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Politics: Last Act of Defiance
Politics: Last Act of Defiance
Politics: Last Act of Defiance
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Politics: Last Act of Defiance

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     This book was started based on my fight against a corrupt government. I served on a community board and ran for several public offices. The local city government and city council did not like my campaigns so I became a political target. I took a lot of heat from the local government for several years with them interfering with my business and my everyday life. I had to put up with their misinformation and defamatory campaigns. After a couple of years of being attacked regularly, I decided that I should start recording every encounter. A couple of encounters is not a big deal. 50 encounters start to become a big deal. So I started collecting all documents to prepare for a possible suit against the city. After several years of taking heat and the government's refusal to let up, I figure they were not going to go away. The local government made me a political target which destroyed both my reputation and business. I had put up with the city creating misinformation about me and my business. I was harassed, segregated, and ostracized and they put me in a position that forced me to consider packing up and moving out of town or to fight back. This book goes through many of the battles I went through. It also goes through many of the policies that I have sent to local, state, and federal lawmakers to help promote change. I also go through several research analyses that I had conducted. I hope that this book will help serve as inspiration for people to keep fighting and if that doesn't work, then fight smart.

Release dateOct 14, 2021
Politics: Last Act of Defiance

Scott Bolinger

Biography of the Author “Scott Bolinger”                                                                                                                         I grew up in Alliance Nebraska. Graduated from Hemingford Nebraska in 1987. After High School I joined the US Airforce and was stationed in San Antonio Texas for basic training. I attended Tech school at Sheppard AirForce base in Witchatafalls, TX. My study was in Civil Engineering as a “structural specialists.” I was stationed in Zweibrucken Germany after tech school and assigned to the “26 Civil Engineering Squadron.” There, I received my structural technician certification. After I was honorably discharged from the AirForce I joined the Army National Guard that was based out of Alliance Nebraska. The Alliance unit was a howitzer unit.      I studied Business management, information technology, motorcycle mechanic, welding, realty, fitness and Nutrition. In 2018 I decided to go back to college and get a Bachelor of Science degree. I went to college at the University of Nebraska at Omaha with a major in Political Science and a minor in Criminology with a concentration in government affairs and civic engagement.         I started in politics around 2003 by volunteering as a Planning Commissioner. From that, I seen how our local government was being run and seen some grey area politics. The way they treated the people was not something I would do. The way the government was ran did not feel quite right. Seeing my own city council trying to take peoples lands in a very unethical way, spurred me to run for office. I felt that we needed people in office that were there to help people. To make sure they know that they have someone who will fight for them.   

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    Politics - Scott Bolinger

    Chapter 2

    My start in politics

    Quote: Politics isn’t about complaining about the problem. It is about addressing the problems and coming up with a solution to resolve those problems.

    I started in politics around 2003 by volunteering as a city planning commissioner in Alliance Nebraska. I had served on that board for 5 years. I did not have a big interest in an elected position until I saw some unethical practices being committed by city employees and City Council. What I saw was the city government trying to get approval on a program in an area of town that was falsely presented as a tax incentive. The city wanted to name an area as substandard and blighted to help create a program to have a tax incentive to give those business owners a way to help them improve their properties. That program ended up being just a government land grab scam. By approving the definition of a property as Substandard and Blighted gave the city the backing to claim eminent domain.

    At the planning commission meeting, we made our recommendation to approve the program for that area as we thought it was a program to help the landowners put money back into their business. But what happened was the city government used the program to take over a city block by eminent domain because now it was labeled and substandard and blighted. The elected officials pulled one over on the planning commission. Several landowners did not want to sell. One of the property owners just put $14,000 into their property. He did not want to sell, so the city sent the fire chief over there to condemn the property and was forced to sell at $10,000.  One of the city council members argued in support of the 10k buy-out by stating that it was the going rate for that property. But, by state statute, the city would have to get three appraisers estimates


