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The Corona Pandemic - With References to The Epidemic in Germany: Doing business with the Corona Virus
The Corona Pandemic - With References to The Epidemic in Germany: Doing business with the Corona Virus
The Corona Pandemic - With References to The Epidemic in Germany: Doing business with the Corona Virus
Ebook445 pages5 hours

The Corona Pandemic - With References to The Epidemic in Germany: Doing business with the Corona Virus

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About this ebook

We have always known: We are what we know. The conscious being. And what do we know in general? Only what we are told! Through whatever media. If a narrative is coherent, if it does not make us uncomfortable, if it does not contradict our experience and our already stored knowledge, we classify it and thus know something more.

I could not classify the public "Corona narratives". But I could not put them away either. In April 2020, I had to realise that I could not understand and I would not understand the "Corona Narratives" without a thorough effort of the repeated readings of the published "Corona narratives", of thinking, of contemplating. The result is the present book.

The starting point is the undisputed facts in daily media reports. Classifying the facts was arduous. This arduous journey is documented in this book. Logically, this "travelogue" is not interrupted by individual sections. This book has no "table of contents", no "preface", no "prologue", no "epilogue".

I have conscientiously researched the connections and contexts. If you can't prove after reading that I made a mistake, then my conscientiousness was worth it. Every single proven research error will broaden my horizon of thought.

Some related facts I have necessarily had to refer to repeatedly in different contexts. They are not repetitions.
Release dateOct 21, 2021
The Corona Pandemic - With References to The Epidemic in Germany: Doing business with the Corona Virus

Prodosh Aich

Prodosh Aich was born in Kolkata in 1933. Attended school and studied philosophy in India. Studied ethnology, philosophy and sociology in Cologne. He is a university lecturer, publicist and blogger. Taught sociology at the universities of Cologne, Rajasthan (India) and Oldenburg. Prodosh Aich has published books and many essays, as well as many radio features ¬and documentaries. He is still Indian, even though he has lived in Germany longer than most Germans. "The Corona Epidemic in Germany. Part of the Corona Pandemic" is the thirteenth book by Prodosh Aich. "Coloureds among Whites" (1962), "The Indian University" (1971), "Social Work" (1972), "As Further Neglect Threatens ..." (1973), "How democratic is local politics?" (1977), "Possibilities and limits of project study" (1978), "City hall looters" (1986). "Consequences of Walking Upright " (2000), "Lies with Long Legs" (2003), "Lies with Long Legs" (2004), "TRUTHS" (2015), "The Vedic Heritage" (2019). The publication of "The Indian University" (1971) and "Town Hall Looters" (1986) has been prevented. " Consequences of Walking Upright" (2000) contains the suppressed book "The Indian University" and also narrates the connections, the contexts, as in a documentary film and names the actors and their machinations in suppressing unwelcome research results.

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    The Corona Pandemic - With References to The Epidemic in Germany - Prodosh Aich

    About this book

    We gather experiences in everyday life. In encounters. Face to face. Stories are told. We listen to them and evaluate them.

    But rarely do we know the first teller of the stories. We do not ask who the first teller actually is, who puts up with him, why he tells us something and what he wants to achieve with us.

    The share of face-to-face narratives is steadily decreasing. Media are on the rise. Indirect narratives. And we do not ask about the ownership of the media and the interests of their owners. I have had to learn painfully to deal with the narrator first and then decide whether the narrative is important.

    Following this awareness, I introduce myself. I am a scientist of Indian origin. Born in 1933, I have lived in Germany longer than most living Germans. As a citizen with limited rights, as a resident.

    Some peculiar circumstances have saved me from being absorbed by the pressure to conform in the academic world. Nevertheless, I have too often come to knowledge too late. I have had to take the time to reflect on the connections between contexts of coming to knowledge too late. More about me can be found at

    We have always known: We are what we know. The conscious being. And what do we know in general? Only what we are told! Through whatever media. If a narrative is coherent, if it does not make us uncomfortable, if it does not contradict our experience and our already stored knowledge, we classify it and thus know something more.

    I could not classify the public Corona narratives. But I could not put them away either. In April 2020, I had to realise that I could not understand and I would not understand the Corona Narratives without a thorough effort of the repeated readings of the published Corona narratives, of thinking, of contemplating. The result is the present book.

