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The Weekend (A Lennox in Love #7)
The Weekend (A Lennox in Love #7)
The Weekend (A Lennox in Love #7)
Ebook182 pages4 hours

The Weekend (A Lennox in Love #7)

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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Can you make somebody fall in love with you in ONE weekend?


That's what Corbin LeBlanc is hoping after recently becoming reacquainted with Davina Lennox – his secret crush from high school years ago. She's all woman now and still as beautiful as he remembered. However, while he knows the path his life will take, he learns that Davina has no clue what she wants – but she knows one thing for sure – small town life is not for her. Corbin has one weekend to convince her to stay in Bryson City, appreciate this beautiful mountain town and make her see the amazing life they could have together.  

PublisherTina Martin
Release dateOct 21, 2021
The Weekend (A Lennox in Love #7)

Tina Martin

TINA MARTIN is the author of over 80 romance, romantic suspense and women’s fiction titles and has been writing full-time since 2013. Readers praise Tina for her strong heroes, sweet heroines and beautifully crafted stories. When she’s not writing, Tina enjoys watching movies, traveling, cooking and spending time with her family. For more information, visit

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Ahh sweet short love story with all the feels of knowing what love from a distance is. Love really is one patient kind emotion. Corbin got their HEA after all.

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The Weekend (A Lennox in Love #7) - Tina Martin

The Weekend

A Lennox in Love, Book 7


Can you make somebody fall in love with you in ONE weekend?

That’s what Corbin LeBlanc is hoping after recently becoming reacquainted with Davina Lennox – his secret crush from high school years ago. She’s all woman now and still as beautiful as he remembered. However, while he knows the path his life will take, he learns that Davina has no clue what she wants – but she knows one thing for sure – small town life is not for her. Corbin has one weekend to convince her to stay in Bryson City, appreciate this beautiful mountain town and make her see the amazing life they could have together.


Chapter 1

The moment she got into Jessalyn’s car, Davina’s Saturday was pretty much doomed – the entire Saturday! That’s why she preferred to meet people at places instead of riding with them – family included. When she drove, she could leave whenever she wanted. But Jessalyn insisted they ride together to share some sister-bonding time, and Davina agreed since she had been feeling a certain kind of way about her life and family lately. Her life growing up wasn’t ideal without parents and, being the youngest, she’d been without their parents the longest. Fast forward to the present and now, all of her siblings were married and in love except for her. She was still in limbo – lost in a way, but still coasting along in life.

She didn’t have much of anything going on today, so she accepted Jessalyn’s invite to hang out, grab some lunch, get their nails done and just kick it – but Jessalyn could not stop talking about Spencer.

Davina rolled her eyes. She’d been rolling them since they were at Island Street Deli for lunch, and she was rolling them now as Jessalyn drove to the next stop on their Saturday to-do list. Every other sentence was Spencer this, and Spencer that and Jessalyn beamed every time she said her husband’s name. When women got married, what did they do? Lose their identity and assume their spouses? Jeez. That’s quite a commitment – one which Davina wasn’t quite ready to make. At age twenty-five, she had a lot more living to do before she took that leap (or plunge) and tied herself down to a man who wanted to fill her with babies and dreams left unrealized. Besides, Jessalyn’s cheeks may have been rosy now, but marriage wasn’t a walk in the park by any means. One had to be ready for such commitments and responsibilities, and she wasn’t ready for anything resembling either of those.

After graduating from college with her Bachelor’s, Davina had no clue what she wanted to do for work and was basically surviving off of her trust fund. There was no need to think about marriage. What was she going to do with a man when she had no idea what she wanted to do with herself?

Jessalyn’s voice took Davina out of her trance.

Jessalyn was saying, And Spencer said he didn’t like the color I painted the living room. I told him I had to make his house look less like a bachelor pad and more like a warm and cozy home. And don’t get me started on the bedroom. Girl, let me tell you...



Why are y’all married folk always talking about your spouses nonstop?

Jessalyn giggled and playfully slapped her sister on the forearm.

Hee hee, nothing, Davina griped. I’m not kidding. Answer my question, because you talk about Spencer twenty-four-seven like y’all don’t even live together or something.

That’s because he’s my other half, Jessalyn replied. My everything. I love him.

Davina studied her sister as she spoke, believing every word she said. She was blushing, too, as she talked about him – Spencer Wakefield – their older brother’s best friend.

Davina shook her head and said, I still can’t believe you married Spencer. I mean, he’s practically our brother.

He’s Remington’s best friend. Stop being gross, Davina.

Stop being gross, Davina, Davina mouthed and crossed her arms, bracing herself to endure more Spencer talk when she noticed Jessalyn made a wrong turn.

Hey, I thought we were going to the nail salon?

We are. I just have to stop by the store to see Spencer real quick.

Seriously, Jess.

It’ll be quick.

You act like you ain’t see him this morning when you left.

Oh, I saw him, alright, Jessalyn said. "All of him. Saw him, felt him, kissed him—"

Okay! That’s quite enough of that.

Jessalyn laughed. I’m stopping by to give him this sandwich. My baby is working hard today, and I know he won’t have time to run out for lunch, so I’m doing my wifely duties.

You’re really embracing this wife stuff, huh?

I am. It’s crazy, isn’t it, but I love being a wife and being in love.

Davina smiled, happy for her sister but she could do without all the lovey-dovey stuff. I would’ve never thought you’d end up with Spencer.

Yeah, well, I did and he’s so fine. Gosh, he’s so fine, sometimes I can’t believe he’s mine.

Jessalyn found a close parking space to the door and shut off the engine."

Don’t take all day in there, Davina said, but since Jessalyn had turned off the engine, she knew she wasn’t about to be as quick as she led on.