    to establish a claim for the going rate. I do not recall that ever happening. About 6 months later, we received another letter, same issue, a different part of town. It was on 3rd and Cody. I did my job as a Planning Commissioner and talked to all the landowners that were going to be affected. Many areas were redeveloped and some areas had plans to add improvements. There were plans to add a new business on one of the lots as well. Nobody was notified by the city. When the city presented the blighted and substandard request to the Planning Commission they presented outdated pictures that showed a time when it was underdeveloped. The City misrepresented their request. Pictures may have been 5 years old. Back then there was a vehicle salvage yard. But that area had a new owner that cleaned up the salvage yard and created a commercial storage area and then he updated the corner gas station. Next to that, the city showed a withered building. If there were updated photos it would have shown that the new owner put $16,000 into that building and made it into a coffee shop. Next door to that was open land and the new owner of that land had an approved contract to build a new building for a video store. When I saw that the city was showing these outdated photos, I argued the issue and voted to table that agenda item until the city can provide updated information and the rest of the commissioners agreed. The city refused to update their information and instead, fast-tracked it and bi-passed the Planning Commissioners recommendation, and approved the substandard and blighted program for that part of town. I believe that when I went out of my way to make sure the city government was following policy and showing that I had the people’s interests and tried to protect their properties that this was the starting point of me being black-flagged and targeted by the city clerk, manager, police chief, and city council. For me trying to protect people's land, our city decided to take a very personal vendetta against me. I found an interest in running for the City Council because of how people were treated that owned those properties. I would never treat people that poorly. But for the next decade, I paid for my efforts in a long line of harassment that came from the city council, clerk, city manager, and police chief, in which they had done everything they could do to micromanage my daily life and business which included a campaign of misinformation. They probably assume that harassing me would deter me from speaking out, but it made me want to run for office again and again and expose their false and unlawful acts so we could eventually get someone in office that had the people’s interests at heart.

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    I had written to Governor Johannas with concerns about the substandard and blighted policy and how it can influence the city to claim eminent domain and take over people’s property. The Governor stated that corporations cannot claim eminent domain. In the first case I talked about, the city was forcing people to sell out and they were claiming eminent domain so a bank could construct a new building in that place. The plan also included that the city would take over the old bank and create a new building for the municipality. The renovation of the bank was estimated to cost the taxpayers 3 million dollars. So, the city took over the block on 1st  street and box butte so that the bank on 3rd and Box Butte would buy that from the city, then the city municipality would move to 3rd and BoxButte. But, after the city took over that property, the deal fail threw and the city was left with owning that open land area. They also had a bunch of agitated citizens that had their property stolen by the government. The second time this was going to happen, the location was on 3rd and Cody in Alliance Nebraska. In the second case, the landowners were not informed of the government’s intent on claiming their property as substandard and blighted. The City Clerk stated that the city did not have to send them any notifications and that the cities only obligation would be to make a post in the newspaper and that would be considered notifying everyone. The standard protocol on a policy that affects people's land has always been to notify everyone with a letter and have a notification in the newspaper. In this case, the city decided not to do that. I did talk to several business owners and nobody was informed. But there was a large corporation that had been muscling in on that area to try and buy people out. I believe as a politician, you should be straightforward in how you conduct business. This was an issue that could have brought legal action to the city for an underhanded and potentially fraudulent activity to gain people’s property. In this scenario, they shut down people's businesses. Under the "Liquidation Act’, the city would be liable to reimburse the money that business could have made over the past 12 years.

    The way the city obtains property by claiming eminent domain is kind of a gray area tactic. No private entity can claim eminent domain. But, they can use the government as the entity to obtain property by use of eminent domain even under false pretense. That should not happen, but it does happen very regularly. You can argue that it is similar to the 2021 30-30 plan proposed by President Biden.

