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Kurpanov 2 in America
Kurpanov 2 in America
Kurpanov 2 in America
Ebook175 pages3 hours

Kurpanov 2 in America

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I Kurpanov Zesky am telling my story to listeners of my time in America. This story as said details when I left island sanctuary suffering a natural disaster. I led my people the Surrai and island's inhabitants to a new sanctuary place called America. It's in America where we learned as refugees to be citizens of the nation as Americans.

PublisherBeth Hoyer
Release dateAug 31, 2021
Kurpanov 2 in America

Beth Hoyer

I'm currently owned by a cat who considers me hers.I love to type stories on my computer for hours.I like the science fiction fantasy genre with romance thrown in it when it comes to my stories.I like to take hikes through forests snapping photos to use as my covers for my stories.I'm an aspiring author of science fiction fantasy.

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    Kurpanov 2 in America - Beth Hoyer

    Kurpanov 2 in America

    Edenia Series

    By Beth Hoyer 2021

    The gate led to another forest area from the looks of it between two trees forming an arch. I sensed that we were back on Terrania by strength’s renewal status hitting me despite I felt snoozer when I was in Aire. I remembered that I felt slightly weak while on Aire visiting Alexei I figured I wouldn’t be able to visit him again for awhile. I took a look around the area seeing we were in a clearing that seemed well maintained from the looks of the neatness of the grass.

    I was thinking to myself where did you sent us Mallory?

    I got multiple Meritanians’ voices in mind in response to my thoughts of Mallory’s name.

    The Meritanians said in response Argh Mallory is babbling like a Meritanian Amberra again!

    Another Meritanian said Don’t worry about Amberra not knowing what you and group are doing. We Meritanians love to talk for we’ll talk on anything to anyone willing to hear us. She’s hearing from us what your doing from our conversations including what you people used to do she’s talking. She’s very talkative with her words and won’t shut up.

    I recalled that Amberra couldn’t verbalized her words out of respect to the Surrai throwing angry fits tin response to her communication. We explored the trees’ area Listeners not with us I noticed to my regret. I also noticed Kurb and Kazak weren’t with us Surrai either.

    Mina told me I miss our sons both but they have to grow up.

    I’m told by Meritanians’ annoyed voiced comment Mallory exchanged personalities changing back to Amberra and resuming her voiced communication.

    We explored the area as well as we could finding the trees appearing to be hedges surrounding were set in a way to prevent anyone from climbing them or going through unless through one entrance. The entrance had a wall of ivy twin to Claws’ sanctuary entrance that made Surrai nervous to not go near it. Also there were hedges’ covers above in the ceiling part of the trees’ area like a dome. I figured I’ll make an example and walk through the ivy even though I was annoyed. I growled that noise and walked through the ivy coming out. I didn’t recognize people gathered around with concern looks on their faces that turned to happiness seeing me. I turned around and stuck my head into the ivy finding the plants let me do that

    I yelled Get out of there! There are people out here that care about visitors and their safety!

    I thrust aside a part of the ivy and jabbed a finger out with another hand. Surrai obeyed looking sheepish but shocked seeing people coming up towards them appearing to be medics. I saw that the people were thrusting my people with bottles and making a drinking sign. Some of those medics I noticed had golden human eyes that signed our sign for Surrai to my shock. I saw that they got the Surrai to drink nourishment from the bottle in the street. I saw the street was blocked off with people applauding seeing us leave one of a time including meowing seeing me getting the others out. Mina once stood next to me putting a hand onto my shoulder as Yugadin and Nemovsky that followed me stood on each sides of me indicating me as the leader by narrowed eyed looks of the medics. I saw signs of Surrai among the city’s natives by their golden human eyes and appearing to meow loudly each time a Surrai walked through the ivy. I counted eleven Surrai and peered into ivy seeing Jolly had fallen asleep during our explorations.

    I glared at the escorts signaling Get Jolly out. I signed.

