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Will to Power Beyond Religious Illusion and Intellectual Nihilism
Will to Power Beyond Religious Illusion and Intellectual Nihilism
Will to Power Beyond Religious Illusion and Intellectual Nihilism
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Will to Power Beyond Religious Illusion and Intellectual Nihilism

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This book is about belief in disbelief. All beliefs are out there to stop you believing in your self. We all unconsciously find comfort in other people's beliefs, in institutions, groups and systems, but we lose sight of our metaphysical individuality and physical singularity. All beliefs are flawed, whether secular or religious, because believers understand everything to be nothing and they see nothing as everything. When you look at a corpse do you see everything or do you see the shadow of everything?

Belief is like a disease, it changes humans collectively from being action 'men' to being reactionary 'men', whether they are male or female, and this collective reactionary behaviour has calamitous results such as the First World War, Brexit, or the pandemic.

Belief approaches individuals to disarm them of their independence and freedom and makes them intellectually follow the herd mentality and emotionally become part of the slave morality.

This book is a philosophical journey, a quest to discover the Will to Power, a time travel to the future in order to change the past for a new day. Along this journey we meet Nietzsche, Euthyphro, Socrates, Hamlet, Dostoyevsky, Descartes, Voltaire, Buddha and Einstein, amongst others. We join Winston Smith in Orwell's 1984 to see how beliefs empty us of our self and fill us with their self.

The importance of an independent consciousness is pervasive throughout the book because if one is not consciousness this universe does not exist, or if it exists you would not know.

PublisherDogov Spring
Release dateOct 8, 2021
Will to Power Beyond Religious Illusion and Intellectual Nihilism

Dogov Spring

Curious, questioning and concluding that life's answers are not found in text books I declined a further education in a university, for one spends time in university learning ready-made knowledge and comes out looking like an undertaker. Shunning the academic universities I took my seat in the greater university that is planet earth. Life is compelling but the truth is underrated, and I have spent my life exploring and learning life's lessons whilst running across countries and continents. The qualification I most value is my independence from both the secular and religious worlds.

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    Will to Power Beyond Religious Illusion and Intellectual Nihilism - Dogov Spring


    Beyond Religious Illusion & Intellectual Nihilism

    A book of belief in disbelief

    by Dogov Spring

    Published by Dogov Spring at Smashwords

    Copyright 2021 Dogov Spring

    License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal use only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. No part of this ebook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

    Copyright 2021 Dogov Spring




    Ordinary Philosophies to Kill God and Extraordinary Philosophies to Raise God

    Separating Free-Will from Random Determinism

    Separating Will-Free from Determined Randomness

    The Genealogy or the Origin of Immorality

    The Madness of the Philosophies of Descartes and Voltaire


    Humans are the only beings who wrong that which can do no wrong – their own self.

    Humans are defined by their beliefs; an individual will gradually acquire or adopt a set of beliefs or faith over time which they will have to defend, and these beliefs come from either religious doctrine or secular materialistic doctrine, and sometimes both. These belief systems are easy to follow and to zealously defend, even unto death.

    This book is about belief in disbelief. Disbelieving in both the illusion of religion and in the nihilism of secular materialism allows you to stay true to your self which means being intellectually or consciously independent to do, and emotionally free to be.

    Disbelieving in the existing sets of beliefs is a belief in itself and it is vital – it is a spontaneous and living belief which makes its own morality.

    There are two types of belief, a spiritual belief, i.e. a belief in a metaphysical God, and belief in secular materialistic gods which stem from money, and both of these beliefs are equal. Belief in either God or Mammon necessitates work or worship, but do we exist in this world to work for these two types of rich gods or do we exist to work for our own poor self? If the spiritual and materialistic gods are independent why do they depend on us? And if they are free, why do we have to be enslaved to them, why do they want our freedom?

    Ponder the following questions: – What is the concept that we all know metaphysically, and all attempt to establish physically or materially, individually and collectively, generation after generation? What is there and not there at the same time? What certainly exists yet at the same time is absent? What is missing in this world with respect to humanity?