    The helmet law was another bill that I had discussed with the Governor. During that time I was a member of ABATE. ABATE is a motorcycle group that promotes freedom of choice. Their main argument of freedom of choice is to argue the helmet laws so that motorcyclists can have the choice to wear a helmet or not.  People should be allowed to make their own decision to choose to wear a helmet or not. It is at their own risk. I was helping promote a policy to get rid of or modify the bill, to make it a requirement up to the age of 21. But also to expand on motorcycle training programs. That way you are taking away a safety feature but also adding a safety feature.

    Government land confiscations just never sat well with me. But the government created the Development Corporation for commercial land development and confiscations and then a few years later created the Re-Development Corporation for residential land development and confiscations. Then created the Bureau of Land Management. which can take over Ranchland, farmland, and Native Land by utilizing habitat for humanity to save or preserve species. Over the past couple of decades, the BLM has been part of confiscating hundreds of thousands of acres of land. They claim for species preservations, but I say it is for mineral rights. Landowners have tried to stand their ground but usually find themselves in federal prison or dead. Sounds like more of a communist society rather than a federal republic. Under the constitution, everyone has a right to property and to enjoy that property. The 14th amendment states that the government cannot deny one of life, liberty, or property without due process of law.  Unethical politicians tend to find loopholes to get around the constitution and taint it, which slowly takes your rights away.

    I had run for City Council, Legislatures, and Congress. Running for the House of Representatives is a larger responsibility that I did not take lightly. Every decision should be looked at as a whole by weighing the positive and negative effects. I have sent several policy proposals and policy change request to the local city council, state legislature, and Congress.

    I do believe that we need to review and reduce different government entities as we have an extremely compounded government system that drives up our taxation drastically. We need to get some sort of grasps on that to be able to put more money back into schools, social security, Medicare, or expanded Medicare and Medicaid.

    Another issue of interest is investigations of acts of government entities. It is tough seeing politicians continue to get a free pass when they break the law when they are supposed to be accountable to the people. On accountability, I do not pick sides. I expect both sides of the aisle to be accountable. I have fought tooth and nail in my community and I will do so at any level of government. I have made pushes for expanded Medicare but more responsibly and I had set a budget and goal. I campaigned for this when I ran for Congress. I wanted to make sure our school system was funded well with proper food programs for breakfast and lunch so no kid will miss a meal. I also pushed to improve the farming bills to help fund and improve snaps, school food programs, and senior meal on wheels programs. We have the budget to keep the programs going, but congress was trying to kick millions of people off these programs. We needed good negotiators and innovators to advance trade. When I ran for Congress in Nebraska’s district 3 I campaigned to support the SNAP program as well as push for more trade in Brazil and India. Which in 2020, Brazil and India had the fastest growing economies in the world. It would be a no-brainer to increase business with them. Unless you dive headfirst into the political brain fart of political misinformation and petty squabbles that we have seen at great lengths in 2010 – 2021

    Chapter 3

    Martial arts in Western Nebraska


    In this chapter, I will go through a bit of my history in martial arts and the political arena that it created. My stardom in sports was when I took gymnastics and tap that was taught by my grandmother. I did take jazz from another instructor but found out that jazz was not cool. As a teenager, I started weight lifting. My father was MR. Nebraska back in 1967, a brown belt in Kenpo Karate and a golden gloves boxer. In eighth grade, I started wrestling. My interest in martial arts started with using weapons, mainly messing around with throwing stars, throwing knives, and nunchakus which started around 1984.  Eventually, I enrolled in a martial arts school at the age of 16 along with my dad. Martial arts came very naturally to me and it was a lot easier than wrestling. Wrestling was just too much work and too many sweaty armpits. The combination of weight lifting and martial arts made me a faster and more powerful fighter. I was able to see a punch beginning to happen and pop up a sidekick or roundhouse kick faster than most people can throw a punch. The first art I studied was Shotokan Karate. I studied that for about 7 months, then went to just training myself for some time with 5 other training partners. I also studied Tae-kwon-Do, Kenpo, Jukaido, Boxing, and Chinese KickBoxing from various schools. But my primary art was always Shotokan.