Davina, why don’t you come inside for a minute and see the new store layout. It looks really nice.

Nice try, but you’re not about to have me up in there so you can stay longer. I’ll pass.

I’ll only be a few minutes. There’s no need for you to be sitting in the car looking crazy, now bring your butt on here.


Why not?

"First, I don’t want to get out. We weren’t supposed to stop here, anyway. Second, every time I happen to be at the store, Corbin gawks at me like he ain’t never seen a woman in his life.’s highly annoying."

It’s not annoying. It’s cute. You know Corbin likes you, Jessalyn gushed, raising her brows.

"No, I don’t. How would I know that? How do you know that?"

I’ve seen him staring at you and I know you’ve seen it too.

I ain’t seen nothing.

Jessalyn snickered reservedly. Sure you haven’t.

Well, whatever the case, I’m not interested.

Davina, stop it. There ain’t a thing wrong with Corbin. He’s super cute and hardworking—you could use a good, down-to-earth man in your life. You most certainly ain’t going to find that at The Vue.

The Vue was the local hotspot where the younger crowd gathered on the weekends to party after long work weeks. Davina had never claimed to be looking for a man there, but just to irritate her sister, she asked, How do you know? I’m sure some fine marriages have resulted from nightclubs.

You mean one-night stands and accidental pregnancies. Laughing, Jessalyn opened the car door. Come on, Vina. This will only take a few minutes.

Ugh. Fine, Davina said, angrily unbuckling her seatbelt.

I knew I should’ve driven, she thought. Now, she was making herself do something she didn’t want to do, all because Jessalyn was in love. But just because she was going inside didn’t mean she would interact with anybody, especially Corbin. At this point, Spencer probably wouldn’t get a hello. Serves him right for brainwashing her sister with that love crap.

Chapter 2

Corbin had just finished ringing up a customer when he looked up and saw Jessalyn and Davina walk in. His heart leaped in his chest just laying eyes on Davina. He’d last seen her a week ago in passing. He’d waved, but she didn’t wave back. She always looked mean and bothered. He never could understand how a woman so beautiful could be so angry-looking.

Good afternoon, ladies, he said, welcoming them inside.

Hey, Corbin, Jessalyn replied.

Davina didn’t say a word, he noticed. Her lips were sealed tighter than the jeans she had on.

Since she didn’t want to get out of the car, Davina decided she’d play it cool, pretend she was interested in shoes and exercise tights – not the handsome man behind the counter even though she could feel his eyes concentrating on her.

To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit? Corbin asked, looking at Davina. The expression on her face bordered on annoyance.

Jessalyn held up the takeout bag from Island Street Deli and told him, I brought the hubs some lunch.

That’s nice of you, Jessalyn. Did you bring me some lunch, Davina?

Jessalyn snorted a laugh.

Davina flashed a phony smile and responded, You’re not my husband. If you want some lunch, go get it yourself.

A smile eased across Corbin’s face. Is that right? he asked her. Even with her attitude, he considered it a triumph that she answered him.

Jessalyn continued to the back in search of Spencer, leaving Davina to fend for herself.

To avoid Corbin, Davina fanned through the women’s leggings, but she wasn’t particularly interested in buying anything. She wasn’t much into exercise these days. Besides, she’d always been a size ten – perfect as far as she was concerned. Why add extra stress to the body with all that exercise nonsense, anyway? Even with yoga, you had to bend and contort your body in all sorts of unnatural ways. And treadmills...she was convinced they were invented by the same people who made those wheels that had hamsters running in circles. She wasn’t checking for any of it.

Davina sighed. How long was Jessalyn going to be back there with Spencer? And to think she could’ve been at her cozy apartment right now watching TV and eating leftover ribs from Bryson City Barbecue. But nooo...she was stuck with Jessalyn, and now with Corbin LeBlanc, as he eyed her every move.

Ugh, come on Jess. It doesn’t take ten minutes to give Spencer some food unless she was giving him something else. Ugh...the thought of it...

If you’re interested in the leggings, they’re two pairs for fifty-five dollars, Corbin informed her.

Davina found herself impressed by his smooth, deep voice, but stuck to her guns. She did not like him, and somebody should’ve told him it was rude to stare since his mama neglected to do it.

Did you hear me? he asked, since she hadn’t acknowledged him.

She glanced at the checkout counter. He stood behind it like it was his safe haven. Yeah, I heard you. Fifty-five dollars for two pairs of raggedy, see-through leggings. That’s not a deal.

"It is. They are premium, moisture-wicking leggings. And they were two for sixty bucks. You won’t find better pairs anywhere in Bryson City."

Oh goodie, Davina said, feigning excitement. If I was interested, I’d save a whole five dollars. She kept on browsing through them and then asked, Where do you buy these wholesale? China?

Corbin shrugged.

Davina said, You’re the manager and you don’t know where your products come from?

No, Spencer handles all that. And so what if they came from China? The U.S. gets everything else from China—why not leggings? That weave in your hair is probably straight out of China.

She snapped her head back and said, This is my real hair, fool.

Corbin cracked a smile. He knew it was her real hair – he only wanted to get a rise out of her. He’d accomplished that, and that greatly satisfied him.

Davina said, I may as well buy my leggings from the beauty supply store than these overpriced, glorified stockings.

Corbin shook his head. Davina acted as if fifty-five bucks would break her when money was no object for her. He had known Davina since high school, although he had a strong suspicion she hadn’t known he existed. He knew how her brother Remington raised her after their parents had died. He didn’t know the details of her situation, but being in a small town like Bryson City afforded people the opportunity to easily learn the basics about each other. From what he’d heard, Davina was young when she’d lost her parents, and her mother had left money for

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