    The answer is justice, law, good, piety or morality. No creature creates a morality to live by apart from humans, i.e. no creature creates ideas or ideologies to follow like a sheep, apart from humans.

    Internally and metaphysically we are consciously independent, and externally and materially we are emotionally free. As consciously independent and emotionally free beings we all come into this world to do and to be, but what should we do and how should we be? To do is the responsibility of the internal independent consciousness and to be is the responsibility of the external free self. To do creates either morality or immorality and to be produces either truth or falsehood.

    Every individual of any time or place becomes exposed to instruction, directly and indirectly, on how to think metaphysically (i.e. what to do), and how to present oneself physically (i.e. how to be) by parents, relatives, up-bringing, surroundings, customs, schools, peers, groups, religions, priests, politicians, celebrities, the Human Rights Charter, world organisations, the media, and so much more.

    To be taught morality or what to do, and to be taught how to present oneself or how to be, dehumanizes the human and demotes them to cattle and slaves; it is tantamount to destroying both heaven (independence) and earth (freedom). By losing the independence to make your own decisions to do places you in the herd mentality – doing what the majority decides, and by losing your singular freedom to be places you in the slave morality – following the desires of the masses. The inability to use your own independence and freedom renders the human being immoral and false, hanging on to spiritual illusion or material nihilism.

    Doing is dependent on the intellect (consciousness/height) and being is dependent on the emotion (self/depth).

    ‘To do’ is to be metaphysically moral, and the only way to be moral is to be intellectually independent for the sake of freedom, and this is ‘temperament’ (anti-matter).

    ‘To be’ is to be physically or materially true, and the only way to be true is to be emotionally free for the sake of independence, and this is a ‘fact’ (matter).

    Generally, we first think to do what we like metaphysically, and then we physically like what we do, and this is achieved through the free-will (temperament) and random determinism (fact).

    Metaphysically, intellectual independence with emotional freedom is the source of morality, and materially, emotional freedom with intellectual independence is the source of truth.

    Being independently moral and truly free makes both morality and truth to be in a state of flux or fluidity. A fluid morality and truth can be likened to the sweet waters of rivers (blood) and the salty waters of oceans (water) which are independent and free to move unhindered in their own paths.

    The absolutism of religious illusion and the relativism of secular materialistic nihilism produce stagnant moralities and truths which produce disabilities and ailments, that is to say they produce immorality and falsehood instead of happiness and peace.

    The stagnant or fixed morality, whether from religion or materialism, is the morality of the sheep or the herd mentality, where individuals abandon their independence to join the majority. The stagnant or fixed truth, whether from religion or materialism is for slaves, and it is the slave morality, being emotionally enslaved to the masses instead of being singularly free. The former is politically motivated mischief, and the latter is violent and militant. The distinguishing behaviour of these two groups was exhibited by the Athenians and the Spartans respectively.

    It is worth noting that the two ideas of herd mentality and slave morality can co-exist, (and usually do), within one human being.

    As conscious beings we exist to own our selves, for what is the point of believing in and defending the world – whether the religious or the secular material world – but losing your self? What shall a man give in exchange for his soul? What shall an independent individual give in exchange for their singular freedom? The answer is their all.

    Independence is individualistic and fallible; freedom is singular and infallible.

    Intellectually or metaphysically, human independence is exclusive, while emotionally and materially, human freedom is inclusive. Internally we live with our selves but externally we live with other selves.


    The Earnest Clown

    Just as he was being booed off stage and all manner of things were being flung at him, the dejected clown turned to face the audience and enigmatically informed them saying:-

    "People are asleep. They wake up when they die; they wake up and die, eternally. They rise and fall with every heartbeat. They inhale and wake up noble, independent and free but they die common, dependent and enslaved when they exhale. They inhale and then exhale in the present continuous, in out, in out, in out, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock. Welcome to ‘Groundhog Day’, the Eternal Recurrence; a perpetual reincarnation."

