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Innocence Betrayed
Innocence Betrayed
Innocence Betrayed
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Innocence Betrayed

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Lavonne knew one thing: she would do everything in her power to protect her miracle from God.

Lavonne is the main character who grows with the experiences mentioned in the book. Jim is a lead character who drives a semi-truck. The stories told by them are true, taken from interviews with real truck drivers. The basic story between Lavonne

Release dateDec 2, 2021
Innocence Betrayed

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    Innocence Betrayed - Mary Goff Bogart


    Dedicated to my family, who has supported me in my hours of writing this book. To my brother Harry, who told me to write my book, and my little brother, Gary, who gave me stories. I loved them and miss them. Dedicated also to my friends who have helped make me the person I am today.


    I want to thank Pam Miller, who originally edited my book and provided the name for my book. I appreciate the interviews with Mike, Richard, Gary, and Pete for personal experiences while driving semi-trucks. These stories helped to make my book true to life and help the reader care about the main characters. I appreciated the time and the stories they gave me. I love the pastel my husband did of my cat which appears on the back cover.


    There is no resemblance to a real person by the three main characters. The romance story between the three main characters is fiction. The stories told by the main characters are all true experiences either by interviews from semi-truck drivers or by personal experience. Some names have been changed, and some have not. The baby growth and woman’s body changes are from multiple resources starting from 1990 through 2020.

    Chapter 1

    Rain was pouring. Little streams were running down the window, pooling on the windowsill. The sound was relaxing as Lavonne and Dan lay close. Lavonne felt refreshed after their lovemaking. Their time together was running out. Her job was just as demanding as his, and stolen moments together went by so fast that neither of them wanted to part.

    I hate to go, Dan said, but work has just been so hectic, and this is only Monday. I just feel so good holding you like this that I wish it would never end. I love you.

    Lavonne watched as Dan got dressed. He is a handsome man, she thought to herself as she looked at his broad shoulders. Her eyes wandered down to his muscular arms. What are you thinking? he asked. She looked back up to his face with the dark brown eyes and noticed his hair was sticking straight up.

    That you had better brush your hair before you leave, or everyone will be pointing at you and laughing. She smiled and jumped up to give him a big kiss.

    I don’t care what anyone, but you think, so there. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, he said as he hurled her in the air, laughing. Her long brown hair swung around and covered his face to where he could not see. It was soft like baby hair and thick. He put her down, and they kissed one more time. I have to go. Talk to you later, he said as he swatted her on the rear.

    Lavonne was beginning to hate the sound of the door shutting, but she went towards the bathroom and started the hot water for a smoothing bath. As she poured the bubble bath in, she sighed. Testing the water with her foot, she practically fell in, slipping on the water she had splashed earlier. What a rude awakening, but it was nothing compared to the surprise she would soon realize. It was this special night that a new life was beginning.

    As Lavonne relaxed in hot water, her mind began to wander. Dan always called at the last minute. When they first began dating, she saw Dan a couple of times a week. They had many suppers and a few times of going to a show. It was over six months before they actually slept together. As the year went on, he came or called less and less. It had been over two years now, and if Lavonne saw him once a month, that was a surprise. Her friends would call to make plans for the weekend, and Lavonne would say she was busy. It wasn’t long, and her friends didn’t call as often. She began to wonder if he really did love her or if she was just a break from the real world. Lavonne started praying. Dear Lord, I am sorry for how I have been living my life. I thought we would be married by now, but I don’t think I should have taken getting married for granted. Dan got my virginity because I was not thinking right. I pray you will help me do what is right now. I need your help. Thank you, Lord Jesus. Amen. Lavonne’s mind kept wandering. Time changes a lot of things. Lavonne also started wondering if she really loved him. I mean, once a month, if that, they got together only to sleep together. Gone were the dates, night out, supper, all of it. She also thought about how she carried her cell phone everywhere, even to the bathroom. She didn’t want to miss his call, which of course, was never missed. It took at least a month before she stopped hoping he would call. She would just keep it near her while she sat home alone. Her bath water started to cool off, so Lavonne stepped out of the tub and started getting dressed. Maybe, she thought to herself, it is time I see this as what it really is. She frowned at herself in the mirror as she came to the realization that she was not happy about how the relationship was going. I have put myself on hold in my life way too long now, and I really would like to have some type of life. Sitting at home by myself every night is just not what I thought my life would be. I am going to try to make some changes, so this frown can become a smile more often. I do not want to be alone all my life waiting on a stupid phone call for a one-night stand. With that last thought, Lavonne put a smile on her face and vowed to change her attitude and her life. Lavonne said another quick prayer, Lord, I am ready to change my life. Help me find the way. Amen. Then she put on her night gown and clicked on the TV. An old-time movie was playing, and before she knew it, she was asleep.

    Chapter 2

    Tuesday was like any other day. Lavonne worked for a trucking company that did everything. Road construction, trucking, and truck repair. They were currently working on a highway. Lavonne got up at 5:30 a.m. and started getting ready. The commute to work was at least half an hour, and that was only if she left early. Peak periods would cause almost an hour. She loved her job, working with different people every day. There was hardly ever a boring moment. Her office was pretty well at the front of the building and secluded. She was picky about how she dressed; everything was coordinated. Today she was going to be all in purple. Glancing in the mirror, she thought she looked good today. Lavonne smoked her first cigarette as she started out the door. She climbed in her 1966 army green Mustang and headed for work. Traffic was light as usual at 6:30 a.m., and she cruised right along. Being first in the office did have its advantages. Lavonne had time to catch up on work without being interrupted by the telephone or customers. She pulled out her bills for the previous day and began typing the forms up for payments. Lavonne glanced up at the clock as she finished the stack. 9:15 a.m. She felt good as she unlocked the remainder of the file cabinets. She was bent slightly over when she heard the door and a quiet wolf whistle. It was John. John was always a joker, and she enjoyed visiting with him when he came to the office.

