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The Return: The Island: Book Two
The Return: The Island: Book Two
The Return: The Island: Book Two
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The Return: The Island: Book Two

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Ace has returned, but he’s not the same as he was five years ago. After betraying his family, he heads to Earth with the pirates. Zylan and the gang must follow him there to stop the pirates while discovering some interesting secrets along the way.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateOct 11, 2021
The Return: The Island: Book Two

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    The Return - Xenanique Clarke

    Copyright © 2021 by Xenanique Clarke.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Getty Images are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

    Certain stock imagery © Getty Images.

    Rev. date: 10/11/2021






    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7


    Chapter 8


    Chapter 9

    Me (Zylan)

    Chapter 10


    Chapter 11


    Chapter 12


    Chapter 13


    Chapter 14


    Chapter 15


    Chapter 16


    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23




    Thank you for pushing me to write.


    The pirate captain stood behind the wheel of his ship and watched as his daughter sailed away from her home with the demon boy’s twin brother. He kept his face steady as one of his crew members came running the length of the ship. He never thought they would leave. He never thought his crew would have to step foot on Blankland. But his whole crew was on deck. They all saw the small boat set sail.

    Cap! They finally left!

    Well, what are you waiting for? Let’s go.

    Hook turned from his crew and took a deep breath. He was about to do something he swore to himself that he would never do. He was about to hurt his daughter, and there was nothing he could do about it.

    For 543 years, he watched his daughter grow and thrive, living on The Island with her friends, her family. She had become a mother figure to all of the younger boys and girls. She was a born leader, but that was all about to change.

    Hook was going to have to attack her home while she was unable to protect it. She was going to blame herself for that for the rest of her life. And he was going to hate himself for the rest of his.

    Cap, you don’t have to do this. Hook didn’t notice his quartermaster until he was right beside him with his hand on his shoulder.

    They’ll turn against me. Besides, I have a feeling it’s almost time.

    David rolled his eyes. His captain was always secretive and cryptic, but Hook used to tell his closest friends everything. Now, they were kept in the dark like everyone else.

    Hook had an odd gift. He could predict things.

    When he was a child, he would have these dreams. They felt so real, he always woke up thinking they had really happened, but they hadn’t, not yet at least. As he got older though, the dreams became feelings. And right now, his feeling was strong. It was almost time.

    You must be the bad guy. The pirate captain sighed as his crew broke through the branches and attacked the first girl they saw. He didn’t want to participate, but if he didn’t, his men would kill every person in the camp. So he picked the strongest fighter and attacked. At first, he held back a little because he didn’t want to hurt the girl, but after thirty seconds, he realized she could handle it.

    The girl even sliced his cheek. That was when he really fought, but much to his surprise, he lost. Luckily, Ratman came up behind the girl and held a sword to her throat.

    Hook knew this girl was important as soon as she opened her mouth. She was friends with his daughter, and she held a part of the puzzle Hook needed. So he forced the girl from one side of the island to the other where Jason and his friend were enjoying their day.

    The boys charged from the tree house, and Hook’s shoulders felt heavy with guilt while the fight broke out. Jason loved his daughter; they had an amazing life together, but that was all about to change. This would set everything in motion. From now on, Hook was a bad guy, and he had to play his part or they would never be free.

    When the other boy had Ratman in a vulnerable position, Hook stabbed the boy, knowing his daughter and Jacob would be returning any second. He knew they would find the boy before his heart stopped and that he would be just fine. He kidnapped Jason and the girl while they were too grief-stricken to fight back.

    Captain Hook was not a stupid man. He knew his daughter would find a way onto the ship, and that she would finally remember him. Not the real him, the man she thinks killed the people who raised her. Little did she know they were both alive and well, hiding in the large panel under the captain’s desk while a battle broke out above them. They knew she was alive. Richard wanted nothing more than to see the girl he raised, but he knew there was a larger plan, and he stayed hidden. Azaline, on the other hand, wanted nothing more than to hide from her daughter, her greatest mistake, the reason she was stuck here with a bunch of disgusting pirates.