    The starting point is the undisputed facts in daily media reports. Classifying the facts was arduous. This arduous journey is documented in this book. Logically, this travelogue is not interrupted by individual sections. This book has no table of contents, no preface, no prologue, no epilogue.

    I have conscientiously researched the connections and contexts. If you can't prove after reading that I made a mistake, then my conscientiousness was worth it. Every single proven research error will broaden my horizon of thought.

    Some related facts I have necessarily had to refer to repeatedly in different contexts. They are not repetitions.

    Without the researched connections, the events described in this book would be a diary, or an accounting chronology of German Corona history, embedded in the Corona pandemic.

    The credit of the English Version of the book goes to MVR Nair, my co-author of the book TRUTHS. He has been close to me all along. He read the German original toilsome using Google translation. He insisted on the English version. So it is. Of course, MVR Nair has read the final version carefully giving his suggestions.

    Time for apologies. The language used in this book is plain, drastic, undiplomatic and not concept-heavy. Plain language. Calling a spade, a spade. Unvarnished. My wife Helga Bross had to put up with my everyday language on the subject several times. In the end, she also read through the entire text critically. I would like to take this opportunity to thank her.

    Feedback is welcome.

    Prodosh Aich

    The author

    Prodosh Aich was born in Kolkata in 1933. Attended school and studied philosophy in India. Studied ethnology, philosophy and sociology in Cologne. He is a university lecturer, publicist and blogger. Taught sociology at the universities of Cologne, Rajasthan (India) and Oldenburg.

    Prodosh Aich has published books and many essays, as well as many radio features and documentaries. He is still Indian, even though he has lived in Germany longer than most Germans.

    The Corona Epidemic in Germany. Part of the Corona Pandemic is the thirteenth book by Prodosh Aich. Coloureds among Whites (1962),

    The Indian University (1971), Social Work (1972), As Further Neglect Threatens ... (1973), How democratic is local politics? (1977),

    Possibilities and limits of project study (1978), City hall looters (1986).

    Consequences of Walking Upright (2000), Lies with Long Legs (2003), Lies with Long Legs (2004), TRUTHS (2015), The Vedic Heritage (2019).

    The publication of The Indian University (1971) and "Town Hall

    Looters (1986) has been prevented. Consequences of Walking

    Upright (2000) contains the suppressed book The Indian University" and also narrates the connections, the contexts, as in a documentary film and names the actors and their machinations in suppressing unwelcome research results.

    Table of Contents

    About the book

    About the author

    Start of Text

    Acharrya Series, Science in Critical Review, since 2000

    To be an impeccable member of a flock of sheep, one must first and foremost be a sheep.

    In the current Corona story, we have no option. We do not have the choice to be a blameless member of a flock of sheep; or to be a member of a flock of blameworthy sheep; or in wanting to be a member of a flock of sheep in Germany at all. We are being pushed with all our might to become a sheep above all.

    With all their might, politicians urge us to believe that an invisible monster in the guise of an invisible virus called SARS-CoV-2 has set out to destroy our beautiful perfect world. If our beautiful world is worth anything to us, we would have to trust these politicians unconditionally as "good shepherds" and follow them blindly.

    We are tacitly told that we are too stupid to recognise the dangers posed by the invisible monster. Are politicians no longer our representatives according to the Basic Law? Are we not a democracy? Rule of the people? All state power emanates from the people. Art. 20, para. 2, sentence 1 GG? Are we not the people?

    The Federal Republic of Germany is a democratic and social federal state.

    All state power emanates from the people. It shall be exercised by the people in elections and votes and by special organs of legislation, executive power and jurisdiction.

    The legislature is bound by the constitutional order, the executive power and the judiciary are bound by law and justice.

    Against anyone who undertakes to eliminate this order, all Germans have the right to resist if no other remedy is possible.

    How are the politicians supposed to have become smarter than us?

    By secret services?

    I put the question on the back burner.

    On the occasion of the Corona epidemic, a programme for collective synchronisation is being unwound. How, for what purpose and by whom was this set in motion? In order to find answers to these questions, we must first look at the course of the Corona story in context and put two-and-two together like a human being.

    Currently, politicians, represented by Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn, scientifically advised by an army of "specialists as experts", represented by virologist Christian Drosten, want us to believe that they alone are able to save us from this "invisible monster Corona", if only we wanted to be an impeccable member of a flock of sheep. Personally, I have no confidence in these good shepherds represented by the Jens Spahns and the virologists Christian Drostens.

