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My Souls Within
My Souls Within
My Souls Within
Ebook155 pages2 hours

My Souls Within

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Book Title- “My Souls Within”

Dedicated to all my sisters who have fallen in love at every age.

Lost love at every age.

This novel is aimed towards women who are looking for Quality in a good read.

Have you ever searched for your Soul-Mate?

Have you ever had your heart broken?

Have you ever found the right one but did not realize she was the right one?

Have you ever smiled so hard and cried so hard?

Have you ever had wonderful dreams and think they were real?

have you ever got to the end of the novel to realize "AH-H-H, that´s why!!!


PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJun 23, 2010
My Souls Within

Judith E.

Graduated from Ballston Spa Central High School in 1961. Loved reading and began to understand why I wanted more out of life then working and raising a family. I went on to obtain my Associates degree in Travel and Tourism in 1994 with a minor in English. Since then I've written an article that was published in a national safety magazine. Had several poems published, and have several Children stories, a screen play, and two short Novels ready for publication. Found a small cottage on Saratoga Lake, where I drew some of my greatest inspirations for writing. Surrounded by the magnificent breath taking beauty of upstate New York's country side. Filled with it's magnificent Summer and Fall colors, chilly reflections on the serene Saratoga Lake waters. Watching and waking with the sounds of geese flying south for the impending cold winter echoing through the peaceful valley. My skills became real. My Book told shape. My inspiration for this book came after I was riding the car ferry across Lake Champlain. Two women meet while crossing the car ferry. One lived on the New York side of Lake Champlain and the other woman lived on the Vermont side of the Lake. With in these pages you'll read how circumstances and life events can bring two women together.

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    My Souls Within - Judith E.



    Mornings, I don’t do mornings! Especially Mondays. Nat grumbled, as she awakes staring at the cat on her chest. O.K. cat get. I’ve got to get that kitchen wood stove hot. Natalie half thinking and half saying out loud as she drags herself into the bathroom. Natalie Bishop lives in a nice cozy log cabin that sits a few miles from nowhere and is big enough to accommodate four womyn. Sometimes she wishes there were more womyn but that’s not her style. Just one to cuddle up to at night would be just fine. Nat half thinks out loud again, goes into the kitchen to load the wood stove. Come on stove heat this cabin. I’ll be late for the ferry crossing.

    She went into her bathroom that was newly renovated last fall, A bunch of friends came over and in two days they knocked a wall out and put in a beautiful spacious bathroom, a nice walk in open shower and a large picture window over a big oval hot tub. Plants lay around the tub giving an outdoors affect. The room is dressed in marble with black accessories. A bathroom to die for.

    After her shower, she curled up in her lounge chair with coffee in hand. The embers were still red from last nights blaze that Sarah had built in the fireplace.

    * * *

    Every morning Nat has this routine. She starts with kicking the cat off the bed, puts more wood in the kitchen wood stove. Turns on the wall electric heater in the bathroom, showers, sits in her living room with a hot cup of coffee. Then she gets dressed, and out the door to warm up the four wheeler. She then drives to the ferry crossing, parks her wheeler, catches the very first ferry, jumps in her stylish B.M.W. that is parked on the opposite side of the crossing and heads for breakfast at Stacie’s were she gets the morning gossip. Says hi to a few friends, has this unholy mud for coffee to wake up then heads for work. This has been Nats routine now for about five years.

    As Nat sipped her coffee this morning, her mind was wandering. It was a nice weekend with Sara. She and Nat did some traveling. They went looking for some new business lots to buy for resale. Sara is a pretty nice girl but she is not what I am looking for. We have this mutual friendship. Last night Sarah and I took advantage of the hot tub. The fireplace heated up the cabin to 85. We striped down and enjoyed. The hot moving water felt great on my body after climbing through the forest in search of prime property. We are best of friends but that gets out of hand once in a while. I guess you could call our relationship Bed Buddies. Never serious, just jump in the sack good friends.

    I can’t seem to get serious with a womyn or maybe the right one hasn’t come along. I might sell my Real Estate business an move south where the womyn wear string bikinis eight months of the year. Then maybe I could find my soul mate. naaahh, I love it here. ‘Hey damn it’, thinking out loud again, I better get going. That ferry leaves on time.

    I am getting a womyn’s intuition. For some reason I can’t miss this ferry. ‘Damn where is that red bandanna? Cat your laying on my bandanna!’ thinking as she pulled her bandanna out from under Ally poo. Poo just stretched so lady like looking up at Nat as if to say, ‘get going I have a busy day.’ Nat usually pets Ms. Poo an tosses her into the tree limb house made especially for her. I don’t like work that much. So what is going on with me? I feel this urge to get to the first ferry on time. oh well, ‘bye Poo.’