    You look great today, John said.

    Thank you. And what are you up today? she queried.

    Just the same old thing. Am looking forward to this weekend, though. Have not done anything exciting for a long time, and this weekend, I’m going up to the Lodge and try my hand at skiing. Since this will be my first time out, it could be really interesting. Have you ever gone skiing?

    No, I probably would break a leg going up the ski slope, much less trying to come down it! She laughed. Besides, I don’t really like the cold very much. I get cold really easy, and then it takes me a long time to warm back up.

    John smiled at her and presented her the bill for the delivery. Too bad, I could’ve used some company, but I don’t guess I will have to hope that there are some women who don’t feel the same way you do and are as good-looking as you are.

    Well, she said, thank you for the compliment, as her face turned red. Maybe you do want someone who gets cold easily, so you can warm them up! she continued.

    John laughed, Yeah, you could be right there. I just hope they aren’t professional skiers, or something, as I can’t stand being showed up by strange women. It is different if you know them, but I have this pride thing, if you know what I mean.

    MMM, typical male, I should say, she frowned.

    Mr. Jerry Kinnaman walked in at that moment, and both Lavonne and John looked in his direction and smiled. Jerry was the owner of the company. Good morning, and what are you two up to? Mr. Kinnaman questioned. John proceeded to tell him about his upcoming skiing trip, and Lavonne resumed her filing.

    Her mind began wandering back to last night, remembering the passion. Lavonne! She jolted up and looked. Where is your mind? Mr. Kinnaman queried.

    Oh, she smiled, I was just thinking about how cold it would be up on the mountain and how I would much rather be in front of a warm fireplace.

    It may be cold, but if you dress warm enough, you really don’t notice it that much as you are on the go Mr. Kinnaman said.

    Lavonne returned to her desk and started typing on the computer to get the payment made. Jerry and John had retired to the back office, and the door was already opening again. A tall man, at least 6’1, entered. He came straight to Lavonne and began introducing himself. Hi! I’m Jim Connor with Allied construction. I have some receipts to be signed, and I need to know where you would like me to deliver the lumber. Are you building an addition?"

    Hi, I’m Lavonne. I will be glad to handle the receipts for you and direct you to the addition. She reached down to lock her desk and turned to grab her jacket. Lavonne felt his eyes on her.

    I don’t think you need a jacket; it has really warmed up. It has been a long time since it was 65 degrees before 10:00 a.m.

    Excellent! I enjoy getting a break to go out occasionally, especially when it is this nice out, she replied. Jim held the door for her as they left the building.

    They walked around the corner in silence, and then Jim said, This is a pretty nice town. I just moved back here about two months ago, and everyone seems pretty friendly. I actually lived here years ago, and I think I will like being back here. How long have you lived here?

    All my life, and I still am very happy here. I’ve met a lot of nice people in my job, and there always seems to be plenty to do. Of course, there will always be some boring moments, but I try to use that time to enjoy some privacy.

    I notice you are not wearing a ring, are you involved with anyone? He wondered.

    Without thinking, Lavonne replied, I see someone off and on, but we have never talked marriage or anything, if that is what you are asking. Instantly she regretted her answer. She flushed. He just had some kind of look in his eyes that made her want to be responsive. His eyes were so blue, and his eyelashes were long and just made her mystified.

    I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be so nosy, but moving back into town after years of being gone, I am not sure I know anyone here anymore. Since I did not see a ring, I thought I would take a chance. I’m sorry I embarrassed you.

    Lavonne hesitated this time before she answered and thought more clearly by not looking into his eyes. I could recommend some super places to eat, and if you enjoy dancing, I would just need to know what kind of music you would like. Lavonne thought to herself, Why did I mention dancing? She flushed again. They had walked about a half-mile and came to the construction building. At that moment, she wondered why she had walked down to this building instead of just giving him directions. To cover up her own interests, she quickly said, almost interrupting his response, I am sure enjoying this walk. I try to walk around on my break sometimes, and you just happened to catch me at my break time. Hope I am not holding you up. It was a little true; she did sometimes walk around, but not as often as she made it sound.

    Oh, I am not in that big of a hurry. And to answer your question about music, I’m very versatile. I like all kinds and can dance to any of them. Sometimes my mood may take me to one place over another, but generally, I enjoy it all. Even classical is nice, especially when you have a nice fire going, Jim said.

    By now, most of the workers had noticed Lavonne and had stopped working. Jim looked up and noticed this and grabbed her arm and started to lead her back. I think you are disrupting the workers, he laughed. Embarrassed, she started walking quickly and not watching where she was stepping. She started to fall as her heel caught the side of a large hole. Jim increased his grip on her arm and kept her from falling.

    Really red in the face now, she stuttered, I have been, I have been so clumsy the last two days it is ridiculous. I am sorry. She mentally grasped her composure and removed her arm from his grip. Thank you; I really would’ve felt like a fool if I would’ve fallen. They were now rounding the corner to her office again, and she began to feel relief.

