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Sugar High Angels
Sugar High Angels
Sugar High Angels
Ebook189 pages1 hour

Sugar High Angels

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Sugar High Angels is one little soul's experience navigating mental illness, dreams, growing older, and finding and defining beliefs. This collection includes short stories, free verse poetry, journal entries, and haiku. Some of the poems are autobiographical, some of the

Release dateOct 31, 2021
Sugar High Angels

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    Sugar High Angels - Aisling Black

    Sugar High Angels

    "Without contraries is no progression.

    Attraction and repulsion, reason and energy, love and hate,

    are necessary to human existence."

    William Blake

    Third Eye Blues

    There is twisting and twirling in your mind

    There is a burning hurt in the center of the forehead

    The emergence of what can see, ghosts

    And what none can perceive but what you can

    You can see the ash in the atmosphere

    You can see the blood in the water

    You can see the flowers blooming in other souls

    This world is savage and beautiful all at once

    But when you can feel it all

    You feel it all

    You cannot concentrate on life itself

    Only the vibrations all around you

    Although you have the third-eye sight

    You cannot help but become blind in a strange way

    A lost and lonely soul too plugged in

    Too connected and you find yourself drowning

    Drowning in the gift you’ve been cursed with

    Unfortunate child, my tears won’t darken your third eye

    Only the mortal eyes become black and bleary

    My Love to you, the Fae

    Slipping daintly by

    Pearlescent wings make a small twinkling sound

    I can see your rings and flower homes

    I love you all, even though you don’t want me

    I tried to join you

    I drank the nectar of that particular purple weed

    I tried to let myself turn wilde,

    I tried to let the earth encompass every inch of me

    But all that became of me was rabies of the soul

    I couldn’t handle the magick in my current form

    All I can do is wish and dream of joining you

    But your endless life moves slower than mine

    I am merely a whisper to you

    Your eyes can see everything

    I was warned to stay away

    But I became greedy to know you more

    I suppose I deserve what I became

    No sweet Fae-Folk am I

    Even if I hear your voices

    Even if I see you from time to time

    I am never to be with you truly


    As beautiful as can be

    Treated like a sore by those who kept the words

    All the coin, yet all the care

    Washing away all doubt

    A wilting relation

    Green eyes stalk every move

    Every breath is taken in splendor

    The love of the holiest

    In the end, she wishes

    For her palms to bleed

    For her death in place of his

    But when he rises again she can see

    Truly see

    And after that everything is different

    There is fire in her eyes

    The fire of that which is honored

    She knows it by name

    She is its heart

    Gift of the Forest

    In the woods to the north

    I tied white rope tightly around fir trees

    I beat my knuckles against the rough trunks

    I carved my own language into the pine needle floor

    Distant power seeping from the runes

    I climbed trees hiding from the water rising

    The killer is in my lungs and brain

    I escape to the north woods to forget

    To feel life by weaving flowers into my hair

    My dilated eyes trace the veins of leaves

    Numb fingertips prod through my mouth

    Deer stop and stare, beautiful little angels

    The green gods are there

    And they always listen

    I consume the quiet rhythm of the forest

    The ghostly ruins of my own life are still in that place

    There I am the crowned ruler

    There I am the bleary-eyed dreamweaver

    I can lose my elder skin in those north woods still

    Become a young tawny sapling again

    It’s dangerous and a gift


    I press the blood on my palm onto your forehead

    You don’t even flinch

    We find ourselves so high on a hill

    We rise like wooden crosses

    Made of the pieces of broken cities

    I wish I could protect you from the afterglow

    The sacred urn before us holds all of our fates ashes

    I know that we’ll find nourishment in the flesh of flowers

    Our hearts beat at the same rhythm, often too fast

    We run through the darkness, and flit through daylight, blind

    The feelings arise like the tides

    Guided by the moon and gravity

    We cannot deny our affection

    Its the universe speaking through mutilated lips

    Red strings tied tightly

    Turns the flesh lily-white

    Burns everything pure

    I swear to god that my possession will not seep

    Overflow the vessel and run blood into the seas

    We sign our names with bone and black ink

    Sacred \Geometry

    All angles of a short quick breath

    Running perfectly straight towards light

    Feeling the love from above

    And knowing that all you do is divine

    Terrestrial love isn’t enough for you any longer

    Dirt no longer nourishing

    Perfect, Perfectly, and Perfection

    A waltz defined through god’s math

    Even when your wings melt you fall in such a heavenly pattern

    You turned away from the shadow show

    You cut every vertex like thick meat

    Your instruments are sharper than the tongue

    All the wars you imagine

    Manifest in numbers and symbols

    Your fingers are pointed like sewing needles

    You point to the map and tell travelers where to begin

    Love Maker

    I raised my arm into the moonlight

    It spilled into the room like a silver sea

    My flesh melted away to reveal tiny delicate bones

    This shared hallucination was in the first months

    Two creatures of bones and flesh

    Sleepy and romantic

    I swore I could hear tiny chimes

    And the message came through so clear

    Stay here they whisper

    I make promises, to you and myself

    Twirling my fingers around your hair

    Cross my fingers as I wish

    That you will cover these bones in gold and jewels

    Keep me at this moment

    Keep my mind like a saints body

    And then the years pass

    And I still feel the same as that night

    The night my body crumbled before our eyes


    Your woman-ness might take a feral hue

    You mustn’t ever dampen that vibration

    No matter how high the worlds noose rides on your neck

    The world will choke you as you feel

    Feel the need to cut, burn or starve

    But remember that you own yourself

    And you don’t owe the executioner

    Instead, turn that worry stone over in your hand

    Lick the salt away from your wounds

    Taste, Feel and Love as you wish

    Take in sour and sweet

    Remember you are always a child in this universe

    And even when it is ugly it is beautiful

    Embrace what may be seen as your dangerous traits

    Wear your own photo in an invisible locket

    Do not waste even a moment

    With anyone who seeks to water you down

    You deserve to be rabid

    Shouldn’t Talk About

    He wears marks of sin on his arm

    Tells only falsehoods through ophidian tongue

    I did not know how to walk away

    If only I had known it was just as easy

    As walking away

    I thought it was all suitable and ignored ennui

    Couldn’t hear the sad keys playing behind every interaction

    Tried to bite my tongue rather than see stars

    I was easy prey

    I was so fragmented then

    My eyes circled back in my head

    After every strike, every touch

    How could I stay when I loathed it so much?

    You wonder how I ignored what was obvious?

    It was harder than leaving

    Though people often say otherwise

    I was told tangling lies it took a while to decipher

    I didn’t want to admit such things were possible in my life

    Certainly, it couldn’t be true

    I took the largest bite of the apple

    Couldn’t seal the box once it was breached

    I became the villain in my own fabrication

    And that’s what I cannot forget

    That’s what I cannot forgive


    My friends in my head are not in my head

    They fade with fear

    I can hear their pleas as they disappear

    You’ll never know the truth again they whisper

    Death rattles of not just the wicked but also the heavenly ones

    There’s so much static that I dread it’s true what they say

    I’ll never be able to hear the messages from god again

    What if I miss a warning?

    What about my friends?

    Those who have been there since I was so young

    How can I turn my back on them?

    I sense it’s greedy and unfair

    Stability or ties lost to the only way of living I’ve

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