    I started competing in point tournament fights after I received my orange belt in Shotokan. I did try a few tournaments competing with weapons, kata, and kumite, but I just found for myself that the Kumite was my expertise. I was more comfortable with kumite because I was able to be zoned out so the crowd never bothered me. But when I did weapons or form I was always a little nervous.

    In 1987 I won the Paha Sapa Championships out of Rapid City, SD. Which back then was a pretty big tournament. After that tournament, I went on to win an open Tae Kwan Do tournament in Scottsbluff Nebraska.

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    In December of 1987, I joined the Air Force and was stationed in Germany for a couple of years. While I was stationed there I competed in a few tournaments. I suffered my first loss. A loss can be used as a good learning tool. I went through my inventory of what I did to become a good fighter and what I was missing in my training. Assessing my current training and what I used to do had motivated me to get back on track and start writing my training manual. One thing I had to do is to quit eating that cheesecake. Airforce was always big on serving cheesecake all the time.  I started by jotting down what I learned and noted the extra training I did outside the classroom that made me such a good fighter. Jotting down the training drills, weight lifting routines, I even wrote things down in Japanese. When I designed my own kickboxing style it was a big change in how I was taught in comparison to how I ended up teaching. Most people train the standard 2 days a week, but if you want to go above and beyond and be the best athlete in that field training might be 5 or 6 days a week 3 to 5 hours a day. When I was competing a lot I was training at least 3 hours a day 6 days a week.

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    I was honorably discharged from the AirForce in 1990. Then I decide to do a try one in the Army National Guards. After that, I got a job working at a manufacturing plant. Working at that plant was pretty much a dead-end job for about 9 years. In that time frame, I hardly ever trained.

    In the year 2000, I had a change in jobs and started working for the YMCA. At that time I started back into training regularly and got back to writing in my book. While I worked at the  YMCA I supervised basketball and volleyball. I started getting into shape again and eventually took on a couple of students to train in karate. With the extra time on my hands, I also diversified some income investing into stocks and rental property. The rental property did all right for a couple of years. It created the extra income to support some of my training needs. The stocks, most of them did so bad I’d rather not talk about But sometimes you gotta have a sense of humor about investments.

    In 2002 I expanded my training and had my training sessions more open rather than just personal training. That kicked up my students to about 20 kids. At that time we were training outdoors. So when it started getting into winter I had to shut down. So I started self-educate myself on how to start up a Boxing and Kickboxing school and tried to learn how to raise money to buy a building. I went through a controversy on whether to file for for-profit or non-profit. I finally decided to go with the non-profit organization and got my non-profit status in Dec 2002.  I reopened and started training in January 2003. I created the boxing and kickboxing school called the Warrior Rage Civic Center. Instead of teaching Shotokan Karate which was my primary art, I changed my stance and started teaching my own style of fighting called Warrior Rage KickBoxing. Through a persistent effort, I found someone to donate the use of their building and I had 2 volunteer boxing coaches. We set up a training schedule for the boxers and kickboxers. At that time I found a pretty big interest in boxing techniques and training. So I started incorporating that into my kickboxing style and it significantly improve my fighting style.

    I ran the Civic Center on 1st in Box Butte in Alliance Nebraska for about 6 or 7 months. I ended up closing it down because the owner of the building was not someone I would want to have to associate with the kids I trained. She wigged out on the kids for going into her bar (that was next door) to get a pop. Then I found out that the building owner and her son were coke heads. So, for the safety of the kids, I closed it down to look for another place. But, I continued training out of my home. In January 2003 I opened up a gym in Chadron with some help from Joe Simmons who also ran the Native American Youth Center in Chadron. I met him when I was on the board for a youth club. At that time I was campaigning for City Council. At close to the same time frame I expanded the school and started teaching at the Pine Ridge Job Corps. Ran that for about a year. I usually had between 30 and 50 kids training with me at the Job Corps. When the Job Corps changed their Athletic Coordinator position, they got rid of the boxing program.  

