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Truly Inevitable
Truly Inevitable
Truly Inevitable
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Truly Inevitable

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Maddy has known two great loves in her short lifetime.
Blake and Tyler.
Even though she found happiness in Italy with Blake, she finds herself alone in Seattle, raising her son Max.
Olivia, the ever dutiful best friend has been right by her side, helping her raise Max however she has always questioned his paternity.
Even though Olivia knows she should broach the topic of Max’s father, she has problems of her own.
She was lied to by the one she loved.
Betrayed by the one who she thought she could trust the most.
Bitterness has festered inside Olivia’s heart but she is trying her best to move on.
Living back in Seattle with Maddy has been good for Olivia. She is slowly healing old wounds and making progress in her professional life.
Things are starting to get serious with her boyfriend Jacob so she decides to introduce him to her family. However, that particular family dinner sees an uninvited guest turn up that throws all of Olivia’s progress out the window.

Will she be able to close those wounds forever or will an old flame win her heart for good?

Truly Inevitable is the third instalment in the Relinquish series. Due to its explicit content, bad language and graphic sexual content, Truly Inevitable is recommended for mature readers of eighteen years and above.
Please note this book ends on a cliffhanger.

PublisherAlexa Kane
Release dateNov 25, 2021
Truly Inevitable

Alexa Kane

Alexa Kane is a contemporary romance author and Secrets and Deception is her debut novel.Alexa lives in Australia with her husband but she calls New Zealand home.

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    Book preview

    Truly Inevitable - Alexa Kane

    Truly Inevitable

    Relinquish SERIES BOOK Three


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    Published by Alexa Kane

    Copyright 2021 by Alexa Kane

    All Rights Reserved. ©

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.

    The author acknowledges all song titles, song lyrics, film titles, film characters, trademarked statuses, brands, mentioned in this book are the property of, and belong to, their respective owners. The publication / use of these trademarks is not authorized / associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.


    Because of its explicit sexual content, mature themes and bad language, it is suitable for readers over 18 years of age.

    I hope you enjoy reading the third installment of the Relinquish series.


    Title Page


    Author’s Note

    Prologue - Maddy

    Chapter 1 - Tyler

    Chapter 2 - Olivia

    Chapter 3 - Tyler

    Chapter 4 - Olivia

    Chapter 5 - Olivia

    Chapter 6 - Olivia

    Chapter 7 - Olivia

    Chapter 8 - Olivia

    Chapter 9 - Maddy

    Chapter 10 - Olivia

    Chapter 11 - Maddy

    Chapter 12 - Olivia

    Chapter 13 - Tyler

    Chapter 14 - Olivia

    Chapter 15 - Tyler

    Chapter 16 - Olivia

    Chapter 17 - Maddy

    Chapter 18 - Olivia

    Chapter 19 - Maddy

    Thank you very much for reading



    Today is a day that I never imagined I would witness.

    Tyler’s wedding day.

    He proposed to Laura not long after I returned to Italy and to say I was shocked was an understatement.

    When I last saw Tyler at the hospital, their relationship seemed unsteady and that wasn’t me being hopeful, it was just an observation.

    Thankfully Blake was at work when Olivia rang to tell me the news as I broke down into fitful sobs.

    I always knew that this day was inevitable but I never thought it would happen this quickly.

    Even though I had moved on with Blake, I still pictured the two of us eventually ending up together.

    After all, a future with Tyler was the only thing that I ever imagined, no matter who he was with at the time.

    Blake knew something was going on between Tyler and I when he came to Italy to find me and I ended up confiding in him not long into our relationship.

    That’s something that I’ve never done with anyone before.

    Not even Olivia.

    Tyler and I have always been a forbidden subject matter so it’s hard for me to open up about him.

    We’ve spent so long pretending that we are nothing more than friends, that it’s become second nature to hide and deny our feelings for each other.

    Opening up to Blake was freeing in a way.

    Once the flood gates opened, I didn’t hold anything back.

    Blake knows every dirty little detail that’s gone down between Tyler and I.

