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Juliet Ramone
Juliet Ramone
Juliet Ramone
Ebook227 pages3 hours

Juliet Ramone

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Two of Jessa "Peacock" Masters' friends are being framed for murder. She is extremely loyal to these two, but how far will she go to save them? Will she resorted back to her old ways, to her old life, that she thought she long since buried? If she does, will it jeopardize her careers and her marriage? But can Jessa sit by and do nothing while her friends go down for murder?
Release dateSep 4, 2021
Juliet Ramone

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    Juliet Ramone - Annagail Lynes



    Colonel Masters, there was a SpaceCraft crash, Doctor Lex Manning, my Chief Medical Officer, informed me over the computer system, waking me out of the best sleep I had in days, and we rescued the survivors. There is a young male who is asking for you. He says you are his god-mother.

    I pulled myself into an upright position and glanced at the clock—0230 hours. I wrinkled my brow as my mind registered what he said. He says you are his god-mother.  Could it really be him? So many questions plagued my mind like was he headed here, why was he traveling this far from home, and why was he out of protective custody? Doctor, I called out, what does this young male look like?

    He appears to be a mixed-race juvenile with dreadlocks. Probably fifteen, sixteen, years old, came the doctor's reply.

    It was definitely him. I clamped my eyes shut, feeling my husband turn over toward me. I opened my eyes and looked over at a handsome, dark-haired man who had rugged features and sported a goatee, He now studied me. Is he badly hurt, Doctor? Was his grandmother with him in the crash?

    The doctor provided, He has some lacerations and minor bruises. He hit his head and has a possible concussion. He appears to be traveling alone. He is insistent on seeing you. Will you be visiting him soon?

    I swung my feet around and stated, Doctor, let me take care of a few things here. I will be there in fifteen minutes. I addressed the computer system, CHIP, end transmission. I smoothed out my Woodland fatigues that I slept in and rushed over to my vanity. I ran a brush through my hair. Jag, can you watch the kids?

    Peak, who is this kid? Are you really his god-mother? You've never mentioned being the god-mother to any other children besides Tony's.

    Rina and Caleb were also my godchildren, but when their mother died, their Dad, Tony, my best friend growing up, started drinking. His need to drown his grief with alcohol outweighed his love for his children. He allowed us to adopt them. They became an official part of our family last month.

    In 2100, all the branches of the armed services joined forces to create the Freedom Alliance. Although each branch functioned on its own, each came under the rules and regulations set forth by the Freedom Alliance.

    Four years ago in 2150, a sect of the members did not agree with those rules and regulations any longer and formed a group called the Crimson Fleet, whose mission was to create a one-world totalitarian government. To stop that from happening, the Freedom Alliance went to war with them.

    Nate Masters, my husband and first mate, and I commanded the StarVessel Liberty, the flagship of the Freedom Alliance, who led the fight in space. We lived a secret life, though, that most of our crew did not know about. We were Federal Agents working for a covert organization called the Intergalactic Intelligence Bureau (I.I.B). We solved cases in addition to our duties as Freedom Alliance officers. He referred to me by my code name—Peacock, and I called him by his—Jaguar.

    I took a deep breath and said, No one is supposed to know about him. But why was he in a SpaceCraft crash? What is he doing out here? Alone? Where is his grandmother? I don't like this. Something feels wrong."

    Nate rose from the bed and decided, I am going with you. By his tone of voice, I knew that countering him would only lead to an argument. CHIP, please tell Joey to watch the kids. Joey Vincent, Nate's sister and Headmistress of the onboard school, lived in the east wing of our quarters with her husband, Colin, our Security Chief, and their two boys, Benjamin Jesse (Beej) and Richard James (RJ).

    Nate put his arm around my waist and led me through the doors of our master bedroom, down the hall, around the furniture in the common area and out the doors. Once inside the TravelTram, an elevator that traveled up and down as well as sideways, at the end of the hall, I said, CHIP, get me Rosalind Valentine on the line please.

    Colonel Masters, what is the meaning of calling me at this hour, a deep-voiced woman barked.

    Milano was in a SpaceCraft crash-- I started, resting against the back of the car.

    She yelled, I don't care anything about him. I kicked him out, and I don't want that trouble- making grandson of mine living with me anymore. I am done bailing him out of trouble. He is just like his father.

    He is sixteen, I countered, grabbing the railing. How can you throw a sixteen-year-old out on the streets? I do not care what he has done.

    She returned, If you care about him so much, you take him in. I am done cleaning up my son's messes. You haven't been cleaning up his messes.  I have. Then she canceled the transmission. I had a similar conversation with Milano's mother. After I stormed off the TravelTram at the Hospital, I punched the nearby wall. Nate took me in his arms and held me for a moment.