    What do the virologists do?
    Virologists? Since when have the virologists been around?
    I also put these questions also on the back burner.

    It seems that these "our" politicians, with the "experts" in tow, are succeeding in their endeavour. So quickly and so thoroughly that even Manfred Güllner, who regularly looks the people in the mouth, publicly ponders whether the apparent success, namely turning the German poets and thinkers into sheep, is due to the typical "German gene". Manfred Güllner, also a product of the "Cologne Cadre School" of Empirical Social Research at the University of Cologne like me, a few years younger than me, but mutating into a business like opinion-maker.

    The quote"To be an impeccable member of a flock of sheep, one must first and foremost be a sheep"is not mine.

    Albert Einstein -undoubtedly a great thinker - is said to have created this sentence at a late age. I do not know exactly when.

    It is also not relevant to know this. But I do know that Albert Einstein was a sheep at least once in his chequered life when he opened the door to the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

    Albert Einsteinhad direct access to the then US president - unlike the many atomic physicists who emigrated from Europe and wanted to build the bomb for the US president before Adolf Hitler. By the way:

    No other state except the USA
    has ever dropped nuclear bombs.

    But back to the Corona story, to the fears generated, to the

    panic, to the mass hysteria of a

    Flock of sheep.

    The federal government and the state governments of Germany, appointed by parliamentary representations, have started to suspend the constitution of Germany, "Das Grundgesetz", in February 2020. In the tow of the experts they believe they only have to act as they acted and immediately in order to get over the invisible monster in the disguise of a virus. Resistance to this bending of the constitution is not yet perceptible.

    We have been made to forget that governments have the constitutional mandate to carry out the will of the people, mediated by their elected representatives in parliament. Instead, the federal and the 16 state governments of Germany act past the parliaments, supported by ominous experts. This breach of the constitution is apparently not only accepted by us. But we, the whole of society, and our representatives in the parliaments are even falling into fear, into panic, into hysteria. What has happened?

    At the end of December 2019, a "respiratory disease" is occurring with striking frequency in Wuhan in the People's Republic of China. Wuhan is about four times larger than Berlin and the capital of the province of Hubei, one of the 27 provinces in the middle of the People's Republic of China. In terms of area, the People's Republic of China is the fourth largest country in the world with about 1.4 billion people, almost 20% of the world's population. By mid-January, the incidence of this "respiratory disease had become a fatal epidemic".

    An epidemic is a temporally and locally limited increased occurrence of similar cases of disease in humans, according to current knowledge caused by a pathogen. In most cases, these pathogens are invisible "microorganisms". There are bacteria, fungi, protozoa, viruses.

    How many micro-organisms there are in total,
    we don't know yet.

    But we know that only a few of these "micro-organisms are known to us. We also know that many micro-organisms" are indispensable for a healthy human life. We do not know how many "microorganisms" we absolutely need for healthy life.

    Our "biologists don't want to know either, because such knowledge cannot be packaged into a business model. The chemists" and the "biologists" hunt for "pests", label these pests, devise recipes to kill these pests and sell us these recipes as "hopes", as "tickets to an extended" life.

    Is an extended life also worth living?

    Like all other living and non-living beings, micro-beings are subject to the rules of nature. All beings have a beginning and they have an end. What was "before the beginning and will be after the end we do not know. The prevailing science, namely the modern science" or the natural-sciences, does not have questions like what was before the beginning and what could be after the end in mind.

    But we know from our "ancestors" and from our own perception and knowledge that all living beings are "born, live" for a predetermined time and then "die. Between living and dying they reproduce. To live they need food". Healthy food.

    The food suppliers are in each case other species of living beings. The species are thus interdependent and equally weighted (equivalent) in the order of nature. Thus, despite the life and death of the individual generations, all species necessary for the overall order of nature remain on earth.

    This order on earth is a small part of a larger order, the order of the solar system. And the order of the solar system is a small part of the order of the universe. The order on Earth has functioned for millions of years and will continue to function. It does not matter whether man, as a tiny part of this order, understands the order of nature or not.

    Nature provides the basis of existence and survival for all species through its set of rules of necessities and offerings. Food is at the centre. All species are provided for.

    If a species, for whatever reason, becomes voracious or reproduces at an above-average rate or its lifespan is extended, a part of this species will sooner or later have too little or nothing left to live on.