    A great hush swept through the auditorium, you could just about hear a pin drop, and as the clown was retreating towards the wings, a piercing cry fell from his bright red lips –

    "Wake up dreamers! Repent, rethink, repent, rethink, repent, rethink, repent, rethink."

    The drum rolled, the lights came up and the audience instinctively rose in silence.


    Humans are the only species who attempt to heal and restore their kind and others, but our approach to ailments and afflictions always takes the same tried and tested flawed path. Any treatment for any ailment is accompanied by fanfares and the optimistic hope that the ailment will be controlled and eventually defeated, but over time the ailment establishes itself and any hope of eliminating it evaporates. The treatment of an ailment is not a cure and in reality most treatments are no more than offering ‘a shoulder to cry on’ for emotional stress, similar to treating a tragedy with a comedy. Treatments are dependent on metaphysical faith but they are not backed up by physical, material facts. No matter how many treatments there are for cancer, diabetes or mental afflictions for example, the ailments do not decrease, in fact the numbers increase. The medical approach of secular materialism is politically motivated; it does not serve health but it does serve wealth. The approach of the medical establishment towards any ailment is to fix any metaphysical health issues with physical matter.

    Physical facts and metaphysical faith when used together to eliminate an affliction generate a cure, not a treatment. A cure is a miracle which defies the laws of nature – a cure is a repair or a re-creation, and Nietzsche calls it ‘Will to Power’.

    Will and Power are two metaphysical concepts, and every living being, from the tiniest bacteria to the whole universe, needs these two metaphysical concepts in order to exist and function. The Will is the metaphysical ability or law to work or to do, and Power is the metaphysical life to live; they are like metaphysical gravity and time. Will and Power together make the living being free to exercise their independence. All afflictions, illnesses and death occur when the Will breaks away from Power, or when gravity changes and breaks away from time. Gravity is linked to climate, when it changes it will have a negative effect on life, and likewise, when an individual’s physical ability changes to disability, it will negatively impact them emotionally or psychologically and this will diminish their freedom, and without freedom one becomes limited in the material world.

    Picture a four-year old child sitting next to a dog in the garden, you are standing several metres behind them and they are completely unaware of you. Both the child and the dog are in a state of ‘Will to Power’; they both exist in their metaphysical law and their metaphysical time, or they are both gravitating in time. Now imagine they heard your footsteps and became aware of you and began to react; their respective consciousness commands their respective Will for their respective freedom, and this becomes their free-will. Their reactions will be dependent on randomness and chance, for you could be anybody, thus the reaction depends on who you are; for example you could be an intruder, you could be the father or the mother, a neighbour, a relative or a friend; the child and the dog will react using the freedom of their self in accordance with the randomness of whoever you are.

    Now imagine the child is sitting by himself and you are several metres behind him, but in this scenario the child is severely mentally afflicted; his metaphysical Will or ability would be separated from his metaphysical Power or time. His consciousness would not be able to command his Will to connect with or involve his self, he would not be aware of time and nor would he react to the randomness (or chance) of who you are.

    The Will to Power has two faces, one is metaphysical and the other is physical. In the first scenario above, the boy who is sitting with the dog has a Will and the Will manifests itself physically in determinism – i.e. in what the child does, and this child would be aware of time and would use randomness and chance because he is independent intellectually and free emotionally. The Will of the mentally afflicted child however, would be broken and he would not be able to use any determinism to achieve anything, he would not be aware of time and would not be affected by boredom, nor would he take chances. The first child would get bored and would need communication, entertainment and engagement, but the second child would reject or ignore any communication or engagement, and the reason is that the first child is free because he is independent while the second child is enslaved because he is dependent.