    The second Zylan walked into the captain’s quarters, Hook could feel the burning rage radiating from her. She shot an arrow into the ties around Jason’s wrists and jumped into battle. He watched her fight with pride. She was strong and unwavering. And as her eyes landed on her father, he couldn’t help but smile. He was unbelievably proud of the woman she had become.

    But as the arrow flew from her bow, his pride was replaced with guilt. He’d made her into a killer.

    They’re going to strike today. You need to grab Jason. We’re going to need him for the next part of my plan. The demon boy stood at the windows in Hook’s quarters.

    And what plan is that, Peter? It’s been 543 years since you approached me to help you torment your brother. I haven’t seen you since then. What plan could possibly take 543 years to put into effect? Huh?

    There wasn’t supposed to be a part 2, but after he left me again for your daughter, I decided I want to take something away from him. And it’ll be even better when we send him back once we’re done with him.

    Why is that?

    Because Zylan told Ace that she needed time, and he was fine with it. When we send him back, he won’t remember that conversation, and he won’t be fine with it. I want Jacob to deal with the pain of losing his best friend, not once but twice.

    The captain sighed. He didn’t want to do it because it would hurt his daughter as well, but Peter had another piece of the puzzle that was needed so everyone could be free. Plus, he knew that, ultimately, this moment would eat Peter alive in the years to come. The second Peter lays eyes on Crystal, everything would change. Everything.

    When Hook heard Zylan scream, he regretted everything—meeting Azaline in the tavern; visiting Genoa on August 14, 1468, dragging Richard to his ship; going back to sit with Azaline’s dead body; listening to Peter Pan’s offer; condemning his crew to sail around this island forever; and listening to the demon boy again when he said to grab Jason.

    At that moment, she sent him flying into a tree. Her magic was powerful, more powerful than the Pan twins combined, and she didn’t even know it. She could have brought his crew to their knees without even blinking. She could have cursed Peter right back without feeling weak. She could command the ocean and bring Blankland back to Earth. She was so special, and no one knew, not even the boy who seems to know everything.

    Jacob came running into the clearing the second the air left Zylan’s lungs. He grabbed hold of her and tried pulling her away. She struggled. Hook saw the boy’s confusion as he tried to transport them away from the pirates, who were moving in. The more she struggled, the harder it became for him to get her attention. He yelled her name ten times before she calmed down enough to see the pirates.

    I promise. No harm will come to the boy while he’s in my custody. Hook wished he could say the words aloud, and that they were true as Zylan and Jacob disappeared.

    He jumped to his feet as his crew filled in the clearing. Get the boy back to the ship. David, John, Tommy, and Billy each grabbed the boy by a limb and carried him back on board. They took Jason to the captain’s quarters and set him down on the desk.

    Who is this, James? Azaline walked into Hook’s quarters.

    Our key to Earth. He sighed. He was so tired of lying. He wished he could tell his crew the truth, but they would have a mutiny and kill him for sure. Get the water bucket on the floor by the desk and apply it to his wounds. He’ll wake up shortly.

    Tommy dumped the bucket on Jason. Hook hit his forehead, not because of Tommy’s stupidity, but his own. He should have been more specific. Leave, he said quietly. They walk out as the boy flew up then passed out.

    Is this the boy? Azaline asked, walking to his desk.


    I don’t see why Zylan would choose him. She dipped a cloth into the remaining water and dabbed it on Jason’s open chest wound. He has no power. He looks clumsy. What does he have to offer her?

    Our daughter is nothing like you.

    My daughter is nothing like you, pirate, she hissed.

    He took a deep breath. Woman, you are not her mother. You treated her like garbage because you couldn’t stand the constant reminder of your mistake. She raised herself. She didn’t need you. You don’t deserve to call her your daughter. She may be nothing like me, but she’s nothing like you, you cold-hearted, manipulative, evil snake, he added silently.

    "I deserve to call her my daughter for as long as she’s alive. I’m the reason she was born. I fed her, clothed her, shaped her into the woman she is today. She is mine."

    You wretched woman! You have nothing to do with how she turned out! You ruined her life before it even started! You are nothing.




