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Notes from This Side of the Grave: A Testimony of Redemption, Restoration, and Resurrection
Notes from This Side of the Grave: A Testimony of Redemption, Restoration, and Resurrection
Notes from This Side of the Grave: A Testimony of Redemption, Restoration, and Resurrection
Ebook116 pages1 hour

Notes from This Side of the Grave: A Testimony of Redemption, Restoration, and Resurrection

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This is a story of a total reset of my life. It is about a divine intervention. I had a battery of medical test done and was given a clean bill of health. It was Friday in mid- August. The plan was to go up to Lake Erie and fish for white bass, or at least that was my plan. It turned out that the Lord had a different plan. You see, a few hours after I left my cardiologist office, I was in the emergency room. A few hours after that I was in full cardiac arrest, dead. I was dead for 12 minutes. During those minutes the Lord reviewed my life with me. He fixed some things in my life while I lay there and, then He assigned some things to me to fix. In addition, he gave me this book. He dictated it to me from the title to the last word. Now, understand that this is not the entirety of the shenanigans in my life. There are a lot more. The rest will remain between Him and me. What is written here is intended for the children of God, especially men, as both an example of God’s mercy and guidance, and also a warning of how sin and disobedience can lead to many evils including generational curses, misses purpose and even death. I hope that this intimate look into my life will act as a beacon pointing the way to the Lord of redemption, reconciliation and resurrection. I pray and believe that this book blesses you as much as it has blessed me.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateAug 18, 2020
Notes from This Side of the Grave: A Testimony of Redemption, Restoration, and Resurrection

Robert Fluellen

Robert Fluellen was born in Columbus Ohio on February 16, 1948 to Robert and Ernestine Fluellen. He is the eldest of seven children. His parents moved the family to Detroit Michigan when he was just two years of age. He graduated from St. Bernard High School in 1966 and started his military career in the United States Air Force. While in the military he developed his leadership and management abilities and was trained to manage computer systems. He became an expert in telecommunications, radar and information systems and served three full tours in southeast Asia. He retired from the military in August 1987. After retiring from the military, Robert accepted a position as a Systems Analyst for Calspan Corporation. The work involved creating a missile defense system for the continental United States and improving radar systems. During this time, he also was an adjunct instructor for New School University and Binghamton University. Robert returned to Columbus Ohio in January 1990. He held several positions including Mortgage Officer and Corporate Trainer. He married Deborah D. Backus July 9, 1993. They have five children; Shaletha Backus, Ta’Marah Backus, Robert Fluellen III (Trey), Jon’Michael Fluellen, and Isaac Fluellen. Robert and Deborah joined the Rhema Christian Center in 1994 where he currently serves as a licensed minister. Robert holds degrees including a MS in Management from Binghamton University and a Baccalaureate from New School University. He is currently a senior information analyst at Aimpoint Research in Columbus Ohio.

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    Notes from This Side of the Grave - Robert Fluellen

    Copyright © 2020 by Robert Fluellen.

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    Scripture quotations marked NLT are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved. Website

    Scripture quotations marked NKJV are taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Rev. date: 08/17/2020








    Chapter 1    My Parents and Siblings

    Chapter 2    Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, and Other Relations

    Chapter 3    Wives, Girlfriends, and Baby Mommas

    Chapter 4    My Children

    Chapter 5    Friends, Mentors, Acquaintances, and Others


    This book is dedicated to Deborah. You were royalty in the courts of heaven long before you became queen of the house of Fluellen. I thank God every day for such a wonderful gift. I love you dearly.


    O VER THE YEARS, I have had the pleasure of observing, watching, and getting to know this candid, straightforward author, who I call Mr. President.

    He has gone from elementary writing tablets, to sticky notes, and now various avenues of electronic notes; he has collected his memories, allowed scars to be healed, and documented truths in this book, Notes from This Side of the Grave.

    As you read, you will find yourself pondering thoughts, scratching your head, and saying, Really? I can’t believe this. I didn’t know that. It will also challenge you to draw the line and realize if you don’t confront your past, change will never take place. The reset button of life is on the other side of facing truth, forgiving others and self, and moving forward.

    God’s plan brings about redemption, restoration, and resurrection that gives us a testimony that leaves a legacy. I challenge you to gather your own notes and complete your assignments from This Side of the Grave.

    Apostle Anita Dawson

    Overflow Ministries


    I WANT TO ACKNOWLEDGE all the people who helped and encouraged me in the writing of this book. A special thanks to Anita Lady Overflow Dawson for graciously writing the foreword and for her leadership. Also, another shoutout to Nicole Lady Xtreme Coles Carter for her encouragement and help. I look forward to working with you in the future. Lastly, to Scott Stafford for his insight and advice. Thanks, Scott.