    The road was still misty as Nat drove away from the cabin. She had to go four miles on winding road to get to town. The ride was the best part of her morning as she wheeled around the bends she knew so well. The air was fresh with mountain smells of cedar. Cool with the breeze of winter riding in from the Canadian air. She parked the four wheeler and got on the ferry just in time. As usual she climbs the stairs to the upper deck platform were she stands every morning. The mist was clearing on the water and there was a chill from Lake Chaplain’s cool, clean breeze.

    * * *

    As I stand on the upper deck taking in the fresh morning air, I take in the beauty that surrounds me. This is the life style I have been doing now for a few years, commuting across the lake to work. The season is changing and so will the winter winds whipping from the cold north. ‘Why am I still here? Why here to bury myself in my work? For what? I love the country, the laid back feeling.’ My thoughts started to travel the minute I boarded the ferry to go to work. How could I leave now finally when I am getting my shit together. The love life up here is not good. Sure I have my friends but I have more of a need then that.

    As I stand on the upper deck this morning I have this strange impulse to search the crowd. Usually I just stand up here and stay within myself. This morning my eyes roam through the crowd. Same old usual folks. No, no there at the bow. ‘Pretty woman. M-M-M,’ so pretty. So feme, she has the qualities of a camper, a mountain climber, a Goddess. Wow! With the back pack on her back, long skirt and boots that disappear up her legs. Her bronze colored hair blowing so gently with the morning breeze. Will she look up an see me? She is probably married with a couple of kids. Where did she come from. Well, of course she got on the ferry the same time as I did but how did I not see her?

    As I said her hair blowing so fine. Very feme, long camel color skirt, long boots, deep in thought, back pack. Her coat open to reveal a pale blue blouse clinging to her breast just enough to see a hard nipple pushing out so nice, from the dewy morning breeze. I did not want her to see me staring. She isn’t looking at me anyway. We crossed the lake together yet we were in two different worlds. How can I get into her world or how can I get her into mine just to find out who she is. I have this strange feeling that I have known her forever. Did I see her at a party. No, I haven’t been out in a while. I am on my way to work. Probably never see her again. Maybe as we leave she will bump into me. I can get closer, naw, I do not need a straight relationship. She is probably married.

    * * *

    Watching her, standing at the bow of the ferry, brought back thoughts of my first love back home. She had long fine hair that would blow in any breeze. Sometimes I would breath heavy into Mattes ear and the hair would part for me. oh, she was so fine.

    After my dad died I said good-bye to her, and my mom (who will never miss me). My Mom was never there for me. I really don’t blame her. She was so wrapped up in my two brothers lives that my leaving was o.k. Leaving Matte, my first love, was the hardest thing to do. The first time I really started finding myself was at Mattes pool party. I couldn’t keep away from her. We became best friends that day. Diving to the bottom of the pool with her was wonderful. I wanted to swim right up inside of her. What a strange feeling. I could not pin point how I was affected by her. We were just having fun in the pool. I ran home that day to tell my dad how I felt. I did not understand those feelings. My dad was my life. He understood me. As I grew up I would go to him for everything. One day I ran up to find him as usual taking a break on that old wrap around porch where I knew he would be, sitting there lighting his pipe. The smell of that pipe, I will never forget.

    Next door he had built his own little world. A workshop to make an sell all sorts of wooden things. He was at his best, just, working away or sitting on that old porch with his pipe in hand. That day we sat there watching the fireflies come out as the sun went down.

    I said Dad I really feel strange. I feel like them fireflies are buzzing in my stomach an I want to race around the backyard and do cartwheels.

    He thought for a long while then said, Honey, It sounds like you just fell in love. Who is he?

    I stared out into the yard were, Toby, my old pup was chewing on a ball. I called him, he ran to me. Yes, it could be love, that’s it, but I was with Matte. The thought came to me.

    I started to feel this way when I was with Matte?!! Daddy, I think I am in love with Matte. I threw Toby’s ball clean across the yard hoping to throw that thought right out of my head.

    My Dad was great he just sat in silence for a few moments watching poor old Toby search for that ball. Toby found the ball an retrieved it back to my Dad. Toby did not appreciate my strong throw. I will never forget that silence as long as I breath. I will never forget that night with my Dad on that old porch. I was only fifteen. I looked up to this man, my Dad, with pipe in hand sitting in his big old rocker in the shadow of a cool summer night. The porch I will always go back to in my mind. That peaceful back porch that wrapped clear around to the front of the house.

    I heard my Dad break the silence, very soundly. Nat, he would call me. You are just confused, she is your very best friend. That is all.

    I heard myself

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