their journey towards the egg. The semen thickens and helps the sperm cells stay inside the woman, as close as possible to the cervix, which is the gate to the egg. Liquid extends from the cervix, allowing the sperm cells from the semen to swim into the cervix. Only the strongest sperm cells will make it this far.

    This entire process I described is YOU, all of it is recorded in your memory banks, and you can re-live it.

    I provided all this info to point out the enormous complexity of our body creation and the stupendous intelligence guiding it. This inner intelligence did not abandon us once this process was completed, it is still rebuilding our body every millisecond.

    Orgasms are energy movements and should be by both partners if a child is to be born with high energy patterns.

    Our body, our feelings, our thoughts, our emotions, and our life force are our tools, but many have forgotten to read the user’s manual.

    Human cells make up only 43% of the body’s total cell count. The rest are microscopic colonists. Your body isn’t just you. No matter how well you wash, nearly every nook and cranny of your body is covered in microscopic creatures.

    This includes bacteria, anaerobic bacteria, nano-bacteria, viruses, fungi, and archaea (organisms originally misclassified as bacteria). The greatest concentration of this microscopic life is in the dark murky depths of our oxygen-deprived bowels.

    The human genome, the full set of genetic instructions for a human being, comprises 20,000 instructions called genes.

    But add all the genes in our microbiome together and the figure comes out between two and 20 million microbial genes.

    Professor Sarkis Mazmanian, a microbiologist from Caltech, argues: We don’t have just one genome, the genes of our microbiome present essentially a second genome which augments the activity of our own. What makes us human is, in my opinion, the combination of our DNA, plus the DNA of our gut microbes.

    Bacteria divide somewhere between once every 12 minutes and once every 24 hours. So, the average lifespan of a bacterium is around 12 hours. This is the reason viruses and bacteria mutate so quickly. By the time science produces a vaccine or treatment, that particular virus and bacteria are long gone.

    Certain strains of viruses can remain in the human body for many years, even a lifetime, after the initial infection. Strictly speaking, viruses can’t die, for the simple reason that they are ‘not’ truly alive in the first place. Although they contain genetic instructions in the form of DNA (or the related molecule, RNA), viruses can’t thrive independently. Instead, they must invade a host organism and hijack its genetic instructions.

    Researchers estimate that on this planet there are over a trillion species of bacteria. Compare this with about eight million species of all animals (including humans), insects, trees, plants, fungi, and algae.

    For instance, if all the viruses on earth were laid end to end, they would stretch for 100 million light-years. There are 100 million times as many bacteria in the oceans (13 × 1028-thirteen to the power of) as there are stars in the known universe.

    If there can be so many viruses in a single person, how many viruses are there in total on our planet? 100000000000000000000000000000. As in over 10 million times more viruses than there are stars in the universe. As in, if you were to stack one virus on top of another, you’d create a tower that would stretch beyond the moon, beyond the sun, beyond Alpha Centauri, out past the edge of the Milky Way, past neighboring galaxies, to reach a height of 200 million light-years. Some people say viruses are truly alive, and some say they aren’t. But if they are not, then we need some name that can encompass the things that are really alive, along with the things that carry genes, can evolve, and carry out all the other life tasks that viruses do.

    According to a new study by scientists from the University of British Columbia, over 800 million viruses per cubic meter remain swirling in the Earth’s upper troposphere. Researchers also found that billions of viruses and tens of millions of bacteria are deposited, on the ground, per square meter, each day. Is this why the flu season always starts about the same time? If we took all anaerobic bacteria and placed them on the surface, we would have a slime three feet deep covering the entire planet. Now imagine this same scenario for the rest of the Universe. Yes, Universe is alive and conscious.

    Chapter Two


    Jin Shin Do method uses points, meridians, and energy flow to balance the body’s energy by applying pressure to specific acupressure points. The same points are used in Acupuncture, to release tension and increase circulation. The Jin Shin method of holding acupressure points can relieve pain and common ailments, prevent health disorders and restore the body’s vital life force.

    Jin Shin Do works with the spiritual root of an imbalance by releasing muscular tension and harmonizing the body’s life force to aid healing. The Jin Shin style holds two or more acupressure points using both hands to apply light or deep pressure. Jin Shin Acupressure can be used with other forms, or by itself, to balance the energy flow. Translated as the Art of the Compassionate Spirit, it’s been used by the Taoists throughout Asia, including the Shinto Temples in Japan.

    Jin Shin Acupressure, ancient healing art was developed in Asia over 5,000 years ago. Using the power and sensitivity of the hand and fingers, acupressure is effective in the relief of stress-related ailments, self-treatment, and preventive health care. Acupressure releases tension increases circulation, reduces pain, and develops vibrant health.

    Shiatsu Therapy, the traditional Japanese form of acupressure, can be quite vigorous, with deep pressure applied to each point for three to five seconds. Acupressure Points have high electrical conductivity at the surface of the skin, and thus conduct and channel healing energy most effectively. This is why the most potent healing energy work uses acupressure points. The Chinese call healing energy Qi or Chi. In Japan, the life force is termed Ki, and channeling healing energy is called Rei-ki (I am not talking here about the commercialized western version).

    Yoga practices refer to the body’s life force as prana or pranic energy. These terms all relate to the same universal healing energy, which exists in our environment, and links us to all forms of life.

    The twelve Meridians of Traditional Chinese Medicine are the body’s healing energy pathways. Meridian massage therapy moves this life energy through the meridians to improve flow and balance. Acupressure and Acupuncture charts show where the meridian lines are on the body.

    The points are vortices where vital energy is incoming at the center and outgoing on the periphery. This flow is not necessarily at a ninety-degree angle to the skin; pressure often needs to be angled for best results. These points on the meridians, often get blocked, and this is where you can most effectively release the resulting tension, numbness, or pain. As healing energy flows through the meridians, it governs blood circulation and harmonizes all functions of the body. Studying the meridian pathways and acupressure points for transmitting Chi healing energy is key to transformational energy work, including various therapeutic touch and massage therapies. It should be kept in mind; those acupressure charts are never in the straight lines as depicted. You should be able to find a rubber doll with acupuncture points in any Chinatown.

    All Body Electronics and Scalar PointHolding do is ‘pushing

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