    I T WAS A beautiful summer day in August. It had been three years since my triple bypass surgery and subsequent medical problems. I had been given a clean bill of health from my primary care physician and my pulmonary doctor. I had an appointment with my cardiologist at 2:30 that afternoon. I anticipated a clean bill of health. After all, both of the other doctors had seen my x-rays and had not seen any problems. In addition, I had big plans for the weekend. I was going to Lake Erie to do some fishing. I couldn’t wait to catch the white bass that I knew were in my favorite spot just waiting for me. My appointment went just as I expected. The doctor said he would see me in a year. I made the appointment for next year with the nurse and went home. Everything was fine.

    I got home about four in the afternoon. I planned to get my fishing gear together after dinner and then turn in early because I knew I was scheduled to leave at three the following morning. After dinner, I noticed some heartburn and was having a little trouble breathing. Now, this was not too unusual; sometimes my chronic obstructive pulmonary disease flared up if I ate too fast or was under any kind of stress. It acted up all the time. I knew what to do. I had a breathing treatment on my nebulizer, and I took an antacid. Within an hour, the heartburn had subsided, and I was breathing a little better. I assumed that I’d be back to normal just like always. I decided to go bed early. It was only seven o’clock.

    I had been sound asleep for about two hours when it happened. Suddenly, I could not breathe. I was also vomiting violently. To make matters worse, I was scared, real scared. My wife called 911 while my son tried to make me as comfortable as possible. The rescue squad arrived and took me to the emergency room. The doctor there put me on a continuous positive airway (CPAP) machine. They began the treatment around 9:00 p.m., and my symptoms subsided about three hours later. The doctor told Deborah that they were going to keep me overnight, just as a precaution. I told her to take Isaac home, and I’d call them later that afternoon, when I was released. In the meantime, I was sent to another hospital since the first one didn’t have a bed available for me.

    I felt fine when I arrived at the new hospital. I was being asked the usual questions by the floor nurse when my breathing suddenly became very labored. I remember that I was wondering why the notes on the nurse’s whiteboard were in neon orange. I looked at the nurse and said, Help me. Just then, everything went bright neon orange. It was the same color as the notes on the board. I heard the nurse yell, Cold blue! We’re losing him! I blacked out. I was in full cardiac arrest. I was literally dead for twelve minutes. The nurse who helped revive me said she was determined to bring me back because she knew in her heart that I still had purpose here on earth.

    The fact that I was dead for twelve minutes is significant because the number twelve is a symbol of faith, the church, and divine rule. It further symbolizes the perfection of God’s rule. Whether I wanted to or not, whether I knew it or not, God was imposing his rule on my life. My only choice was on which side of the grave I wanted to experience it. Did I want God’s final judgment on the other side, or did I want his redemption, restoration, and resurrection on this side? In my mind, the choice was obvious. Once I made my choice, he made his first revelation to me in the form of a warning. You, the reader, would be wise to heed this warning as well. The warning is found in Isaiah 55:6–8 (NLT): Seek the Lord while you can find him. Call on him now while he is near. Let the wicked change their ways and banish the very thought of doing wrong. Let them turn to the Lord that He may have mercy on them. Yes, turn to our God, for He will forgive generously. ‘My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,’ says the Lord.

    I was semiconscious for three days. During that time, a number of miraculous things happened. First, I had been taken down for repairs. This was true not only physically but also spiritually. The Lord, who had already redeemed me by his crucifixion, had taken me off-line to restore me. It was a full factory reset. The fact that it took three days was not lost on me, either.

    While I was off-line, God allowed me to realize some of the things that were happening in the natural. First, he let me see my wife come into my room. Deb sat in silent prayer for what seemed like hours. I wanted to speak to her, but I had tubes down my throat, and I was barely conscious. Isaac told me that she prayed for about an hour and then told him that I would be all right. The next thing I was allowed to see was my pastor touching my hand just before he left my room.

    He said, I’ll see you later, Robert.

    I was praying that he meant later, here on earth. I was sure by then that I wanted to stay here and complete my assignment. The next thing I remember was listening to the 11:00 a.m. service over Deb’s cell phone. I only remember my pastor praying for the sick and shut-ins, as he does every Sunday. He said, Let it be said that at 11:30 this morning, people were healed in hospitals all over the city, the nation, and the nations. I was! I knew because the doctors came into my room about an hour later, and I heard them talking. He’s breathing on his own. He’s going to be all right, they said.

    So my physical restoration was complete. As miraculous as this is—coming back from the dead—there was a bigger

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