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Radical Prayers Hand Book
Radical Prayers Hand Book
Radical Prayers Hand Book
Ebook68 pages1 hour

Radical Prayers Hand Book

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About this ebook

Radical Prayer handbook is a powerful book with specific instructions and guidance on how to pray and receive an instant response from God. It provides the fundamentals requirements to get prayers answered by God. The book contains several prayers for different situations.  With Biblical insights, Kelvin Armstrong a renowned evangelist offers specific prayers for 
-    Divine protection for us and our loved ones
-    Deliverance against Generational Curse & Satanic Spell
-    Divine understanding of the spirit realm
-    Authority over Satanic & Demonic Forces
-    Spiritual Warfare 
-    Instant Healing etc

He also discusses ways to make prayers more powerful with a swift response from God. His teachings have helped people find God and have a deeper connection with Him. Other books that he has written include the Audacity of faith, Hearing God's Voice and Engaging the Spirit Realm.


Release dateOct 12, 2021
Radical Prayers Hand Book

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is my go to book for extreme victory.
    It eliminates the enemy from the inside out and from the outside in… It is is a vital weapon of my war chest.

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Radical Prayers Hand Book - Kelvin Armstrong


No book gets published by the author alone. There are several people who work tirelessly behind the scene to make it go to press and one of them is my lovely wife Laura Armstrong. Her support and encouragement cannot be quantified and I will ever be grateful. She is also a pillar that has supported my ministry. My profound gratitude also goes to Rev. Timothy King for His contributions and the time he took to painstakingly proofread the manuscript.



A man died and went to heaven. He was a dedicated Christian who feared God and kept His commandments. While in heaven, he was taken on a tour by an angel. He got to a place where he saw a lot of angels numbering over five hundred working so hard opening millions of letters and he asked the angel taking him around what they were doing. He was told that they were retrieving prayers from Christians that would be taken to God for answers. He was then taken to another section of heaven, another group of angels though not as much as the number he saw in the previous section, they were compiling another set of letters and he was told, those mails were prayers already answered by God. He was taken to yet another section of heaven, there he saw only ten angels, sitting idle and he asked why they were sitting idle. He was told they were angels stationed to receive thanks for prayers answered, but they were idle because none was forthcoming. It is a well-known fact that most Christians pray but don’t get answers because they have omitted the most important part of every prayer, which is Thanksgiving. No matter how important your needs are, there are two fundamental things that can guarantee an instant response from God, which are faith and thanksgiving. Radical prayers are prayers we make with this understanding of having faith in God and thanking him during and after the prayers. We get a quick response to all our prayers just by observing these two very important but fundamental rituals. Jesus Christ showed us the importance of thanksgiving in Luke 17:14 when he healed ten lepers and only one of them came back to give thanks. The Bible said in (V15)

When one of them saw that he was healed, he came back, praising God in a loud voice. ¹⁶He threw himself to the ground at Jesus’ feet and thanked him. The man was a Samaritan. ¹⁷Jesus said, There were ten men who were healed; where are the other nine? ¹⁹And Jesus said to him, Get up and go; your faith has made you well."

In a world where there are constant spiritual battles against us by Satan and his demonic forces, we cannot afford to pray without understanding. A prayer done without understanding may not be answered and this could be frustrating. Jesus told the leper who came back to give thanks that his faith has made him whole, he didn’t say his thanks has made him whole, but faith. This means Thanksgiving is a sign of absolute faith in God and we need to understand this to make radical, but effective prayers. This book is about making radical prayers for restoration of good health, breaking every generational spell that has stand has a stumbling block against our family lineage, every evil stigmatization that has caused us not to get the right things at the right time, divine protection for every negative activity of the enemy and total deliverance from every demonic manipulation tormenting us and our family. But we must, first of all, understand the secrets to getting our prayers answer. First of all, we need to know that this battle is purely a spiritual battle and the war room where all plans are marshaled out in the scripture. The scripture is also the war manual and provides you with the rules of engagement.

The way we tackle the activities of the spirit realm goes a long way to determine how effective we would be in the physical realm. Since Satan and his angels rebelled against God and were thrown out of heaven, he has constantly waged war against the children of God. The bible says we should endeavor to be alert at all times. Ephesians 6:12 says

"For we are not fighting against human beings but against the wicked spiritual

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