    The mentally afflicted child would be in need of the re-establishment of Will to Power to repair his broken metaphysical Will. Generally, metaphysical Will produces physical determinism, and metaphysical time produces randomness or chances, but the idea of re-establishing the Will to Power is to repair the Will through determinism and to enter time through randomness and chance. The repairing of the broken Will or the re-establishing of Will to Power is the concept of the resurrection of Christ, Osiris or Israel; for every single human being has their own Christ, Osiris, Israel or Krishna or Sita, and it is their Will. The re-establishment of the Will to Power in the afflicted child would render the child free and independent of metaphysical death which is composed of neurological, physiological, biological and psychological disabilities.

    All of Nietzsche’s writing ultimately leads to the concept of the re-establishment of Will to Power in order to defeat metaphysical death physically, or to mend a broken heart. This concept can be likened to repairing the broken 10 Commandments, but the 10 Commandments are half-metaphysical (the meaning) and half-physical (stone). These two parts can be identified as metaphysical Will and physical determinism. One may ask; ‘how could a concept which is metaphysical, break into pieces?’ Our metaphysical intellect, our physical ability, our metaphysical health and our metaphysical emotions can all be broken, and this is why we have neurology, physiology, biology and psychology.

    We are all in this world to make and we are constructive in our making, whether cooking a meal, building a wall, flying a jumbo jet, delivering mail, etc. Everything we do we do through our Will. Our independent head (thinking) and our free emotion (desiring) cannot between them lift a speck of dust in space and time, we can only achieve anything through our metaphysical Will, and the outcome of the Will appears in physical determinism.

    A broken Will can be identified in youngsters who are hyperactive and destructive, every time they try to make or achieve anything they instead break and destroy. It is not that they are criminals and enjoy being destructive and breaking things, their Will is broken. The re-establishment of the Will to Power is to repair the broken Will so that the youngster will be making instead of breaking with his body and his life or with space and time.

    The purpose of re-establishing Will to Power is to re-bind a metaphysical concept to a material concept, for example re-binding metaphysical strength to physical or material energy, or good to evil, or spiritual ability to emotional or sexual energy, in order to produce freedom and independence through randomness and determinism.

    Free-will can only be triggered metaphysically through the consciousness or intellect, from the height to the depth. Random determinism can only be triggered physically or materially through the self or emotion, from the depth to the height.

    The re-establishing of Will to Power is a unique exercise to reverse any affliction or ailment. Every affliction has a path which begins in the past and which will end in the future, but the path of re-establishing the Will to Power starts from the future and travels back to the past in order to return to a new future. Every individual affliction in the physical body, whether it is related to the head (thinking), to the chest (doing), to the health of the body (being) or to the emotion (sex), has its very own solution in the body.

    To bring the Will back to Power is a philosophical concept where time travel becomes possible, or where the impossible becomes possible; it is where matter or the flesh regains metaphysical strength and health.

    The truth is your body – 100% physical or flesh and 100% metaphysical or health. Your body is a house, a temple, it is your universality. Imagine your body as the temple of God or the house of your independent consciousness, or the kingdom of your frontal lobe, and there are two other temples outside of your temple; one is a religious temple such as a church, the other is a secular temple such as a hospital. As an independent conscious being, if you have a metaphysical problem (a health problem) in your own personal temple why would you think that the solution for your problem may lie in other temples which are external?

    Planet earth is chock-a-block full of temples, whether secular or religious, and countless millions have, and will visit them regularly, seeking the truth. The notion of not visiting these temples to seek help in the time of need would be considered irresponsible, offensive, crazy, arrogant and damn right stupid. But these two types of temples are two types of over-ground graves, one is based on emotional slavery (religion), and the other is based on intellectual nihilistic dependency (secular materialism).

    The Will to Power functions by means of positive and negative; the Will is based on push versus pull which can be observed when any living being breathes – inhalation and exhalation, and Power is based on time which does not move – material clockwise versus metaphysical anticlockwise. The Will to Power is metaphysical but it can only be achieved physically by random determinism.

    Will to Power is metaphysical gravity and time, or metaphysical good (law) and evil (life); if gravity and time were removed from our world, what would be left? The answer is nothing, only material.