    I tell you what, Jim said, I will be back tomorrow with another delivery, and when you get a chance, if you could maybe just make a list for me, I will pick it up. I enjoyed your company and wish you would consider going out to supper with me sometime.

    Thank you, I will think about it. Guess I will see you tomorrow then, she replied as the door shut. Lavonne sat down, plopped down was more the word, and could not believe what just

    happened. She glanced around the room. Thinking to herself how silly she had been. It was like she was a little girl again, meeting a cute boy for the first time. She made herself a promise not to act so foolishly next time. She started processing his bills. Funny, she could still remember the spell, that is what it was; the spell his eyes had caused her to forget where she was going and where she was at. Just thinking about it again made her face flush. She was almost done with Jim’s bills when the door opened with Jack laughing so hard; he almost missed the handle on the door.

    Good morning, Ms. Purple.

    And what has got you beside yourself this beautiful day Jack? she asked.

    "These guys out here are crazy. Just pulled a prank on some new guy out there and he fell for it hook, line, and sinker. Poor guy, he took it really well, though. Laughed along with the rest of us when he realized we got him. Can tell he isn’t from around here

    as Joe really had his bridges mixed up, but it passed," Jack said.

    She knew who he was referring to and thought, well, good, I am not the only one who is embarrassed today. You guys shouldn’t pick on the new people, but I guess everyone else has you figured out. You are always pulling something, Lavonne said.

    I need to see Jerry, if he’s in, Jack stated.

    Yes, I’ll tell him you are here. Isn’t it a beautiful day out? she asked as she opened the door to Jerry’s office.

    Gorgeous out, Jack said as he went into the office, and she shut the door. She wondered what kind of joke they pulled on him. She thought he seemed like an intelligent man, but then again, she had heard of so many practical jokes that nothing would surprise her. That was another thing that made her smile. She was considered a lady, but a lot of the guys would tell her the jokes. Some of them would almost make her turn red, but they really had to be pretty bad for that. Not that hearing or telling jokes made her less of a lady, but it helped to fit in with the guys she worked with. And besides, they were usually pretty funny. Yet, Lavonne was the one who did try to keep her language clean. She felt it was more downgrading to swear than to tell jokes.

    Finally, it was lunchtime. No special plans today, and usually she made lunch, but today just wasn’t one of those days. Nothing had sounded good at 5:30 a.m. The fresh air was so refreshing; she took a deep breath as she stepped outside. Most of the restaurants were about a fifteen-minute drive, but it was enjoyable. Lavonne always enjoyed driving her Mustang. The restaurant was bustling. When Lavonne entered, she walked towards the smoking section and found a small table. As soon as she was seated, a waitress in a short black skirt and a long-sleeved red blouse came over to ask what she would like to drink. Iced tea sounded so good that without hesitation, she ordered. The sign was on the table that water would not be served unless asked for. Lavonne thought about drinking water, which she did quite often, but quickly forgot about it. The special of the day was on the board as she came in, but she had paid no attention. The waitress returned with her tea and asked for her order. I guess I’ll have a chef salad, ranch dressing, extra ranch dressing, please, and the turkey sounds good. Without a comment, the waitress rushed over to the next table and took their order.

    On the table was a brochure about the heritage of this old house made into a restaurant. She had read it before and didn’t remember or care but picked it up anyway. As she glanced through the pictures, she heard a voice she recognized. Lavonne turned to see David.

    Hi, David said. Can I join you?

    Glad to have the company, she replied. David was another frequent visitor of her office and was a more serious person. He usually only talked business and was always in a rush. The waitress returned and asked what he would like to have to drink. Noticing Lavonne’s iced tea, he requested the same.

    What are you indulging into for your lunch? David asked.

    I decided on this chef salad, she replied.

    Sounds good to me, David said. By then, the waitress had returned with his iced tea. He ordered the chef salad also.

    Amazing, Lavonne said. As busy as they are, the waitress is always very prompt. Guess that is one reason why I like this place because I can enjoy my lunch and have time to relax for a few minutes.

    I haven’t been here that often because I am not usually in this area for very long. But I agree. They’re very busy, and she has been prompt, David replied. So, how is work going for you today? Probably been a lot of people in and out as usual, he continued.

    Not too bad. Actually, I got a lot of work done this morning., Filing caught up and the bills from yesterday and this morning. You are right though, it isn’t usually this slow, she responded. David was a nice guy, she thought, but one would think he could talk about something besides work.

    As if to read her mind, David took an entirely different approach and caught her off guard. You look very nice today. Are you going out tonight or have something special planned? Well, I guess I can’t say that because now that I think about it, you are always dressed very nice, he stuttered a little. I probably looked pretty dusty when you see me, but I do look a little different at times.

    What do I say? she thought. Thank you for the compliment, Lavonne stuttered a little herself. You probably do look a lot different when you are not working. Realizing she seemed uncomfortable, he at once changed the subject.

    The weather really took a nice change today. I can’t believe it’s already eighty at noon. I would much rather have this weather than a big snowstorm right now, David said. Since it is almost Frontier Days, it will be rain rather than snow. It has yet to not rain during Frontier Days. Seems like the only time we get rain! he smiled.

    I agree, Lavonne replied. We always get a least a couple of days of a good rain. Hard to believe it is July already, and the rodeo is back. This year has just flown by. The salads appeared, and David and Lavonne started digging in.

