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Storytelling Skills The Effectiveness of Storytelling Technique to Improve Communication and Create Opportunities for Success
Storytelling Skills The Effectiveness of Storytelling Technique to Improve Communication and Create Opportunities for Success
Storytelling Skills The Effectiveness of Storytelling Technique to Improve Communication and Create Opportunities for Success
Ebook55 pages35 minutes

Storytelling Skills The Effectiveness of Storytelling Technique to Improve Communication and Create Opportunities for Success

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About this ebook

An excellent narrative is remembered by everyone. Regardless of the subject matter, good tales seem to stick with us, whether we hear them on the radio, read about them in the newspaper, or watch them unfold on live television. When recounted by a great storyteller, a good story can be quite compelling. Effective storytellers can captivate their audience, guide them in whichever direction they need to go, and leave listeners/readers with new information to absorb and a value to carry with them for the rest of their lives.

There's an old adage that people who tell stories are the ones who dominate the world. Whether you're pitching an investor, conducting a meeting, or introducing a new initiative, storytelling should be at the heart of everything you do as a team. Even a phone chat with a potential client entails some form of narrative. You may connect with customers, engage with colleagues, and even start a movement by using the power of storytelling.

People often believe that learning a lesson through observation is less painful than learning through experience. When we share and embrace our failures, we assist others in overcoming their own challenges. The story can invest a concept with meaning and emotions in a way that plain writing cannot. People are drawn to stories because they can grasp a concrete object. Stories elicit emotions and motivate people to act.

Speeches, presentations, workshops, and even board meetings can all benefit from the use of storytelling. Don't forget about it; it's been one of the most valuable abilities humanity has had since the dawn of communication.

Release dateOct 6, 2021

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    Storytelling Skills The Effectiveness of Storytelling Technique to Improve Communication and Create Opportunities for Success - Jim Colajuta

    Storytelling Skills The Effectiveness of Storytelling Technique to Improve Communication and Create Opportunities for Success

    Jim Colajuta

    Published by vincenzo nappi, 2021.

    While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.


    First edition. October 6, 2021.

    Copyright © 2021 Jim Colajuta.

    ISBN: 979-8201395049

    Written by Jim Colajuta.

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