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Darcy's Omega: A Pride & Prejudice Omegaverse Variation
Darcy's Omega: A Pride & Prejudice Omegaverse Variation
Darcy's Omega: A Pride & Prejudice Omegaverse Variation
Ebook130 pages1 hour

Darcy's Omega: A Pride & Prejudice Omegaverse Variation

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About this ebook

If there's one danger to an alpha, it's an omega. Finding one in sleepy Meryton in a dark haired beauty is not what Darcy expected... or wanted.


Elizabeth Bennet has happily lived her whole life as a beta, with no aspirations to live a pampered life as one of those omegas cherished by elite, upper crust alphas. But when strangers show up to the Meryton assembly and an alpha named Darcy takes a keen interest in her, Elizabeth wonders whether this beta has found a dream come true. Handsome, wealthy, with eyes she could sink into--if only he would stop insisting she's an omega!

When she sets out to prove Darcy wrong, it sets into motion events that will change her life. And there is only one alpha this omega wants during her heat...

Prepare yourself for an alternate universe where an omega's heat can mean dangerous - and wonderful - things. This Pride & Prejudice variation is the perfect fantasy to sink into, but keep your smelling salts at the ready!

PublisherEmma East
Release dateSep 7, 2021
Darcy's Omega: A Pride & Prejudice Omegaverse Variation

Emma East

Emma East loves three things: Darcy, Darcy, and Darcy. Writing since her teenage years, she delights in putting characters into steamy situations, creating a need for smelling salts for unwary readers.

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    Darcy's Omega - Emma East


    I don’t wish to alarm you, but there is an omega in this room.

    Darcy froze, his punch halfway to his mouth. A glance about the room did not reveal the subject of Bingley’s warning to him, not until a subtle nod pointed him in the right direction.

    Did you speak to her? he asked, keeping one eye on the group of young ladies. Which one was she? The plain brunette? Or the smiling one next to her? Her handsome features had drawn his eye before, but she was one of dozens of pretty girls he had seen this past month. Her beauty did not even meet the refinement of the ladies in town, and Darcy had brushed her off with half a glance.

    It was no extraordinary feat to be pretty.

    The dark-haired young lady next to her turned, casting a smirking look about the room as if she had seen better before turning to her friends. But in the briefest second as her gaze passed over him, he felt it.


    I see. I recognize Miss Lucas. The ladies next to her are the two eldest Bennet sisters, are they not?

    Yes, but only the second eldest is an omega.

    Thank you for the warning. I wonder why I did not notice when we were introduced.

    Perhaps she uses those inhibitors on herself.

    Half-turned toward him, her delicate face in profile, he found his gaze flicking back to her despite himself. Inhibitors. He frowned. I understand that they rarely work.

    Bingley’s shoulder lifted. It was only in close proximity that I noticed it.

    Except Bingley had little to fear from a woman like her. Darcy, meanwhile, found his gaze drawn to the woman, though he commanded himself to focus on the scuffed wooden floor. An omega did not lure in betas like the sirens of old. That suffering was reserved for alphas like Darcy.

    You can’t leave, Bingley exclaimed when he caught sight of Darcy’s expression. He clasped Darcy’s arm, both laughing and genuine in his nervousness. You promised you wouldn’t abandon me again at one of these things.

    It is you who chose to be here.

    You also promised to dance with Caroline.

    Careful, friend. That is awfully close to begging from you.

    Bingley laughed. Oh, come on. It cannot be so bad. You can simply avoid her, though it boggles my mind to know an alpha who runs away at the sight of pretty omegas.

    He snorted. She is not handsome enough to tempt me.

    See? Though I daresay I found her quite amenable when we spoke. But you may feel free to avoid her with all of your usual skills avoiding pesky social interaction.

    Thank you for the invitation.

    Thus, Darcy found himself not escaping into the cool night, away from the stink of people and the headache of useless small talk yelled at each other over poorly performed music. No, he did the opposite of what he wanted to do: dance with his friend’s sister.

    I commend you for staying despite the circumstances, she said, adding when he didn’t immediately answer, Charles told me about The Omega.

    She said it in a tone so it was not just the omega, but The Omega.

    He chewed on this for a moment. Long enough for Miss Bingley to add, I can see why you wouldn’t want to be near her. Doubtless, she probably prefers someone her style more than any alpha from town.

    The dance took them away from each other and then back. Her style? he asked, lifting a brow as they touched hands and walked down the aisle together in elegance.

    You know, she said with a smirk. Someone who smells like a sheep.