    I felt an immense amount of shame when I explained about our secret hook ups in Aspen but not once did I feel like Blake was judging me.

    I’ve never met someone so accepting as he is.

    He was understanding about my feelings for Tyler and not at all jealous. That’s not Blake’s way which is vastly different from Tyler.

    Tyler managed to get jealous even though we were never together.

    Before I got the news about their engagement, Olivia and I had been talking about our plans once we graduated.

    Due to her injuries, she was planning on finishing her final semester over the summer but after that, we both wanted to be together.

    My year abroad had been amazing but I missed my best friend.

    Not only did I miss Olivia but I missed my family as well.

    Basically I missed everything about my old life.

    We had floated around the idea of her moving to Italy but since she was still feeling vulnerable over her attack and Hayden’s betrayal, I thought it was best if I moved home.

    After all, it was time.

    I had been delaying the inevitable long enough.

    Even though I loved my life in Italy, I couldn’t be away from my family long term.

    It was hard seeing pictures of everyone together and knowing that I couldn’t just pop home for the weekend like I used to do when I lived in Boston.

    When I finally settle down and start a family, I don’t want to be raising children halfway around the world from their grandparents.

    Olivia didn’t want to stay in Boston as Hayden was still trying to contact her and after a long discussion, we decided to move home to Seattle.

    I asked Blake if he would ever move to the States but his career was taking off and he loved his job.

    Deep down, I knew he would never leave Italy but I had to ask just in case.

    We spent one last summer together before calling it quits for good.

    Our break up was amicable and we actually still talk most days.

    He’s an important part of my life and even though we are no longer together, I hope we never lose our friendship.

    I would be completely lost without it.

    He’s the only person that I can be truly honest with.

    Olivia knows nearly everything about me but she’s too close to Tyler to see things objectively. Blake has a habit of telling me how it is and he doesn’t hold back.

    When I left Italy and Blake dropped me at the airport, he even went as far as to say that he hoped Tyler and I found our way back to each other.

    He’s the most incredible man I have ever met and one day, I hope he finds that one person that lights his soul on fire.

    Tyler and I haven’t spoken since I went back to Italy after Olivia’s attack and I haven’t seen him since I moved back to Seattle.

    I’ve only been back for a month but Olivia and I already have a place of our own.

    Her parents were so excited to have her home that Uncle Mason went out and brought a house for us to live in, in a nice suburb that’s not too far away from them.

    It’s close enough if we need anything but far enough away that we don’t feel suffocated.

    Olivia would never admit this to her dad but she loves living so close to him. She pretends that she hates the constant phone calls and popping in to check on her but deep down it makes her feel safe.

    She’s far from healed over her ordeal but I believe in time, she will get there.

    She’s the strongest person I know and if I can come back from what I experienced at the hands of my grandfather than she can too.

    I know she can.

    Moving back to Seattle was the right choice for both of us and so far, it’s been perfect.

    Until today.

    I knew Laura wasn’t happy after she saw Tyler and I together at the hospital but I didn’t realize just how much she didn’t like me.

    Olivia told me that before she moved back to Seattle, she went down and stayed in New York with them for a weekend and overheard an argument where Tyler was basically begging her to invite me to their wedding.

    I knew he was only desperate to have me there so no one would ask questions but it made me realize that once they are married, I will most likely lose him for good.

    Our friendship will be over.

    Laura may have conceded on inviting me to their wedding but I imagine that’s where the invitations will end.

    Tyler and Laura arrived in Seattle a week ago to make final preparations for the wedding but I have managed to avoid seeing both of them with the excuse of getting settled into our new house.

    Olivia is a bridesmaid so has been busy with wedding duties but she is enjoying the distraction.

    She’s been putting on a brave face but I have snuck into her room a few times now in the middle of the night when I’ve overheard her crying.

    Her physical injuries may have healed but her emotional injuries will stay with her for years to come.

    I still believe she needs to talk to Hayden to get some form of closure but she stubbornly refuses and it only leads to us having a huge argument where she accuses me of taking his side.

    I’ve decided that its best to let it go for now.