    You were right, even with me coming in later than you, both salads are here, and it doesn’t seem like it took them very long. Looks good. I hate eating a huge lunch and feel stuffed all day, David said as he dug into the salad. Lavonne’s iced tea was getting low, and the waitress filled it. People were still coming into the restaurant.

    This is a popular place I see too, David said, thinking out loud, must have really good food. Notice they aren’t stingy on the dressing or the meat. This is a good salad for the price. He continued, "you know I own a beer company, and I have a float in the parade this year? Do you remember Phyllis? She’s going to be on the float. Would you be interested in riding on the

    float this year?" He asked.

    You know I’ve lived here all my life, and I have never been on a float in the parade. I do remember Phyllis. We worked together a couple of years ago, and she was always a kick. We used to laugh a lot. I would really enjoy something like that. What do I need to wear, and where would I go? she asked.

    You need to be at the float by 9 a.m., and Western attire with a cowboy hat if you have one, David said.

    That sounds like so much fun. It’s funny you would ask me now as I just decided to try to do more things that are fun. So, my answer is yes, I would love to, she said excitedly.

    Let me write down Phyllis’s numbers so you can coordinate with her, David said.

    I must have been pretty hungry, Lavonne said. She had eaten pretty fast, apparently, as David was still eating. I’m going to go ahead and head back to work. Thank you for joining me, and I enjoyed visiting with you! she said. Thank you for offering me the ride on the float. It will be fun for me!

    David grabbed her ticket and said, I’ll buy your lunch today. I enjoyed visiting with you too.

    Thank you very much. You have a blessed day! she said. That was really nice of him. Lavonne left with a little excitement in her tummy. This would be a good start to making some changes in my life. It will be fun to see Phyllis again; it’s been so long. Phyllis had called a couple of times to ask Lavonne to go somewhere. Lavonne had turned down many offers from several friends, including Phyllis. It seemed she was always waiting on the phone call from Dan that rarely came. Hard to believe it’s not that far off, so I need to find a cowboy hat.

    The rest of the day flew by. Lavonne stared at Phyllis’s number several times and decided when she got home, she would call her. Traffic was not much fun on the way home. It was always very busy and backed up usually. Took Lavonne forty-five minutes to get home. As soon as the garage door went up, she knew Thomas would hear it and be at the door. He was such a good cat. Thomas always greeted her, and Lavonne believed it was not just for food. He loved attention, and when she watched TV, he would be on her lap. Thomas always slept with her, too. Sometimes even under the covers with his head on the pillow or on her arm. Lavonne grabbed Thomas and gave him loving and thought about what she would do for supper. I think I will just go down to that restaurant and get a quick bite to eat. I just do not feel like cooking or cleaning up the mess. Lavonne looked in the mirror and decided to go just as she was. She gave Thomas some food and a couple more head pets. She always cleaned his cat box when she fed him. Then she gave him another head pet and kiss goodbye. It was just so nice out. Lavonne loved driving the Mustang with the windows down.

    Lavonne walked up to the door of the restaurant and who should be standing there but Jim. Well, hello there, he said. Are you waiting for someone, or could you join me?

    Hi, I’m not meeting anyone, so I would love to join you, she replied. They walked up to the podium and asked for a table for two. Fancy meeting you here; I just didn’t feel like cooking or cleaning up. It’ll be nice to have company, she said.

    I can’t believe I’m this lucky to see you twice in one day, Jim said. Lavonne laughed. Then he laughed. They were seated in a booth and sat across from each other. The waitress appeared, and they both ordered iced tea.

    You would think I was from the south as much tea as I drink, but it’s always good, Lavonne stated.

    I’m from the south, and I love it too. It is very common, and almost everyone will order it at supper and lunch. Funny how people acquire a taste for something and stick to it for years, Jim said.

    The waitress appeared to take their order. I’m not quite ready to order yet; can you give me a couple more minutes? Lavonne asked and started looking over the menu. She was not starved, but she was hungry. What are you going to have? She asked him before he could ask her.

    I think I’ll have the fish basket. That’s another thing I like, Jim said.

    Okay, I think I’ll have the chicken strips. I’ll need extra ranch to go along with them, she said. Jim waved the waitress over in the put in their order. Then Lavonne said, Almost time for Frontier Days. You are not going to believe this, but one of the owners of a company here came in today and asked if I would like to ride on his float for the parade. I have never done anything like that before, and I’ve lived here all my life, so I’m a little excited about it. The parade is a pretty big thing, especially the first one. Problem is I’ve got to find a cowboy hat.

    I remember Frontier Days from when I lived here before. Supposed to be the Daddy of Them All! And what kind of a float would you be riding on? Jim asked. He continued, Of course, the theme of Frontier Days is western, so you would probably require a cowboy hat. Jim smiled.

    Yes, it’s a beer float. David is the owner of a beer company, and a lady I used to work with will also be there. Have not seen her for years so was going to call her later on this evening. It sounds like it will be fun, and I’m really up for that, she replied.

    Well, guess what. I happen to have several cowboy hats, and I would just need to know may be what color? I have black, brown, and some straw hats. I would imagine then you’re going to be wearing jeans and a Western shirt, Jim said, smiling.

    Oh my gosh, I forgot I would need a Western shirt. It’ll be fun to shop for one, though. Who doesn’t like to shop? Do you think a straw hat would look okay? Lavonne asked.

    Of course. The straw hats go with any Western apparel. They actually are pretty popular, Jim said.

    The waitress appeared with their suppers and refilled their iced teas. Is it silly to be a little excited about it? Makes me feel like a little kid again or like I’m twenty years old, Lavonne said.