    I pulled away from him and gave him an incredibly sad smile.  I'm sorry that I didn't tell you about him before. I made a promise to his parents, but after those conversations, I cannot stand by and do nothing. Let's go talk to him and then I will discuss this with his father.

    He kissed my head and whispered, You cannot stand to see children in pain, can you? Some people rescue dogs and cats. My wife rescues children. He turned me around and led me into the Hospital.

    Doctor Manning, the tall, dark-haired android who the single females on the Liberty thought to be handsome with his boyish good looks, met us at the doors and shouted, Room 1906. I will join you in a few minutes.

    Once we entered Room 1906, I saw a young man with dark skin the color of a cafe latte, black eyes and a large nose, pound his pillow. I went over to him and grabbed him from behind. I put my chin on his head. I said nothing for a moment and insisted, I talked to your grandmother and your Mom. I am sorry. Let me help you. I gestured to Nate and introduced, This is my husband, Nate Masters, Milano. He is one of the good guys. Motioning to the boy, I told Nate, This is Milano Mahoney, Fireball's son with Stacey DaCorte.

    Nate stared at me for a moment. He turned, walked toward the wall and then swung back around. He repeated the process several times before he stammered, Fireball's son with Stacey? Let me get this straight. He cheats on you with this woman, and you somehow become their love child's god-mother? How does that work?

    Mister Masters, Milano started, looking up at Nate, please don't be mad at her. Lucky Star has been the only constant in my life.

    When I first joined the Freedom Alliance Academy, I met a man in a spaceport cafe that first weekend who called me his Lucky Star. He took a young girl who was angry for spending her growing up years being beaten, locked in closets, starved and molested at the hands of her step-father and helped her become strong, independent and to develop her instincts. It was because of him and his friends at a jazz club in DC called the C-Sharp, including Fireball, that I became a Federal Agent. Although he since died, I still remained loyal to his C-Sharp family, who all still called me Lucky Star.

    I rubbed his shoulders and said in a low tone, He's not mad. He is just trying to process Fireball having a son he didn't know about, and me keeping it from him. He will come around in a few minutes. To Nate, I persisted, Jag, let's talk about how it happened later. Let's deal with what is. I moved in front of Milano, taking his hands, and broached, You want to tell me what happened?

    I didn't do it. I swear I didn't. They were my friends, yes, but I didn't sell drugs. I didn't rob that bank. I didn't kill that man, I promise. I didn't do it.

    I put my hand up and questioned, Are you being charged with those things?

    He nodded and confirmed, Me and these four boys I used to hang around.

    I clamped my eyes shut again, then I opened them and asked, How did you get out of custody, Milano? Those are serious charges. Did you escape? Did someone bail you out? He cried, My mother bailed me out, but she and grandma told me I was on my own. I didn't know where else to go, so I came here. I turned to Nate and charged, Jag, please get my father on the line and apprise him of the situation. We need to know as much as we can about the charges and evidence. The problem is he has left Earth. I watched Nate step into the hallway and then voiced, CHIP, tell Fireball Mahoney that Milano has been in a shuttle crash and is in Hospital Room 1906. Tell him I want to discuss this tomorrow at 1000 hours in my office.

    Doctor Manning walked in and headed over to the DiagnMonitor, a machine that read a person's bloodwork and vitals without taking a drop of blood. He sat on the edge of the bed and tapped a few buttons. All of his vitals look good. I am concerned about the bump on his head. Doctor Manning turned to me and wondered, Is he really your godson?

    I nodded and mentioned, "His father is visiting the Liberty. I have called him. We will be taking him home as soon as you release him, Doctor. I glanced at Milano and remarked, Your father knows if he doesn't come, I will come after him. He's been spending so much time here. I should just assign him quarters. Although I am sure he would prefer what he is doing now—shacking up with his girlfriend."

    Milano rolled his eyes and contended, He is always shacking up with some girl.

    I laughed and maintained, He is serious about this one. She is a real keeper.

    Nate walked back into the room a few minutes later as Doctor Manning left. Okay, your Dad is working on getting us temporary custody of Milano. He says he wants to talk to us about the charges because he states that they are a part of an IIB case. He can stay in our guest room until we figure things out.

    We waited until Doctor Manning gave us the all-clear before we ushered Milano back to our quarters.

    Is it true, I questioned as I spotted Johnny, an older man with long, graying hair, violet eyes and skin that look like he sat in the sun instead of running the C-Sharp, sitting on the windowseat in my office later that morning. I been up all night talking to most of my contacts. Are the rumors true? You wouldn't be here, if they weren't.

    I crossed the room and sank into my black, executive chair behind my desk. I held his gaze for a moment and said, They are re-opening the case, aren't they? When I saw him nod, I lamented, I cannot believe we are going through this again. We barely got him off the first time. You know what we did. You know why we did it. What if that all comes out? What if our house of cards unravels?

