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The Ordinary Necromancers: The Science of Ouija
The Ordinary Necromancers: The Science of Ouija
The Ordinary Necromancers: The Science of Ouija
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The Ordinary Necromancers: The Science of Ouija

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They came from nowhere. They were the ordinary necromancers. They inaugurated the age of necromancy, and they were armed only with Ouija boards. They understood the science of Ouija, and with that knowledge they knew they could change the world.

To know how to contact the dead, you need to know where they are. You need to know what a soul is and how it relates to and interacts with a physical body. You need to understand the bicameral brain and the mystery of the “second mind” and second consciousness. You need to know what the true “ether” is and how it connects all of us. The “ether” is non-local, immaterial and dimensionless. It’s a mental Singularity, made of light, which is outside space and time and links everything.

Come and learn the secrets of the dead. Discover their language. Make contact with the Other World. You will never be the same again.
Release dateJul 27, 2021
The Ordinary Necromancers: The Science of Ouija

Rob Armstrong

Rob Armstrong researches all things paranormal.

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    Book preview

    The Ordinary Necromancers - Rob Armstrong

    The Ordinary Necromancers

    The Science of Ouija

    Rob Armstrong

    Copyright © Rob Armstrong 2021

    All rights reserved.



    Table of Contents

    The Ordinary Necromancers

    Changing Your Life

    The Yes Board


    The Hat Man

    Automatic Writing

    The Two Boards

    Historic Buildings

    The Angel Board

    The Oracles

    The External Mind

    Spiritualism and Electromagnetism

    The Skeptical Field

    Midnight Wisdom

    The Aura

    Create Group Beings


    The Two Minds


    Divided Consciousness

    The Hidden Observer


    Objective Consciousness?

    Learn the Language

    The Doorway

    The Brotherhood

    The Gateway Drug?

    The Great Psychic Awakening



    The Watchers

    The Tulpa



    Hidden Powers

    Dismaland: A Bemusement Park

    Winners and Losers

    The Flu

    That Paranormal Feeling

    The Two Evolutions

    Telegony and Chimeras

    Dr. Mabuse

    The Grand Conspiracy

    Energy Points

    Ouija and the Power of Suggestion

    Are You a Puppet?

    Hallucinated Consciousness


    Changing Your Life

    Are you failing to get what you want in life? You need to introduce some new ingredient, something to shake things up, something to move the dial. In 1971, Luke Rhinehart wrote The Dice Man, which encouraged people to make daily decisions by casting a die. The idea was to create six alternative courses of action and then let the roll of the die decide which one to actually carry out. That was bound to randomize your life, to get you out of your box. In 2005, Yes Man by Danny Wallace was about spending a year acting as if the word No did not exist. Wallace chose to say Yes to every offer made to him. That’s also guaranteed to change your life, just as always saying No to every offer would too. (Would No Man have been more or less interesting than Yes Man? What about Maybe Man, who said maybe to everything?)

    So, randomization, or constant affirmation, or constant negation, or any other arbitrary scheme conducted systematically over a long period, would alter the course of your life.

    If your life needs a new direction, isn’t it time to try something radically different? What about necromancy?! A sure way to give yourself a whole new perspective on life is to get a Ouija board. Nothing will alter your life as much as encountering the dead. Say Yes to the deceased! Make random contact with the dead souls. Try Necro-Omegle (!).

    Why is your life not where you want it to be? Why have you not made it financially, socially, and spiritually? You’ve obviously been relying on the wrong people. You’ve taken the wrong advice. You’re stuck in a system that’s wrong for you. But now you can get back on track. You can make up for lost time. You can become a necromancer! The spirits will guide you on your path. They are a higher power. They know more things than you ever could. They know what lies beyond.

    Many people believe in the law of attraction, which is based on the belief that positive or negative thoughts in a person’s life bring positive or negative experiences into their life. Has the law of attraction actually worked positively for those that believe in it? They are just as miserable, frustrated and unsuccessful as ever. Positive thinking hasn’t overcome the reality principle. Reality, for most people, sends out distinctly negative vibes that the person cannot overcome merely by thinking positively.

    You’ve done everything you can with the world as it is, but it has given you no help. There’s something holding you back. You’re not getting the proper guidance. It’s therefore time to consult the dead. They are so much wiser than anyone you have ever met before. After all, they have passed through the great veil separating life and death. Jim Morrison said, There are things known and things unknown and in between are the doors. Who better to know the unknown things than those who have actually passed through the doors?

    William Blake said, If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is, Infinite. For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things through narrow chinks of his cavern. If the doors of perception were cleansed, we would see the dead too. Only their bodies left the world, not their souls.