    Jim smiled again, Nothing wrong with that at all. We all need to feel like a little kid once in a while, as long as we’re not getting into mischief. It sounds to me like you would have fun and I think you should do it. And I don’t think you should feel guilty about acting like a kid for a couple of hours. They finished their supper and got up to leave. Jim had grabbed the ticket and headed for the cashier.

    Thank you for supper. I didn’t expect you to buy my supper, but I appreciate it. She smiled. Lavonne headed towards her Mustang, and Jim kind of tagged along. When she got to her car, Jim asked, Do you think we could have an actual date for supper? I would love to take you someplace nice and may be a little dancing?

    Lavonne replied, That would be very nice. Do you know if the Eagles club is popular? Heard the band can play most kinds of music. I can usually enjoy any kind of music, believe it or not. I have even heard at least one rap song that I could stand.

    Jim laughed and said, Huh, I guess I may have heard at least one rap song that I could handle too.

    Lavonne giggled and said, Most places are stuck to one kind of music, and you have to choose one or the other. This could be interesting, she said. Not expecting this to happen so fast, she stood there in a stupor for a couple of minutes and acted as though she was looking up at the sky. The truth being she was getting the butterflies again. Uh, I think it would be fun to do something different, she said.

    Jim looked into her eyes and said, I am sorry. I didn’t mean to put you on the spot or anything; it was just an idea.

    Oh, you didn’t put me on the spot, she lied. I was just going to say I am thinking it would be nice to do something different, and I heard the club is popular.

    Okay, cool. The dress is casual, can you handle that? Jim grinned.

    Well, I don’t know, I’m used to the high society stuff, she hesitated to see the look on his face and continued, I’m just kidding! And they both laughed.

    I can pick you up about seven if you give me your address, he queried. Lavonne took a small piece of paper from her purse and wrote it down, including her phone number. Lavonne got in her car, and Jim went to his pickup, saying, See you tomorrow night at 7!

    Lavonne waved and wondered why it sounded a little like she would have a good time. Did she feel guilty? Why should she? Dan always waited till the last minute to call her, and never explained anything, just always said that he loved her. Lavonne wanted to believe that, but there was always a little doubt, and the doubt was growing. As she drove home, she cranked up the radio a little louder and started singing an old rock-n-roll song. When it was over, she realized that this had been quite the day. Two probable dates. A ride on the float is kind of a date. And tomorrow night she would be at supper and maybe dancing. Maybe she needed a little freedom, a life, what? She arrived home, and there was Thomas waiting for her. She picked him up and carried him back to the bedroom. They needed a little playtime, so she grabbed a string and played with Thomas for about ten minutes or so. He was just so cute, and he always made her feel special because she appeared to be very important to him. Lavonne thought about what she would wear tomorrow for a couple of minutes and decided to wait to pick it out in the morning. Getting up like she did for her coffee and cigarettes, she always had time. Lavonne sat down in her chair, and Thomas climbed in her lap. Now was time for a little TV and relaxing. Yeah, no kitchen to clean, no dishes, and before I go to bed, I just have to clean Thomas’s bowl. Lavonne swore sometimes Thomas actually watched TV with her for a little while and then just rested on her lap. She would pet him off and on while watching TV, and he would purr for her. She thought about the vet sign that said cats could make up to 100 different sounds. And she believed Thomas had that capability. Lavonne said her prayers and thanked God she had met Jim. This time she was going to take things slow. Since she had made up her mind to start a new life for herself, she was not going to make the same mistake twice. Lavonne did feel differently towards Jim, but she was not sure what it was. Dan just made her feel small or used. This was different. Lavonne said her prayers, thanking God for a good start of changing her life, and fell asleep smiling to herself. Her decision was made.

    Chapter 3

    Morning came, and Lavonne hit the snooze only once. She got out of bed and went through her morning routine. It was another gorgeous day, and Lavonne felt happy. Seemed like it had been a long time since she felt happy like this. She had her coffee and cigarette out on the deck after feeding Thomas. Lavonne made a quick lunch and headed out. She arrived at work and made the coffee and iced tea. She felt a little hungry, so she grabbed a couple of protein bars from the snack cupboard. When she got to her desk, she could tell Jerry worked late as her inbox was full. Lavonne loved that. The day went so much faster when she was busy. The phone started ringing as soon as she sat down. Lavonne fielded the calls for everyone. She was always polite, and if she could answer any questions or solve any problems, Lavonne handled it. Rarely did she get any angry customers. Jerry had not shown up for work yet, and it was almost 10:00 a.m. Unusual for him to be late without calling or texting. Lavonne was filing when Jerry finally came in. Good morning! she said.

    Not really, Jerry said. But it will get better. There was a huge wreck on the road, and they directed us around it. I decided to head out to the highway job and see how it was going. One of the scrapers had a problem, and I needed to get Richard out there. He is sure a good master mechanic for the shop. He had it fixed in less than an hour. Then we ended up going out for breakfast. I am sorry I didn’t call, but I knew you would handle things. Thank you, by the way.

    Lavonne smiled and said, No problem, but let’s not make a habit of not calling me. I was getting worried! Jerry and Lavonne had a good working relationship. She could always express her feelings about anything, but she never took advantage of it.

    Jerry smiled back and said, Yeah, guess that’s why I have a cell phone, huh? Okay, I will call and give you an update. Are there any other emergencies I need to know about?

