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Ebook120 pages1 hour


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What would it be like to be the first humans to experience First Contact? An unexpected meeting. An extraordinary opportunity. For Eve and Adrian such an experience was the thing of pure fantasy… something they were completely unprepared for. In less than one day they would be exposed to a Mind that would challenge them to think about what it is to be human and evolving, and they are given a glimpse of a possible future among the stars. Are you ready to meet Perl?

“Perl is a fascinating read and a completely different 'take' on 'exploring our universe."
Aaron McLoughlin - NLP Consultant
Release dateAug 18, 2017

Keith Gilbert

Keith Gilbert has a bachelors degree in psychology from University of Phoenix. He has four adult children and four grandchildren. Widowed in 2010, he later remarried. He and his wife, Susan, have a daughter and live in Arlington, Texas.

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