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Single Mothers and Living For Christ 2
Single Mothers and Living For Christ 2
Single Mothers and Living For Christ 2
Ebook100 pages1 hour

Single Mothers and Living For Christ 2

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"Single Mothers and Living For Christ 2, is meant to encourage other single mothers. It's a continuation of "Single Mothers and Living Christ," and has become a series! Tréasa Brown shares her delicate story of what she faced on her journey as a single mother. She allowed the Lord to give her inspirati

Release dateSep 15, 2021
Single Mothers and Living For Christ 2

Tréasa Brown

Now a co-author/author and aspiring entrepreneur, Tréasa Brown is pursuing all that the Lord has called her to be. As a prophetess, she is striving to be a prophetic end-time voice, for such a time as this. In 6th grade at Casey middle school, in Boulder, Colorado, a language arts teacher had spoken to Tréasa Brown and told her she sees her as a journalist. She thought what her teacher said was not fitting and Tréasa paid it no attention. But looking back, she has discovered this to be true! It was like a prophetic word that had been released years ago, as she has kept many journals for over the course of 9 years, by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Tréasa Brown has a passion for prayer and wants to see MANY come to Christ. She carries a prophetic mantle and a breaker's anointing has been released upon her life. Tréasa Brown may seem quiet and soft-spoken to many, but the God-given authority that the Lord has placed upon her life, speaks loud and clear all by itself. Tréasa Brown has a humble heart and she is called for such a time as this!

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    Single Mothers and Living For Christ 2 - Tréasa Brown


    Single Mothers and Living For Christ 2

    Tréasa Brown

    Copyright © 2021 by Tréasa Brown

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced by any means, graphics, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Tréasa Brown/Rejoice Essential Publishing

    PO BOX 512

    Effingham, SC 29541

    Unless otherwise indicated, scripture is taken from the King James Version.

    Single Mothers And Living For Christ/ Tréasa Brown

    ISBN-13: 978-1-952312-97-7

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2021919004






    The Struggle (Welfare)

    The Impact On My Children

    What God Requires From You

    Preparing Your Heart

    Did You Learn Your Lesson?

    Spiritual Growth

    The Lord Will Keep You Hidden

    He’s Not Your Husband!

    Are You Willing To Try Again?

    Not Just Anybody!

    The Best Is Yet To Come!

    About The Author



    This book is dedicated to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who inspired me to write this book. I also would like to dedicate this book to my anointed grandmother, Missionary Hazel Lee Hughes, who was the phenomenal mother of 12 children. As well as all the anointed SINGLE mothers around the globe. Be encouraged!


    This book contains delicate chapters of my life and different obstacles that I faced. Often people see the anointing on our lives, but they don’t know the process. We witness to others, but we often neglect our process and what happens in between struggle and victory. This is the part that needs to be heard! There’s nothing wrong with being discreet, but where’s the transparency?

    In this book, not only am I transparent as a single mother, but I impart encouragement and Scripture to under-gird my experience. The goal is to share my testimony with single mothers, or single women, in believing that they can learn through my story and reflect on their own current situations in life. My hope is that they will know their worth and value of who they are IN GOD! My prayer is that they will AVOID these same pitfalls and be the best woman of God they can be through Christ Jesus! This book is not to shine the light on all my flaws, but that people will know we serve a MIGHTY God who causes TRANSFORMATION and GROWTH in us, through the process!

    James 5:16 declares, Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of the righteous man availeth much. My process wasn’t pretty, but the end result as the Lord continues to take me through WILL glorify HIM! I’m grateful for what the Lord has done in my life! I told the Lord that if He would give me a platform to testify to the young women, I would tell them what I’ve been through. Well, this was the way the Lord decided to do it, even though I didn’t see this coming.

    He declared over my life that I was Destined to be a writer, an Author... I was amazed at the conformation that came through other men and women of God who are divine connections in my life! "Single Mothers and Living For Christ 2, just like the first, is meant to not only build up the single mothers, but encourage them in this walk with the Lord! We’re NOT walking it out alone, but through HIM that gives us strength from day to day! I pray that you become empowered single mothers, by the word of God and that you embrace where you are in this season of your life!


    Single Mothers and Living For Christ 2 by Tréasa Brown is a powerful must-read. This book is the perfect addition to Single Mothers and Living For Christ because Tréasa Brown shares profound revelation on singlehood. Her transparency is refreshing and she mentors us through every page. She has a heart for God’s people and doesn’t want anyone to make the same mistakes, so she exposes the enemy’s plans and encourages us to trust God. Tréasa Brown imparts wisdom so we can make better decisions. Through this book, we will gain a new perspective on singleness and discover our purpose in life. Tréasa Brown provides relatable insight and inspiration to trust God during hardships. Single Christian moms will be strengthened as they prepare to be a wife and wait for the man that God has for them.

    Prophetess Kimberly Moses

    CEO Rejoice Essential Magazine


    Father, Son and Holy Ghost! Lord, You ALWAYS inspire me and have been my #1 encouragement! My first love! I would be lost without you! Thank you for not giving up on me, I’m desperate for you!

    To my three beautiful children, DeVontaé, Julissa and Julius Steele, Mommy loves you! We’re going to make it!

    To my Mother, Hazel Hughes-Choyce, who has under-girded me, there’s so much I could say about you, but for now, I love you and thank you for ALL your prayers, you’re the jewel in my life!

    To my Uncle Joe, you have always been like a father figure in my life. Thank you so much! I love you!

    To my Dad, Tommy Lee Brown, I love you and I’m praying for you!

    To Daddy Choyce, thank you for all your support and prayers, we love you!

    To my siblings, Caémeille Choyce, Tony and Tyler Brown, I love you all! We’ve been through a lot together, but God is going to get the GLORY out of our lives. It’s our turn!

    To my future husband, whoever you are, I know you’ll be TAYLOR-MADE by God! As I always say, it’s going to take a special person to fill

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