    I did try and look for several grants to expand my boxing and kickboxing program into a youth organization. I had talked to Senator Louden to obtain some advice on whom he would suggest talking to and he had sent me a couple of references.    

    When I moved to 507 Niobrara I was able to set up a better training program and was able to expand. I eventually set up a website at and to help with promotions and keep track of events for all martial arts styles which would include kickboxing, boxing, karate, tae kwon do ...etc. MMA was growing quickly and I started getting requests to help fighters get ready to compete in that. So I jumped in on that and started training MMA athletes, mainly helping with their stand-up game,

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    Bolinger vs. Golding

    In August 2006 I started up a KickBoxing federation called the WarriorRage Kickboxing Federation. I had my first fight under the WRKF rules in February 2007 in McCook Nebraska. I did an exhibition match against Matt Golding out of McCook Nebraska. Later that year Matt took 1st in the Cornhusker state games in Tae Kwon Do which qualified him to the Olympic trials. That exhibition match put me at #1 in the WRKF black belt heavyweight divisions and put Matt as #1 in the men's green/purple belt division. The style of competition that I wrote up for the WRKF was set up as a continuous point sparring competition. Which is similar to international rules, but as a light contact point-based system. I constructed those rules for continuous contact to help fighters transition from a point-based system to full contact. I expanded another website ( that describes the details of my federation and included the rules and regulations for continuous point competition as well as other fighting arts that I sponsored.

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    Williams, Bolinger, Morrison


    Our start off and introduction to this style of competition was by working with a promoter out of Wyoming (Cory Williams). Cory ran several pro boxing events, MMA, and Muay Thai matches. So I worked with him to do some exhibitions and championship fights within his federation. It ended up being kind of a trade-off because I also sanctioned some of his fights under the WRKF federation. The biggest fight card that I sanctioned was with the World Heavy Weight Boxer Tommy Gun Morrison vs the Wyoming Muay Thai Champion Cory Williams. The picture on the left shows Cory Williams, Scott Bolinger, and Tommy Morrison. I believe that was in 2009. The Nevada State Boxing commission would not allow Tommy to compete in boxing due to a false-positive HIV test, but I allowed him to compete in a modified Muay Thai match after I saw that his medical records were in order. A modified Muay Thai match had some rule changes. One was that there was no kicking, but they had to do at least 5 knee strikes in each round or there could be a point loss or disqualification. Cory did not make it past the first round. He got knocked out in 54 seconds. The other promoter I worked with was Josh Usera of Dynamic Martial Arts who was a martial arts instructor out of Rapid City South Dakota that ran karate and jujitsu tournaments regularly.

    In 2005 I had finished my first kickboxing book and had it published. The first book was more on traditional training. My second book was more advanced training and boxing. In 2008 I started having requests to sanction some pro-am fights for Muay Thai, boxing, and MMA. So that gave me some incentive to create a third book on rules and regulations and to expand my officials' training program. In the officials’ training program that I was working on, we went over rules and regulations for whatever competition we were doing and then went through a self-defense and restraint course. I made it a requirement that both security personnel and officials take the course. The self-defense course I was teaching was to teach defensive and restraint tactics that didn’t consist of any strikes. So if someone got out of hand everyone would be on the same page and would know what to do. So they knew how to help each other. I also had my training programs open to law enforcement. This was a program that I had sent to the Associations of Boxing Commissions when they were getting ready to pass a law to regulate MMA to help bring some professionalism to the sport.