    She’s not ready to deal with her feelings over Hayden but when she is, I’ll be by her side.

    Olivia left early this morning to get ready with Laura and the other bridesmaids but I delayed getting ready for as long as I could.

    I’ve managed to get out of travelling to the ceremony with everyone else as I’m not sure how I will be able to keep my emotions in check.

    I’m already a complete mess and I haven’t even laid eyes on the groom yet.

    Fuck, just thinking about the word groom, sets my heart racing.

    This morning, I’ve had to stop about a dozen times to take some deep and calming breaths.

    Tyler is getting married but my life will still go on.

    It may take time but eventually, I’ll get my happy ending too.

    I know I will.

    Being with Blake has shown me that there’s more to life than Tyler.

    I may be in love with him for the rest of my life but that doesn’t mean I can’t find a great love with someone else.

    It may not be that all-consuming, heat stopping, everlasting love that I have for Tyler but it doesn’t mean that I have to give up on finding love entirely.

    I’ve chosen to wear a simple light blue dress as I don’t want to draw any attention to myself and anger Laura even further.

    It is my mission to blend into the background and go mostly unnoticed.

    My makeup has been kept to a minimum and I’ve left my long hair down as I don’t have the energy to do anything with it.

    I’ve chosen to wear a pair of nude, strappy heels but now that I’m dressed, there’s nothing left to do but leave.

    Grabbing my keys, I pretend that I’m going to a regular family event.

    Nothing special is taking place.

    Everything will be fine.

    Parking at the venue, I ignore all of the signs and flowers that mark this occasion as a wedding.

    Everyone around me is dressed in their finest attire but I think of it like going to prom.

    It’s not until I walk into the large room where most of my family is already waiting do I pause and take in my surroundings.

    It’s beautiful.

    Stunning really.

    As I look over all of the decorations, flowers and soft fairy lights, I begin to panic.

    I can’t do this.

    How can I sit here and watch Tyler get married to someone else?

    Why did I think coming here was a good idea?

    I should have just pretended to be sick.

    Which right now, is starting to ring true.

    Clutching my stomach in a panic, I turn around and walk down a corridor, looking for a bathroom. If I can get myself under control enough then I can tell Mom I have food poisoning and go home.

    One corridor turns into another and after five minutes I come to the conclusion that I’m lost. I’ve barely been paying attention to the signs I’ve been passing, everything looks like one giant blur.

    Taking a moment to compose myself, I lean my forehead against one of the walls and close my eyes.

    With a few deep breaths, I feel myself calming down but glance up suddenly when I hear footsteps coming towards me.

    The tears in my eyes clear just enough that I make out the shape of a person that I would know anywhere.


    He is the absolute last person that I want to see right now.

    Panicking at the sight of him, I quickly turn around to leave but Tyler grabs my arm gently. Matty?

    Putting on a brave face, I turn back around and smile. I was just looking for the bathroom before I take my seat.

    He reaches up and brushes a lone tear from my cheek that I had no idea was even there.

    So much for trying to put on a brave face.

    It’s useless trying to pretend in front of Tyler anyway.

    He’s always been able to see straight through me and today is no different.

    Let’s go somewhere and talk, he suggests.

    I try to protest but Tyler drags me into a nearby room and locks the door.

    It’s a small room with only a few tables and chairs but it feels like the walls are closing in on me.

    My breathing becomes shallow and I start to get embarrassed as I feel more tears run down my cheeks.

    This is stupid.

    I should be happy for Tyler.

    All I’ve ever wanted is for him to have a good life.

    Just because his life will be with Laura and not me, doesn’t mean that I want him to be miserable.

    He stands in front of me and gently cradles my face in his large hands. I didn’t know you were moving home until you were already here.

    Would it have made a difference? I cringe as soon as the words come out of my mouth.

    I’m basically asking him if he regrets his decision to marry Laura, minutes before he’s set to make everything official.

    He hesitates and then avoids answering all together. Did you and Blake break up?

    Yes, I state matter-of-factly.

    I’m surprised that he even had to ask. With the way our families talk, he must have already known that.