    I figured from the noises of meowing and sirens from the vehicles taking Surrai away into them that the escorts couldn’t hear me. I got the fist over the heart signal from the escorts as they went inside and I peered to see them picking up Jolly who ignored them. He remained asleep as medics I saw ran passed me with a stretcher and got Jolly onto it. They hauled him out which got the meows to become silent but the vehicles still sounded their sirens. I sensed that Jolly was still alive but conserving his strength by his sleeping mode. The escorts walked out following the medics which I felt myself thirsty went to a medic as Mina kept her hand onto my shoulder as the escorts followed. I made a drinking sign to the medic who thrust me a bottle of clear liquid I gave to Mina making a drink sign to her. She expertly opened the bottle I saw as the medic handed us each bottles. I copied Mina and saw her make a gulp method but the medic blocked her shaking their head indicating take it slow. Mina obeyed as I jabbed a finger at to obey. I sipped the bottle finding my thirstiness quit once bottle was almost empty. I saw the medic wave a scanner over each of us as the street resumed its business we standing on a sidewalk. People were sensed walking by staring at us either out of curiosity or some look that explained their happy recognition look whenever they eyed me.

    I wasn’t sure of what that look meant till told later They recognized you as a disciple of the god king twinning to the god king’s disciple for Surrai named Kurpanov. It was predicted that the god king would send a disciple to remind people the importance of Kurpanov’s teachings of the Surrai’s treatment by the Terranian natives.

    I recalled that fully in mind something to do with the Shonsurrans making Kurpanov another version connected to Amberra suffered a death status..

    I also recalled that Alexei before I passed out asleep said Originals are never freed from safety but copies are.

    I recalled what Alexei was warning me that I wasn’t the original Kurpanov Zesky despite recalling Mina’s thump onto my shoulder during my storytelling pointed out a glass wall. I realized then that Alexei had the original copies of me and others created in the asylum Zesky and Zeskaya in containment living aboard either ship. I’m not sure of which ship I was originally from the knowledge escapes me. I know that Alexei from my visiting him was hinting that my original copy could see what I was seeing like what other originals to clones could see. The Meritanians have managed to point that out with their, sicken the clones with memories of originals games like always. I knew then from their game that I was a cloned copy of the original Kurpanov himself contained elsewhere I figured was on the Zesky on Aire. Alexei from what I know of him seemed to favor originals kept contained where he was at so he could converse with them. I remembered the original sending me a memory of Alexei with his body walking among the originals. He was talking to them like they were living thinking beings trapped in status. Alexei was addressing the originals by name and saying what their cloned copy did long before it was pointed out that they could see what the clones were seeing. He treated each original by name the cloned copy insisted on calling themselves than the name above onto the tube. I recalled my original name was Andrew Kurpanov Kossman Junior but the cloned copy insisted on the names be Kurpanov Zesky after fondness towards Alexei. Alexei had obeyed to the clone’s request despite Kossman fathered the original himself. I recalled meeting the natives of the city of the nation United States of Feline America weren’t too friendly with other species that weren’t like them humanoid cats. I’m getting ahead of myself off track with the story as I was saying I as Kurpanov noticed people’s looks. This got my escorts a little annoyed including Mina noticed this and thought they were making fun of me for my human like eyes. The Surrai are known for cat’s eyes than Human’s eyes. Any descendant of the Surrai that are of the Surrai species are marked with golden eyes that doesn’t matter if their not human or not. There’s descendants of Surrai living in Oceana with golden eyes that are fond of water and play galore with the Orca for an example. Anyway any Surrai with Human like eyes were treated religiously like disciples of the god king’s a deity lord an all seeing one God. Kurpanov’s deceased status in Shonsurra started that religious view from the Shonsurrans which spread around Terrania. This hit the Felidae the official species name of the cat like humanoid species like important and continued soon after Edenia left orbit of Terrania. The remaining humanoids aka humans on Terrania after the great death kept crystal clear records of that religious view. The humans that were left behind managed to with the help of the Meritanians recreate the memories of the natives into recording devices technology ways. I’m not sure of the cloned status hitting Terrania but from what I remember of the Zeskaya kept contained secretly on planet side somewhere was never used for creating clones. I know the Zeskaya was used for containment of clones if there was already an existing clone waiting to take that clone’s place. I still remember myself acting as Kurpanov with the escorts in the city of Washington they called it their capital city unsure of that name involving washing. The medic noticed the looks of people and escorts’ hissy fits signed for us to go into a vehicle an ambulance which was obeyed. Once inside the ambulance a medic a female stared at me without blinking her green human eyes a cat’s trait. The ambulance’s siren noise that cut its noises is when the female staring at me despite the escorts making cat claw gestures towards her pulled out a book of paper. She appeared to be leafing through that book heard muttering my name to the shock of Mina who displayed that expression on her face. Mina wound up displaying expressions her blankness quit by her displaying emotions hearing the medic muttering my name. I restrained the escorts realized something involving the Shonsurrans’ view towards Kurpanov I noticing a small Meritanian plant sitting in the ambulance. I still can’t detect if my mind is being scanned or not despite others claimed pains and voiced talk. I don’t get any pain or voice in response to the Meritanians’ blaring but them displaying Amberra’s Mallory’s personality image in mind she signing talk and then they converse words.

