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Taking My Wife: A Cuckolding Story
Taking My Wife: A Cuckolding Story
Taking My Wife: A Cuckolding Story
Ebook42 pages26 minutes

Taking My Wife: A Cuckolding Story

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I can't remember the last time I saw her like this. She hangs on every word he says. I might as well not even be in the room.

He says he can see our marriage is on the rocks. That Erica isn't happy or satisfied. And he says he can fix it, if only I step aside.

This 7,000 word story is full of cuckolding and humiliation. For mature readers only!

PublisherNadia Brooks
Release dateOct 3, 2021
Taking My Wife: A Cuckolding Story

Nadia Brooks

Nothing excites me more than a dominant man sweeping a woman off her feet...all while her husband watches from the sidelines. I write the stories I want to read. Stories of sweet, submissive husbands who just can't provide the passion a woman needs. Stories of wives with wandering eyes and unmet needs. Stories of alpha males who drive wives and girlfriends to newfound heights of pleasure.

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    Book preview

    Taking My Wife - Nadia Brooks

    Taking My Wife: A Cuckolding Story

    Published by Nadia Brooks at Smashwords

    Copyright 2021 Nadia Brooks

    Chapter 1

    I’m going to fuck her, Jake said, nodding at Teddy’s wife.

    Erica had just excused herself from the table and made her way to the restroom, leaving the old college friends at the table.

    Teddy laughed and looked around the restaurant, trying to see if anyone he knew was in earshot. What did you say?

    You heard me, Jake said.

    Our waitress? Teddy said. Or the chick in leopard print at the bar? Didn’t think she was your type. He chuckled at his non-joke.

    She isn’t happy, Teddy, Jake said, wondering how many times he’d have to repeat himself for the message to sink in. It didn’t matter how direct he was, when the husband or boyfriend was this deep in denial about the state of the relationship they’d dance around it endlessly. They didn’t want to confront the situation, they didn’t want to confront him, and most of all they didn’t want to confront their own inadequacies.

    Erica? Teddy asked. He shrugged. She’s happy. I mean, I think she’s happy. She hasn’t said she’s unhappy. He gulped down two swallows of beer and smoothed his thinning brown hair back in place.

    Just let him ramble himself toward the truth, Jake thought.

    Teddy stared off into space for a solid thirty seconds, then leaned over his half-finished burger. What did she say to you? Did she say something when I went to get the drinks? About not being happy?

    Jake leaned back in his seat and raised an eyebrow.

    Fine, Teddy sighed. We’ve been going through some stuff. I sort of told you that on the phone, right?

    You said you were frustrated at work and ‘in general,’ Jake said, flashing exaggerated air quotes.

    "Fine. Well, it’s been more than just work. Erica’s been so busy with the kids and the house and this new hobby and, you know, everything else we just haven’t had much time together.

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