    I couldn’t believe he was standing in front of me. Jacob and I searched for any trace of him for five years. I saw him die. I watched the one-handed pirate throw his sword to his chest. Ace was dead. We all thought he was dead. Yet there he was, standing in front of me, beaten and bloody but alive. Why couldn’t I find him? Where were they hiding him?

    Zylan, he said again.

    Everyone was staring at us. Today wasn’t supposed to be about me. It’s supposed to be about Clover and Justin, but mostly Clover. Everyone should be watching my beautiful best friend as she said her vows. This wasn’t right.

    I turned back to Clover wide-eyed. She looked at Justin, who was staring at his best friend with tears in his eyes. He blinked them away and looked at his fiancé. Go. Help him, she whispered.

    Are you sure?

    Go. We’ll reschedule. She forced herself to smile.

    Justin rushed to help Ace stand, Jacob close behind him. Justin took Ace’s good arm and put it around the back of his neck. Jacob put his hand on Ace’s shoulder, then the three boys were gone.

    Then everyone was staring at me. They should be watching the newlywed couple walk down the aisle. We should be headed back to camp, to a feast, music, and dancing. No one should be looking at me.

    Ze, what do we do? Clover asked.

    For the first time in my entire life, I had no idea what to say. My best friend was standing in front of me in the most beautiful wedding dress on what was supposed to be her day, but all the attention was on me.

    I— I took a deep breath and shook my head, suppressing my original, I don’t know. Nothing. Not until we know what happened to him, what they did to him on that ship.

    Everyone gave a sharp nod to acknowledge that they understood, but no one said anything. We all lost someone five years ago. It wasn’t fair that only one of twenty-five came back. Now I understood why Elena didn’t want Clover and me to tell anyone about Hunter being her childhood boyfriend before Jacob brought her here.

    Everyone change and meet back at camp.

    Slowly but surely, people started to move. Willow gave Ty a quick kiss on the cheek and walked away with everyone previously sitting on chairs. She knew she’d never truly be one of us. The only reason Clover allowed her to be one of the bridesmaids was so that the chairs were even on both sides.

    I know how bad that seemed, but Willow had her own friends, her own group that she wouldn’t want any of us to be a part of. She respected that, sometimes, the seven of us wanted to talk alone. Even though the number was currently five, the same thing applied.

    Ze, are you okay? Clover asked once everyone had made their way off the beach.

    I’m fine.

    Liar, Elena said.

    Okay fine, but what I’m about to tell you needs to stay between us, the five of us. No Justin and no Jacob. I turned to Hunter. I’m serious. If you tell anyone, especially them, you’re a dead man.

    Hey! What are you looking at me for? Tyler’s the one with the big mouth! he exclaimed.

    Oy! What are you attacking me for? I’m literally the only friend you have!

    Clover, Elena, and I burst out laughing at the death glare Hunter gave Ty. Stop pouting. You know it’s true. Now, do you want me to tell you or not?

    They waved me to go on.

    I’m actually . . ., I paused. "I’m kind of pissed at him . . . Five years of nothing, and then he shows up out of nowhere on your wedding day! And all he can say is ‘Zylan,’ not once but twice."

    Clover let out a sigh of relief. I thought I was being a bitch for being mad at him for ruining my wedding. I feel better now.

    Somehow, I knew you would. I chuckled. We should get to camp. I’m sure Jacob and Justin are finished with Ace at the waterfall.

    Let’s go.

    The five of us joined hands. A second later, we were standing in camp, dressed in our previous outfits. Everyone else was already sitting in their little groups, whispering. It wasn’t hard to tell what they were talking about. The second they saw us, the camp went completely silent.

    Five hundred and forty-eight years I’d been on this island. Over five hundred years I’d been their leader. These people used to look up to me. Now, it was like they wished I was gone.

    After the pirate attack, it took days for them to even look at me. I was still trying to earn back their trust and respect. Now Ace was the only one of twenty-five to come back, and I wasn’t even happy about it. They hated me; they didn’t think it was fair. I agree. I mourned the death of the first love I remembered. Then, after four years, I moved on with the first love that was wiped from my memories. Now Ace was back, and everyone else was still buried and gone.

