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Love Is...
Love Is...
Love Is...
Ebook413 pages2 hours

Love Is...

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Love Is... a book for lovers of the written word who want to cuddle up and read short poems about the most wonderful of all emotions.
PublisherSands Press
Release dateOct 26, 2021
Love Is...

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    Love Is... - Connie Parkin

    Love Is … Appreciation

    In Gratitude

    I am so very grateful for you my friend.

    You’ve given me something I’ll take to the end

    of my days, to last beholden breath and sigh.

    You gifted me something I’ll do ‘til I die.

    Your encouragement made me pick up the pen

    for capped, trapped voice to emerge, surge, be heard, when

    in need, God’s speed, an angel brought you to me,

    helped heal, brought real growth … your Hippocratic Oath

    allows me now to survive, thrive, thrust into a new world

    where freedom is found, no longer bound … uncurled.

    Something I do a lot, don’t think I forgot,

    grateful always for your inspiring ink blot.

    When in need of a smile, or in need of muse,

    thoughts drift … words you have encouraged me to choose,

    to express who I am, what I want to be.

    So grateful, you’ve given me wings to fly free!

    This Thing

    This thing we share, our special bond

    Reminds me of why I am so fond

    Ideas, thoughts, grievances too

    Not shared with many, in fact so few

    Special beau held close to my heart

    Locked tight in my mind right from the start

    Think of you often, all things good

    Should let you know it, I really should

    Ying to my yang, chew for my stew

    What would I ever do without you?

    Easy to love, easy to keep

    Strong feelings for you rooted well-deep


    Drawn to you, moth to flame

    Deepest love, I must proclaim

    Gathered in, stuck like glue

    Tethered tight, there’s much ado

    Skipped hearts beat, lover’s pace

    Yearning, burning, ardour’s chase

    Saited, spent, times divine

    Caring, sharing lustful wine

    Fast’ned, fused, mind and spine

    Rapture’s ribbons, tight entwined

    Sense your thoughts ev’ry day

    Taste your essence all the way

    Tethered taut, soul-secured

    Feelings nurtured and matured

    Tightly tied, heart-strings knot

    Never forget what we’ve got!

    Wedded Bliss

    Two hearts and souls have lovingly become intertwined,

    from many times spent together, having wined and dined.

    Your very first meeting was not solely by chance,

    although it may have begun with just a glance.

    You know the exact moment that you have found the right one,

    when time apart from one another makes you come undone.

    Many things contribute to make a good wedded life,

    patience, understanding and tenderness between a husband and wife.

    If you always cherish, and take not for granted your special loved one,

    your lives will be filled with peace and contentment, and so much fun.

    Hoping that your household is blessed with many kids (a whole batch),

    congratulations to you both, you have each found your perfect match!

    Simple Gifts

    S miles

    I n

    M orn,

    P ats on back,

    L ong hugs,

    E ased squeeze …

    G ifts from

    I nside

    F or

    T rue

    S eventh heaven

    Blue Salvia

    A loving gift of potted Blue Salvia

    As fresh and down to earth as are you, my love

    Says ‘I think of you’ – not just some trivia

    Our essence wrapped together, hand in warm glove

    Watering and nourishing our growth from seed

    Brightest sun, waking up ruffled morning dove

    Trickle of lust runs ‘twixt my breasts, pooling bead

    Thoughts of you send me searching … cooling iced –tea

    Visions creating unrivalled urgent need

    Stained – indelible joie de vivre – soul tattooed

    Blue Salvia – ‘I think of you’ – it is true

    My heart you readily captured, tamed and subdued

    Flowering profusely, still perky-fresh, new

    Gift … ‘you thinking of me’ caresses my heart

    Missing you – I look to Salvia, so blue

    Follow my trickle, know, that love you impart

    ‘I think of you’ too – have, right from the start

    More Than You Know

    I love you far more than you will ever know,

    with you I’ve no need to prove anything, so

    I can just be myself, one hundred percent,

    you get me like no one else does, you’re decent.

    You have a whale of a heart, fit us all in,

    your kids, my kids, and all the rest of our kin.

    You know when I’m tired and in need of a break,

    and you whip up a stew or grill me a steak.

    There’s a calmness about you that warms me so,

    a hushed lulling love that just swaddles me whole.

    The heat of your body pressed against my back

    has me craving your arms, cradled in the sack.

    I know you will be there when I need a friend,

    know I can count on you right up to the end;

    and neither wants to be without the other,

    how lucky we were to find one another!

    Poem in my Pocket

    There’s a poem in my pocket

    I should tuck inside a locket

    Held near and dear to my heart

    Deeply imbedded in soul’s chart

    It’s held there for you, dear friend

    ‘Tis for you this poem’s been penned

    Need you to know how I feel

    Treasuring friendship, truly real

    You’ve helped me grow, countless ways

    Talked me through some darkened days

    World’s brighter ‘cos you’re in it

    Enlivening life with such wit

    Two years wherein we stole a glimpse

    Of what fate holds, including crimps

    Chemistry exists, there is no doubt

    A caring blooms, a love does sprout

    Fondly recall that special day

    You entered my life … to stay, I pray

    Encouraging qualms to wash away

    Sparking child in me to ‘come and play’

    December 16th … etched in my mind

    Date I met you … you’re one of a kind!