    In roughly 2006 when MMA was starting up in Western Nebraska and Eastern Wyoming, there were controversies about the sport and its influence on kids, so I had to educate people about the sport. I spoke at the City of Alliance Planning Commission and City Council to educate people about the sport. There were questions on sanctioning if it is legal, some complained it was like human cock fighting, one of the council questioned that if you kick someone could you break ribs or kill someone. In the 30 years, I instructed martial arts and competed have never seen serious injuries, but could not say that could not happen because it happened all the time on Kungfu Theater. Those guys kicked ass. 

    In roughly 2006, there was an MMA match run by Cory Williams that was done in Gering Nebraska. I thought the event went quite well. To me, it seemed like it was done very professionally. It had plenty of security. Police were also in the area. The program went smoothly. After the event was over there were a couple of girls that got into a fight. What came out in the papers the next day is that 30 people got into a big brawl. I was at the event and was in the gym area. Just the other side of the door of the so-called altercation. I did not hear or see any altercation. The police chief of Gering (Mel Griggs) continued with that lie for about a month until it went to court. Then the truth came out. What actually happened is a police officer, when trying to break up an argument between the two girls, pushed one of the girls into a glass door knocking her head into the glass. The boyfriend got mad and went on the fight. The police chief then did a belly flop on the guy, pepper-sprayed him twice, and tazzed him 3 times. All three people received disturbing the peace charge. The lie that was created about a 30 person brawl, almost got MMA banned from Nebraska. I had contacted the State Athletic Commissioner to tell him what happened rather than the lie that Police Chief Gregs was spread and the Commissioner guy got all pissed off and started yelling. Apparently, the promoter of the event had gotten mouthy with the Commissioner so the Commissioner wanted to rant back. He should have been mad at the Police Chief for lying about the event to try and get MMA shut down for the entire state. That Police Chief promoted that there weren’t any rules, and claim it to be like human cock fighting. (I’m guessing he may have watched a lot of porn). So I did speak at a city council meeting, explaining the rules and regulations. At that time the sport rules and regulations utilized PRIDE rules and regulations. The Pride federation was very big in Europe at that time. On 27 March 2007, the UFC bought out Pride. I think one of the reasons the Chief lied and exaggerated the event is because one of the girls punched him and he was embarrassed. His reaction to being punched was to lie. 

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    The same person that ran the MMA event in Gering, was going to run an event in Alliance at the Central School building. He had everything set up ready to go, and then the city shut him down and refused to allow him to run the event. There were claims of not having rules and not being sanctioned, people from the Methodist church claimed of human cock fighting (more porn accusations). He then moved the event to the county fairgrounds. He spent about 4 grand to set up the event, promotions, and insurance. Then the Sheriff was sent out to shut him down again. The Sheriff stated that anyone that participated in the event would be charged with assault including the promoter. So that event was closed down and that guy stopped running any event in Nebraska until 2019. He ran more than 70 events in Wyoming, Colorado, and Illinois, but would not touch Nebraska because of the misinformation about the sport, the mistreatment, and the money loss.  

    In my martial arts career, the primary sport I like to push is continuous point sparring matches. In Alliance, I had a karate event that I was going to run. I had a building secured, rules and regulations were all set up, I had gotten the sanctioning body all set up, a website with rules and regulations, and handed out rules and regulation pamphlets to the City Management. The event was approved and ready to go. But the police chief in Gering called the police chief in Alliance and told him that I was putting on a fighting exhibition, that was bare-knuckle, no rules, no regulations, on concrete and that I didn’t have any insurance, which I had. They shut me down and I couldn’t do anything. So I decided to run an event in Chadron. 3 days before the event, it was shut down because the police chief in Alliance (Chief Kiss) and the police chief in Gering (Chief Greggs) told the police chief in Chadron that I was putting on fights that had no rules and regulations, bare-knuckle, and on concrete. I spent $700 on new mats and had extra sparring gear just in case someone couldn’t bring their own. I had given the police chief a rules and regulation booklet. I even had a sit down with their police chief and city manager. But it got shut down anyway because of the lie the Alliance and Gering police chief said. 