    This world is the will to power—and nothing besides! And you yourselves are also this will to power—and nothing besides! (Nietzsche – ‘Will to Power’)

    Planet earth is will to power, or space is gravity to time, and ‘nothing’ is physical material. You as an independent conscious human being with your free self are also will to power or physical ability in life, and what is beside your independence and freedom is your flesh (physical material) which is nothing.

    All human activity is based on the Will to Power, and the Will to Power is the means to change values. Both religion and secular materialism use Will to Power in an attempt to heal the sick, the lame, the blind, the deaf and the dumb, and this is why we have psychology, biology, physiology and neurology for example, but neither the religious nor the secular can have any success, their Will to Power changes values negatively, they will make the healthy sick, the able lame, and so on and so forth because they approach afflictions from one direction. The religious will approach affliction in an imaginative way, depending on a non-existent imaginary god, while the secular will approach affliction only materially or nihilistically.

    Nietzsche’s approach to Will to Power on the other hand, rejects the ideas of the one imaginary god of religion and the pantheon of gods of secularism, and instead puts the onus on one’s own independent consciousness believing only it is own free self.

    The difference between the religious and secular approach to Will to Power and Nietzsche’s approach to Will to Power is the ‘how’ or the law/morality or piety to achieve positive change. The secular and the religious have fixed or static laws which depend on the majority and the masses; the religious would feel independent but they would be enslaved emotionally and the secular would feel emotionally free but intellectually they would be dependent. True morality or balance necessitates both independence and freedom.

    The Will to Power in the hands of the religious and secularists brings forth death and destruction, but Nietzsche’s idea of Will to Power is to defeat death.

    Death or the Angel of Death is often known as ‘The Grim Reaper’ and he is portrayed as a faceless and hollow, hooded being, carrying a scythe to cut ability from life or will from power. He is the most feared assassin but he has one weakness and that is fear of his own demise through the re-establishment of Will to Power. The Will to Power is the weapon to assassinate Death.

    Nietzsche’s Will to Power is an art to create change in the world, and as Jimi Hendrix once said; If there is something to be changed in this world then it can only happen with music. And music is part of art.

    The hope of this book is to create friction, by means of words, to ignite a spark which ushers in the arrival of a new type of youthful, individualistic intellect which is atheistic and noble, morally strong, universally intense, and singularly free and alive, with no regards to the absolutism of spirituality nor to the relativism of matter – in short, a morally upstanding anarchist who loves his neighbour as much as he loves his enemy, or someone who loves justice as much as he loves freedom; someone who will not partake in the on-going tradition of sacrificing children.

    There are two types of child sacrifice, one can be visually or physically seen and the other cannot be seen but it can be known or exposed. Physical child sacrifice is extremely rare, anyone who physically sacrifices a child would be considered mad, but metaphysical child sacrifice is an intellectual sacrifice and it has always been the rule, all parents proudly practice it.

    If this book deserves to be read it will, if not it is just going through its natural existence.

    I am charmed, I am sure.


    The materialistic world in which we find ourselves resembles a gigantic womb spewing out enormous quantities of all types of objects at an immeasurable pace, varying in shape, size, colour and quality; the core philosophy behind it is physical comfort and spiritual contentment.

    Some people are blessed with an inordinate amount of physical comforts but are unable to feel contentment; some are content with a few comforts, and some with even less than a few. Are these physical objects treasures or mere trash?

    Contentment is an endless treasure; if these material objects are for our contentment, trash must be our endless treasure. Are these objects everything or nothing?

    Philosophy is intimidating for those not schooled in it, but do you need to be schooled in it in order to be able to think? Do you need to be taught how to digest in order to digest? The academics appoint themselves as the law and accredit or discredit others’ thoughts, thinking themselves the ‘Thought Police’. Anyone approaching the philosophy podium has to first produce their ID, their credentials or qualifications, and a list of their titles.

    I as a thinker have but one credential – picking trash for £9.00 an hour, and who is to say that trash picking is not a useful credential when pondering philosophy, for there are tonnes of trash

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