    He moved toward me and took my hands. He is innocent. We have to fight for him like we did the last time. No one has ever fought for him before us. We are his family, and we have to fight for him.

    I nodded and agreed, I fought for him the first time, and I will fight for him again, but he is using.

    You sure? When did this happen?

    When his shuttle was bombed a few months ago, he suffered back injuries. Doctor Manning prescribed him pain killers. He is popping pills, having violent episodes when he cannot get his medication early. He looks glazed over. I know the signs.

    Johnny twisted his mouth and assessed, Yeah, that is what I thought the last few times I talked to him. We need help this time. Your Dad is on the way. He should be here later today, and I think we should let Nate in on what is going on. I want to bring my company clerk in on this too. She now works for the I.I.B doing research for our cases...and he has been shacking up with her. She is his girlfriend. He told her about being an informant and the I.I.B.

    It must be serious, Johnny remarked. His eyes moved to the doors as Nate slipped in the room. But I think we should limit the number of people who know and who are involved. I nodded, giving him a sidelong glance. There is something else you need to know. Last night there was a SpaceCraft accident. We rescued the survivors. One of them was Milano. He has charges pending against him too. The Judge and his mother want nothing to do with him, so he ran here to me.

    Let's just collect everyone and figure this out, Johnny concluded, stood and kissed the top of my head. Your Dad will be here in two hours. He headed to the doors and called back, I am going to visit the C-Sharp II.

    Johnny's son, JonJon, managed the Liberty's version of the C-Sharp on the Victor Level called Cougar's, but Johnny lovingly referred to it as the C-Sharp II.

    I nodded and said, See you in three hours, Johnny. We will let Dad settle in before we lay this out on the table. I watched Johnny disappear out the doors. I stared out the window and sighed. Here we go! Round two.

    Nate went over the department reports as he sank into a chair in front of my desk. I only half listened. My mind focused on Fireball and Milano and how to help them. Okay, what is it? What is going on? I turned to him and grunted. Something has your attention, and it is not me. Did I hear Johnny say that your Dad is on the way? Why is he coming, and why is Johnny here?

    We will explain when Dad arrives. As much as we can without making a bigger mess. Listen, I started, looking back at the stars, there is a lot about my past with Fireball that you don't know about. I put my hand up and assured him, I did not sleep with him, but he, Johnny and I have been through a lot together. We will explain as much as we can...and about Milano.

    We have custody of him. Your dad and Judge Valentine got us temporary custody until we figure out what to do. Fireball's mother is a judge?

    His mother is a judge. His father creates androids. Both of them are sorry excuses for parents, if you ask me. She hates me. Always has, so the only reason she would have helped us was to get Milano out of her life. I feel sorry for that kid. I really do.

    Nate countered, running his fingers through his hair, What gets me is the way Fireball was on you about adopting Rina and Caleb because Tony can't take care of them. Yet he has a kid out there that he isn't taking care of either. One that doesn't feel comfortable going to either one of his parents and runs away to his god-mother.

    It's not the same situation. I tilted my head to the side and stammered, I can see how it appears that way, but Milano's safety was at stake. I took a ragged breath and started, I know that you have reservations about Fireball, but he is in trouble. Milano is in trouble. I cannot stand by and do nothing. I can't. I couldn't the first time, and I can't now. You want me to help get Fireball and Milano off these charges my contacts are talking about.

    I stood up and paced the room. "There is a lot about my past with Fireball and Milano that I didn't tell you. I wanted to, but, I returned, looking over to study him, I couldn't."

    He met my gaze and required, Like you couldn't bring yourself to tell me because you were afraid I would be upset or like you were under an IIB gag order?

    I glanced up at the ceiling and then over at him. Like I was trying to keep everyone safe. I stopped in front of him and admitted, If you help us, I need you to know that everything I did, I did because I had to keep them safe, to get him off those charges.

    I read the charges. I can't see him committing these crimes...or Milano. I can't see you being this loyal to them if you thought they could have done these things. He took my hands and said with grave deliberation, I don't like him. He doesn't like me, but I can't sit by and let them go to prison, knowing I could have helped you prove their innocence.

    That sounds noble, I contended, raising my eyebrows, but I know you. You are curious about my past with Fireball.

    He shrugged his shoulders. Maybe a little.

    I held his gaze and corrected, Maybe more than a little.

    Maybe a lot. You and him always look like you are keeping secrets. You two touch like there is a deep trust and intimacy there.

    I broke away and turned my back on him. I spun around and frowned. He is using again. Drugs. In the early days, it was hard drugs. We got him clean, but when he had that crash, Manning prescribed him painkillers.

    Are you sure?

    "I know the

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