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    The history of the police chief in Gering is that he taught Tae Kwon Do for many years and ran many karate events. At this particular time, he was trying to put together a black-belt council to control what happens in our area. He wanted control of the teachers and the tournaments. That program ended up being a flop and did not take off. My federation called the WRKF helped coordinate tournaments but did not control when someone could run a tournament. It would just show the tournaments so they would not overlap so tournament organizers can promote their tournaments at the different events as well as the online site. Kiss and Greggs lying about my business should have had some repercussions, but in politics, the politician can get away with anything.

    After the police chief got my even shut down in Alliance he tried to pass a policy to ban boxing and any type of martial arts events. He even tried to ban those things from being taught in Alliance. But the bill was shut down by the city council. He tried to push the Chadron police chief to do the same, but she wouldn’t do that. She was a big boxing fan and wasn’t going to consider something so stupid.

    A city ordinance was created so that you can only run martial arts events in C3 areas, and then there was a special rezoning for abandoned schools and churches, making them zoned R1, but under special restrictions. Which I argued unlawful because you cannot do special zoning like that unless it’s a safety hazard. I believe the policy to only allow martial arts in C3 areas was done to keep MMA events from being held at the Central school building because the Methodist church across the street was dead set against MMA.

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    I had talked to my state legislature, senator LeRoy Louden and Governor Dave Heineman about MMA and the regulations as well as the issues involved in the MMA event that was in Gering Nebraska. I had also talked to the States Athletics Commissioner and the President of the Association of Boxing Commission. I did express a concern that we have to push both a standard set of rules and regulations for Pro and amateur MMA and utilize a defense and restraint program for security and officials. I did present an entire training program that covered rules and regulations of both pro and armature MMA with a defense and restraint program that I had been teaching at the events that I sponsored. This puts everyone on the same page if an issue ever arises.

    I wanted the regulations for amateur MMA and Pro MMA set up similar to how Pro and Amateur Boxing is set up. Where pros are on a 10 point must system and amateurs are focused on total points. So in the amateurs, you are counting points with the clickers or point counters and you count each legal strike, takedowns, and advancing grappling move. 


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    In roughly 2011 I invested in buying the Central School building, which I have a chapter just on that fiasco later in the book. I decided to have a one on one with the City Manager to discuss what I’d like to do with the building. When I went to the scheduled meeting, the city manager wasn’t there. He was sick so the vice city manager was there and 5 other people. I believe it was the vice city manager, shitty clerk (south park) J, building inspector, police officer, and somebody that nobody there knew. Instead of being productive, it ended up being an hour-long ass-chewing that mainly came from the shitty Clerk (Linda Jines). When we talked about the karate tournaments I wanted to do, she was totally against that and said I had to be sanctioned as per the state statute. Which the state statute did not say anything about karate or kickboxing needing to be sanctioned, but that is how she interpreted the law. She said that in the state statute it said that karate was also MMA and that I had to follow the state law on that. She thought that any martial arts had to follow MMA sanctioning guidelines. She had a brain fart. She was extremely ignorant of martial arts law. The only time that meeting was constructive is when the clerk had to take a call for about 10 minutes. During that time the group had a very good dialog. Then IT came back and started ranting again about things she did not know about. She was trying to act as she knew more about the sport than me (someone that had more than 20 years in the sport). So I ended the meeting because she was acting off the wall nuts looking like an unhinged jackass with a fire ant up her ass. Nothing was being accomplished while she was there. 

    It took 7 years for the city management to finally understand that Karate and MMA are two different sports and that the law did not tie them into each other and that there is a difference in sanctioning and regulating. When you are talking to morons, it is pretty tough to get anything through that thick skull. They seem to value the opinion of someone with no experience over someone that had over 20 years of experience in that field. "When this moron cost me over 2 grand that gives me naming calling rights to call that jerk a moron."

    In 2019 I had got put on the cities agenda to update the city ordinances on unarmed sports to help define unarmed sports. They understood

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