    The dead can confirm the suspicions you have always had about the nature of this world and the sinister forces blocking your path. There is an answer to your dilemma. It’s a solution not of this world, but of the next. The solution is Ouija. Ouija is your personal necromantic platform. Ouija is necromancy for the masses. It allows everyone to become an ordinary necromancer, the necromancer next door. It arms you with the capacity to change your life, via the afterlife. It’s an old technology, but it’s all you need.

    Be reassured that answers to your problems exist. When King Saul of Israel wanted to know what to do next, he contacted the dead. Why should it be any different for you?

    Ouija will reshape your life. It will reframe everything for you.

    The English gambler John Aspinall said, Some people actually seek risk, and they put themselves at risk voluntarily. I think this is a spirit to be admired, and it is the spirit that built the prosperity that everyone in this country [England] is enjoying today. This country was created by adventurers, by merchant adventurers … by pirates, if you like.

    Join the buccaneers. Take a gamble. Use the Ouija board. Or are you afraid of the dead?

    The Yes Board

    Ouija, a strange-looking word, is composed of the French and German words for yes (oui and ja, respectively). The Ouija board is the Yes board. You’re saying yes to the Spirit World.

    The Ouija Board

    A Ouija board typically contains the numbers 0–9, the full alphabet A–Z, and the words Yes, No and Goodbye. It can also feature other signs and symbols. The Ouija board is a kind of primitive keyboard that allows us to communicate with spirits.

    The Ouija board is a Talking Board or, more accurately, a communication interface between the living and the dead, the conscious and unconscious, the known and unknown, the material and immaterial, the physical and mental.

    Ouija is about including the dead in the domain of the living. The dead are not entirely disconnected from us. Rather, they are remote – in a separate dimension, so to speak – but they can be contacted in their other dimension via Ouija. Ouija is a trans-dimensional communications mode.

    All of our minds are interconnected, whether we are alive or dead. This interconnection is invisible to our conscious mind, which is preoccupied with spacetime and the separation of things. Part of our unconscious mind, however, is consumed with the immaterial domain outside spacetime, where all things are directly linked.

    The conscious mind focuses on the local environment while our unconscious mind has a high degree of involvement with the non-local environment, the domain of quantum entanglement and quantum tunneling. In this domain, the living and dead are entangled, and we, the living, can tunnel through to the dead, via Ouija tunneling.

    The Ouija system actually has two layers. System One is where we connect to our own unconscious minds. If one person is engaged in Ouija, they contact their own unconscious. If a group is involved, the group unconscious is accessed.

    The unconscious is a captivating layer in its own right, but the even more enthralling layer concerns System Two. This is where we link to other minds, either of the living, or, the greatest prize, of the dead.

    The Ouija board is a spirit communication tool. It’s a solo or multi-user divination tool. It’s a domestic Oracle, a household Delphic Pythia. It’s a means by which the dead can pass messages to the living.

    The Ouija board allows many people’s energies to connect at once. Ouija is often less productive for single users. Unless they have strong psychic powers, they are unable to make an effective, stable link to the Spirit World via the Ouija board. A group of people increases the psychic energy sufficiently to make solid contact with spirits.

    As we’ve seen, it’s not just the Spirit World that Ouija can reach. It can explore a realm every bit as strange, that of the unconscious mind, the mind of which we know nothing, precisely because it’s unconscious. Yet it’s an aspect of our own mind. Isn’t it bizarre that our own hidden mind is the biggest, and closest, mystery in our life!

    With the Ouija board, it’s possible for the group or the strong individual operating the board to end up contacting their own unconscious. This is the most likely outcome. The unconscious domain is nearer than the Spirit World. It’s as close as it gets. Our unconscious mind is our secret doppelgänger.

    When the board operator(s) makes contact with a genuine external spirit, the energy of the board is much more powerful. The energy is coming from outside, not inside.

    The Planchette

    A Ouija board’s pointer is called a planchette. It’s shaped like an inverted heart. Imagine if it were shaped instead like a brain, or a penis, or a vagina. Would that alter the psychic energy associated with it? Would a board with a planchette shaped like genitals attract sexy spirits? Would a brainy planchette lure intelligent spirits? A planchette as an inverted heart is a symbol of hate and draws in hateful spirits, hence the somewhat sinister reputation of Ouija.

    When Ouija boards are first used by inexperienced operators, the boards tend to be sluggish. The planchette moves slowly. Communication with the Spirit World is slow. Connections are weak. As experience grows, so does the responsiveness of the board. The planchette starts to glide around smoothly and efficiently.

    The Procedure

    Spirit, Spirit, of the Ouija board, who is the most interesting spirit of them all?

    Spirit, are you here?

    The planchette moves towards Yes. The great game is about to begin.

    If the planchette moves fast, the spirit is eager to communicate. If it moves slowly, the spirit has a degree of reluctance. Why? You must find out. You are a psychic detective.