    In this way, nature regulates the population of individual species through the supply of food. It is not impossible that this or another species of countless species on earth will become superfluous and die out in the course of time.

    In terms of the "individual, a person lives on average around 100 years with a good" supply of the necessary food. Even with an abundance of the best food, life cannot be prolonged. If the body receives all the necessary nourishment, the person is healthy. And the healthy human being must exercise so that the miracle work of nature does not rust. The healthy human being is a healthy human being. By the very nature of things. If the body does not receive all the necessary nourishment or if the body is not moved enough, the person is less healthy and lives a shorter than average life.

    The invisible "microorganisms" have a much shorter lifespan. The individual organs of the human body serve as a source of food for many "microorganisms". Organs of the human body need many "microorganisms" for the health of the body. This knowledge is not a discovery of modern science. This knowledge has been handed down from our ancestors. Knowledge that has been handed down is common property. This knowledge is not marketable. The modern sciences do not strive for discoveries, they strive for inventions. Discoveries are not marketable. Only inventions are marketable. By the very nature of the thing.

    Status end of December 2019

    From all indications, the Corona story begins in December 2019. In Wuhan in the People's Republic of China, a "respiratory disease" is occurring with striking frequency at the end of December 2019. In the current case, a new microbe is said to have discovered cells of human respiratory tract as a new food source. It is still an assumption.

    How it came to this assumption is not communicated.

    The new pathogen is said to be a "subspecies of microorganisms called viruses". The viruses are said to be smaller than bacteria. The viruses cannot live and multiply without a "host". There are said to be many subspecies of viruses.

    What are subspecies? How many subspecies are there?

    Who will want to know?

    The current virus in Wuhan is said to be a still unknown subspecies of the Corona family viruses. It still remains an assumption.

    A number of people in Wuhan complain of respiratory illnesses similar to the earlier attacks by corona viruses. These are impairments such as cough, fever, breathing difficulties and even "pneumonia".

    "WHO is closely monitoring the situation and is in close contact with the national authorities in China," the UN agency said in Geneva. "There is limited information to assess the overall risk of this cluster of lung diseases of unknown cause." The World Health Organisation (WHO) is following the situation in China closely, but has not yet recommended any special travel precautions.

    Nothing more is known until 6 January 2020. More about the WHO later.

    When lung activity fails, the supply of oxygen necessary for life ceases. The human being dies without oxygen. The lung is one of the central organs in the human body. And like all organs in the human body, the lungs have a "predetermined finite life span".

    The rules of nature.

    This finite life span is beyond human or other interventions. Microorganisms as parasites in the body, or in individual human organs, can shorten the pre-programmed finite life span of the lung. A repair or any other intervention cannot extend the "predetermined" life span of the lung. At best, it can prevent the shortening.

    The modern experts in the old cultural country of China, i.e., the specialists of "disease management", like the "medical doctors", like the microbiologists and like the "virologists, were on the spot. They recognise" that the unknown disease of the respiratory tract must be caused by a "new" virus.

    They seem to ask reflexively: Where does this novel virus come from? What are the transmission routes of this virus to infected people? How could the damage to humans caused by this virus be averted?

    About the work opportunities, about the way of working,
    about the path of findings of medical doctors"
    and those of microbiologists and virologists,
    more later.

    By the time these systematic questions could be asked, the epidemic in Wuhan was already here. In all likelihood, this new virus had been infecting some people in Wuhan for some time. The China office of the WHO (World Health Organisation) was closely monitoring this new "flu-like disease" in China.

    What is the WHO?

    The "WHO" is a sub-organisation of the United Nations for the observation, control and administration of supra-regional infectious diseases. It has little to do with health. It is not concerned with health, nor with the healthy people.

    The healthypeople, the overwhelming majority, who have always lived in interdependence with many visible and invisible species, have naturally fended off the attacks of the new virus without any effort, even in Wuhan.

    Less healthypeople, a vanishingly small part of the whole, have had to fight against the new virus. Depending on the severity of the battles, externally perceptible traces become visible in the infected people. The externally perceptible traces are called symptoms of a disease by the modern experts, above all by medical doctors.

    The specialists in general, likewise the "medical doctors" in particular, perceive these traces and interpret these natural, externally perceptible signs of struggle as "symptoms" of a disorder in the body. This disorder is then labelled as a "disease". They claim to know ways and means to eliminate the disorder of the body, i.e., the disease, through their interventions.

