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Anant Ashirvad: Eternal and Infinite Blessings
Anant Ashirvad: Eternal and Infinite Blessings
Anant Ashirvad: Eternal and Infinite Blessings
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Anant Ashirvad: Eternal and Infinite Blessings

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The best way to be happy is to count your blessings. Count them: how much God has given you. Then you will be cheerful. Thank God. Start thinking what has happened to you. Start thinking about what you were and what you are. Just start. Know it for sure. The first thing one should do is to thank. All your gloom will vanish. This ebook combines the content of both paperback books, "Anant Ashirvad: Eternal Blessings" and "Anant Ashirvad: Infinite Blessings."

Release dateOct 20, 2021
Anant Ashirvad: Eternal and Infinite Blessings

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    Book preview

    Anant Ashirvad - Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

    At such an auspicious time

    you have come on this Earth

    anant āshīrvād

    eternal and infinite blessings


    The words in this book were collected from the recorded talks and advice given by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi between 1973 and 2004.

    © Nirmal Intellectual Property Corporation (NIPC) 2019

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner, printed or electronic, without permission from the publisher.

    ISBN 978-1-7947-9910-3

    Divine Cool Breeze Books number 39 and 43

    second edition 2019 (revised 2021)

    This book is also available in paperback and hardcover as a two volume set under the titles Anant Ashirvad: Eternal Blessings and Anant Ashirvad: Infinite Blessings.

    front cover photograph: May 1987, Sydney, Australia (Matthew Fogarty, photographer), front page words: Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, 5 May 1983

    published by Divine Cool Breeze Books

    anant āshīrvād

    eternal and infinite blessings

    count your blessings

    The ascent must take place. How you ascend is through your attention.

    Where is your attention? Either you are counting your money, counting your votes or some people even count lamp-posts I am told. If they have nothing to do, they can go on doing whatever they like.

    But count your blessings. Count your blessings and your ascent will start. That is how you ascend in the Realm of God.

    If there is no ascent, then you will move from left to right, right to left. You will be a wobbly person. Count your blessings with your heart. Feel it, the thankfulness.

    The English language is very good. You say thank you. In Indian languages, we do not say thank you because what is there to say with the mouth? Normally, there are no words for thanking because how can you say this if you are feeling it from the heart? Even a glance, even a glint in the eye can express that, just a smile, just the bending of your head.

    There is nothing to be said to feel the gratefulness and thankfulness for the great blessings of God.

    For ascent, it is not a mental procedure. It is a procedure of the heart which is thanksgiving.

    Look at the flowers. They are giving thanks to God. Their whole being is nothing but thanksgiving. They are not worried that they are being plucked. They will die tomorrow. They are not worried. As long as they live, they are giving thanks.

    Look at everything. Look at this candle. What is it? It is thanksgiving. Everything that is created is giving thanks.

    What about us human beings? We say it because we can say it. They cannot say. They do not have words to say. We have language. That is how we have become superficial. We have lost our depth because we have language. There is no language for the silent expression.

    So those who do not feel Realization should be thankful to God that they have at least the desire, that they are seekers, that they are seeking God.

    How many are seekers in this world? How many are seeking God? How many are seeking a higher life? Be thankful that you are seekers, that you have felt the need for God’s love, that you do not want anything that is not God.

    It is such a great thing that you have a heart, you have a mind that desires the highest. Be thankful that you are seekers and born in this great time when you have to get your Realization. Be thankful.

    I know you have committed mistakes. In your seeking you have committed mistakes. It doesn’t matter. But be thankful that God is looking after you. You are the special people created by His love, guided by Him, so be thankful. Thankfulness is a quality of the heart. That is how, when you feel the beauty of thankfulness, then you start feeling the Spirit within you.

    It cannot be expressed. It cannot be returned. It can only be enjoyed. It is for enjoyment only. It is not for anything else, just that you should enjoy the blessings. That is why the blessings are there.

    So to achieve the blessings is not the point. The blessings are everywhere. Some of you are not feeling it. That does not mean that God has not accepted you. It only means you have to turn your face a little bit this side. Nobody should feel higher because they are feeling vibrations or nobody should feel lower because they are not feeling vibrations. If somebody tries to help you, do not feel bad.

    It is God’s blessing that you are here, that you have this great work to be done. You are now employed by God and He has given you this special job to give Realization to people.

    If the attitude towards Sahaja Yoga becomes that of a child who expects everything from God because he is the child of God, what is wrong? It is not ego because, if God is almighty, He will look after you.

    But we are not like children. That is the reason. A child will demand. But you must have that faith that, whatever you demand, He will do it.

    Count your blessings one by one. The best way to understand it is that we are the gainers in Sahaja Yoga. We are going to gain out of Sahaja Yoga, so there should be only thankfulness – thankfulness towards God that He has been kind to give us these things. That is the main thing.

    If you have that thankfulness, you can bear up all kinds of troubles because it cushions you up. It gives you a cushion. You won’t feel it. Once you are in that ecstasy of thankfulness, you will not feel anything. Even the thorns of life will not touch you.

    So get to that ecstasy. It is such a great protection. It is such a great pleasure. It is such a great blessing.

    Get to that ecstasy of feeling how God has been gracious.

    1982.11.26 and 1982.01.27

    anant āshīrvād

    At such an auspicious time you have come on this Earth and received this.

    You should feel blessed.

    The fruit is only removed from the tree when it is mature.

    May God bless you.

    On this auspicious occasion, on my own behalf,

    on behalf of all the Devatās and on behalf of Param'ātmā, anant āshīrvād (eternal blessings) to you all.


    the blessing of a subtler understanding

    Humanity started acquiring a subtler understanding.

    We also realized that we are blessed by God, that there is something great that is always looking after us, some higher force, some special attention is there about us.

    This is what we realized.


    the blessing of my being

    With this puja, you get the Mother’s protection.

    My chakras, when they start moving, they give you special powers of love and bless all your chakras and fill them up completely.

    I would like you – although some two people are coming to do this — all of you to feel that you all are doing it.

    You can feel it that way with oneness.

    And the blessings of my being will flow to you automatically.


    the blessing of these great gurus

    Today is the day to receive the blessings of the Divine which is represented by these great incarnations, these great gurus on this Earth.

    It is.

    This is going to happen to many of you.

    But there are very few who come to this.


    the blessing of Kundalini

    Kundalini is your mother.

    Your mother is coming to see you and you are sick.

    First of all, She will see that your sickness is removed.

    Then She sees that you are mentally upset, so She looks after your mental problems.

    Then She sees that you are wrongly placed spiritually.

    So She corrects you and ultimately She blesses you.


    the blessing of being here

    I wish you happy New Year for a journey in the spiritual life of this world. You have to think of all the Sahaja Yogis who are far away from us

    and our thoughts should carry our love for them and they should be blessed as you all are blessed here.

    I hope on these important days that I am here, you will fully dedicate yourself for your emancipation.

    Whatever program comes in, take it sahaj.

    You should not insist on times and timings.

    Whatever comes sahaj, accept it.

    May God bless you.


    the blessing of a magnetic power

    We have got five very subtle types of expression of five elements and those are this fine sound of Aum.

    The vibrations are electrical.

    There is a magnet in that sound or

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