    What could I say? I’m sorry? I wish you could have your loved ones back too? I wish he hadn’t come back? While all of those things might be true—not that I would ever say that last one aloud—it wouldn’t change anything. Everything was going to be different now.

    Then Ace was back in camp, smiling at me. He looked the same as I remembered—blond hair, blue eyes, defined facial features, tattoos all over. Seeing him looking at me made my heart swell. I missed him more than I cared to admit. Before the battle, I decided it didn’t matter that I got my memories back. I was going to stay with him. After he died, I spent four years trying to find him, spending every day at the pond in Centre Island, searching for a sign he was alive. The water always came up pitched black. When I finally came to terms with the fact that Ace was dead, I decided to move on.

    Jacob had helped me so much. I figured it was about time I gave him a chance. It was wonderful; he was the best. I was happy with him, and Ace coming back made everything complicated. I didn’t know what I was going to do until I saw Jacob.

    He was standing behind Ace in his suit. He looked so sad. He was smiling, but it didn’t reach his eyes. He was thinking about me. I didn’t have to be a mind reader to tell (although I could read minds if I tried hard enough; it was a gift I lost when evil Pan took my memories, but I got it back). He was playing some of his favorite memories of us in his head over and over—the paint fight at Clover’s new house, our first night in our house (cave, whatever), our first official date, this morning’s events. He was watching them as if he’d never create more memories with me. That was when I knew I wouldn’t leave him. Ace would have to understand. Besides, as far as he knew, we were still broken up, right?

    What are you going to do? It was Clover at my side.


    Are you going to tell Ace? Elena asked.

    Not yet. He’s been through a lot.

    Well, you better come up with something. He’s coming over here.

    I turned my attention to Ace, who was making his way through the crowd. Then his arms were around me, and I knew he had no clue we’d broken up. They did something to him on the ship, and I knew this was a different Ace.

    I missed you, Ze, so much, he whispered.

    I missed you too.

    You were the only thing that kept me alive on that ship. My hair muffled his voice. He kissed the top of my head before pulling away.

    I’m happy you’re home. And I was happy because I ignored the voice in my head saying something wasn’t right, that this wasn’t Ace. Because with his arms around me, I was reminded how much I missed him. I’d always felt safe in his arms, and at this moment, it was no different. I breathed in the familiar scent of pine and vanilla and told myself I was being ridiculous. This was Ace; he was home.

    We all are, man, Ty said, bumping his arm.

    What happened? Hunter asked.

    Ace sighed and stepped away from me. I almost reached to pull him back. I suppose you’ll all want to know. He waved for everyone to gather around him. I stayed outside the semicircle, beside Clover and Elena.

    Justin stood next to Ace with a smile on his face. Clover said he hadn’t been the same since Ace died. They were so close, best friends the second they met. Justin wanted him at his wedding. Too bad he ruined it in the process.

    So I’ll try and tell you as much as I can. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I know this must be a little weird for you guys. It’s weird for me too. Ace sat on a log once everyone was settled in. "I don’t remember how I ended up on their ship. All I remember is the sword being whipped into my chest then darkness. But I woke up on Hook’s ship with someone nursing me back to health.

    "I spent a few days in and out of consciousness. When I finally woke up, I was lying in a cell. They left me there for a whole year. No one tried to talk to me or take me out. No one even sat at my cell door. After the first year, they brought me out and tried to recruit me. I don’t remember a lot of that . . . I . . . I think they did something to me . . .

    After that didn’t work, they tried torture. Unfortunately, I remember every detail of that . . ., he trailed off, blinking a few times.

    My blood boiled. Ace didn’t—doesn’t—deserve that. He didn’t deserve to lose five years of his life to that evil man. He should have been here with us, with his family.

    "Then they resorted to brainwashing. That’s when I started to play along. Eventually, they started to trust me. They moved me from the cell into one of the cabins. I still had people watching me all the time, but they were feeding me full meals and letting me sleep the whole night. I was rebuilding my strength, hoping I’d be able to earn enough trust to sneak off.