    Anyway I said loudly in English Excuse me?

    I wasn’t sure of the language the city’s natives were fluent in but turned out to be English with that language’s writing. The Zeskaya’s language I recalled wasn’t passed down by the humans’ survivors of the great death. The Zeskaya species haven’t expressed any interests in learning how to read and write instead focus onto verbalized tales for their recording way. Anyway as I was saying the female looked at me with widen eyes like shocked that I could speak.

    I gave her a glare and said Excuse me explain your people’s attitudes towards me. Kindly explain where you came up with the name Kurpanov which is what I called myself.

    I got from the female gapping like a fish with a lights wide look like shock she mouthing I remembered later she said God king.

    I kept the glare as the escorts hissed loudly You’re rude!

    Mina defused the situation sensing there was going to be a hissy fit sat next to the female and placed an arm around her like a human while snapping fingers in front of the female’s eyes. The female looked at Mina and then shook her head getting over her gasping behavior focusing onto my female in response.

    She opened the book as Mina said That’s a bible isn’t it?

    The female in response instead of staring at me kept her attention onto Mina.

    The female as politely as she sounded explained There’s this religious view that natives saw from Kurpanov that was originated from Shonsurra another island nation an ocean away.

    Her explanation as she focused onto Mina she said Kurpanov’s servants his disciples are Surrai seen with Human like eyes and humanoids with cats like eyes which is very rarely seen around Terrania. Your friend here has that marking with his eyes hence the attitude.

    I didn’t say a word in response gently patted the escorts’ legs to show no harm done. They were sensed relaxing as the female kept her attention onto Mina who conversed with her in a friendly way between females. I listened to the gab fest with a half an ear as Yugadin as sensed adjusting position to stare out the ambulance’s window. Nemovsky leaned forwards appearing to be engrossed with the females’ talk. I ignored them to shut my eyes figuring that rest would do. I found the ambulance managed to get us all into a garage of a house I saw from the looks of the area than to the hospital to my annoyance. The guards seeing us stood up straighter when they saw my eyes as we were led through the residence to an elevator. The elevator got Yugadin and Nemovsky grabbing my arms I patted them in reassurance as the vehicle was felt going up for a short time. Mina didn’t seemed annoyed with the elevator seemed at home with the scene I recognizing her human memories’ side was coming out. She seemed amused by our reactions is when she noticed the scenery is when she became a wall with mouth in an, oh gesture. I wasn’t sure of what or where we were going but I recognized from the guards that we were in a very important person’s titled residence. I wasn’t sure if the eyes of mine involved me sent to this residence to take control of a title. I figured out from the guards sensed following us that I was a threat to be taken down. I mostly brought down by a greedy titled holder that was a big loudmouth with the position. Excuse me for saying that but that that was my impression from what I remembered. I got a shrug of I don’t care from that person who ignored the residence cats two of them playing with each other in a bite game that was twitching their tails heavily. That person was eyeing the cats’ two balls of black furs with a loud sigh offered his hands to the cats. The cats I saw instead of biting each other attacked his hands and played chewy games with him who obeyed showing a happy look in his golden human eyes. I went into the tale saying this titled person I wasn’t sure if it was a male or a female but Mina made the male in title gesture when I glared at her with a glare. She ignored my glare and seemed to gesture with her discreet signs I

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