    Miss You

    Miss you long before you’ve gone

    My waking light ‘pon each new dawn

    In this life I pray you’ll stay

    Laugh begetter, sunshine bouquet

    My heart bursts, deep sonic boom

    When love we make in any room

    Rest of globe just fades away

    You rock my world, spawn sugar-sway

    Watch stops whenever you’re near

    Sweetness oozes, you bring good cheer

    Love for you grows, leaps and bounds

    I think my soul mate I have found

    Freed from empty lonely gloom

    Miss you before you leave the room

    Rosy-pink, out of gray-blue

    What would I do without YOU?

    Lovers’ Psalms

    Snuggled right tight all is bright

    In swinging hammock built for two

    Coc’nut dreams, love’s treasured means

    To say, once again, Yes, I do!

    Beneath swayed palms, lovers’ psalms

    Scripted in earnest gratitude

    Pressed so close is loving dose

    Blessings, gifted whence, now renewed

    Lovers’ psalms, balms, quenching qualms

    Telling all is as it should be

    Slightest touch still means so much

    Knowing you gift your heart to me

    Best Catch

    My man he is good looking in a unique sort of way,

    with strong jaw and wavy hair, he causes me to sway.

    He is the quiet type, and is sensitive to my feelings,

    with piercing blue eyes he sets my heart a reeling.

    He has a sense of humour, and a very good sense of wit,

    personalities befit one another, there is no drama or shit.

    He knows exactly what I need, he can read me oh so well,

    possessive and controlling he is not, he really is so swell.

    Gentle and soft spoken, he always thinks before he speaks,

    I am anxious to see him … haven’t seen him in a week.

    My heart is set aflutter when he explores into my eyes,

    hypnotic is his gazing stare, from sunset to sunrise.

    Between us there certainly is a strong physical attraction,

    he knows just how to please me … he drives me to distraction.

    He is a kind and decent man, whom I really do hold dear,

    definitely, without a doubt, he is the best catch of the year!

    Out of Sight

    Out of sight, yet not out of mind

    Feel your hugs, warming, sweetest smiles

    Hear it is said that love is blind

    Still, your gaze reaches beyond miles

    Feel your hugs, warming, sweetest smiles

    So tenderly, my heart you stole

    Still, your gaze reaches beyond miles

    Penetrating deep within soul

    So tenderly, my heart you stole

    Miss you more than words can convey

    Penetrating deep within soul

    Bid you always, forever, stay

    Miss you more than words can convey

    Hear it is said that love is blind

    Bid you always, forever, stay

    Out of sight, yet not out of mind

    Porcelain Doll

    She is rooted, there, in the corner

    Born of translucent ceramic

    From pure clay

    Fused, fired



    Bedecked in white satin and lace

    Coloured, high fired fragility

    Ripe cherry red lips

    Penetrating eyes

    Raven locks


    Morphed amid mauve memories

    Detailed, tufted over time

    Painstaking … yes

    For naught?

    Oh nay


    Mona Lisa, his Mona Lisa

    Coveted masterpiece

    He sees her now


    Paid for


    How could he not see

    Her total worth

    Afore now

    His doll

    A doll



    Love Is … Yearning

    She, Orange Fresh

    Light of moon can cast no finer charm, than early morn’s rays when her sweet blush disarms

    this self-restraint I strive to muster, whilst in earnest my words I barely bluster.

    Her vision ignites my soul aflame, her heart I ponder how to capture and tame;

    from afar I ride to watch her bathe, and my want she shapes with her goddess-form lathe.

    … She, Orange Fresh …

    Behind an Elm I hunker in watch, to imagine her silken, orange, butterscotch

    tresses twirled lightly ‘twixt my fingers, and dream of kisses that might long linger.

    I have as yet to see her turn ‘round, to espy would surely slay me to yon ground.

    In silence I peer in wistful sigh, these dreams so far away, yet prayed to be nigh.

    … She, Orange Fresh …

    Orange Fresh, my mistress of desire, I lust loud for her with lungs of town crier,

    yet I feel unworthy her hand to hold, lest I should approach and she think me bold.

    To mind I carve each delicate speck, I study her curves, soft nape of long neck.

    Each morn I come to see Orange Fresh, and long for the day when our heart-strings might mesh.

    … She, Orange Fresh …

    ‘Tis far more than just a dream conceived, in my heart of hearts it is truly believed,

    that she and I will someday be one, and the heavens will open blessed by the sun.

    Orange Fresh, She, who so makes me sway, She, who I shall cherish and never betray,

    She, who I dream of, both night and day, She, who takes every ounce of breath away!

    … She, Orange Fresh …

    Wishing on a Star

    I lie here wishing on a star

    Yearn to catch lightning in a jar

    I come to the woods, to my special place

    ‘Tis my second home, ‘tis my thinking base

    Nocturnal creatures scamper, giving chase

    I scrutinize lambent moon’s pensive face

    Fresh dampness nips midnight’s reflective space

    Prickles my senses, heightening life’s grace

    I lie here wishing on a star

    Yearn to catch lightning in a jar

    Poisonous venom of horned viper asp

    Unachievable things beyond my grasp

    Castles in air I dare not attempt clasp

    To do so leaves me disheartened, I gasp

    That which eludes me, grates heart, sharpest rasp

    With attainable dreams, my soul unclasps

    I lie here wishing on a star

    Yearn to catch lightning in a jar

    Escaped reality in Promised Land

    Dare to dream, pulling, head out of sand

    Floating fairytales, fluid fantasies fanned

    Skimming the surface where goodness is planned

    Dare to dream big, yes, so heavenly grand

    Welcome poss’bilities with open hand

    I lie here wishing on a star

    Yearn to catch lightning in a jar

    My thoughts have gone out, I’ve planted the seed

    Nothing stands in the way to

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