    No. It has been mostly some billing questions, a few inquiries about truck repair. There are some appointments to be made. Sounds like Richard will have some extra work coming his way, Lavonne said. I did put a few callbacks on your desk for you.

    Jerry went to the kitchen and grabbed some coffee. Then he headed to his office. Lavonne could see him look through the messages, and then he pulled out blueprints. She went back to her basket and was making good progress. The next time she looked up, it was noon. Lavonne went back to the kitchen and grabbed some iced tea and her lunch. She decided to eat at her desk. Her Mom called, and they visited for a few. When Lavonne was done with her lunch, she grabbed another glass of tea and settled back to work. There was a small blueprint in the bottom of the basket, so Lavonne spread it out. She would check to be sure everything she needed to order for any job was ready when they needed it. Jerry would often give her what he wanted to order, and she would double-check the print before she ordered. Jerry had only missed one item once, that she remembered. Lavonne did not tell him; she just fixed the order. Lavonne finished up the print and worked on the order. As the time clicked by, it was 4:30 p.m. before Lavonne was even ready. She didn’t know why, but her stomach was filled with butterflies. Just as it was time to leave, another driver walked in, trying to get the paperwork signed. She wanted to limit the conversation. It never fails when you’re in a hurry, and this was nerve-wracking. Lavonne never rushed a client before, but there was this feeling, the butterflies. By 6:00 p.m., she was walking out the door. She had to talk to herself to keep from running to the car. On the way home, she had to monitor the speed limit as her foot seemed to keep pushing to go faster. Passing a police car, her heart started pounding. She looked down at the speedometer to see that she was okay, thinking he would not pull her over for going five miles over the speed limit. Pulling in the driveway, she did a big sigh of relief. Trying to calm herself down, she glanced in the mirror and saw that the police officer had pulled in behind her. The police officer approached the car and asked for her license and registration. He was very polite, but Lavonne was so flustered. She reached for her purse to grab it. During her trip, her purse had flipped over, and now all the contents fell out all over the floor. She glanced up at the officer, who had a smile on his face. Reaching for her wallet, she grabbed her driver’s license. Then she tried to open the glovebox. It was locked, so she jerked her keys from the ignition and opened it.

    After the officer checked everything, he said, Don’t you know you never pass a police car? Lavonne turned beet red. It’s okay, I’m not going to give you a ticket, but let’s watch your speed in the future.

    Trying to calm herself down after this episode, she started throwing her clothes everywhere. No time to shower, she thought, but she wanted to look and smell nice. She jumped in the shower, and the water refreshed her immensely. Water poured over her face and felt so good that more time passed than expected. Just as she grabbed her towel and glanced at the clock, there was a knock at the door. One minute, please! she yelled. Still soaking wet, she grabbed her housecoat and answered the door.

    Hi! Guess I’m early, Jim said. Butterflies were almost making her shake.

    No, I’m late. Please have a seat, and I’ll be out as quickly as possible. As Jim came in, he had a huge grin on his face. Embarrassed, she left for her room. She then threw down her housecoat and started rummaging through her wardrobe. No, no, maybe, no—yes. She slid into a light blue pair of slacks with a matching jacket and with a white lace blouse. The scarf with different colors of blue and white flowers accented the outfit. She loved her wedged sandals, and remembering he was taller than her; she quickly moved to the hardly worn sandals. Perfect match. Lavonne reached for a belt. It snagged on a box, and the box came tumbling down out of the closet with a bang.

    You all right in there? she heard from the other room.

    Just fine, it is nothing, she replied. Now to put her makeup on. Mascara being the finishing touch, she worked on layers to make her lashes look longer. Finished. She emerged totally refreshed from her bedroom, but her stomach was still upset. She looked around the living room and saw him. Her heart started pounding. He was well-dressed, light blue shirt and slacks, and was ever so handsome. He turned away from her knickknack shelves to look at her just as she realized she had matched his attire.

    You look lovely! We can go as matching. Are you ready? Jim asked.

    Without a word, Lavonne grabbed her coat and was ready to put it on when she smelled the most wonderful cologne. So close. Her coat was taken from her. As she turned, she saw he had opened it and extended it for her to put on. Thank you! I’m so used to fending for myself that’s nice. She noticed his hand stayed on her shoulders a little longer than was needed, but it felt good.

    As they were getting ready to leave, Jim said, Is there anything you have a hunger for, or can I just take over?

    I’d love it if you took over! Today was so hectic! I’m sorry I was late, she replied.

    No problem. I enjoyed looking at your collection. Any idea how many cats you have? Jim asked.

    No idea whatsoever. I just love them. The Siamese ones are my favorite. Speaking of that, did you see Thomas? Lavonne asked.

    Who’s Thomas? Jim asked.

    Thomas is my live cat. He probably stayed in hiding. He’s funny like that. After someone has been over a few times, he may come out. He’s a Siamese and spoiled, Lavonne replied.

    You look like a person who is a cat lover, with all these cat knick-knacks, Jim said.

    Like I said, my favorites are the Siamese ones, of course! Some that I have seen are a poor imitation of a Siamese. That’s why I keep my favorites over in one area. Apparently, getting the color right on them and the markings isn’t so easy. Here comes Thomas, just in time so you can see him. Come here, Thomas. He’s beautiful, of course, I’m prejudiced. Thomas began purring and came right to her.

    Luckily, the apartment was always neat, as Lavonne liked things in their place. Lavonne picked up Thomas and kissed his head.

