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Types of Anxiety and the Effects on the Body
Types of Anxiety and the Effects on the Body
Types of Anxiety and the Effects on the Body
Ebook55 pages41 minutes

Types of Anxiety and the Effects on the Body

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There are many types of anxiety and they each have different effects on the body. People who suffer from anxiety are often times affected physically because it can hinder normal function of the body, not to mention how bad the effects can be when it affects the brain. Many people who suffer from these types of attacks are afraid to leave their homes and some even live in constant fear, this is why people should learn about the different types of anxiety and the effects they can have on the body.


The first type of anxiety that people might experience is general anxiety. This is what many think of when they think of anxiety. It is usually caused by stress in ones life and can affect the physical as well as mental aspects of ones life. Some of the effects of general anxiety are increased blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing problems. These are all pretty common effects of anxiety that can be prevented but if they continue, it can lead to more serious issues.


The other most common type of anxiety is panic disorder. People who are suffering from these attacks have physical symptoms like pounding heart beats, nausea, sweating, and chills. It can also include fear of death or going crazy and can even include digestive problems. When the physical effects of anxiety are mild, they can easily be treated with medication. However, there are times when the effects of anxiety are so bad, it is a good idea to seek medical help because there might be more serious health issues involved.


Read more about how each type of anxiety, and how anxiety effects the body in this book.

PublisherN. Buchner
Release dateOct 19, 2021
Types of Anxiety and the Effects on the Body

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    Types of Anxiety and the Effects on the Body - N. Buchner

    Generalized Anxiety Disorder

    Generalized Anxiety Disorder, or GAD as it is commonly known, is a very common general mental health issue that involves the inability to cope with challenges normally associated with everyday life. It can lead to physical symptoms such as shaking, sweating, palpitations, muscle tension, shortness of breath, and more. Generalized anxiety disorders are often persistent and overwhelming, affecting one in ten Americans over the course of their lives. The good news is that GAD is treatable in a number of different ways. In this article, we'll go over some of these different methods, and how they vary from others.

    There are many forms of treatment available for generalized anxiety disorders, ranging from pharmaceutical drugs to herbal remedies to various lifestyle changes. Some of these methods work very well, but others don't have a high success rate. For example, some people may be able to control their symptoms by making simple dietary changes like avoiding caffeine or sugar. Other people need medications and antidepressants to make any progress in controlling their symptoms.

    Although there is no cure for generalized anxiety disorders, there are many people who manage to eliminate their symptoms by learning coping skills and changing their lifestyles. Cognitive behavioral therapy is one such method that has been effective for many people. This therapy teaches the person suffering from GAD how to identify and change unhealthy behaviors, and how to better handle stressors so that they are less of a burden to them.

    One important thing to keep in mind when trying to control symptoms of Generalized anxiety disorder is that you must be consistent with your efforts. Even when you are doing everything you can to manage your symptoms, if you don't practice a regular routine of behavior modification, you will not see improvement. You must commit to maintaining a regular routine of exercise, good eating habits, and taking adequate rest each day. By sticking to this schedule, you will find that you are not only able to treat your symptoms but also improve your mental health.

    Another important step to take to control your Generalized anxiety disorders is to avoid the things that trigger extreme tension in your body. Many people worry about even the smallest things, and this can lead to the increase of anxiety and stress in your life. A great way to stop yourself from overreacting to everyday activities is to prepare yourself for them ahead of time. Assess yourself in the morning and evening to determine which of your daily activities cause you the greatest level of tension. If these are eliminated from your life, you will be able to reduce your symptoms of Generalized anxiety disorder.

    The most common treatment option available for Generalized anxiety disorder is cognitive behavioral therapy. CBT works by helping the sufferer learn new ways to respond to their worries and to modify their behavior to better deal with their daily lives. By changing your thinking processes and replacing faulty beliefs with new ones, CBT can help you change patterns of compulsive behavior and self-destructive behaviors. It is important that you find a skilled professional to treat your condition, because different people will have different success rates with CBT. Many professionals also offer medications as a form of treatment for Generalized anxiety disorder.

    Your doctor may suggest that you use a medication to treat your Generalized anxiety disorder if you cannot seem to stop your worrying or your fear of losing your job or social

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