    He snorted, and they parted within the dance, moving back down the lines. He stood much taller than many in the room, tall enough to get a better look at the assembly as he walked down the dance line and rejoined Miss Bingley at the end. A burst of laughter from somewhere in the group behind Miss Bingley caught his attention. His gaze narrowed in on the source and his stomach sank to see Elizabeth Bennet had moved closer to the line of dancers, her hand on the arm of a man Darcy vaguely recognized, her laughing gaze turned up to meet his.

    He wasn’t ready for the hot flash of jealousy in his stomach. Bubbling up, searing, a reckless lightning strike.

    No. He tore his gaze away, ripping it with a resounding bell of denial in his mind. Darcy was no fool to be distracted by omega tricks. He had no use for an omega, no matter how pretty. They were beautiful facades. Heartless mercenaries. Believing their designation and allure made up for defects in character.

    Miss Bingley was right. A sheep. That was what Elizabeth Bennet deserved, what all omegas who thought to use their irresistible allure on alphas deserved. What they deserved with their pretty laughs and striking eyes and delicate Cupid’s bow lips.

    Mr. Darcy?

    He blinked rapidly, coming back to the present. Miss Bingley stood opposite him. On either side, the other dancers were clapping. He belatedly clapped, too.

    You went somewhere mentally, Miss Bingley said as he escorted her back to her sister. She batted her long eyelashes at him. Someplace interesting?

    No, he said. He bowed and moved away before she insisted on questioning him further. He wove through the crowd, no destination in mind except away. Escape. Relief from this crowded mess. The stink of the place had worn down his heightened senses, and a headache threatened to sink his mood even lower.

    Then he caught a hint of something in the air. Apples and cinnamon. Not uncommon this time of year, but the instant it hit his senses, saliva thickened in his mouth. Whatever it was, he needed it. Now.

    His head turned, searching for the source of the intoxicating smell lingering in the air. Where did it come from? What caused it?

    Finally, his gaze landed on Elizabeth Bennet.

    He should have escaped. He should have made any excuse to Bingley and returned to Netherfield—no, to London. Ride straight through the night. Do whatever it took to get as far away as he could from Hertfordshire and alluring, unselfconscious omegas.

    One step followed another. His feet moved on a path directly toward Elizabeth and the scent in the air grew with each step until he was nigh in the eye of it and in front of him was Elizabeth Bennet, looking around her and blinking in confusion when she saw him.

    She was alone for once that he noticed that night. Alone and wrinkling her nose at him as if she too smelled something, though far less alluring.

    The tightness in his throat barely let him speak. Dance. With me.

    Her brow furrowed. Pardon?

    He cleared his throat, tried to breathe lightly through his mouth. With concentration, he forced his mouth to speak and not sound as if he were being strangled. Are you available for the next dance?

    Oh, sorry, I am not, she said. She pointed down to her delicate silk slippers on tiny feet, and Darcy had never seen something as incongruously attractive as a woman showing off her slippers. It’s my ankle, you see. I hurt it as we arrived and I’m afraid I cannot dance all night.

    I apologize, he said with a curt bow. He should have left. He should have thanked his lucky stars and disappeared into the crowd and moved as far, far away as he could. He should not have asked, Shall I get you a chair?

    You’re the first one who’s offered, she said with a self-deprecating laugh. Thank you, but no. If I sit, I’m liable to become a great bore as I complain and bemoan my existence. I would rather stand.

    That does nothing to help your injury, he pointed out.

    She smiled quietly. So it doesn’t. Thank you, Mr. Darcy, but I wouldn’t inconvenience you. You should find a more able partner. I can point out several, if you like.

    The first person to offer her a chair? His lip sneered as he looked out at the crowd. These people were supposedly her neighbors and friends. Yet not one of them tried to alleviate her suffering? Even now, she slightly grimaced, subtly shifting off her left foot. His hand clenched by his side. He would not dance with any of these other women, no matter how able.

    Taking a break for ten minutes will not label you a bore, he told her. Allow me to bring back a chair, Miss Elizabeth.

    She seemed confused, her expression telling him he had thrown her off-kilter. I - oh, very well.

    You stay here, he told her, and moved with speed to get a chair. Nearby the chairs sitting along the outside of the wall, Miss Bingley caught his attention, smirking as she nursed her glass of punch.

    I do hope the omega has not run you off, Mr. Darcy. Louisa and I wanted one more dance each from you before we begged out of this affair.

    He gave her a quick nod. I will do my best, he said, and picked up two chairs and turned away, returning to Elizabeth.

    Her shocked face was worth the effort.

    Elizabeth, still by herself, leaned against the wall for support. If he had not been entirely focused on her, he might not have noticed. She hid her injury so well. A very proper, if stupid, act to put on for a country assembly.

    Upon seeing him, her shoulders seemed to sag. Thank you so much, she murmured to him, and dizzying warmth washed over him as she brushed his arm as she sunk

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