    I always thought cats were independent and didn’t come when you called them. Is that an old saying I have wrong? Jim asked, smiling. Just the way he smiled, Lavonne could not get defensive. Usually, when it came to cats, she would put up a little fight to defend them.

    The sparkle and grin on his face melted her. You can’t second guess them, but when you really need a friend, my Thomas is there. Thomas does have his moments, though, she smiled.

    Jim said, Oh, he’s a good-looking Siamese. He doesn’t look like a Burmese Siamese. Aren’t they darker? Is he mean?

    He is so spoiled and isn’t mean at all, Lavonne stated. You are right, he is not Burmese, but a Lilac Siamese. I have always treated Thomas with love and affection, and he is a sweet loving cat. Siamese get a bad rep about being mean. It’s all how you raise them. If you are mean and tease them a lot when they are young, they can become a little aggressive. But I’ve had a couple, and none of mine have ever been mean. Course I spoil Thomas rotten, and he is as mellow as can be. The person I got Thomas from teased his cat all the time. His cat was pretty mean. When I went to pick Thomas up, he was teasing his cat, and it was hissing and growling. Made me nervous. Since I’ve had Siamese, I wouldn’t want anything else. He sometimes reminds me of a dog as he waits by the door for me when he hears the lock. He stays with me when I’m home. He calms me down if I’m upset and is my partner.

    How’d you come by his name? Jim asked.

    Lavonne flustered a little and then said, When I got him and knew he was a tomcat, it just seemed fit. I never called him Tom, just Thomas. Lavonne was impressed that he knew Thomas was not a Burmese.

    Jim smiled and reached over to pet him. Thomas was friendly and enjoyed the attention. After a few pets, Lavonne put Thomas down. Thomas rubbed against Jim’s leg. Lavonne thought to herself that even Thomas knew he was a good guy. She smiled and said, I’m ready. Thank you for waiting. I really apologize for being late.

    No problem. I enjoyed looking at your collection, and you’re right, Thomas is a good-looking cat. His markings are perfect, Jim stated.

    I love it, she thought to herself as she headed for the door. Parked in front of the front door was a nice-looking blue dodge ram. The dodge had running boards, and the truck was shiny like it had just been washed. The interior was very clean and smelled good. Jim opened the truck door and extended his hand to help her step up into the cab.

    Is it all right if I take you to a place I found when I first arrived here? Jim asked.

    I know you talked about a place, Lavonne answered with a smile, I wouldn’t mind at all. Who knows what the new place is like!

    The first glance of the restaurant was deceiving. Jim came over, opened her truck door, and reached to help her out. Lavonne couldn’t remember how long it had been since she had been treated like this. She hadn’t even been taken out anywhere, in over a year, maybe even longer. His grip was firm but gentle, and Lavonne smiled to herself and really felt like a lady. It was a good feeling. Inside was a cozy candle-lit environment. The small stage was at one end of the room with the piano and low, slow music. They were led to a booth on the side with high backs, giving the feeling of being isolated. It was beautiful. Flowers, old pictures, and many candles were the only light. But it wasn’t dark like a bar. She scooted in, and he scooted in right next to her. Fresh water in fancy glasses was set in front of them. "This is just beautiful here. I

    haven’t been here before," Lavonne said.

    I found it accidentally going through town last time I was here, and my curiosity got to me. So, I stopped in for lunch. The food was excellent, and when I left, I was stuffed, Jim said, smiling.

    The menu did not have fancy dishes. I think I’ll have the baked chicken; I haven’t had that for a long time. I do miss home-cooked meals, and when I was here for lunch, I would say that is the closest I’ve come to one in a long time. Not at all like a greasy spoon! Jim exclaimed.

    Lavonne felt he was smiling again and looking over at her. She felt pretty tonight and unknowing to her, that’s exactly what he was thinking. She flushed, and her stomach did a flip-flop as she looked up and saw him smiling at her. Why is your face turning red? Jim asked.

    Not knowing how to answer the question, Lavonne smiled and said, I’ll have the same.

    Okay, Jim replied. Would you like a drink?

    I would really prefer just some iced tea, thank you, Lavonne replied. As Jim ordered, Lavonne looked closely at his features. He was a doll, that is all she could think about. As she was looking at how blue his eyes appeared, he turned to smile at her. Instantly she flushed again. Now, why are you turning red? Jim asked. Lavonne was really embarrassed now. What to say? Her mind was clicking quickly. Your eyes are so blue, no, you look wonderful tonight, no, you make my stomach upset, no, no, she turned and looked back. He was still smiling, his eyebrows raised in question.

    Well, I, I don’t know! Lavonne said.

    How stupid she felt, and then realized that he was definitely a gentleman because he began talking about his last trip. This last trip was a total pain. I was just a little over halfway, and my air conditioning quit. Pulled over and looked under the hood. The hose had come off. I do have some tools, and I was able to tighten it. Have no idea how long it had been that way, loose that is. I usually do a good check before I take off. So how was your day? Jim asked.

    Lavonne could not remember when anyone had asked her about her day or anything about her. She was in deep thought trying to remember when Jim said, Was it that bad? He smiled.

    No, I just was thinking about how I ended up being late and everything today. I really think I was busy, but it sure went fast. I did not get everything done I wanted to, but some days that’s normal, Lavonne answered. She thought for a minute and continued. I have had a lot of truckers come in to be paid. The expansion seems to be going well, and I have had a few deliveries. Seems like that is how I met you! she smiled.