    He shakes his head, releasing a deep breath, I thought, um, I thought you guys were happy together.

    We were but in the end, we wanted different things. I wanted to come home and Blake didn’t want to leave his job. Blake was exactly what I needed at that particular point in my life and I don’t regret a second of our time together.

    He helped me heal and discover things about myself that I never would have learnt if I stayed in Boston.

    With a voice so quiet I can barely hear him, he asks, Are you alright?

    I nod, I’m fine. We’re still friends actually, and I hope that never changes.

    Moving back home felt right.

    It was hard to leave Blake behind but we never would have worked in the long run. He wants to stay in Italy and even though I loved it there, it’s not my home. It’s not where I want to spend the rest of my life.

    Good. He starts nodding his head then leans in and wraps his arms around me, That’s good.

    Placing my arms around him, I mold my body to his, knowing that this will be the last time I will ever be able to hold him like this.

    Once he’s married, there will be no chance for a future between us.

    If Laura has her way there won’t even be a chance of a friendship between us.

    This is it.

    Our last moment together.

    One last embrace as Maddy and Tyler.

    Feeling overwhelmed by emotion, I fight to hold back my tears.

    This is Tyler’s big day. I can’t ruin it by sobbing into his suit jacket.

    He needs to be with his groomsmen, with his dad, not standing here with me.

    Even though I want this moment between us to last forever, it can’t.

    Our chapter is over before it even begun.

    Reluctantly, I mumble into his jacket, I’m sorry Tyler but I can’t be here, I need to leave.

    His body shudders in response to my words and he holds onto me even tighter.

    I’m not sure how long we stand together like this but at some point, Tyler pulls back and kisses my cheek.

    Then my jaw.

    Then on the corner of my mouth.

    Tyler- I start but he silences me with a gentle kiss on the lips.

    What is he doing?

    He’s about to get married.

    We can’t do this.

    Not here.

    It’s wrong.

    So wrong.

    The word betrayal flashes across my mind at the same time my body throbs in need for his touch.

    It’s been too long since I’ve felt his hands on me.

    Too long since we’ve come together with such passion that it always leaves me yearning for more.

    When his lips caress my skin, nothing else matters.

    When his hands explore my body, nothing else matters.

    And when he enters me like I’m the only woman he’s ever craved, nothing else matters.

    Not Laura.

    Not our families.

    Not our tumultuous past.


    All I can see is Tyler.

    His dark green eyes penetrate mine which such intensity that it’s impossible for me to look away.

    Even though it’s wrong, I need him.

    I crave him.

    By the looks of things, he needs this too.

    Almost desperately he murmurs against my cheek, One last time Matty. One last time.

    His words send a shiver down my spine.

    One last time.

    Even though it’s wrong.

    Even though I know I shouldn’t, I desperately want this with him.

    Against my better judgement, I slam my lips against his.

    Needing to taste him.

    Needing to feel his lips against mine.

    Needing that familiar connection before it’s gone forever.

    One last time.

    He devours my mouth with such passion that it’s hard to breathe.

    His hands tug at my dress while he pushes me backwards.

    When I feel something solid behind me, I’m lifted in the air and deposited on a hard surface.

    Tyler never takes his mouth off mine as he slips the thin straps of my dress down my shoulders and removes my bra.

    I moan into his mouth as he cups my breasts with both hands, but all too soon his hands are gone.

    The loss of his touch, sends agony spiraling through my body and I let out a pathetic whine.

    I feel him reach under my dress and with an urgency that I’ve only ever felt with Tyler, I tug on his pants violently.

    Needing to free him.

    Needing to feel his girth in my hand.

    The sound of fabric ripping rings out around the small room and I feel cool air touch my most intimate area.

    The sensation causes me to shudder.

    Breaking our kiss, he rips his suit jacket off and throws it carelessly on the floor next to my torn panties.

    He hurriedly undoes his pants and shoves them down his legs. Lifting his shirt, he fists his cock and grabs my left thigh, lifting it upwards.

    I spread my legs for him eagerly and cry out in ecstasy when I feel him slam inside

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