    The Difficulty

    If you’re not a psychic or a medium, you will find it difficult to access and talk to the dead. But Ouija changes all of that. The Ouija board allows you to bypass psychics and mediums and do necromancy on the cheap (without the services of a handsomely rewarded psychic operator).

    The Ouija board is a way for amateurs to perform a séance and receive messages from the dead. The Ouija board brought necromancy to the ordinary people. It democratized necromancy. It’s a portal to the dead, to the afterlife, to the Spirit World. But it’s a somewhat basic technology, a poor man’s version of the phone.

    What would you do if you had a special smartphone that allowed you direct communication with the dead – a Necrophone? Would you use it all the time? Would it be the most popular gadget of all time? Or would people be scared to use it? Would it make people too sad? Would it provoke a suicide epidemic?

    The Different Ways

    Automatic writing, channeling, and séances are all ways to perform either necromancy, or communication with the individual or group unconscious.

    With the Ouija board, a spirit can communicate with a group, or the unconscious of the group can communicate with the conscious individuals of the group.

    The Ouija Team Roles

    The leader of the Ouija group is the person who controls the session and leads the communication with Ouija World. He’s the only member of the group who talks out loud.

    The Documenter doesn’t touch the planchette. The Documenter takes notes and ties to interpret the messages from the other world.

    The other members of the group are the Energizers. They touch the planchette and add focus and energy. They do not speak.

    You need the right etiquette, the correct Ouija protocol, if you want the right results.


    If a Ouija session is not progressing well, it’s time to switch the leader. A slow or unresponsive board needs new energy, new impetus. The leader must say Goodbye and end the session. Then it’s time for a new leader to bring new ideas and their new energy.

    Some people don’t have the right energy for Ouija. They’re too chaotic. They can’t create a stable channel.

    Don’t invite the class clown to your Ouija session. He will turn it into a joke.

    There should be a special Ouija session for all the village idiots, all the manic people, all the disruptors. Discordian Ouija!


    The resident demon of the Ouija Board is Zozo. Zozo takes an interest in all Ouija activity and can enter any session. He is a gatekeeper of hell. Beware when he spells out his name, Z-O-Z-O.

    Zozo is a trickster, a stalker. He haunts his victims. He torments them. He’s also known as Zaza, Mama, Oz, Zo, Za, and Abacus. He is known to begin his interactions in a friendly way, but soon grows malicious.

    There are those that say Zozo is an egregore, a collective thoughtform, whose power grows with every new Ouija session. He is reputed to trigger sleep paralysis episodes and cause encounters with incubi (male sex demons that violate sleeping women) and succubi (the female counterparts of incubi, who steal men’s semen).

    Zozo is a soul stealer. His greatest victory is to drag your soul into hell. If a person loses their soul, a vacancy arises, and a demon can then enter the person’s body.

    Zozo’s voice can be heard via EVP (electronic voice phenomena). Spirit photography often captures Zozo in the background, lurking, with a malevolent grin.

    If you make contact with Zozo, you should end the session immediately and destroy the board.

    Never mention Zozo’s name during a Ouija session. You will alert him.

    Some people have speculated about creating a Zozo Ouija board whose sole purpose is to make contact with Zozo and explore his strange and terrible world. That’s a game only for the most daring.

    Destroying a Ouija Board

    Don’t burn a cursed Ouija board. The flames can resonate with the fires of hell and allow demons into the world as the board is consumed.

    Don’t sell a cursed Ouija board. Like casting the runes, you are simply transferring your problems to the new owner.

    A conventional way of solving the problem of a cursed Ouija board is to bury it face down, while burying the planchette elsewhere. Never bury the two together. If they are together, and touching, they will create a demon portal.

    Some people advocate breaking a Ouija board into seven pieces and sprinkling each with holy water, then separately burying each, in peaceful, serene places, with calming energy.

    Some people have claimed to see Ouija boards moving themselves, as if seeking new owners, like the ring of power in The Lord of the Rings. These boards have been claimed to become the focus of poltergeist activity. Some owners have gone to priests to have their boards exorcised.

    Some say that the important thing is to ensure that the board is closed down properly in its last session, to wrap the planchette in a cloth so that it doesn’t make direct contact with the board, and then to place the board in an isolated or little-used room, or a secure box.

    A board without a planchette is useless. Both are needed to create a portal, to complete the circuit.

    Some people reported pouring gasoline on Ouija boards to burn them, but the boards stubbornly refused to ignite. Then, when they eventually did burst into flame, the people themselves felt they were in flames too!

    The Hat Man

    The Hat Man is the demon of sleep paralysis. No matter where you are in the world, if you undergo sleep paralysis, you will encounter the Hat Man. The whole world suffers the same nightmare.

    There are those who talk

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