    What weapons do the modern-day experts have in their quiver for their interventions?
    Who supplies them with these weapons?
    More about that later.

    The specialists secure their monopoly of interpretation through invented technical language with new terminology. A disorder in the body is called a disease in the technical Jargon of the "medical experts", evident through the symptoms. This interpretation sounds plausible, but the physicians cannot justify this plausibility causally.

    In the "logic of the medical profession, these symptoms" must be repressed in a carefully controlled way through their interventions. Are the interventions carefully controlled? If their interventions were indeed carefully controlled, they would not insure the risks and side effects so lavishly in the private sector.

    The virologists are not forgotten.

    Status 7 January 2020

    It is reported in the international media that the Chinese authorities in Wuhan have published a "gene sequence" of the new virus on the net. On this basis, it has already been possible to develop "a diagnostic test, i.e., a laboratory technique", to identify this new pathogen.

    Status 9 January 2020

    The infected people in Wuhan are said to have been visitors to a long-established "fish and meat market. The new virus", according to the virologists, should actually be indigenous to the living animal body like the other viruses supposedly known to the virologists. According to the virologists, the new virus must have "jumped over" from the animal body to the human body for unknown reasons.

    That is how it is believed. Full stop.

    Why should the new virus jump over?

    Wouldn't it be a waste of time to want to know exactly why viruses should "jump from the animal body" to the human body?

    Isn't time also money? Be that as it may.

    Apparently, an imaginary plausibility is enough for virologists.

    Status 11 January 2020

    The WHO announces that Chinese experts have classified the new pathogen as a new type from the Corona virus family.

    The corona viruses, known as such since the 1960s, often caused harmless colds, but also dangerous respiratory diseases such as SARS (2003) and MERS (2012). More about SARS and MERS later.

    When the WHO announces something, all institutions that have anything to do with "disease management" should take note of it. Worldwide.

    This market in Wuhan is closed and the whole area is disinfected. But the "epidemic" spreads rapidly. The first death is reported in Wuhan.

    Neighbouring countries are introducing "border controls" on entries directly from the People's Republic of China. A precaution, in any case until the transmission route is clarified. Still on 11 January 2020. The "experts had apparently recommended border controls".

    If the experts were really experts , they should have recommended an entry quarantine for everyone. Only then would no traveller have been able to bring the virus into the country.

    Or did the experts want to point out the golden job creation measures not to be dispensed with?

    Status 17 January 2020

    The second death is reported in Wuhan.

    Status 20 January 2020

    The number of infected in Wuhan just reached triple digits on 20 January.

    Chinese President Xi Jinping announces a determined fight against the new epidemic lung disease. The administrations in Hubei are overwhelmed.

    Xi Jinping says: "People's lives and health should be the top priority and the spread of the outbreak should be firmly contained".

    The second largest economic power in the world is uncompromisingly mobilizing the entire state power to limit this epidemic in terms of area at any rate.

    Meanwhile, the German and international media are preoccupied with the "protests in Hong Kong" and with possibly manipulated publications by the Chinese government agencies about the extent of the epidemic, especially about the numerical talking down of the numbers of people actually infected and dead.

    Was that what it came down to? On ideological trench warfare with full steam?
    Many insinuations that are contradictory in themselves and with each other.

    On this day, it is also announced that in three neighbouring countries, Japan, South Korea and Thailand, a "Corona-like virus" has been detected in people suffering from influenza. All these people are said to have been in Wuhan. On business, of course.

    The neighbouring states of the People's Republic of China are introducing fever controls for people entering the country directly from China as a precautionary measure, because the new virus can also cause fever in infected people. All other entrants are allowed to enter unhindered. These are mainly business people.

    A less than half-hearted measure, to lock out the virus.

    Out of ignorance? On purpose?

    US airports in Los Angeles, New York and San Francisco will also introduce checks on travellers from Wuhan on 20 January.

    For most specialists and for the medical profession, it is said that it is still not clear beyond doubt whether human-to-human transmission of the infecting viruses is possible.

    On 20 January, neither the WHO nor the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in Germany will commit themselves as to whether human-to-human transmission is also possible. For these two "disease-fighting institutions", the virus must have jumped from the animal body to the infected humans at the fish, meat and animal market in Wuhan. So it does not necessarily have to be an epidemic.