    One night, about a year ago, I was surveying the deck. Hook’s right hand—Rich, I think—came up and told me that if I had any plans of running off, I’d better rethink them because we weren’t circling the island I knew. I almost didn’t believe him, but then I remembered—he turned to Jacob—your brother and Neverland. So I stopped and waited until they trusted me enough to send me back.

    Jacob looked furious like Hunter did when we tied all the boys up and shot them with arrows right before we told them we were moving into their camp. Hunter’s reaction was hilarious. Jacob’s, however, was not.

    Peter Pan. Just about the worst person I’d ever met. Five years ago, before Hook Man and his gang of merry pirates attacked our humble home, Jacob took me to see his brother. That may sound cute, a boyfriend taking his girlfriend to meet his family. Except I, the girlfriend, hated Jacob, the boyfriend, who I thought killed my parents, and I was dating Ace at the time. All this was because Peter was jealous that he had to share his brother.

    Well, if I’m being honest, he never actually told us why he did it. I just assumed he was jealous.

    Needless to say, and I’m going to say it anyway, I hated Peter Pan. Maybe as much as I hated Hook Face. He changed my memories, my whole life because he was mad at his brother. Then like that wasn’t bad enough, he blocked me from returning to Neverland. A week after we attacked the pirates, I realized I hadn’t gotten a chance to talk to my sister, Wendy. Jacob rescued her after being beaten up and left for dead by her no-good, asshole, fuck-face boyfriend, Robert, and brought her to Neverland.

    I wanted to sneak back to Neverland, so I could sit and talk with her, catch up, learn about her life, hear how she was doing. But when I tried, I couldn’t get anywhere. Okay. That’s a lie. I ended up in the spot I was picturing but on the wrong island. The bastard probably told her we left and weren’t coming back. I wanted to kill him.

    Then Hook called me into his quarters and told me to get the chest, so we could all be free. Ace snorted, breaking me out of my train of thought. Fat, fucking chance. That’s about it. He paused. Yeah, if I remember anything else that might be important, I’ll let you guys know.

    With that, everyone stood up. They all took turns giving him a hug or a slap on the arm with some form of I’m glad you’re back greeting.

    Once they were done, it was our turn—Hunter, Elena, Clover, Justin, Jacob, Tyler, and I. Hunter went first, giving him an awkward hug then stepped back quickly. Clover gave him a good hug with a little squeeze. Elena did the same. Tyler went for a bro hug, quick and simple. Jacob gave him a quick hug and a Good to have you back. Justin went for a real hug.

    I missed you, buddy. His voice wavered slightly. They were like brothers, closer actually. He took Ace’s death the hardest. I think that’s why Clover waited so long to have the wedding. Justin was just starting to get back to his normal self.

    I missed you too, man.

    Now it was my turn. He felt the same, physically, the way he wrapped his arms around me and the sound of his heartbeat. Mentally, he felt different, but I ignored it (like a dumbass).

    I left a few things out . . . I think you might want to know . . .

    All of us? Or just me? I asked, pulling away.

    Mostly just you, but if you want them to know too, that’s your call.

    We’ll go over to Justin and Clover’s house. It has enough space for everyone.

    You can’t just offer up my home!

    I rolled my eyes. Clover, Justin, may we please use your home. If it’s not too much trouble?

    Yes, you may. Clover smiled.

    You didn’t consult me. What if I have a problem? Justin asked sarcastically.

    Do you?


    Clover gave him a look. He smiled and laughed; all the boys did. Clover, Elena, and I didn’t. She wasn’t happy. Justin didn’t notice; she got even more upset. That’s how it always went.

    Come on. Let’s get going. The suspense is killing me, Ty said, picking up on our reaction.

    We joined hands. Seconds later, we were standing in Clover’s living room.

    After the pirate attack, we spent a lot of time together. Everyone stayed in camp most of the time, bonding as a whole group. But after a year of that, we were back to our little groups. Clover and Justin decided they wanted a place so they could have some alone time. The seven of us built the house together over the course of three months. Yes, we could have done it in about three minutes, but it was way more

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