    The waitress brought their suppers just then. This looks good, Jim said before he took a bite. This is good. I am glad we came here. There is enough, I’m sure, to satisfy my hunger. I guess I was more hungry than I thought! He smiled.

    Lavonne had taken a few bites and, smiling, said, This is good. I think I was a little hungry too. Good choice bringing us here.

    Jim smiled back and said, I was glad for this day to be over too. Sometimes it seems to drag on. I listen to the radio a lot when I am driving, so that helps a lot. Sometimes I listen to talk shows, and then if I get tired of the subjects, I turn to some music.

    Lavonne smiled and said, You wouldn’t be one of those like me who sometimes sing along with the singer, would you?

    Jim chuckled and said, I hate to admit this, and I don’t want you telling anyone. Yes, I have been known to sing along. I would have to say it depends on my mood or the song they are playing. If it is one I like, yes, I sing. It’s better I am in the truck singing as I don’t think I always sing the right words or stay in tune!

    The waiter brought the ticket in, and Lavonne noticed he left a nice tip. As they were leaving, he asked her how adventurous she was. What do you mean? she asked.

    If you are up for it, I’ll take you for a ride on my motorcycle and show you where my dad and I work. Or if you would rather, we could go to the Eagles club and dance. It is your choice, dancing or a nice evening ride. What do you think? Do you trust me to be safe?

    Lavonne didn’t hesitate at all. I’d love it! I’d rather go for the motorcycle ride. I’m glad I wore pants!

    They drove over to his house, and on the way, Jim asked, have you ridden before then?

    With a big smile on her face, Lavonne replied, I have a 350 Yamaha, ha, ha, and I used to love to ride it. It’s been stored for quite some time, so yes, and I think it will be fun!

    Yamaha-ha, ha? Jim asked. He continued repeating it again and shaking his head with a smile. Yamaha-ha, ha? That’s a new one! Jim exclaimed.

    I have always called it that. I really don’t know what started it. Lavonne responded.

    Okay, here we are. I have a helmet for you, and it has a speaker in it so you can talk to me while we are riding. What do you think of my Honda? Jim asked.

    It’s nice, big too. I’ve never seen a helmet with a speaker thing-a-mere in it? Lavonne said.

    It’s a 750 Redwing. I’m pretty proud of it. I’ll have to tell you some time all the things we’ve been through together. Climb on, Jim said. Lavonne climbed on and wrapped her arms around his waist. You ready? Lavonne heard Jim ask through the speaker now.

    Let’s go, she replied. It was wonderful, holding him and peeking around him and feeling the breeze hit her. It was about 75° out, and it felt great. Her pant legs moved with the breeze. Even with her sandals on, her feet weren’t cold.

    She remembered to lean with him as they took curves, and Lavonne heard Jim ask, Are you alright back there?

    Peachy, was her response, and then she felt funny and thought, Where in the world did she think to come up with ‘peachy’? Lavonne smiled at herself and was enjoying everything. After about thirty minutes, he started slowing down.

    Hold on, we’re at my work, so I’m going to stop, and we can take a little break. They were on something like a lookout. He stopped and removed his helmet. She let go of him and climbed off. What a view. Trees and shrubs. (And in the distance was the shop with semi’s and road equipment.) This is where I first learned road construction. Did a lot of highway fence lines in my early days. Hated the barb-wired ones, Jim said.

    What? Lavonne asked as Jim touched her shoulder. Jim was pointing to her helmet that she still had on. Oh, she reached up and took it off with a big smile on her face, and continued. Sorry, I was just so busy looking at God’s beauty that I forgot I still had it on! It is beautiful here, the surrounding area. Oh Lord, an eagle! They are so amazing, and watching them in flight is awesome!

    The true animal lover you are, Jim said.

    They are magnificent, and I can’t imagine anyone wanting to kill them. They’re amazing to watch in flight, Lavonne said.

    I agree, Jim replied. We had some nesting near our place, and we loved watching them. Got my binoculars out and could sit there for hours drinking coffee and watching the different ones take off. It is amazing they mate for life. Did you know they can live up to 30 years? Pretty cool.

    Another animal lover! Lavonne exclaimed.

    Just then, a police officer pulled up beside them. He got out and looked right at Lavonne and asked, Are you okay young lady?

    Lavonne replied, Yes, officer, we’re just looking at the view.

    I just wanted to make sure everything was okay as I saw you guys pulled over. Have a good evening and be safe out there, the officer said.

    As the officer drove away, Lavonne said, That’s the second time I’ve had to talk to a police officer today. I’m so glad they are nice and are patient. The officer I talked to earlier today pulled me over for passing him but didn’t give me a ticket. I wasn’t going to tell you, but that is another reason I was a little late.

    Do we look that guilty? Jim asked and looked at her with a big smile on his face.

    Lavonne turned red and began laughing. In turn, he began laughing. You have had quite a day, Jim said.

    I think we look like we are having too much fun, Lavonne said. I guess we better head out. I do want to say I love this helmet with the speaker on and the nice music playing.

    I was hoping you would like my choice of music. We’ve got some good songs from the 80s, he smiled. They climbed back on the motorcycle and headed to her place, which was about a 45-minute ride. Jim had music playing on the speaker, and it was just so relaxing. Lavonne hated for the evening to end. He walked her up to her door and asked her if they could have another date. Just as she was ready to answer, Jim noticed that her sandal was burned on the bottom. Oh my, looks like the muffler melted the wedge on your shoe a little! I’m so sorry. I didn’t even think about that, he said.

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