    The WHO is the supreme research authority (research agency?) of the United Nations and the Robert Koch Institute is the supreme research authority of Germany. The Robert Koch Institute is supervised by the Federal Ministry of Health and is de facto a department of the Federal Ministry of Health.

    The researchers of the Robert Koch Institute are microbiologists. Are they still thinking about the preconditions of a virus jump from animal to human in Wuhan? We do not know.

    Microbiologistsare specialists within the discipline of biology. All logists or logies are creations of the modern-sciences, all created in the 18th and/or 19th centuries, even if they have hidden behind the Latin and/or Greek names.

    There are reasons for this hiding. The main reason for hiding is that the actors did not have to justify the "newly invented. More about science, sciences, scientists" later.

    Biology is one of the upper sub-areas of the newly created natural-sciences. The other upper sub-areas are chemistry and physics. The history of The Natural-sciences in History" proves that they are not sciences.

    Resourceful people begin by dividing nature into hostile and less hostile parts. After the division, they begin to make the hostile part of nature controllable by means of tinkering. They sell these tinkering (skills) to the respective rulers. They then call themselves natural-scientists and found the natural-sciences.

    Nature is indivisible.

    Biology" was invented in the 18th century as a main supplier of justification formulas for the new world domination established by European Christians after war, robbery, murder, genocide, occupation and exploitation.

    Who wants to know today what the European Christians did as robbers in the non-European areas from the 15th century onwards? Doesn't the invention of natural-sciences as the new science cover up everything? Just like the worldwide celebration of scientific achievements of individual special scientists in the awarding of "Nobel Prizes? Who wants to know today where the money for the Nobel Prizes" comes from?

    It is blood money.

    Of 355 chemical patents of the chemist and inventor of weapons technology

    Alfred Bernhard Nobel

    Since time immemorial, humans have lived and survived on earth according to the rules of nature. Human is one species among the uncountable and innumerable other species on earth.

    The conditions on earth are determined by many extra-terrestrial rules that are superior to the rules of nature on earth. Since when? It is irrelevant whether humans have lived and survived this life for millions of years or for thousands of years.

    Every single species on earth is a miracle of nature. On the individual or collective levels of all species on earth, the rules of nature apply: All species have a beginning on the level of generations and they have an end. In between, life takes place.

    The time span of life for the individual species is different. This different time span of life for the individual species ensures the functions, the balance and the control of the "populations" of the individual species on earth according to the rules of nature.

    What is before the beginning and what will be after the end, we do not yet know. However, these questions have already been asked in individual cultural areas. We already know,

    that every individual, no matter what kind, arrives with nothing, dependent on the care of many and on the food available,

    that every individual develops procreative and creative power,

    that each individual as a full-fledged member for the species reaches a highest "performance point", then slowly approaches the end with dwindling strength and

    that each individual eventually "disappears" with nothing.

    The rules of nature on earth.

    Since time immemorial, human has used his five senses and the supercomputer in his head to understand his immediate and indirect environment through observation, experience and in exchange with other people, to store what he has understood as knowledge in his head and to bequeath the accumulated knowledge to future generations before it disappears.

    It goes without saying that the near and the far celestial bodies, the light and the darkness, the "flora and fauna, the weather and the climate conditions and the inanimate materials had not escaped man in this accumulation of knowledge". This accumulation of knowledge is science. Science describes what is and what is has already been conveyed. Science cannot be marketed. Because all people already possess this condensed transmitted knowledge.

    Science has shaped man since time immemorial. Humans have placed themselves as a part within the biodiversity and have done everything possible to nurture and preserve the wonderful order of nature.

    We do not know whether other species on earth besides humans have created similar science for themselves. We do know, however, that no species on earth other than human has ever tried to occupy the habitat of other species, to destroy other species and to seek ways and means to tame nature.

    This is the declared programme of the "natural-sciences". Nature-science defines itself as the acquisition of knowledge and skills to better cope with the alleged adversities of nature vis-à-vis humans.

    Who defines the "adversities of nature vis-à-vis the creation of God, the image of God" on earth, the human being? Well!

    From the beginning, natural-scientists bring their products to the markets. In markets, the buyers determine the rules of the game. The buyers often sell on as intermediate traders. The top end buyers are the rulers. Ultimately, natural-scientists serve their arts to the rulers. They become sellers of products at top prices on the market. Or they are employees of those who set the rules of the game in the markets. The laws of the market.

    Determined by the

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